Eighteen global locations help to build on our legacy of global engagement by supporting our faculty’s international research, administering academic programming in their regions, providing advice to MBA students interested in careers abroad, and developing corporate relationships with potential FIELD Global Capstone partners.

A Global History

Explore key dates in our global history to see how Harvard Business School has been a leader in developing field-based research for management education around the world.


Senior Researcher hired in Nairobi to provide research support for the Africa Research Center and growing faculty interest in the region.


Mid-US Research Center opens to provide support for activities across Mid-US region.


Senior Researcher hired in Lagos to provide research support for the Africa Research Center and growing faculty interest in the region.


Africa Research Center opens in Johannesburg, to provide support for activities across sub-Saharan Africa.


To support increased geographic research diversity and faculty interest, senior researchers are placed in Singapore, Dubai and Tel Aviv.

Latin America Research Center, São Paulo, establishes a more formal presence in Brazil.


In FY14: 59% of publically available cases produced were global in nature, 51% of Executive Education participants were from outside the U.S., and 32% of MBA alumni were living abroad.


Middle East and North Africa Research Center opens in Istanbul, Türkiye.


MBA students travel abroad for the required global component of the new Field Immersion Experiences for Leadership Development (FIELD) course. This first year of the program culminated in over 900 first-year MBA students traveling to 10 countries on a weeklong immersion.


Harvard Center Shanghai opens.


The School's Centennial year culminates in the Global Business Summit, featuring thought-provoking discourse, debate, and insight into the seminal topics facing the global business community.


India Research Center opens in Mumbai.


Latin America Research Center and the Division of Faculty Research and Development host the first HBS international Research Symposium, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Gayle and Robert F. Greenhill (MBA Class of 1962) establish the Gayle and Robert F. Greenhill Family Endowment for Global Research, providing permanent funding to support the School’s international research and course development activities.


Europe Research Center opens in Paris.


Japan Research Center opens in Tokyo.


Latin America Research Center opens.


Asia-Pacific Research Center opens in Hong Kong.


California Research Center opens in Silicon Valley.


The Global Initiative is formed, building on the School’s legacy of global engagement by supporting and encouraging a global perspective in research, study and practice.


Internationalization of MBA admissions. The School sees a jump to 21% of First-Year students being international, representing 58 countries.


HBS’ 75th Anniversary Research Colloquia covers a range of global topics, including U.S. Competitiveness in the World Economy, World Food Policy Issues, and Competition in Global Industries.


Prof. Louis Wells, Jr. is named the first Herbert F. Johnson Professor of International Business.


The MBA catalogue lists 15 courses relevant to international business, and international students comprise 16% of the MBA student body.


Division of International Activities creates a program to provide MBA graduates with jobs in developing countries.


HBS helps to develop an “Institute of Management” in India.


More than 235 HBS cases have been translated into nine languages.


MBA students create the International Business Club.


Office of International Relations opens at HBS to coordinate activities of faculty abroad and improve foreigners’ time on campus.


Ford Foundation awards a grant to help HBS found the Turkish Institute of Business Administration. Turkish teachers receive HBS training and 12 HBS faculty spend time in Türkiye to assist teaching there.


HBS helps to found American Universities Field Staff (AUFS), a nonprofit that sends correspondents around the world to conduct research, give lectures, interview students and meet local faculty.


International enrollment in the Advanced Management Program (AMP) skyrockets, and the School brings in South African business leader Harvey Bishop to direct the program.


Professor of International Relations, J. Anton de Haas, goes to Colombia to assist in creating a college of business administration there.


HBS Alumni inaugurate the first clubs abroad, in London, Paris and Shanghai.


HBS faculty conduct a review of the curriculum, establishing “Foreign Trade” as a specialization.


One of the first HBS instructors, Selden O. Martin, travels to Latin America for research to augment existing courses.


First International MBA students enroll from Paris and Shanghai.

Original MBA curriculum includes courses in French, German and Spanish, in anticipation that students will require foreign language skills in their business careers.