MBA Voices
MBA Voices
Soccer has been a central part of my life from the moment I started walking—my family recalls me always having a ball at my feet. In high school I played on the varsity team and, at 17, I joined a first-division team in Lebanon. I combined my academic and soccer pursuits by studying civil engineering at the American University of Beirut while playing for a second-division team. [...]
I spent the first two years working in consulting in Greece and other countries in Europe. And I loved it! I was fortunate enough to work next to very inspiring individuals and be part of many project teams that were hard-working but at the same time fun and engaging, which ultimately offered me a solid understanding of business and made me a better person and leader. It was then time for me to serve in the Greek Navy, which is a mandatory requirement for all male individuals that must be fulfilled up until a certain age. [...]
Aspa Lekka (MBA 2020) was a member of the Greek National Team for handball. Upon realizing she had global ambitions of competing in a larger world, she ventured out to Berlin to join a startup as a business analyst despite her lack of knowledge and skills in the field. After completing her Ph.D. in education, Aspa ventured out again to learn more about business and to hone her dreams about leading a company as CEO into the future. [...]
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