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- All HBS Web
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- Research Summary
Phil's work aims to identify the drivers of performance for healthcare organizations and providers, and the mechanisms by which this performance can change over time. In complex healthcare settings, the optimal choice of treatment can be highly ambiguous. As a... View Details
- June 2023
- Article
Gaining Organizational Adoption: Strategically Pacing the Deployment of Digital Innovations
By: Rebecca Karp
Scholars have long suggested that to foster adoption for their innovative products and services, entrepreneurs should engage with customers to better understand their unmet needs. Yet, customers frequently reside in organizations, and organizational members may not be... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship And Strategy; Digital Innovation; Healthcare; Work And Organizations; Organizational Adoption; B2B; Customers; Technology Adoption; Innovation Strategy; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Karp, Rebecca. "Gaining Organizational Adoption: Strategically Pacing the Deployment of Digital Innovations." Academy of Management Journal 66, no. 3 (June 2023): 773–796.
- 2002
- Casebook
General Management: Processes and Action: Text and Cases
By: David A. Garvin
Keywords: General Management; Learning Organizations; Implementation; Management; Cases; Strategic Planning; Decision Making; Change Management; Leadership Style; Organizational Culture
Garvin, David A. General Management: Processes and Action: Text and Cases. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2002.
- April 2008
- Case
Campbell and Bailyn's Boston Office: Managing the Reorganization
By: Anne Donnellon and Dun Gifford Jr
Ken Winston, the regional sales manager at a securities brokerage firm, has reorganized his generalist salespeople into Key Account Teams (KAT) to increase sales of specialized, higher-margin fixed income products. Winston is also implementing a new corporate... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Behavior; Fixed Costs; Group Dynamics; Human Resource Management; Compensation; Matrix Organization; Sales; Leading Teams; Management; Leadership; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Groups and Teams; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Salesforce Management; Compensation and Benefits; Financial Services Industry; Boston
Donnellon, Anne, and Dun Gifford Jr. "Campbell and Bailyn's Boston Office: Managing the Reorganization." Harvard Business School Brief Case 082-182, April 2008.
- July 28, 2022
- Article
DAO Governance Attacks, and How to Avoid Them
By: Pranav Garimidi, Scott Duke Kominers and Tim Roughgarden
Many web3 projects embrace permissionless voting using a fungible and tradable native token. Permissionless voting can offer many benefits, from lowering barriers to entry to increasing competition. Token holders can use their tokens to vote on a range of issues—from... View Details
Keywords: Crypto Economy; Cryptocurrency; Governance; Voting; Decentralized Autonomous Organizations; Organizational Structure; Digital Platforms
Garimidi, Pranav, Scott Duke Kominers, and Tim Roughgarden. "DAO Governance Attacks, and How to Avoid Them." (July 28, 2022).
- September 2012 (Revised September 2012)
- Case
By: Diego Comin, Rohan Gopaldas and Diego Rehder
The case presents the unique business model of Inkaterra, a leading eco-tourism organization in Peru, and the different strategies the company can pursue to grow. Through the experience of Inkaterra the case studies two general issues. First, it discusses the potential... View Details
Keywords: Inkaterra; Ecotourism; Tourism; Environment; Peru; Informal Sector; Regulation; Economic Development; Bottom Of The Pyramid; Technology Diffusion; Competitiveness; Business Model; Growth and Development Strategy; Natural Environment; Market Entry and Exit; Conflict Management; Tourism Industry; Peru
Comin, Diego, Rohan Gopaldas, and Diego Rehder. "Inkaterra." Harvard Business School Case 713-022, September 2012. (Revised September 2012.)
- September 2022
- Article
A Spanner in the Works: Category-Spanning Entrants and Audience Valuation of Incumbents
By: Rory M. McDonald and Ryan T. Allen
Previous work has examined how audiences evaluate category-spanning organizations, but little is known about how their entrance affects evaluations of other, proximate organizations. We posit that the emergence of category-spanning entrants signals the advent of an... View Details
Keywords: Emerging Industries; Industry Dynamics; Organization And Management Theory; Technology Strategy; Technology And Innovation Management; Entrepreneurship; Information Technology; Strategy; Management; Theory; Innovation and Management
McDonald, Rory M., and Ryan T. Allen. "A Spanner in the Works: Category-Spanning Entrants and Audience Valuation of Incumbents." Strategy Science 7, no. 6 (September 2022): 190–209.
- October 2015
- Article
Agglomerative Forces and Cluster Shapes
By: William R. Kerr and Scott Duke Kominers
We model spatial clusters of similar firms. Our model highlights how agglomerative forces lead to localized, individual connections among firms, while interaction costs generate a defined distance over which attraction forces operate. Overlapping firm interactions... View Details
Keywords: Agglomeration; Clusters; Industrial Organization; Silicon Valley; Technology Flows; Patents; Networks; Information Technology; Industry Clusters; Entrepreneurship; California
Kerr, William R., and Scott Duke Kominers. "Agglomerative Forces and Cluster Shapes." Review of Economics and Statistics 97, no. 4 (October 2015): 877–899.
- June 2012
- Article
A Reexamination of Tunneling and Business Groups: New Data and New Methods
By: Jordan I. Siegel and Prithwiraj Choudhury
One of the most rigorous methodologies in the corporate governance literature uses firms' reactions to industry shocks to characterize the quality of governance. This methodology can produce the wrong answer unless one considers the ways firms compete. Because... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Governance; Mergers And Acquisitions; Business Economics; Firm Organization; Firm Performance; Groups and Teams; Analytics and Data Science
Siegel, Jordan I., and Prithwiraj Choudhury. "A Reexamination of Tunneling and Business Groups: New Data and New Methods." Review of Financial Studies 25, no. 6 (June 2012): 1763–1798.
- 13 Nov 2020
- Blog Post
Take a Seat in the Case Method Classroom
lively debates, and how this teaching style leads to emotional intelligence and lifelong application. The case method presents big challenges confronting organizations – including the constraints and incomplete View Details
- 2016
- Article
The Mirroring Hypothesis: Theory, Evidence, and Exceptions
By: Lyra J. Colfer and Carliss Y. Baldwin
The mirroring hypothesis predicts that organizational ties within a project, firm, or group of firms (e.g., communication, collocation, employment) will correspond to the technical dependencies in the work being performed. This article presents a unified picture of... View Details
Keywords: Modularity; Mirroring Hypothesis; Organization Design; Conway's Law; Knowledge Boundaries; Relational Contracts; Open Source Software; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Boundaries; Knowledge Management; Applications and Software
Colfer, Lyra J., and Carliss Y. Baldwin. "The Mirroring Hypothesis: Theory, Evidence, and Exceptions." Industrial and Corporate Change 25, no. 5 (2016): 709–738. (Lead Article.)
- October 2018 (Revised August 2023)
- Case
Safecast: Bootstrapping Human Capital to Big Data
By: Ethan Bernstein and Stephanie Marton
On March 11, 2011, at 2:46pm, a 9.1-on-the-Richter-scale, six-minute long earthquake unleashed a tsunami that ravaged the Tohoku region of Japan, damaging the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power facility and releasing sufficient radioactive material into the air and ocean... View Details
Keywords: Citizen Science; Creative Commons; Open Data; Open Architecture; Volunteer-based Organization; Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Facility; 311; Nuclear; Radiation; Crowdsourcing; Bgeigie; Geiger Counters; Kickstarter; Sustainability; Sustainable Business And Innovation; Design; Energy Generation; Social Entrepreneurship; Human Capital; Innovation and Invention; Crisis Management; Organizational Structure; Organizational Design; Information Technology; Business Model; Energy Industry; Technology Industry; Japan; North and Central America; Europe
Bernstein, Ethan, and Stephanie Marton. "Safecast: Bootstrapping Human Capital to Big Data." Harvard Business School Case 419-033, October 2018. (Revised August 2023.)
- 2021
- Working Paper
Accounting for Product Impact in the Consumer-Packaged Foods Industry
By: Amanda Rischbieth, George Serafeim and Katie Trinh
We apply the product impact measurement framework of the Impact-Weighted Accounts Initiative (IWAI) in two competitor companies within the consumer-packaged goods industry. We design a methodology that allows us to calculate monetary impact estimates on customer... View Details
Keywords: Product Innovation; Impact; Impact Investing; Impact Measurement; ESG; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; ESG Ratings; Social Corporate Responsibility; Corporate Social Responsibility; Social Impact; Nutrition Database; Nutritional Information; CPG; Consumer Packaged Goods; IWAI; Product Design; Product Positioning; Society; Environmental Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Nutrition; Product; Safety; Consumer Products Industry
Rischbieth, Amanda, George Serafeim, and Katie Trinh. "Accounting for Product Impact in the Consumer-Packaged Foods Industry." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-051, October 2020. (Revised October 2021.)
- February 2022
- Case
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi
By: Linda A. Hill and Emily Tedards
In 2006, the Cleveland Clinic and Mubadala Investment Company partnered with a bold ambition to deliver world class healthcare in the United Arab Emirates. In 2015, after nearly a decade of planning and construction, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi opened its doors. By... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Behavior; Culture; Alignment; Organizational Effectiveness; Purpose; Impact; Leadership Development; Diversity; Collaboration; Co-creation; Learning Organizations; Empowerment; Teams; Team Dynamics; Teamwork; Team Effectiveness; Trust; Talent; Talent Development And Retention; Psychological Safety; Organizational Evolution; Coaching; Board; Analytics; Innovation; Data; Data Visualization; Digital Technology; Digital; Customer Experience; Experimentation; Change Management; Data-driven Decision-making; Debates; Ecosystem; Partnership; Telemedicine; Sustainability; Global Organizations; Local; Hospital; Healthcare; United Arab Emirates; Health Care and Treatment; Partners and Partnerships; Globalization; Quality; Organizational Culture; Mission and Purpose; Innovation and Management; Information Technology; Joint Ventures; Leadership; Performance Effectiveness; Abu Dhabi; United Arab Emirates
Hill, Linda A., and Emily Tedards. "Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi." Harvard Business School Case 422-058, February 2022.
- February 2022
- Case
Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi (Abridged)
By: Linda A. Hill and Emily Tedards
In 2006, the Cleveland Clinic and Mubadala Investment Company partnered with a bold ambition to deliver world class healthcare in the United Arab Emirates. In 2015, after nearly a decade of planning and construction, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi opened its doors. By... View Details
Keywords: Organization Behavior; Culture; Alignment; Organizational Effectiveness; Purpose; Impact; Leadership Development; Diversity; Collaboration; Co-creation; Learning Organizations; Empowerment; Teams; Team Dynamics; Teamwork; Team Effectiveness; Trust; Talent; Talent Development And Retention; Psychological Safety; Organizational Evolution; Coaching; Board; Analytics; Innovation; Data; Data Visualization; Digital Technology; Digital; Customer Experience; Experimentation; Change Management; Data-driven Decision-making; Debates; Ecosystem; Partnership; Telemedicine; Sustainability; Global Organizations; Local; Hospital; Healthcare; United Arab Emirates; Health Care and Treatment; Partners and Partnerships; Globalization; Quality; Organizational Culture; Mission and Purpose; Innovation and Management; Information Technology; Joint Ventures; Leadership; Performance Effectiveness; Abu Dhabi; United Arab Emirates
Hill, Linda A., and Emily Tedards. "Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 422-056, February 2022.
- January 2017 (Revised April 2017)
- Supplement
Bridj and the Business of Urban Mobility (B): A New Model in Kansas City
By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter and Jonathan Cohen
In late 2016, Bridj was expanding its digital platform to help address urban mobility problems faced by cities across the country and the world. Its founder and CEO, Matt George, weighed up several possible strategies for growth as he aimed to responsibly build the... View Details
Keywords: Mobility; Digital; Mobile App; Mobile; Data; Platform; Organization; Startup; Start-up Growth; Startup Management; Responsibility; Corporate Responsibility; Entrepreneurship; Information Technology; Transportation; Business and Stakeholder Relations; Growth and Development Strategy; Digital Platforms; Mobile and Wireless Technology; United States; District of Columbia; Massachusetts; Kansas; Mexico
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, and Jonathan Cohen. "Bridj and the Business of Urban Mobility (B): A New Model in Kansas City." Harvard Business School Supplement 317-047, January 2017. (Revised April 2017.)
- 10 Dec 2020
- HBS Seminar
Wanda Orlikowski, MIT Sloan School of Management
- 2020
- Article
Research on Corporate Sustainability: Review and Directions for Future Research
By: Jody Grewal and George Serafeim
We review the literature on corporate sustainability and provide directions for future research. Our review focuses on three actions: measuring, managing and communicating corporate sustainability performance. Measurement is the least developed of the three and... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability; Sustainability Reporting; Sustainability Management; Nonfinancial Disclosure; Nonfinancial Information; Nonfinancial Performance; Materiality; ESG; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; ESG Disclosure; ESG Disclosure Metrics; ESG Ratings; ESG Reporting; Inequality; Corporate Social Responsibility; Accounting; Finance; Management; Strategy; Environmental Sustainability; Climate Change; Diversity; Equality and Inequality; Corporate Disclosure; Measurement and Metrics; Corporate Governance; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact
Grewal, Jody, and George Serafeim. "Research on Corporate Sustainability: Review and Directions for Future Research." Foundations and Trends® in Accounting 14, no. 2 (2020): 73–127.
- September 2018
- Case
Verisk: Trailblazing in the Big Data Jungle
By: Andrew Wasynczuk, Francesca Gino and Karim Sameh
This case revolves around Verisk Analytics' initiatives to drive innovation throughout the firm's many business verticals. Verisk, originally named ISO, started life as an insurance rating agency in the early 1970s, acting as an intermediary between insurance companies... View Details
Keywords: Verisk; Argus; Wood Mackenzie; Insurance; Energy; Analytics; Data; Big Data; Acquisitions; Acquisition Strategy; Innovation; Organic Growth; Innovation Strategy; Innovation Leadership; Technological Innovation; Acquisition; Growth and Development Strategy; Analytics and Data Science; Insurance Industry; Energy Industry; Consulting Industry; United States; United Kingdom; New York (state, US); England
Wasynczuk, Andrew, Francesca Gino, and Karim Sameh. "Verisk: Trailblazing in the Big Data Jungle." Harvard Business School Case 919-014, September 2018.
- 13 Nov 2000
- Research & Ideas
Managing to Learn: How Companies Can Turn Knowledge into Action
alone do not a learning organization make. The necessary complement is a mind-set of inquiry and experimentation, plus a knowledge-sharing process that enables everyone in a company to act in an informed way... View Details
Keywords: by Laurie Joan Aron