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- Faculty Publications (225)
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- June 2024 (Revised December 2024)
- Case
Climate Governance at Linde plc (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine, Suraj Srinivasan, Emilie Billaud and Vincent Dessain
In July 2023, the Linde plc board of directors' sustainability committee convened in London to review the company's environmental performance, with a focus on decarbonization and clean energy. Linde was the world's largest industrial gas supplier, with a workforce of... View Details
Keywords: Climate Change; Environmental Sustainability; Green Technology; Multinational Firms and Management; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Disclosure; Corporate Governance; Governing and Advisory Boards; Compensation and Benefits; Innovation Strategy; Leading Change; Goals and Objectives; Business and Shareholder Relations; Chemical Industry; United States; Germany; Europe; North America; London
Paine, Lynn S., Suraj Srinivasan, Emilie Billaud, and Vincent Dessain. "Climate Governance at Linde plc (A)." Harvard Business School Case 324-140, June 2024. (Revised December 2024.)
- June 2024
- Supplement
Climate Governance at Linde plc (B)
By: Lynn S. Paine, Suraj Srinivasan, Emilie Billaud and Vincent Dessain
In July 2023, the Linde plc board of directors' sustainability committee convened in London to review the company's environmental performance, with a focus on decarbonization and clean energy. Linde was the world's largest industrial gas supplier, with a workforce of... View Details
Keywords: Climate Change; Environmental Sustainability; Green Technology; Multinational Firms and Management; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Disclosure; Corporate Governance; Governing and Advisory Boards; Compensation and Benefits; Innovation Strategy; Leading Change; Goals and Objectives; Business and Shareholder Relations; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; United States; Germany; Europe; North America; London
Paine, Lynn S., Suraj Srinivasan, Emilie Billaud, and Vincent Dessain. "Climate Governance at Linde plc (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 324-141, June 2024.
- May 2024 (Revised June 2024)
- Case
Together for Sustainability
This case documents the origin and development of Together for Sustainability (TfS), a chemical industry initiative dedicated to raising sustainability standards throughout the industry’s supply chains. In 2011, six Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) from some of the... View Details
Keywords: Environmental Sustainability; Standards; Supply Chain Management; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Partners and Partnerships; Nonprofit Organizations; Corporate Accountability; Chemical Industry
Gulati, Ranjay, David Shin, and Emily Tedards. "Together for Sustainability." Harvard Business School Case 424-062, May 2024. (Revised June 2024.)
- March 2024
- Case
From 'BIG' Ideas to Sustainable Impact at ICL Group (A)
By: Linda A. Hill and Lydia Begag
In the summer of 2023, Eduard (“Eddie”) Croitoru, Vice President (VP) of ICL Group (“ICL”) Corporate Initiatives, was reflecting on ICL’s internal ideation program, the Business Innovation for Growth (BIG) Accelerator. When Raviv Zoller became the CEO of ICL in 2018,... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Agribusiness; Accounting; Communication; Renewable Energy; Chemicals; Machinery and Machining; Metals and Minerals; Mining; Social Entrepreneurship; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Values and Beliefs; Environmental Sustainability; Natural Resources; Globalization; Information Technology; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Organizational Culture; Personal Development and Career; Talent and Talent Management; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Israel; China; United States
Hill, Linda A., and Lydia Begag. "From 'BIG' Ideas to Sustainable Impact at ICL Group (A)." Harvard Business School Case 424-042, March 2024.
- March 2024 (Revised April 2024)
- Supplement
From 'BIG' Ideas to Sustainable Impact at ICL Group (B)
By: Linda A. Hill and Lydia Begag
In August 2023, Raviv Zoller, CEO of ICL Group, discussed his upcoming business trip to St. Louis with Eduard Croitoru, VP of ICL Corporate Initiatives, to commemorate the construction of ICL's new $400 million advanced manufacturing facility. In preparation for the... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Agribusiness; Accounting; Communication; Renewable Energy; Chemicals; Machinery and Machining; Metals and Minerals; Mining; Social Entrepreneurship; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Values and Beliefs; Environmental Sustainability; Natural Resources; Globalization; Information Technology; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Organizational Culture; Personal Development and Career; Partners and Partnerships; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Israel; United States; China
Hill, Linda A., and Lydia Begag. "From 'BIG' Ideas to Sustainable Impact at ICL Group (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 424-043, March 2024. (Revised April 2024.)
- February 2024 (Revised March 2024)
- Teaching Note
X: The Foghorn Decision
By: Kyle Myers and Walter Frick
Teaching Note for HBS Case No. 618-060. View Details
Keywords: Alternative Energy; Energy Generation; Energy Sources; Climate Change; Green Technology; Selection and Staffing; Knowledge; Product Design; Product Development; Research and Development; Risk and Uncertainty; Science-Based Business; Innovation and Invention; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry
- November 2023 (Revised January 2024)
- Case
Votorantim: Uniting Family and Business Across Generations
By: Christina R. Wing, Carla Larangeira and Pedro Levindo
Over a 105-year span, the Ermírio de Moraes family built Votorantim, one of Latin America’s largest industrial conglomerates, and among Brazil’s topmost businesses, also credited for helping “build” the country over decades. By early 2023, Votorantim included... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Governance; Family Ownership; Business and Shareholder Relations; Family and Family Relationships; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Latin America
Wing, Christina R., Carla Larangeira, and Pedro Levindo. "Votorantim: Uniting Family and Business Across Generations." Harvard Business School Case 624-050, November 2023. (Revised January 2024.)
- September 2023 (Revised April 2024)
- Case
Atomwise: Strategic Opportunities in AI for Pharma
By: Satish Tadikonda
Abraham Heifets and his co-founder, Izhar Wallach, had founded Atomwise to develop i) an AI engine to transform drug discovery by creating better medicines faster, and ii) a machine learning-based discovery engine that combined the power of convolutional neural... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Business Startups; AI and Machine Learning; Science-Based Business; Technological Innovation; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry
Tadikonda, Satish. "Atomwise: Strategic Opportunities in AI for Pharma." Harvard Business School Case 824-043, September 2023. (Revised April 2024.)
- September 2023 (Revised March 2024)
- Case
ReMo Energy: Sizing Up Investors
By: Jeffrey J. Bussgang and Tom Quinn
In 2023, executives with ReMo Energy (founded 2020) were deciding which size ammonia plant to build as their first project. Their innovative model produced ammonia—useful for making fertilizer and for energy storage—from renewable energy, and they had received funding... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Business Startups; Cost vs Benefits; Design; Energy Conservation; Energy Generation; Renewable Energy; Venture Capital; Investment Return; Goods and Commodities; Size; Infrastructure; Risk and Uncertainty; Science-Based Business; Commercialization; Technological Innovation; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; United States; Boston
Bussgang, Jeffrey J., and Tom Quinn. "ReMo Energy: Sizing Up Investors." Harvard Business School Case 824-027, September 2023. (Revised March 2024.)
- 2022
- Article
Missing Novelty in Drug Development
By: Joshua Krieger, Danielle Li and Dimitris Papanikolaou
We provide evidence that risk aversion leads pharmaceutical firms to underinvest in radical innovation. We introduce a new measure of drug novelty based on chemical similarity and show that firms face a risk-reward trade-off: novel drug candidates are less likely to... View Details
Keywords: Drug Development; Risk Aversion; Research and Development; Innovation and Invention; Investment; Pharmaceutical Industry
Krieger, Joshua, Danielle Li, and Dimitris Papanikolaou. "Missing Novelty in Drug Development." Review of Financial Studies 35, no. 2 (February 2022): 636–679.
- July 2021
- Teaching Note
The Carlyle Group: Carving Out Atotech
Teaching Note for HBS Case No. 321-153. On January 31, 2017, The Carlyle Group ("Carlyle") closed its $3.2 billion acquisition of Atotech, an international Specialty Chemicals and Equipment company. In Carlyle's Washington, DC headquarters, the US-based deal... View Details
- April 2021 (Revised December 2021)
- Case
The Carlyle Group: Carving Out Atotech
On January 31, 2017, The Carlyle Group ("Carlyle") closed its $3.2 billion acquisition of Atotech, an international Specialty Chemicals and Equipment company. In Carlyle's Washington, DC headquarters, the US-based deal team—Martin Sumner, Greg Nikodem, Tanaka Maswoswe... View Details
Keywords: Oil & Gas; Deal; International Acquisition; International; Acquisition; Negotiation Deal; Transformation; Chemicals; Chemical Industry; United States; Europe; Asia; Germany
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. "The Carlyle Group: Carving Out Atotech." Harvard Business School Case 321-153, April 2021. (Revised December 2021.)
- March 2021 (Revised January 2023)
- Case
The Trouble with TCE
By: Vincent Pons, Rafael Di Tella and Galit Goldstein
Trichloroethylene, or TCE, was a chemical used by tens of thousands of businesses in the United States. It was an affordable tool for many. Yet, TCE had been associated with important health risks, including cancer and autoimmune disease. TCE potentially posed other... View Details
Keywords: Trichloroethylene; Toxicity; Lobbying; Chemicals; Health Disorders; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Ethics; Business and Government Relations; Chemical Industry; United States
Pons, Vincent, Rafael Di Tella, and Galit Goldstein. "The Trouble with TCE." Harvard Business School Case 721-031, March 2021. (Revised January 2023.)
- September–October 2020
- Article
Social-Impact Efforts That Create Real Value
By: George Serafeim
Until the mid-2010s few investors paid attention to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) data—information about companies’ carbon footprints, labor policies, board makeup, and so forth. Today the data is widely used by investors. How can organizations create... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability; Sustainability Management; ESG; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; ESG Disclosure; ESG Disclosure Metrics; ESG Ratings; ESG Reporting; Social Impact; Impact Measurement; Social Innovation; Purpose; Corporate Purpose; Corporate Social Responsibility; Strategy; Social Enterprise; Society; Accounting; Investment; Environmental Sustainability; Climate Change; Corporate Strategy; Mission and Purpose; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; North America; Europe; Japan; Australia
Serafeim, George. "Social-Impact Efforts That Create Real Value." Harvard Business Review 98, no. 5 (September–October 2020): 38–48.
- July 2020
- Case
Amanda and Kristen: Mented Cosmetics
By: Steven Rogers, Jeffrey J. Bussgang and Alterrell Mills
The co-founders (Black HBS alumnae) of an e-commerce beauty startup explore the unmet needs within the beauty industry. This case study examines the entrepreneurial opportunities that come from identifying an underserved market, specifically within the Black community... View Details
Keywords: Brands and Branding; Competition; Customers; Disruption; Disruptive Innovation; Distribution Channels; Entrepreneurship; Finance; Macroeconomics; Marketing; Marketing Channels; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Culture; Product Design; Product Development; Product Positioning; Sales; Social Issues; Social Marketing; Business Startups; Strategic Planning; Strategy; Supply Chain Management; Venture Capital; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; North and Central America; United States; New York (city, NY); New York (state, US)
Rogers, Steven, Jeffrey J. Bussgang, and Alterrell Mills. "Amanda and Kristen: Mented Cosmetics." Harvard Business School Case 321-002, July 2020.
- February 2020 (Revised February 2022)
- Case
Sustainable Product Management at Solvay
By: George Serafeim, Vincent Dessain and Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej
In November 2019, Ilham Kadri, CEO of Solvay, a Belgian specialty chemicals and advanced materials group, with annual revenues of more than €10 billion in 2018, announced the group’s mid-term strategy, eight months after she took the helm as Solvay’s 11th CEO. The case... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability; Sustainable Business And Innovation; Sustainability Management; Sustainable Development; Management Accounting; Innovation; Carbon Emissions; Sustainability Reporting; Sustainability Targets; Target-setting; Product; Management; Transformation; Growth and Development Strategy; Climate Change; Environmental Sustainability; Chemical Industry; Europe; Belgium
Serafeim, George, Vincent Dessain, and Mette Fuglsang Hjortshoej. "Sustainable Product Management at Solvay." Harvard Business School Case 120-081, February 2020. (Revised February 2022.)
- January 2020
- Case
SK Group: Social Progress Credits
By: George Serafeim, Ethan Rouen and David Freiberg
SK Group was one of the largest companies South Korea. A family-run conglomerate consisting of around 120 subsidiaries and employing more than 100,000, SK was tightly knit into the fabric of Korean society. SK viewed their future success as contingent upon the strength... View Details
Keywords: Impact; Impact Investing; Impact Measurement; Social Value; Social Development; Conglomerates; Measurement Of Purpose; ESG; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; Capital Markets; Innovation; Environmental Impact; Collaboration; Social Enterprise; Social and Collaborative Networks; Social Issues; Measurement and Metrics; Value Creation; Cooperation; Environmental Sustainability; Employment; Accounting; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; South Korea
Serafeim, George, Ethan Rouen, and David Freiberg. "SK Group: Social Progress Credits." Harvard Business School Case 120-071, January 2020.
- January 2020 (Revised July 2020)
- Case
Chemours (A)
By: David G. Fubini and David Lane
The July 2015 spin-off of DuPont’s performance chemicals division as the independent company Chemours burdened new CEO Mark Vergnano and his team with perilous challenges. Despite market-leading offerings in several areas, the company faced a glutted market for its... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Chemicals; Leading Change; Crisis Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Chemical Industry; United States
Fubini, David G., and David Lane. "Chemours (A)." Harvard Business School Case 420-001, January 2020. (Revised July 2020.)
- October 2019 (Revised February 2025)
- Case
A Conversation with Ellen J. Kullman, Chair & CEO of DuPont, 2009-2015
By: Lynn S. Paine and Will Hurwitz
Ellen J. Kullman, the retired Chairman and CEO of DuPont, describes how she guided the storied science and technology company through a contentious proxy battle with activist investor Trian Partners, which acquired DuPont shares in 2013 and sought to break up the... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Capital Structure; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Governance; Institutional Investing; Leadership; Leadership Style; Management; Transformation; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; United States
Paine, Lynn S., and Will Hurwitz. "A Conversation with Ellen J. Kullman, Chair & CEO of DuPont, 2009-2015." Harvard Business School Case 320-017, October 2019. (Revised February 2025.)
- September 2019
- Case
Shell: A Company of Opportunity?
By: Joseph B. Fuller and Emer Moloney
The Opportunity Hub was a cloud-based platform that enabled managers to market projects they were working on and associated resourcing needs as “Opportunity Owners” and employees, or “Opportunity Seekers,” to browse these statements of need and engage when they had... View Details
Keywords: Business Divisions; Change Management; Competency and Skills; Experience and Expertise; Talent and Talent Management; Energy; Energy Sources; Non-Renewable Energy; Renewable Energy; Human Resources; Employees; Retention; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Jobs and Positions; Job Design and Levels; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Labor; Human Capital; Labor Unions; Leading Change; Resource Allocation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Performance Evaluation; Performance Productivity; Strategic Planning; Projects; Motivation and Incentives; Business Strategy; Social and Collaborative Networks; Technology Platform; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; Chemical Industry; United Kingdom; Netherlands
Fuller, Joseph B., and Emer Moloney. "Shell: A Company of Opportunity?" Harvard Business School Case 320-025, September 2019.