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- Faculty Publications (116)
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- March 10, 2025
- Article
How Gen AI Could Change the Value of Expertise
By: Joseph Fuller, Matt Sigelman and Michael Fenlon
In the near future, gen AI is likely to affect some 50 million jobs, automating away elements of some jobs and augmenting workers’ abilities in others. The extent of those changes will compel companies to reshape their organizational structures and rethink their talent... View Details
Keywords: AI and Machine Learning; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Organizational Structure; Talent and Talent Management; Personal Development and Career
Fuller, Joseph, Matt Sigelman, and Michael Fenlon. "How Gen AI Could Change the Value of Expertise." Harvard Business Review (website) (March 10, 2025).
- December 2024 (Revised January 2025)
- Case
Balancing Returns and Responsibilities at Raya Partners
By: Arthur Segel, Ephraim Mernick, Derek C. M. van Bever and Olivia Barba
Raya Partners, a private equity firm, faces a crucial decision regarding Asa Specialty Coatings Company (ASCC). The dilemma involves shifting ASCC's manufacturing operations to Mexico, a move that would boost profitability and reduce emissions but result in significant... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Communication Strategy; Private Equity; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Mexico; Vermont
Segel, Arthur, Ephraim Mernick, Derek C. M. van Bever, and Olivia Barba. "Balancing Returns and Responsibilities at Raya Partners." Harvard Business School Case 325-068, December 2024. (Revised January 2025.)
- 2024
- Chapter
Broadening Ownership for a Responsible Digital Revolution
By: Nien-hê Hsieh
The chapter explores how broadening ownership of business enterprises provides a response to three concerns raised by the digital revolution. The first is the potential for widespread job displacement and unemployment due to automation. The second relates to the harms... View Details
Keywords: Digital; Industrial Policy; Work; Ownership; Technology Adoption; Job Cuts and Outsourcing
Hsieh, Nien-hê. "Broadening Ownership for a Responsible Digital Revolution." In Sustainable by Design—Industrial Policy for Long-Term Competitiveness in the EU, by Marija Bartl, Rutger Claassen, and Nena van der Horst, 30–33. Amsterdam, Netherlands: European Research Council, 2024. (White Paper.)
- May 2024
- Case
Leading Culture Change at Microsoft Western Europe
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Cat Huang
In 2023, Cindy Rose, President of Microsoft Western Europe, faced a critical decision. Rose grappled with the potential impact of widespread layoffs on psychological safety and the cultural transformation she had championed since her arrival. When Rose had first joined... View Details
Keywords: Leadership; Organizational Culture; Transformation; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Problems and Challenges; Motivation and Incentives; Groups and Teams; Business or Company Management; Technology Industry; Europe
Edmondson, Amy C., and Cat Huang. "Leading Culture Change at Microsoft Western Europe." Harvard Business School Case 624-096, May 2024.
- April 2024 (Revised July 2024)
- Case
Unleashing Human Magic at Best Buy
By: Leonard A. Schlesinger, Sunil Gupta and Amram Migdal
The case examines the transformation of Best Buy under CEO Hubert Joly's leadership from 2012. Facing significant business challenges, including competition from online and physical retailers, Joly implemented the "Renew Blue" turnaround strategy, which focused on... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Transformation; Transition; Communication Intention and Meaning; Communication Strategy; Customer Focus and Relationships; Health Care and Treatment; Digital Transformation; Digital Strategy; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Labor; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Management Practices and Processes; Management Style; Business or Company Management; Crisis Management; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Failure; Success; Personal Development and Career; Strategic Planning; Adaptation; Competition; Alignment; Business Strategy; Retail Industry; Minneapolis; Minnesota; United States
Schlesinger, Leonard A., Sunil Gupta, and Amram Migdal. "Unleashing Human Magic at Best Buy." Harvard Business School Case 524-072, April 2024. (Revised July 2024.)
- July–August 2023
- Article
Case Study: How Should a Start-Up Cut Its Burn Rate?
By: Nitin Nohria, Katie Josephson, Sophia Wronsky and Elizabeth Rha
Tyler Smith, the founder and CEO of the enterprise software firm, is facing a hard decision. Just three months earlier the company laid off 20% of its employees to reduce its burn rate amid growing economic uncertainty and a suddenly unattractive funding... View Details
Keywords: Employees; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Governing and Advisory Boards; Business and Shareholder Relations; Business or Company Management; Business Startups
Nohria, Nitin, Katie Josephson, Sophia Wronsky, and Elizabeth Rha. "Case Study: How Should a Start-Up Cut Its Burn Rate?" Harvard Business Review 101, no. 4 (July–August 2023): 144–149.
- February 2023 (Revised March 2023)
- Case
Twitter Turnaround and Elon Musk
By: Andy Wu and Goran Calic
Late afternoon on Friday, October 27th, 2022, Elon Musk was the center of attention at Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters. The night before, Musk officially took the company private and became Twitter’s majority shareholder, finally ending a months-long acquisition... View Details
Keywords: Elon Musk; Twitter; Acquisition; Revenue; Advertising; Social Media; Business or Company Management; Public Opinion; Job Cuts and Outsourcing
Wu, Andy, and Goran Calic. "Twitter Turnaround and Elon Musk." Harvard Business School Case 723-418, February 2023. (Revised March 2023.)
- 2023
- Working Paper
The International Price of Remote Work
By: Agostina Brinatti, Alberto Cavallo, Javier Cravino and Andres Drenik
We study how the price of remote work is determined in a globalized labor market using data from a large web-based job platform, where workers from around the world compete for remote jobs. Despite the global nature of the platform, we find that remote wages are higher... View Details
Keywords: Remote Work; Exchange Rates; Purchasing Power Parity; Offshoring And Outsourcing; Macroeconomics; Developing Countries and Economies; Wages; Trade; Globalization; Marketplace Matching; Currency Exchange Rate; Service Industry; Web Services Industry; Technology Industry
Brinatti, Agostina, Alberto Cavallo, Javier Cravino, and Andres Drenik. "The International Price of Remote Work." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 29437, October 2021. (Revised November 2022.)
- March 2021 (Revised August 2024)
- Case Navigating Through Turbulence
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport, Manny de Zarraga and Eric Levine
On September 10, 2001, after speaking at an industry conference at New York’s World Trade Center, Hotwire co-founder Spencer Rascoff boarded a flight from Newark to San Francisco. After returning home, Rascoff awoke the next morning to a phone call informing him that... View Details
Keywords: September 11; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Business Growth and Maturation; Disruption; Decisions; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Growth Management; Digital Platforms; Problems and Challenges; Risk and Uncertainty; Expansion; Internet and the Web; Leading Change; Leadership Style; Air Transportation Industry; Tourism Industry; San Francisco
Rayport, Jeffrey F., Manny de Zarraga, and Eric Levine. " Navigating Through Turbulence." Harvard Business School Case 821-084, March 2021. (Revised August 2024.)
- Article
Job Loss, Credit and Crime in Colombia
By: Gaurav Khanna, Carlos Medina, Anant Nyshadham, Christian Posso and Jorge Tamayo
We investigate the effects of job displacement, as a result of mass layoffs, on criminal arrests using a matched employer-employee-crime dataset from Medellín, Colombia. Job displacement leads to immediate and persistent earnings losses and higher probability of arrest... View Details
Keywords: Job Displacements; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Crime and Corruption; Credit; Colombia; Medellín
Khanna, Gaurav, Carlos Medina, Anant Nyshadham, Christian Posso, and Jorge Tamayo. "Job Loss, Credit and Crime in Colombia." American Economic Review: Insights 3, no. 1 (March 2021): 97–114.
- October 2020
- Case
Israelis, Palestinians and the Technology Bridge Between Them: A Work in Progress
By: Elie Ofek and Lia Weiner
In Israel of 2020 the demand for software engineers was endless. Meanwhile just miles away, Palestinian universities were graduating 3,000 engineers a year, and many of them could not find jobs in the still nascent Palestinian tech sector. Could these dots be... View Details
Keywords: Geopolitics; Technology Ecosystem; Software Engineers; Information Technology; Applications and Software; Business Startups; International Relations; Cooperation; Opportunities; Problems and Challenges; Technology Industry; Israel; Palestinian state
Ofek, Elie, and Lia Weiner. "Israelis, Palestinians and the Technology Bridge Between Them: A Work in Progress." Harvard Business School Case 521-046, October 2020.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Job Loss, Credit and Crime in Colombia
By: Gaurav Khanna, Carlos Medina, Anant Nyshadham, Christian Posso and Jorge Tamayo
We investigate the effects of job displacement, as a result of mass layoffs, on criminal arrests using a matched employer-employee-crime dataset from Medellín, Colombia. Job displacement leads to immediate and persistent earnings losses and higher probability of arrest... View Details
Keywords: Job Displacements; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Crime and Corruption; Credit; Colombia; Medellín
Khanna, Gaurav, Carlos Medina, Anant Nyshadham, Christian Posso, and Jorge Tamayo. "Job Loss, Credit and Crime in Colombia." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-104, April 2020.
- 2020
- Article
Immigrant Entrepreneurship in America: Evidence from the Survey of Business Owners 2007 & 2012
By: Sari Pekkala Kerr and William R. Kerr
We study immigrant entrepreneurship in 2007 and 2012 using the Survey of Business Owners. First-generation immigrants create about 25% of new firms in America, but this share exceeds 40% in some states. Immigrant-owned firms tend to create fewer jobs than native-owned... View Details
Keywords: Job Creation; Employee Benefits; Owner Demographics; Exports; Outsourcing; Immigration; Entrepreneurship; Ownership; Demographics; Jobs and Positions; Compensation and Benefits; United States
Kerr, Sari Pekkala, and William R. Kerr. "Immigrant Entrepreneurship in America: Evidence from the Survey of Business Owners 2007 & 2012." Art. 103918. Research Policy 49, no. 3 (April 2020).
- February 2020
- Technical Note
Talent Management and the Future of Work
By: William R. Kerr and Gorick Ng
The nature of work is changing—and it is changing rapidly. Few days go by without industry giants such as Amazon and AT&T announcing plans to invest billions of dollars towards retraining nearly half of their respective workforces for jobs of the future. What changes... View Details
Keywords: Human Resource Management; Human Capital Development; Human Resource Practices; Talent; Talent Acquisition; Talent Development; Talent Development And Retention; Talent Management; Talent Retention; Labor Flows; Labor Management; Labor Market; Strategy Development; Strategy Management; Strategy Execution; Strategy And Execution; Strategic Change; Transformations; Organization; Organization Alignment; Organization Design; Organizational Adaptation; Organizational Effectiveness; Management Challenges; Management Of Business And Political Risk; Change Leadership; Future Of Work; Future; Skills Gap; Skills Development; Skills; Offshoring And Outsourcing; Investment; Capital Allocation; Work; Work Culture; Work Force Management; Work/life Balance; Work/family Balance; Work-family Boundary Management; Workers; Worker Productivity; Worker Performance; Work Engagement; Work Environment; Work Environments; Productivity; Organization Culture; Soft Skills; Technology Management; Technological Change; Technological Change: Choices And Consequences; Technology Diffusion; Disruptive Technology; Global Business; Global; Workplace; Workplace Context; Workplace Culture; Workplace Wellness; Collaboration; Competencies; Productivity Gains; Digital; Digital Transition; Competitive Dynamics; Competitiveness; Competitive Strategy; Data Analytics; Data; Data Management; Data Strategy; Data Protection; Aging Society; Diversity; Diversity Management; Millennials; Communication Complexity; Communication Technologies; International Business; Work Sharing; Global Competitiveness; Global Corporate Cultures; Intellectual Property; Intellectual Property Management; Intellectual Property Protection; Intellectual Capital And Property Issues; Globalization Of Supply Chain; Inequality; Recruiting; Hiring; Hiring Of Employees; Training; Job Cuts And Outsourcing; Job Performance; Job Search; Job Design; Job Satisfaction; Jobs; Employee Engagement; Employee Attitude; Employee Benefits; Employee Compensation; Employee Fairness; Employee Relationship Management; Employee Retention; Employee Selection; Employee Motivation; Employee Feedback; Employee Coordination; Employee Performance Management; Employee Socialization; Process Improvement; Application Performance Management; Stigma; Institutional Change; Candidates; Digital Enterprise; Cultural Adaptation; Cultural Change; Cultural Diversity; Cultural Context; Cultural Strategies; Cultural Psychology; Cultural Reform; Performance; Performance Effectiveness; Performance Management; Performance Evaluation; Performance Appraisal; Performance Feedback; Performance Measurement; Performance Metrics; Performance Measures; Performance Efficiency; Efficiency; Performance Analysis; Performance Appraisals; Performance Improvement; Automation; Artificial Intelligence; Technology Companies; Managerial Processes; Skilled Migration; Assessment; Human Resources; Management; Human Capital; Talent and Talent Management; Retention; Demographics; Labor; Strategy; Change; Change Management; Transformation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Working Conditions; Information Technology; Technology Adoption; Disruption; Economy; Competition; Globalization; AI and Machine Learning; Digital Transformation
Kerr, William R., and Gorick Ng. "Talent Management and the Future of Work." Harvard Business School Technical Note 820-084, February 2020.
- November 2018
- Teaching Note
The Tax Man: Taxes in Private Equity Real Estate
By: Nori Gerardo Lietz and Sayiddah Fatima McCree
Teaching Note for HBS No. 218-077. This teaching note provides the back up analysis for the various alternatives to be considered in choosing the optimal investment structure for the real estate acquisition. It contrasts the interests of the tax exempt investors... View Details
- October 2018
- Case
American Family Insurance and the Artificial Intelligence Opportunity
By: Rajiv Lal and Scott Johnson
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Automation; Analytics; American Family; American Family Insurance; Insurance; Business Organization; Transformation; Talent and Talent Management; Employee Relationship Management; Innovation Strategy; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Risk and Uncertainty; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Technology Adoption; Internet and the Web; Applications and Software; Corporate Strategy; AI and Machine Learning; Digital Transformation; Insurance Industry; Technology Industry; Wisconsin
- July 2018 (Revised September 2018)
- Case
Donald Trump and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
By: Matthew Weinzierl and Robert Scherf
In January 2018, President Donald Trump was full of optimism. He had just signed the most substantial legislation of his young presidency, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), making major changes to the tax code. Echoing his campaign slogan—Make America Great Again—Trump... View Details
Weinzierl, Matthew, and Robert Scherf. "Donald Trump and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act." Harvard Business School Case 719-002, July 2018. (Revised September 2018.)
- May–June 2018
- Article
Layoffs That Don't Break Your Company: Better Approaches to Workforce Transition
By: Sandra J. Sucher and Shalene Gupta
Today layoffs have become companies’ default response to the challenges created by advances in technology and global competition. Yet research shows that job cuts rarely help senior leaders achieve their goals. Too often, they’re done for short-term gain, but the cost... View Details
Keywords: Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Employees; Transition; Strategic Planning
Sucher, Sandra J., and Shalene Gupta. "Layoffs That Don't Break Your Company: Better Approaches to Workforce Transition." Harvard Business Review 96, no. 3 (May–June 2018): 122–129.
- January 2018 (Revised May 2018)
- Case
AT&T: Managing Technological Change and the Future of Telephone Operators in the 20th Century
By: Daniel P. Gross and William R. Kerr
By the 1930s, AT&T dominated the American phone industry, serving 10 million telephones and employing over 100,000 switchboard operators. But beginning in the mid-1910s, the company began changing from manually operated switchboards to mechanical switching systems that... View Details
Keywords: AT&T; Bell Telephone; Phone Lines; Phone Operators; Mechanical Switching; Layoffs; Technological Change; Transition; History; Innovation and Invention; Technological Innovation; Information Technology; Disruption; Change Management; Communications Industry; Telecommunications Industry; United States
Gross, Daniel P., and William R. Kerr. "AT&T: Managing Technological Change and the Future of Telephone Operators in the 20th Century." Harvard Business School Case 718-486, January 2018. (Revised May 2018.)
- October 18, 2017
- Editorial
Why We Must Embrace, Not Fear, the Technology That Is Revolutionising Education and Jobs
By: Peter Tufano
Tufano, Peter. "Why We Must Embrace, Not Fear, the Technology That Is Revolutionising Education and Jobs." International Business Times (October 18, 2017).