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- All HBS Web
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- 2016
- Working Paper
Credit Migration and Covered Interest Rate Parity
By: Gordon Y Liao
I document economically large and persistent discrepancies in the pricing of credit risk between corporate bonds denominated in different currencies. The discrepancies amount to 50-100 basis points on trillions of dollars of debt notional. I relate this violation of... View Details
Keywords: Market Segmentation; Debt Issuance; Covered Interest Rate Parity; Cross-currency Basis; Credit Risk; Financial Markets; Credit
Liao, Gordon Y. "Credit Migration and Covered Interest Rate Parity." Working Paper, October 2016.
- June 2014
- Article
Frictions in Shadow Banking: Evidence from the Lending Behavior of Money Market Funds
By: Sergey Chernenko and Adi Sunderam
We document the consequences of money market fund risk taking during the European sovereign debt crisis. Using a novel data set of security-level holdings of prime money market funds, we show that funds with large exposures to risky Eurozone banks suffered significant... View Details
Keywords: Money Market Mutual Funds; European Sovereign Debt Crisis; Runs; Contagion; Risk Taking; Investment Funds; Financial Crisis; Europe
Chernenko, Sergey, and Adi Sunderam. "Frictions in Shadow Banking: Evidence from the Lending Behavior of Money Market Funds." Review of Financial Studies 27, no. 6 (June 2014): 1717–1750.
- December 2012 (Revised May 2014)
- Case
Hotel Ivory
By: Arthur I Segel, Nicolas P. Retsinas and Jonathan Lo
Cheick Sanankoua is an MBA student who believes that he has found the perfect investment property, a small, independently owned hotel, on the Ivory Coast. However, he has had trouble raising money for the investment beyond friends and family. Through contacts in the... View Details
Keywords: Real Estate; Emergent Countries; Investing; Entrepreneurial Finance; Debts; Cash Flow; Quantitative Analysis; Financing; Development Stage Enterprises; Small & Medium-sized Enterprises; Africa; Ivory Coast; Venture Capital; Emerging Markets; Property; Investment; Accommodations Industry; Real Estate Industry; Africa
Segel, Arthur I., Nicolas P. Retsinas, and Jonathan Lo. "Hotel Ivory." Harvard Business School Case 213-050, December 2012. (Revised May 2014.)
- Article
Credit Access and Social Welfare: The Rise of Consumer Lending in the United States and France
By: Gunnar Trumbull
Research into the causes of the 2008 financial crisis has drawn attention to a link between growing income inequality in the United States and high household indebtedness. Most accounts trace the U.S. idea of credit-as-welfare to the period of wage stagnation and... View Details
Keywords: Household Finance; Welfare State; Credit; Personal Finance; Welfare; Borrowing and Debt; France; United States
Trumbull, Gunnar. "Credit Access and Social Welfare: The Rise of Consumer Lending in the United States and France." Politics & Society 40, no. 1 (March 2012): 9–34.
- August 2014 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
Molycorp: Issuing the 'Happy Meal' Securities (B)
By: Benjamin C. Esty and E. Scott Mayfield
Molycorp, the Western hemisphere's only producer of rare earth minerals, was in the middle of a $1 billion capital expansion in its effort to become a vertically integrated supplier of rare earth minerals, oxides, and metals. After reporting lower than expected... View Details
Keywords: Convertible Debt; Uncertainty; Startup; Growth; Rare Earth Minerals; Mining; Hedge Funds; Short Selling; Equity Capital; Capital Structure; Financial Strategy; Valuation; Metals and Minerals; Equity; Capital; Debt Securities; Stock Shares; Financial Management; Mining Industry; Industrial Products Industry; Canada; California
Esty, Benjamin C., and E. Scott Mayfield. "Molycorp: Issuing the 'Happy Meal' Securities (B)." Harvard Business School Case 215-014, August 2014. (Revised March 2015.)
- October 2014 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
A Currency We Can Call Our Own: Populism, Banking Crises, and Exchange Rate Crises in Argentina, 1946–2002
By: Rafael Di Tella
The case describes Argentina's struggle to establish a credible monetary system under populist pressures and the recurrent use of exchange rate stabilization plans. It focuses on two episodes where there was "too little money" in the economy: during the hyperinflation... View Details
Keywords: Debt Crisis; Hyperinflation; Financial Crisis; Inflation and Deflation; Currency Exchange Rate; Argentina
Di Tella, Rafael. "A Currency We Can Call Our Own: Populism, Banking Crises, and Exchange Rate Crises in Argentina, 1946–2002." Harvard Business School Case 715-019, October 2014. (Revised February 2017.)
- 2012
- Case
Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Olivia Leskinen
Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)
2009 AL Fellow
Bob Whelan developed an idea with partners that was a seed before his fellowship year and seemed to address a significant national challenge - college financing - with a creative concept and experience from... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Entrepreneurs; Leadership Skills; Student Loan Crisis; Student Loans; Students; Low-income; Postsecondary Education; Debt-free; Income-share Agreements; ISA; College; Master’s Degree; Google; Purdue Research Foundation; Kanter’s Law; Elida Gonzalez; 13th Avenue; Ed Lowry; Flexibility; National Student Debt Jubilee Project; Fundraising; Difficult Middles; Investing In Student Success Act Of 2014; State Engagement; State Level; Pay It Forward; Student Movement; Tuition; Financing College; Change Management; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Education; Higher Education; Financing and Loans; Social Enterprise
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Olivia Leskinen. "Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)." Harvard Business School Case 313-009, 2012. (Advanced Leadership Initiative.)
- October 2012
- Supplement
Hill Country Snack Foods Co., Spreadsheet for Students (Brief Case) (CW)
By: W. Carl Kester and Craig Stephenson
- Working Paper
Covenant-Light Contracts and Creditor Coordination
By: Bo Becker and Victoria Ivashina
In 2015, 70% of newly issued leveraged loans had weaker enforcement features, called covenant-light or "cov-lite"; this is nearly a three-time increase in cov-lite issuance compared to a previous peak in 2007. We evaluate whether this development can be attributed to... View Details
Keywords: Credit Cycles; Loan Contracts; Debt Covenants; Contracts; Financing and Loans; Credit; Borrowing and Debt
Becker, Bo, and Victoria Ivashina. "Covenant-Light Contracts and Creditor Coordination." Swedish House of Finance Research Paper, No. 16-09, March 2016.
- April 2015 (Revised April 2022)
- Case
Bankruptcy in the City of Detroit
By: Stuart Gilson, Kristin Mugford and Annelena Lobb
The June 2013 bankruptcy of the city of Detroit, Michigan was, at the time, the largest municipal bankruptcy in American history. Detroit had struggled for years with a weakening tax base, high unemployment, a heavy debt load and increasing retiree costs. These... View Details
Keywords: Chapter 9; Chapter 11; Bankruptcy; Municipal Finance; Restructuring; Financial Liquidity; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; City; Government Administration; Public Sector; Financial Crisis; Financial Management; Failure; Labor Unions; Urban Development; Budgets and Budgeting; Decision Making; Demographics; Economics; Finance; Public Administration Industry; Michigan; Detroit
Gilson, Stuart, Kristin Mugford, and Annelena Lobb. "Bankruptcy in the City of Detroit." Harvard Business School Case 215-070, April 2015. (Revised April 2022.)
- October 2012
- Teaching Note
Hill Country Snack Foods Co. (Brief Case)
By: W. Carl Kester and Craig Stephenson
- December 2012
- Course Overview Note
Entrepreneurial Management in a Turnaround Environment (EMTE) Fall 2012: Course Overview and Syllabus
Course Overview and Syllabus in the Fall Term 2012 for the Entrepreneurial Management in a Turnaround Environment (EMTE) course. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Management; Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurship; Turnarounds; Bankruptcy Reorganization; Bankruptcy; Small & Medium-sized Enterprises; Careers; Entrepreneurial Finance; Distressed Debt; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture
Sharpe, Jim. "Entrepreneurial Management in a Turnaround Environment (EMTE) Fall 2012: Course Overview and Syllabus." Harvard Business School Course Overview Note 813-127, December 2012.
- May 2019
- Article
Corporate Debt, Firm Size and Financial Fragility in Emerging Markets
By: Laura Alfaro, Gonzalo Asis, Anusha Chari and Ugo Panizza
The post-Global Financial Crisis period shows a surge in corporate leverage in emerging markets and a number of countries with deteriorated corporate financial fragility indicators (Altman’s Z-score). Firm size plays a critical role in the relationship between... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Debt; Firm Size; Financial Fragility; Emerging Market; Organizations; Borrowing and Debt; Financial Condition; Emerging Markets; System Shocks
Alfaro, Laura, Gonzalo Asis, Anusha Chari, and Ugo Panizza. "Corporate Debt, Firm Size and Financial Fragility in Emerging Markets." Journal of International Economics 118 (May 2019): 1–19. (Also NBER Working Paper 25459.)
- February 2021
- Supplement
HNA Group: Global Excellence with Chinese Characteristics (C)
By: William C. Kirby, Billy Chan and John P. McHugh
July 2017 was supposed to be a triumphant month for HNA Group. The latest Fortune Global 500 list showed the company had again skyrocketed in its ranking to no. 170, an improvement of over 200 positions from the year prior. Yet earlier that same July, the mysterious... View Details
Keywords: Conglomerate; Airline Industry; Coronavirus; Financial Risk; Debt; Bankruptcy; Global Strategy; Restructuring; Health Pandemics; Financial Markets; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Financial Condition; Globalized Firms and Management; Business and Government Relations; Air Transportation Industry; Financial Services Industry; China
Kirby, William C., Billy Chan, and John P. McHugh. "HNA Group: Global Excellence with Chinese Characteristics (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 321-123, February 2021.
- June 2013
- Supplement
Hexcel Turnaround—2001 (Video Supplement)
This is the Video Supplement for Hexcel Turnaround - 2001(A), (B) and (C), HBS Cases 806099, 806100, 806101. View Details
Keywords: Turnarounds; Human Capital; Organizational Change And Transformation; Organizational Culture; Organizational Management; Leadership; General Management; Bankruptcy; Bankruptcy Reorganization; Financial Crisis Management; Acquisitions; Debt Crisis; Debt; Debt Management; Crisis Management; Financial Crisis; Private Equity; Public Ownership; Resignation and Termination; Restructuring; Air Transportation Industry; Communications Industry; Electronics Industry; Industrial Products Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States; Europe
Sharpe, Jim. "Hexcel Turnaround—2001 (Video Supplement)." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 813-723, June 2013.
- August 2016
- Teaching Note
Songy 2011: Restructuring to Survive (Or, Surviving to Restructure?)
By: Charles F. Wu and Alexander W. Schultz
In 2011, Songy Partners, an Atlanta based real estate developer, was facing three distressed investments within their portfolio each with distinct sets of challenges. Having weathered a myriad of issues during the Global Financial Crisis which included operational... View Details
- November 2012
- Teaching Note
Brink's Company: Activists Push for a Spin-off (TN)
By: Suraj Srinivasan
The case this Teaching Note addresses studies the decision of the security services company Brink's Corporation to spin off its home security division from the rest of the company. The decision followed intense pressure on the company by three activist hedge funds that... View Details
- December 2012
- Background Note
Municipal Bond Structuring
A note on municipal bond structuring. View Details
Keywords: Local Government; Political Process; Debt Management; Financial Planning; Financial Management; Bonds; Urban Development; Local Range; Government Administration
Bergstresser, Daniel, Randolph Cohen, and Richard Ryffel. "Municipal Bond Structuring." Harvard Business School Background Note 213-062, December 2012.
- June 2013
- Supplement
Parmalat Uruguay (A) & (B) (Video Supplement)
By: Jim Sharpe
This is the Video Supplement for Parmalat Uruguay (A) & (B) (HBS Cases #807103 and 807119). View Details
Keywords: Global Business; Turnaround; Distressed Debt; Bank Loans; Bank Debt; Search; Acquisitions; Cash Flow Analysis; Liquidation; Careers; Unions; Government And Business; Acquisition; Borrowing and Debt; Insolvency and Bankruptcy; Operations; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Uruguay
Sharpe, Jim. "Parmalat Uruguay (A) & (B) (Video Supplement)." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 813-727, June 2013.
- September 1996 (Revised July 1997)
- Case
Grupo Sidek (A)
By: Kenneth A. Froot and Alberto Moel
A large Mexican conglomerate, active in tourism, real estate, and steel, is faced with difficult macroeconomic conditions beginning with the Peso crisis of December 1994. The conglomerate had extensive dollar-indexed liabilities and was caught in a crunch when the... View Details
Keywords: Foreign Exchange; Real Estate; Debt Policy; Tourism; Steel; Business Conglomerates; Macroeconomics; Currency Exchange Rate; Crisis Management; Valuation; Mexico
Froot, Kenneth A., and Alberto Moel. "Grupo Sidek (A)." Harvard Business School Case 297-022, September 1996. (Revised July 1997.)