Insights & Advice
Align Your Social Media and Recruiting Strategies
- 03 Mar 2014
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It goes without saying that candidates seeking new job opportunities should have a presence on social media to enhance their brand identity. Similarly, organizations seeking talent should leverage social media to attract and engage with candidates of interest. Working with hundreds of organizations who recruit at Harvard Business School, we are often asked how to align a social media and [...]
Cautious Optimism: A Recap of the Harvard India Conference
Abhishek Shrivastava & Shawn Tuli
- 21 Feb 2014
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India has for long promised to be the next breakout nation after China, but has it actually delivered? What are the reasons that preventing the country from reaching its potential and how should it move forward? These and many other critical questions facing business and public policy leaders of the 1.2Billion strong nation were discussed at the annual India Conference at Harvard held at [...]
Kick-off to summer internship recruiting starts today
- 21 Jan 2014
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Interviews for first year students kicked off today. Over 109 companies will join us at the Double Tree Hotel to interview students for their summer internship programs. With over 35 industries represented, we’re excited to see the diverse internships our students will be embarking on this summer. This week is always a memorable one for first year students as it marks the first time they [...]
Looking back on 1st semester and looking forward to 2nd semester
Janet Jin
- 09 Jan 2014
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In just a couple short weeks, the second semester will have started and for many students, internship recruiting will be underway. It’s almost strange to think of how quickly the first few months went by. Many aspects about the experience to date have met or exceeded my expectations; the thing I love most is the ability to sit down and have a full-fledged, stimulating conversation with just [...]
Preparing for a career in investment banking
Sue Kim
- 02 Jan 2014
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Time has flown! I am already feeling nostalgic about my first term at HBS and how I will miss having section (f)un until almost February. The past two months have been hectic. Recruiting kicked off in mid-October and dominated my schedule entirely. However, with the resources and helping hands, I learned to navigate.To be honest, I was quite sure that I wanted to try out investment banking in New [...]
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