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- Faculty Publications (132)
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- February 2025
- Case
Luca de Meo at Renault Group (A)
By: Emily Truelove, Linda A. Hill and Lydia Begag
When Luca de Meo became CEO of Renault Group in 2020, the 122-year-old French automaker faced financial challenges and the double technological disruption of the automotive industry: the shift to electric vehicles (EVs) and the rise of software-defined vehicles (SDVs).... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Transformation; Transition; Interpersonal Communication; Forms of Communication; Talent and Talent Management; Experience and Expertise; Customer Value and Value Chain; Decision Making; Economic Growth; Financial Crisis; Alternative Energy; Engineering; Global Strategy; Governance; Digital Transformation; Digital Strategy; Technology Adoption; Innovation and Invention; Disruptive Innovation; Technological Innovation; Innovation Leadership; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Leading Change; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Crisis Management; Management Skills; Business Processes; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Performance Efficiency; Transportation; Auto Industry; Battery Industry; Energy Industry; Green Technology Industry; Transportation Industry; France; Europe; China
Truelove, Emily, Linda A. Hill, and Lydia Begag. "Luca de Meo at Renault Group (A)." Harvard Business School Case 425-041, February 2025.
- February 2025
- Case
Luca de Meo at Renault Group (A) (Abridged)
By: Emily Truelove, Linda A. Hill and Lydia Begag
When Luca de Meo became CEO of Renault Group in 2020, the 122-year-old French automaker faced financial challenges and the double technological disruption of the automotive industry: the shift to electric vehicles (EVs) and the rise of software-defined vehicles (SDVs).... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Transformation; Transition; Interpersonal Communication; Forms of Communication; Talent and Talent Management; Experience and Expertise; Customer Value and Value Chain; Decision Making; Economic Growth; Financial Crisis; Alternative Energy; Engineering; Global Strategy; Governance; Digital Transformation; Digital Strategy; Technology Adoption; Innovation and Invention; Disruptive Innovation; Technological Innovation; Innovation Leadership; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Leading Change; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Crisis Management; Management Skills; Business Processes; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Performance Efficiency; Transportation; Auto Industry; Battery Industry; Energy Industry; Green Technology Industry; Transportation Industry; France; Europe; China
Truelove, Emily, Linda A. Hill, and Lydia Begag. "Luca de Meo at Renault Group (A) (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 425-067, February 2025.
- December 2024
- Case
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM): The AI Journey
By: Shikhar Ghosh
In early 2024, Bill Fandrich, Executive VP and CIO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM), faced a critical decision about AI adoption within the organization. Fandrich had championed AI implementation at BCBSM. After successfully developing three AI... View Details
Keywords: AI; Machine Learning; Blue Cross; Automation; Digital Strategy; Digital Transformation; Generative Ai; Health Insurance; Insurance Companies; Innovation; IT Strategy; Leadership; Organizational Transformations; Technology; Non-profit; Michigan; AI and Machine Learning; Health; Health Industry; Michigan
- September 2024
- Case
The Health Equity Accelerator at Boston Medical Center
By: Susanna Gallani, Mary Witkowski and Katie Sonnefeldt
This case describes how Boston Medical Center, a hospital and safety net organization, changed its strategic approach to health equity after realizing that previous efforts were not sufficient to address the health disparities among their patients. In 2021, the Health... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Health Disorders; Innovation and Management; Innovation Leadership; Innovation Strategy; Adaptation; Business Strategy; Mission and Purpose; Decisions; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Structure; Diversity; Race; Ethnicity; Urban Scope; Local Range; Equality and Inequality; Health Industry; Boston
Gallani, Susanna, Mary Witkowski, and Katie Sonnefeldt. "The Health Equity Accelerator at Boston Medical Center." Harvard Business School Case 125-039, September 2024.
- 2023
- Chapter
The Platform Organization
By: Annabelle Gawer, Michael A. Cusumano and David B. Yoffie
The industry platform is a distinct organizational form that has grown into importance over the past 20 years. We focus on the digital platform, which, along with its associated ecosystem, is uniquely positioned to create and capture value in the digital economy. View Details
Keywords: Platform; Organization; Organizations; Internet and the Web; Value Creation; Digital Platforms
Gawer, Annabelle, Michael A. Cusumano, and David B. Yoffie. "The Platform Organization." Chap. 5 in Designing Adaptive Organizations, edited by Charles Snow and Øystein D. Fjeldstad, 86–103. Cambridge Companions to Management. Cambridge University Press, 2023.
- 2024
- Working Paper
The Crowdless Future? Generative AI and Creative Problem Solving
The rapid advances in generative artificial intelligence (AI) open up attractive opportunities for creative problem-solving through human-guided AI partnerships. To explore this potential, we initiated a crowdsourcing challenge focused on sustainable, circular economy... View Details
Keywords: Large Language Models; Crowdsourcing; Generative Ai; Creative Problem-solving; Organizational Search; AI-in-the-loop; Prompt Engineering; AI and Machine Learning; Innovation and Invention
Boussioux, Léonard, Jacqueline N. Lane, Miaomiao Zhang, Vladimir Jacimovic, and Karim R. Lakhani. "The Crowdless Future? Generative AI and Creative Problem Solving." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-005, July 2023. (Revised July 2024.)
- January 12, 2023
- Article
Progressive Decentralization: A High-level Framework
By: Jad Esber and Scott Duke Kominers
We explain a high-level framework for designing for future decentralization up front, and offer some guidance about when and how to do so. The guidelines apply to both web3 projects and more traditional organizations. View Details
Keywords: Crypto Economy; Cryptocurrency; Decentralization; Decentralized Autonomous Organizations; Entrepreneurial Journey; Entrepreneurial Management; Organization Behavior; Organization And Management Theory; Organization Form; Organizational Structure
Esber, Jad, and Scott Duke Kominers. "Progressive Decentralization: A High-level Framework." (January 12, 2023).
- November 2022
- Article
A Language-Based Method for Assessing Symbolic Boundary Maintenance between Social Groups
By: Anjali M. Bhatt, Amir Goldberg and Sameer B. Srivastava
When the social boundaries between groups are breached, the tendency for people to erect and maintain symbolic boundaries intensifies. Drawing on extant perspectives on boundary maintenance, we distinguish between two strategies that people pursue in maintaining... View Details
Keywords: Culture; Machine Learning; Natural Language Processing; Symbolic Boundaries; Organizations; Boundaries; Social Psychology; Interpersonal Communication; Organizational Culture
Bhatt, Anjali M., Amir Goldberg, and Sameer B. Srivastava. "A Language-Based Method for Assessing Symbolic Boundary Maintenance between Social Groups." Sociological Methods & Research 51, no. 4 (November 2022): 1681–1720.
- Article
Creating High-Impact Coalitions: CEOs Can Lead the Charge on Society’s Biggest Problems
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Tuna Cem Hayirli
Traditionally, responses to crises and societal problems—the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters, racial inequities—are considered the responsibility of the public sector and NGOs. But addressing the world’s most critical problems requires leadership, resources, and... View Details
Keywords: Coalition; Change; Problem Solving; Organization; Boundaries; Evolution; Mission; Moral Leadership; Balance; "Solutions Approach; Society; Problems and Challenges; Organizations; Mission and Purpose; Leading Change; Trust
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Tuna Cem Hayirli. "Creating High-Impact Coalitions: CEOs Can Lead the Charge on Society’s Biggest Problems." Harvard Business Review 100, no. 2 (March–April 2022).
- January 2022 (Revised November 2023)
- Case
Expanding the Culture of Learning at Kraft Heinz
By: Ashley V. Whillans and Carolyn Watson
The Kraft Heinz Company (KHC) was an American food company formed in 2015 by the merger of Kraft Foods Group, Inc and the H.J. Heinz Company. The company sold food products like Heinz Ketchup, Kraft Mac & Cheese, Kool-Aid, and Philadelphia cream cheese to supermarkets,... View Details
Keywords: Learning; Culture; Work Culture; Workplace Practices; Mergers; Mergers and Acquisitions; Competitive Advantage; Human Capital; Training; Performance Evaluation; Growth and Development; Personal Development and Career; Employee Relationship Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Food and Beverage Industry
- 2024
- Working Paper
Omnia Juncta in Uno: Foreign Powers and Trademark Protection in Shanghai's Concession Era
By: Laura Alfaro, Cathy Bao, Maggie X. Chen, Junjie Hong and Claudia Steinwender
We investigate how firms and markets adapt to trademark protection, an extensively utilized but under-examined form of IP protection to address asymmetric information, by exploring a historical precedent: China’s 1923 trademark law. Exploiting unique, newly digitized... View Details
Keywords: Trademark; Firm Dynamics; Intermediaries; Intellectual Property Institutions; Trademarks; Intellectual Property; Laws and Statutes; Outcome or Result; Organizational Change and Adaptation; China
Alfaro, Laura, Cathy Bao, Maggie X. Chen, Junjie Hong, and Claudia Steinwender. "Omnia Juncta in Uno: Foreign Powers and Trademark Protection in Shanghai's Concession Era." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 22-030, November 2021. (Revised July 2024.)
- Article
B Corps: Can It Remake Capitalism in Japan?
By: Geoffrey Jones
This article examines the B Corporation movement that originated in the United States in 2006. The founders sought to create a new type of company whose governance structure mandated them to consider financial, social and environmental performance. A certification... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Responsibility; Sustainability; B Corporations; Stakeholder Capitalism; Governance; Organizational Structure; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Japan
Jones, Geoffrey. "B Corps: Can It Remake Capitalism in Japan?" Keizaikei [Kanto Gakuin Journal of Economics and Management] 284 (November 2021): 1–12.
- 2021
- Article
Reflections: Voice and Silence in Workplace Conversations
By: Amy C. Edmondson and Tijs Besieux
We highlight conversations at work as an arena of change. Drawing on and extending the psychological safety literature, we offer a new framework to distinguish between productive and unproductive forms of both voice and silence. The framework’s four... View Details
Keywords: Conversation; Silence; Voice; Psychological Safety; Interpersonal Communication; Quality; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Edmondson, Amy C., and Tijs Besieux. "Reflections: Voice and Silence in Workplace Conversations." Journal of Change Management 21, no. 3 (2021): 269–286.
- May–June 2021
- Article
How to Close the Gender Gap
By: Colleen Ammerman and Boris Groysberg
Most companies say they’re committed to advancing women into leadership roles. What they may fail to recognize, though, is that systemic barriers are holding women back. As a result, women remain disadvantaged at every stage of their employment and underrepresented in... View Details
Keywords: Gender Discrimination; Employment; Gender; Prejudice and Bias; Talent and Talent Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation
Ammerman, Colleen, and Boris Groysberg. "How to Close the Gender Gap." Harvard Business Review 99, no. 3 (May–June 2021): 124–133.
- April 2021 (Revised April 2022)
- Case
OneTen: One Million Opportunities in Ten Years
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Courtney Han
In the wake of George Floyd's killing in May 2020, and widespread protests for social justice in the United States, OneTen was formed by a coalition of 40 large companies to provide one million jobs for African-Americans in 10 years. The case describes the background... View Details
Keywords: Labor Market; COVID-19 Pandemic; Diversity; Race; Jobs and Positions; Opportunities; Social Issues; Employment; Equality and Inequality; Equity; United States
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Courtney Han. "OneTen: One Million Opportunities in Ten Years." Harvard Business School Case 521-093, April 2021. (Revised April 2022.)
- January 2021
- Article
Turbulence, Firm Decentralization and Growth in Bad Times
By: Philippe Aghion, Nicholas Bloom, Brian Lucking, Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen
What is the optimal form of firm organization during “bad times”? We present a model of delegation within the firm to show that the effect is ambiguous. The greater turbulence following macro shocks may benefit decentralized firms because the value of local information... View Details
Keywords: Decentralization; Growth; Turbulence; Great Recession; Organizational Design; System Shocks; Economic Growth; Performance
Aghion, Philippe, Nicholas Bloom, Brian Lucking, Raffaella Sadun, and John Van Reenen. "Turbulence, Firm Decentralization and Growth in Bad Times." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 13, no. 1 (January 2021): 133–169.
- Article
Corporate Headquarters in the Twenty-first Century: An Organization Design Perspective
By: Sven Kunisch, Markus Menz and David J. Collis
The corporate headquarters (CHQ) of the multi-business enterprise, which emerged as the dominant organizational form for the conduct of business in the twentieth century, has attracted considerable scholarly attention. As the business environment undergoes a... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Strategy; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Business Headquarters
Kunisch, Sven, Markus Menz, and David J. Collis. "Corporate Headquarters in the Twenty-first Century: An Organization Design Perspective." Art. 22. Journal of Organization Design 9 (2020): 1–32.
- Article
GitLab: Work Where You Want, When You Want
By: Prithwiraj Choudhury, Kevin Crowston, Linus Dahlander, Marco S. Minervini and Sumita Raghuram
GitLab is a software company that works “all remote” at the scale of more than 1,000 employees located in more than 60 countries. GitLab has no physical office and its employees can work from anywhere they choose. Any step of the organizational life of a GitLab... View Details
Keywords: New Forms Of Organizing; Remote Work; All Remote; Virtual Organizations; COVID-19; Organizational Design; Employees; Geographic Location; Health Pandemics
Choudhury, Prithwiraj, Kevin Crowston, Linus Dahlander, Marco S. Minervini, and Sumita Raghuram. "GitLab: Work Where You Want, When You Want." Art. 23. Journal of Organization Design 9 (2020).
- October 2020 (Revised March 2021)
- Case
Pete Carroll: Building a Winning Organization through Purpose, Caring, and Inclusion
By: Ranjay Gulati, Matthew Breitfelder and Monte Burke
Competing at the highest levels of the National Football League (NFL) requires tremendous skill, dedication and persistence. The most successful coaches in the NFL know how to draw out a higher level of performance and consistency from their players. This is typically... View Details
Keywords: National Football League; Leadership Style; Organizational Culture; Mission and Purpose; Relationships; Performance; Success; Sports; Sports Industry
Gulati, Ranjay, Matthew Breitfelder, and Monte Burke. "Pete Carroll: Building a Winning Organization through Purpose, Caring, and Inclusion." Harvard Business School Case 421-020, October 2020. (Revised March 2021.)
- 2020
- Working Paper
Novel Risks
By: Robert S. Kaplan, Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard and Anette Mikes
All organizations practice some form of risk management to identify and assess routine risks in their operations, supply chains, strategy, and external environment. These risk management policies, however, fail in the presence of novelty. Novel risks arise from... View Details
Kaplan, Robert S., Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard, and Anette Mikes. "Novel Risks." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-094, March 2020. (Revised May 2020.)