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- Faculty Publications (51)
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- August 2024
- Case
Pioneering Pain Management: CWC Alliance Combats the Opioid Epidemic
By: Susanna Gallani, Karen L. Sedatole and Sarah Mehta
Set in March 2024, this case is about CWC Alliance (CWC), a nonprofit working to prevent opioid addiction in the U.S. Founder Cammie Wolf Rice launched CWC in 2018 after her son, Christopher Wolf, died of a heroin overdose. Wolf’s dependence on opioids stemmed from a... View Details
Keywords: Health Care and Treatment; Innovation and Invention; Jobs and Positions; Nonprofit Organizations; Expansion; Growth and Development Strategy; Service Delivery; Mission and Purpose; Health Industry; United States; Georgia (state, US); Atlanta
Gallani, Susanna, Karen L. Sedatole, and Sarah Mehta. "Pioneering Pain Management: CWC Alliance Combats the Opioid Epidemic." Harvard Business School Case 125-012, August 2024.
- 2024
- Working Paper
How Inflation Expectations De-Anchor: The Role of Selective Memory Cues
By: Nicola Gennaioli, Marta Leva, Raphael Schoenle and Andrei Shleifer
In a model of memory and selective recall, household inflation expectations remain rigid when inflation is anchored but exhibit sharp instability during inflation surges, as similarity prompts retrieval of forgotten high-inflation experiences. Using data from the New... View Details
Gennaioli, Nicola, Marta Leva, Raphael Schoenle, and Andrei Shleifer. "How Inflation Expectations De-Anchor: The Role of Selective Memory Cues." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 32633, June 2024.
- 2024
- Chapter
Regulating Collective Emotions
By: Amit Goldenberg
When we think of emotion and emotion regulation, we typically think of them as processes occurring at the individual level. Even when emotions are experienced by multiple people who interact with each other, analysis is typically centered around individual-level... View Details
Goldenberg, Amit. "Regulating Collective Emotions." Chap. 22 in Handbook of Emotion Regulation. Third Edition edited by James J. Gross and Brett Q. Ford, 183–189. Guilford Press, 2024.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Lost in Transmission
By: Thomas Graeber, Shakked Noy and Christopher Roth
For many decisions, people rely on information received from others by word of mouth. How does the process of verbal transmission distort economic information? In our experiments, participants listen to audio recordings containing economic forecasts and are paid to... View Details
Keywords: Information Trnasmission; Word Of Mouth; Word-of-Mouth; Narratives; Reliability; Knowledge Sharing; Spoken Communication; Cognition and Thinking
Graeber, Thomas, Shakked Noy, and Christopher Roth. "Lost in Transmission." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-047, January 2024.
- August 29, 2023
- Article
The Fragility of Artists’ Reputations from 1795 to 2020
By: Letian Zhang, Mitali Banerjee, Shinan Wang and Zhuoqiao Hong
This study explores the longevity of artistic reputation. We empirically examine whether artists are more- or less-venerated after their death. We construct a massive historical corpus spanning 1795 to 2020 and build separate word-embedding models for each five-year... View Details
Zhang, Letian, Mitali Banerjee, Shinan Wang, and Zhuoqiao Hong. "The Fragility of Artists’ Reputations from 1795 to 2020." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120, no. 35 (August 29, 2023).
- 2022
- Working Paper
Stories, Statistics and Memory
By: Thomas Graeber, Christopher Roth and Florian Zimmermann
For most decisions, we rely on information encountered over the course of days,
months or years. We consume this information in various forms, including abstract
summaries of multiple data points – statistics – and contextualized anecdotes about
individual instances... View Details
Graeber, Thomas, Christopher Roth, and Florian Zimmermann. "Stories, Statistics and Memory." Working Paper, December 2022.
- October 2022
- Article
Amplification in the Evaluation of Multiple Emotional Expressions over Time
By: Amit Goldenberg, Jonas Schöne, Zi Huang, Timothy D. Sweeny, Desmond C. Ong, Timothy Brady, Maria M. Robinson, David Levari, Jamil Zaki and James J. Gross
Social interactions are dynamic and unfold over time. To make sense of social interactions, people must aggregate sequential information into summary, global evaluations. But how do people do this? Here, to address this question, we conducted nine studies (N = 1,583)... View Details
Goldenberg, Amit, Jonas Schöne, Zi Huang, Timothy D. Sweeny, Desmond C. Ong, Timothy Brady, Maria M. Robinson, David Levari, Jamil Zaki, and James J. Gross. "Amplification in the Evaluation of Multiple Emotional Expressions over Time." Nature Human Behaviour 6, no. 10 (October 2022): 1408–1416.
- August 2021
- Case
Mylestone: Can Multiple Pivots Preserve the Life of a Death Tech Startup?
By: Shikhar Ghosh and Marilyn Morgan Westner
Dave Balter and Jim Myers co-founded Mylestone, a death tech startup that applied technology to transform how grieving people memorialize the dead. The startup addressed a cultural problem and promised to solve a pressing need in the antiquated, multi-billion dollar... View Details
Keywords: Pivot; Startup; Business Model; Cryptocurrency; Ethical Decision Making; Emotions; Growth and Development Strategy; Ethics; Market Entry and Exit; Customer Relationship Management; Loss; Change Management; Relationships
Ghosh, Shikhar, and Marilyn Morgan Westner. "Mylestone: Can Multiple Pivots Preserve the Life of a Death Tech Startup?" Harvard Business School Case 822-018, August 2021.
- July 2021
- Article
Discovering Auctions: Contributions of Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson
By: Alex Teytelboym, Shengwu Li, Scott Duke Kominers, Mohammad Akbarpour and Piotr Dworczak
The 2020 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel was awarded to Paul R. Milgrom and Robert B. Wilson for “improvements to auction theory and inventions of new auction formats.” In this survey article, we review the contributions of the... View Details
Teytelboym, Alex, Shengwu Li, Scott Duke Kominers, Mohammad Akbarpour, and Piotr Dworczak. "Discovering Auctions: Contributions of Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson." Scandinavian Journal of Economics 123, no. 3 (July 2021): 709–750. (Authors' names are in certified random order.)
- July 2021
- Article
How Trust and Distrust Shape Perception and Memory
By: Ann-Christin Posten and Francesca Gino
Trust is a key ingredient in decision making, as it allows us to rely on the information we receive. Although trust is usually viewed as a positive element of decision making, we suggest that its effects on memory are costly rather than beneficial. Across nine studies... View Details
Posten, Ann-Christin, and Francesca Gino. "How Trust and Distrust Shape Perception and Memory." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 121, no. 1 (July 2021): 43–58.
- Article
Memory and Representativeness
By: Pedro Bordalo, Katherine Baldiga Coffman, Nicola Gennaioli, Frederik Schwerter and Andrei Shleifer
We explore the idea that judgment by representativeness reflects the workings of episodic memory, especially interference. In a new laboratory experiment on cued recall, participants are shown two groups of images with different distributions of colors. We find that i)... View Details
Bordalo, Pedro, Katherine Baldiga Coffman, Nicola Gennaioli, Frederik Schwerter, and Andrei Shleifer. "Memory and Representativeness." Psychological Review 128, no. 1 (January 2021): 71–85.
- October 2020
- Case
HOPE and Transformational Lending: Netflix Invests in Black Led Banks
By: John D. Macomber and Janice Broome Brooks
Following the killing of George Floyd on Memorial Day in 2020, the large US corporation Netflix elected to make a "transformational deposit" of $10 million into Hope Credit Union (HCU), a small Black led community development finance institution (CDFI) based in... View Details
- August 2020
- Article
Does Spending Money on Others Promote Happiness? A Registered Replication Report
By: Lara B. Aknin, Elizabeth W. Dunn, Jason Proulx, Iris Lok and Michael I. Norton
Research indicates that spending money on others—prosocial spending—leads to greater happiness than spending money on oneself (e.g., Dunn, Aknin, & Norton, 2008, 2014). These findings have received widespread attention because they offer insight into why people engage... View Details
Aknin, Lara B., Elizabeth W. Dunn, Jason Proulx, Iris Lok, and Michael I. Norton. "Does Spending Money on Others Promote Happiness? A Registered Replication Report." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 119, no. 2 (August 2020).
- March 2018 (Revised July 2020)
- Case
Nectar (A)
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport and Thomas O. Jones
In late 2017, Nectar was a rapidly emerging player in the “bed-in-a-box” online market for direct-to-consumer foam memory mattresses. Barely a year old, it had achieved a revenue run rate of $85M and looked ahead to another year of blistering growth. The founding team... View Details
Keywords: Direct-to-consumer; Growth and Development Strategy; Product; Diversification; Decision Making; Growth Management; Entrepreneurship
Rayport, Jeffrey F., and Thomas O. Jones. "Nectar (A)." Harvard Business School Case 818-112, March 2018. (Revised July 2020.)
- July 2017
- Article
Inflation Expectations, Learning, and Supermarket Prices: Evidence from Survey Experiments
By: Alberto Cavallo, Guillermo Cruces and Ricardo Perez-Truglia
Information frictions play a central role in the formation of household inflation expectations, but there is no consensus about their origins. We address this question with novel evidence from survey experiments. We document two main findings. First, individuals in... View Details
Keywords: Inflation Expectations; Survey Experiment; Rational Inattention; Supermarkets; Macroeconomics; Household; Inflation and Deflation; Policy
Cavallo, Alberto, Guillermo Cruces, and Ricardo Perez-Truglia. "Inflation Expectations, Learning, and Supermarket Prices: Evidence from Survey Experiments." American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 9, no. 3 (July 2017): 1–35.
- March 2017
- Exercise
Designing Transformational Customer Experiences
By: Stefan Thomke
Anyone who has recently travelled, gone shopping, or tried to have a problem solved may have little recollection of the experience. Worse yet, some are frustrated by the lack of responsiveness or empathy that they encountered. The reality is that most customer... View Details
Keywords: Customer Experience; Exercise; Learning By Doing; LEGO; Storytelling; Customer Satisfaction; Design; Innovation and Management; Transformation; Service Delivery
Thomke, Stefan. "Designing Transformational Customer Experiences." Harvard Business School Exercise 617-051, March 2017.
- November 2016
- Article
Who Neglects Risk? Investor Experience and the Credit Boom
By: Sergey Chernenko, Samuel Gregory Hanson and Adi Sunderam
Many have argued that overoptimistic thinking on the part of lenders helps fuel credit booms. We use new microdata on mutual funds' holdings of securitizations to examine which investors are susceptible to such boom-time thinking. We show that firsthand experience... View Details
Chernenko, Sergey, Samuel Gregory Hanson, and Adi Sunderam. "Who Neglects Risk? Investor Experience and the Credit Boom." Journal of Financial Economics 122, no. 2 (November 2016): 248–269. (Internet Appendix Here.)
- May 31, 2016
- Article
Memories of Unethical Actions Become Obfuscated over Time
By: Maryam Kouchaki and Francesca Gino
Despite our optimistic belief that we would behave honestly when facing the temptation to act unethically, we often cross ethical boundaries. This paper explores one possibility for why people engage in unethical behavior over time by suggesting that memory for their... View Details
Kouchaki, Maryam, and Francesca Gino. "Memories of Unethical Actions Become Obfuscated over Time." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, no. 22 (May 31, 2016).
- Article
Beyond Good Intentions: Prompting People to Make Plans Improves Follow-through on Important Tasks
By: Todd Rogers, Katherine L Milkman, Leslie K. John and Michael I. Norton
Many intend to stay fit but fail to exercise or eat healthfully; students intend to earn good grades but study too little; citizens intend to vote but fail to turnout. How can policymakers help people follow through on intentions like these? Plan-making, a tool that... View Details
Rogers, Todd, Katherine L Milkman, Leslie K. John, and Michael I. Norton. "Beyond Good Intentions: Prompting People to Make Plans Improves Follow-through on Important Tasks." Behavioral Science & Policy 1, no. 2 (December 2015): 33–41.
- Article
Dirty Deeds Unwanted: The Use of Biased Memory Processes in the Context of Ethics
By: Maryam Kouchaki and Francesca Gino
Kouchaki, Maryam, and Francesca Gino. "Dirty Deeds Unwanted: The Use of Biased Memory Processes in the Context of Ethics." Special Issue on Morality and Ethics edited by Francesca Gino and Shaul Salvi. Current Opinion in Psychology 6 (December 2015): 82–86.