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- Faculty Publications (781)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (781)
- 2021
- Working Paper
The Green Bonding Hypothesis: How Do Green Bonds Enhance the Credibility of Environmental Commitments?
By: Shirley Lu
This paper proposes and provides evidence on a green bonding hypothesis, where green bonds act as a commitment device that subjects firms to institutions holding them accountable to their environmental promises. I find that green-bond issuers face higher climate change... View Details
Keywords: Bonding Hypothesis; Sustainable Finance; Climate Change; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Bonds; Corporate Accountability
Lu, Shirley. "The Green Bonding Hypothesis: How Do Green Bonds Enhance the Credibility of Environmental Commitments?" SSRN Working Paper Series, No. 3898909, December 2021.
- 2021
- Working Paper
The Political Economy of Anti-Bribery Enforcement
By: Lauren Cohen and Bo Li
This paper documents novel evidence on the influence of political incentives in the regulatory enforcement of foreign bribery. Using exogenous variation in the timing and geographic location of U.S. Congressional elections, we find that the probability of a Foreign... View Details
Keywords: Bribery; Regulatory Enforcement; Crime and Corruption; Governance Controls; Political Elections
Cohen, Lauren, and Bo Li. "The Political Economy of Anti-Bribery Enforcement." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 29624, December 2021.
- 30 Nov 2021
- Interview
TikTok: Super App or Supernova?
By: Jeffrey F. Rayport and Brian Kenny
TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, was launched in 2012 around the simple idea of helping users entertain themselves on their smartphones while on the Beijing Subway. By May 2020, TikTok operated in 155 countries and had roughly 1 billion monthly active users, placing... View Details
Keywords: Apps; Artificial Intelligence; Business Startups; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Business Model; Digital Platforms; Growth and Development Strategy; AI and Machine Learning; Social Media
"TikTok: Super App or Supernova?" Cold Call (podcast), Harvard Business Review Group, November 30, 2021. (Interviewed by Brian Kenny.)
- 2021
- Working Paper
Does Social Media Cause Polarization? Evidence from Access to Twitter Echo Chambers during the 2019 Argentine Presidential Debate
By: Rafael Di Tella, Ramiro H. Gálvez and Ernesto Schargrodsky
We study how two groups, those inside vs. those outside echo chambers, react to a political event when we vary social media status (Twitter). Our treatments mimic two strategies often suggested as a way to limit polarization on social media: they expose people to... View Details
Keywords: Political Polarization; Political Elections; Internet and the Web; Attitudes; Social Media; Argentina
Di Tella, Rafael, Ramiro H. Gálvez, and Ernesto Schargrodsky. "Does Social Media Cause Polarization? Evidence from Access to Twitter Echo Chambers during the 2019 Argentine Presidential Debate." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 29458, November 2021.
- November 2021 (Revised April 2022)
- Case
EbonyLife Media (A)
Founded by Mosunmola “Mo” Abudu in 2012 with a mission to bring high-quality African stories to the world, EbonyLife was the company behind many of Nigeria’s biggest films and TV shows. The company began as a television channel on the Africa-wide direct broadcast... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Mission and Purpose; Growth and Development Strategy; Digital Platforms; Consumer Behavior; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Nigeria; Africa
Wu, Andy, Feng Zhu, Pippa Tubman Armerding, and Wale Lawal. "EbonyLife Media (A)." Harvard Business School Case 722-372, November 2021. (Revised April 2022.)
- November 2021 (Revised December 2021)
- Supplement
EbonyLife Media (B)
Wu, Andy, Feng Zhu, Pippa Tubman Armerding, and Wale Lawal. "EbonyLife Media (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 722-378, November 2021. (Revised December 2021.)
- 2021
- Chapter
Geographic Inequality and the Internet
By: Chris Forman, Avi Goldfarb and Shane Greenstein
BOOK ABSTRACT: This cutting-edge Handbook offers fresh perspectives on the key topics related to the unequal use of digital technologies. Considering the ways in which technologies are employed, variations in conditions under which people use digital media and... View Details
Forman, Chris, Avi Goldfarb, and Shane Greenstein. "Geographic Inequality and the Internet." In Handbook of Digital Inequality, edited by Eszter Hargittai. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021.
- November 2021
- Article
Ratings, Reviews, and the Marketing of New Products
By: Itay P. Fainmesser, Dominique Olié Lauga and Elie Ofek
We study how user-generated content (UGC) about new products impacts a firm's advertising and pricing decisions and the effect on profits and market dynamics. We construct a two-period model where consumers value quality and are heterogeneous in their taste for the new... View Details
Keywords: Online Reviews; Product Ratings; Social Networks; Word Of Mouth; Pricing; User-generated Content; Advertising; Product Marketing; Price; Consumer Behavior; Product Positioning; Social Media
Fainmesser, Itay P., Dominique Olié Lauga, and Elie Ofek. "Ratings, Reviews, and the Marketing of New Products." Management Science 67, no. 11 (November 2021): 7023–7045.
- October 2021 (Revised February 2022)
- Case
Newsweek: Driving a Digital First Strategy
By: Lynda M. Applegate and Suraj Srinivasan
The case describes the transformation at Newsweek, the storied news magazine that had fallen from its commanding position as a premier print publication unable to find its footing in the fast changing digital media landscape. After buying Newsweek and taking over as... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Strategy; Internet and the Web; Analytics and Data Science; Performance Evaluation; Partners and Partnerships
Applegate, Lynda M., and Suraj Srinivasan. "Newsweek: Driving a Digital First Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 822-052, October 2021. (Revised February 2022.)
- October 2021
- Case
Sparking Growth at Consumer Reports
Consumer Reports (CR) is a nonprofit organization that traditionally provided independent testing and research on consumer goods. With the need to diversify its audience and revenue streams CR partnered with market research firm Spark No. 9 to identify potential... View Details
Keywords: Nonprofit Management; Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Marketing; Social Media; Innovation and Management; Nonprofit Organizations
Wallace, Christina. "Sparking Growth at Consumer Reports." Harvard Business School Case 822-035, October 2021.
- 2021
- Chapter
Social Media Companies Should Self-Regulate. Now.
By: David B. Yoffie, Michael A. Cusumano and Annabelle Gawer
Yoffie, David B., Michael A. Cusumano, and Annabelle Gawer. "Social Media Companies Should Self-Regulate. Now." In The Year in Tech 2022: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review. HBR Insights Series. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2021.
- 2021
- Report
The Economic Impact of the Market-Making Internet Advertising, Content, Commerce, and Innovation
By: John A. Deighton and Leora Kornfeld
This research about the economic value of the Internet is conducted approximately every four years and highlights the importance of the internet ecosystem, which enables job creation and market-making opportunities. This highly valued, extensive piece of economic... View Details
Keywords: Internet and the Web; Digital Marketing; Innovation and Invention; Communication Technology; Social Media; Advertising; Value; Brands and Branding
Deighton, John A., and Leora Kornfeld. "The Economic Impact of the Market-Making Internet Advertising, Content, Commerce, and Innovation." Report, Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), New York, October 2021.
- September 2021 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
Katie Couric Media: Landing the First Client
By: N. Louis Shipley and William R. Kerr
In May 2018, celebrated journalist Katie Couric and her husband, John Molner, had recently launched a full-service media firm called Katie Couric Media (KCM). Couric treasured the opportunity to address important social issues like gender equality, environmental... View Details
Keywords: Customer Acquisition; Subscription Model; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Media; Customers; Acquisition; Social Issues; Brands and Branding; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Shipley, N. Louis, and William R. Kerr. "Katie Couric Media: Landing the First Client." Harvard Business School Case 822-011, September 2021. (Revised March 2022.)
- September 2021 (Revised December 2021)
- Case
STARZPLAY: Shooting for the Stars
By: Elie Ofek, Marco Bertini and Alpana Thapar
In mid-2021, Maaz Sheikh, cofounder and CEO of STARZPLAY, a Dubai-based subscription video on demand (SVOD) provider that catered to the Middle East and North Africa region, was wrestling with how to find the right balance between continued subscriber growth and... View Details
Keywords: Pricing; Growth; Profitability; Subscription Business; Business Model Innovation; Fintech; Subscription; Performance Measurement; Promotions; International Marketing; Streaming; Competition; Marketing; Price; Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Performance; Measurement and Metrics; Business Model; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Middle East; North Africa
Ofek, Elie, Marco Bertini, and Alpana Thapar. "STARZPLAY: Shooting for the Stars." Harvard Business School Case 522-005, September 2021. (Revised December 2021.)
- August 2021 (Revised March 2022)
- Case
Camera IQ and the Metaverse: Building Augmented Reality Brand Experiences
By: Jill Avery and Rayan Nahas
Camera IQ, a camera marketing software company that empowered brands to create and launch augmented reality experiences (AREs) across social platforms, had just raised an additional $5 million to fund further product development and expand its marketing and sales... View Details
Keywords: Brand Management; Virtual Reality; Augmented Reality; B2B; Technology Platform; Marketing; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Brands and Branding; Digital Marketing; Internet and the Web; Growth Management; Customer Relationship Management; Customer Value and Value Chain; Social Media; E-commerce; Applications and Software; Digital Platforms; Advertising Industry; United States
Avery, Jill, and Rayan Nahas. "Camera IQ and the Metaverse: Building Augmented Reality Brand Experiences." Harvard Business School Case 522-002, August 2021. (Revised March 2022.)
- August 2021
- Case
Andreessen Horowitz’s Cultural Leadership Fund (A)
By: Anita Elberse, Briana Richardson and Cydni Williams
In May 2020, Chris Lyons, a partner at leading venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz receives the news that his company has reached a verbal agreement with one of Silicon Valley’s hottest social-media startups to lead its ‘Series A’ funding round, in a deal that... View Details
Keywords: Entertainment; Talent Management; General Management; Inclusion; Talent and Talent Management; Diversity; Venture Capital; Entrepreneurship; Networks; Nonprofit Organizations
Elberse, Anita, Briana Richardson, and Cydni Williams. "Andreessen Horowitz’s Cultural Leadership Fund (A)." Harvard Business School Case 522-020, August 2021.
- July 2021 (Revised October 2021)
- Case
Trouble at Basecamp: Managing Politics, Polarization, and Conflict in the Workplace (A)
By: Nour Kteily, Deepak Malhotra and David Lane
As founders of the software company Basecamp, Jason Fried and David H. Hansson were used to being the subjects of social media attention. Both maintained active and dedicated Twitter followings for their unique perspectives on management and life. But on April 26,... View Details
Keywords: Change; Communication; Policy; Diversity; Fairness; Values and Beliefs; Governance; Employees; Working Conditions; Leading Change; Leadership Style; Mission and Purpose; Organizational Culture; Work-Life Balance; Labor and Management Relations; Conflict and Resolution; Identity; Social Issues; Equality and Inequality; Digital Platforms; Conflict Management; Information Technology Industry; United States
Kteily, Nour, Deepak Malhotra, and David Lane. "Trouble at Basecamp: Managing Politics, Polarization, and Conflict in the Workplace (A)." Harvard Business School Case 922-003, July 2021. (Revised October 2021.)
- July 2021
- Article
Consumers—Especially Women—Avoid Buying from Firms with Higher Gender Pay Gaps
By: Tobias Schlager, Bhavya Mohan, Katherine DeCelles and Michael I. Norton
We document a unique driver of consumer behavior: the public disclosure of a firm’s gender pay gap. Four experiments provide causal evidence that when firms are revealed to have gender pay gaps, consumers are less willing to pay for their goods, a reaction driven by... View Details
Keywords: Pay Gap; Perceived Wage Fairness; Purchase Intention; Gender; Wages; Fairness; Perception; Consumer Behavior
Schlager, Tobias, Bhavya Mohan, Katherine DeCelles, and Michael I. Norton. "Consumers—Especially Women—Avoid Buying from Firms with Higher Gender Pay Gaps." Special Issue on Consumer Psychology for the Greater Good. Journal of Consumer Psychology 31, no. 3 (July 2021): 518–531.
- July 2021
- Case
Kevin D. Johnson: To Be a Venture Capitalist or an Operator?
By: Jo Tango and Alys Ferragamo
In May of 2021, Kevin D. Johnson had just graduated from a rigorous Executive MBA program, and he quickly needed to decide on his next career move. Johnson was the founder and CEO of a successful media company, Johnson Media Inc., but his career goals had shifted while... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Goals and Objectives; Race; Wealth; Decisions; Venture Capital; Personal Development and Career; United States
Tango, Jo, and Alys Ferragamo. "Kevin D. Johnson: To Be a Venture Capitalist or an Operator?" Harvard Business School Case 822-012, July 2021.