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- May 2010
- Case
Flare Fragrances Company, Inc: Analyzing Growth Opportunities
By: John A. Quelch and Lisa D. Donovan
Flare Fragrances, a manufacturer of perfumes for women, faces a growth challenge in a difficult economic environment. CEO Joely Patterson outlines two growth opportunities for her marketing staff to evaluate. One involves launching a new scent -- and possibly... View Details
Keywords: Quantitative Analysis; Market Segmentation; Product Introduction; New Product Marketing; Product Lines; Product Positioning; Distribution; Product Launch; Segmentation; Growth and Development Strategy; Consumer Products Industry
Quelch, John A., and Lisa D. Donovan. "Flare Fragrances Company, Inc: Analyzing Growth Opportunities." Harvard Business School Brief Case 104-550, May 2010.
- June 2018
- Case
Japan: Deficits, Deflation and Debt
By: Richard H.K. Vietor and Haviland Sheldahl-Thomason
In April 2018, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was again in Washington to petition Donald Trump. After years of rapid, export-led growth, Japan had slumped into recession in 1991 and never really recovered. For the past 27 years, its economy has grown at 1.1% annually,... View Details
Keywords: Deflation; Debt; Country Analysis; Monetary Expansion; Population Growth; Inflation and Deflation; Borrowing and Debt; Economy; Energy; National Security; Japan
Vietor, Richard H.K., and Haviland Sheldahl-Thomason. "Japan: Deficits, Deflation and Debt." Harvard Business School Case 718-063, June 2018.
- September 2016
- Article
Monitoring Global Supply Chains
By: Jodi L. Short, Michael W. Toffel and Andrea R. Hugill
Firms seeking to avoid reputational spillovers that can arise from dangerous, illegal, and unethical behavior at supply chain factories are increasingly relying on private social auditors to provide strategic information about suppliers' conduct. But little is known... View Details
Keywords: Monitoring; Transaction Cost Economics; Industry Self-regulation; Auditing; Codes Of Conduct; Supply Chains; Corporate Social Responsibility; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Supply Chain; Globalization
Short, Jodi L., Michael W. Toffel, and Andrea R. Hugill. "Monitoring Global Supply Chains." Strategic Management Journal 37, no. 9 (September 2016): 1878–1897. (Video abstract (4 minutes). Working Knowledge article for practitioners.)
- December 2020
- Article
Multinational Firms and the Politics of International Trade in Multidisciplinary Perspective
By: Grace A. Ballor and Aydin B. Yildirim
From the technical analyses of wide ranges of scholars to the public discourse backlashes against globalization, there is a huge volume of work historicizing, quantifying, and problematizing the complex role of multinational corporations (MNCs) in international trade.... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Corporations; International Trade; Big Business; Economic Governance; Global Value Chains; Trade Policy; Corporate Regulation; Multinational Firms and Management; Trade; Policy; Governance; Globalization
Ballor, Grace A., and Aydin B. Yildirim. "Multinational Firms and the Politics of International Trade in Multidisciplinary Perspective." Special Issue on Multinational Corporations and the Politics of International Trade. Business and Politics 22, no. 4 (December 2020): 573–586.
- June 2020
- Article
The Isolated Choice Effect and Its Implications for Gender Diversity in Organizations
By: Edward H. Chang, Erika L. Kirgios, Aneesh Rai and Katherine L. Milkman
We highlight a feature of personnel selection decisions that can influence the gender diversity of groups and teams. Specifically, we show that people are less likely to choose candidates whose gender would increase group diversity when making personnel selections in... View Details
Keywords: Behavior And Behavioral Decision Making; Organizational Studies; Decision Analysis; Economics; Decision Making; Behavior; Analysis; Organizations; Diversity; Gender
Chang, Edward H., Erika L. Kirgios, Aneesh Rai, and Katherine L. Milkman. "The Isolated Choice Effect and Its Implications for Gender Diversity in Organizations." Management Science 66, no. 6 (June 2020): 2752–2761.
- October 2016 (Revised February 2019)
- Module Note
Strategy Execution Module 5: Building a Profit Plan
By: Robert Simons
This module reading describes how to build a profit plan to reflect the strategy of a business in economic terms. After introducing the profit wheel, cash wheel, and ROE wheel, the module illustrates how to use a profit plan to assess the viability of different... View Details
Keywords: Management Control Systems; Implementing Strategy; Execution; Profit Planning; Cash Flow Analysis; Asset Utilization; Return On Equity; Business Planning; Testing Strategy; Analyzing Strategic Alternative; Strategy; Asset Management; Cash Flow; Investment Return; Management Systems; Profit
Simons, Robert. "Strategy Execution Module 5: Building a Profit Plan." Harvard Business School Module Note 117-105, October 2016. (Revised February 2019.)
- January 2018
- Article
The Effect of Cost Sharing on an Employee Weight Loss Program: A Randomized Trial
By: Leslie K. John, Andrea Troxel, William Yancy, Joelle Y. Friedman, Jingsan Zhu, Lin Yang, Robert Galvin, Karen Miller-Kovach, Scott Halpern, George Loewenstein and Kevin Volpp
Purpose: We tested the effects of employer subsidies on employee enrollment, attendance, and weight loss in a nationally-available weight management program.
Design: A randomized trial tested the impact of employer subsidy: 100%; 80% 50% and a hybrid 50% subsidy... View Details
Design: A randomized trial tested the impact of employer subsidy: 100%; 80% 50% and a hybrid 50% subsidy... View Details
Keywords: Affordable Care Act (ACA); Subsidies; Weight Loss; Obesity; Incentives; Behavioral Economics; Motivation and Incentives; Behavior; Health Disorders; Health Care and Treatment; Compensation and Benefits; United States
John, Leslie K., Andrea Troxel, William Yancy, Joelle Y. Friedman, Jingsan Zhu, Lin Yang, Robert Galvin, Karen Miller-Kovach, Scott Halpern, George Loewenstein, and Kevin Volpp. "The Effect of Cost Sharing on an Employee Weight Loss Program: A Randomized Trial." American Journal of Health Promotion 32, no. 1 (January 2018): 170–176.
- June 2016 (Revised March 2017)
- Case
Global Wine War 2015: New World Versus Old
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Sarah McAra
This case contrasts the tradition-bound Old World wine industry with the market-oriented New World producers in the battle for the Chinese wine market in 2015. China’s wine consumption growth presented a large and fast-growing export target that was extremely... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Advantage; Government Regulation; Industry Analysis; International Business; International Marketing; Market Entry; Exports; Business And Government Relations; China; Europe; France; Australia; Trade; Global Strategy; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Consumer Behavior; Market Entry and Exit; Competition; Food and Beverage Industry; France; Europe; Australia; China
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Sarah McAra. "Global Wine War 2015: New World Versus Old." Harvard Business School Case 916-415, June 2016. (Revised March 2017.)
- December 2021
- Article
Trade Policy Uncertainty and Stock Returns
By: Marcelo Bianconi, Federico Esposito and Marco Sammon
A recent literature has documented large real effects of trade policy uncertainty (TPU) on trade, employment, and investment, but there is little evidence that investors are compensated for bearing such risk. To quantify the risk premium associated with TPU, we exploit... View Details
Keywords: Trade Policy; Uncertainty; Stock Returns; Risk Premium; Tariff Rates; Portfolio Analysis; Trade; Policy; Risk and Uncertainty; Stocks; Investment Return
Bianconi, Marcelo, Federico Esposito, and Marco Sammon. "Trade Policy Uncertainty and Stock Returns." Art. 102492. Journal of International Money and Finance 119 (December 2021).
- 2013
- Working Paper
FIN Around the World: The Contribution of Financing Activity to Profitability
By: Russell Lundholm, George Serafeim and Gwen Yu
We study how the availability of domestic credit influences the contribution that financing activities make to a firm's return on equity (ROE). Using a sample of 51,866 firms from 69 countries, we find that financing activities contribute more to a firm's ROE in... View Details
Keywords: Domestic Credit; Return Of Equity; Corporate Performance; Financial Statement Analysis; Financial Statements; Valuation; Cost of Capital; Asset Pricing; Economic Growth
Lundholm, Russell, George Serafeim, and Gwen Yu. "FIN Around the World: The Contribution of Financing Activity to Profitability." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13-011, July 2012. (Revised March 2014.)
- July 2021
- Article
The Effect of Price on Firm Reputation
By: Michael Luca and Oren Reshef
While a business's reputation can affect its pricing, prices can also affect its reputation. To explore the effect of prices on reputation, we investigate daily data on menu prices and online ratings from a large rating and ordering platform. We find that a price... View Details
Keywords: Pricing; Reputation Systems; IT Policy And Management; Economics Of Digital Platforms; Business Ventures; Reputation; Price; Consumer Behavior; Analysis
Luca, Michael, and Oren Reshef. "The Effect of Price on Firm Reputation." Management Science 67, no. 7 (July 2021): 4408–4419.
- March 2018 (Revised March 2018)
- Supplement
Sandlands Vineyards
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Greg Saldutte
Approximately 80% of the wineries in the US breakeven or lose money. An even greater percentage lose money on an economic basis (i.e., after a charge for the cost of equity). Tegan Passalacqua is a successful, young, Californian winemaker who specializes in making... View Details
Keywords: Wine; Winery; Vineyard; Market Attractiveness; Porter's 5 Forces; Capital Investment; Industry Attractiveness; Performance Analysis; Napa Valley; Agriculture; Entrepreneurship; Business Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Vertical Integration; Segmentation; Food; Supply Chain; Industry Structures; Retail Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; United States; California; Napa Valley
- April 22, 2015
- Editorial
One Way To Help Greece Recover: Help Greek Companies Obtain Financing
By: George Serafeim
Keywords: Europe; European Union; Eurozone; Politics; Government; Government And Business; Competitiveness; Country Analysis; Country Strategy; Finance; Competition; Financing and Loans; Financial Crisis; Business and Government Relations; European Union; Greece
Serafeim, George. "One Way To Help Greece Recover: Help Greek Companies Obtain Financing." (April 22, 2015).
- June 1990 (Revised January 1993)
- Case
Dynatronics, Inc. (Abridged)
By: Thomas R. Piper
Provides an opportunity to evaluate an investment in a new product line in strategic, competitive, organizational, and economic terms. The economic analysis involves an estimation of the relevant cash flows and discounting them at an appropriate hurdle rate. View Details
Piper, Thomas R. "Dynatronics, Inc. (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 290-064, June 1990. (Revised January 1993.)
- January 2010 (Revised November 2017)
- Background Note
GUIDES: Insight through Indicators
By: Matthew Weinzierl, Jonathan Schlefer and Ann Cullen
GUIDES is an easily remembered framework that can help the business leader and student to confidently and quickly identify, organize, and interpret a country's key economic indicators. Alternatively, it can help them to evaluate third-party analyses and to compare such... View Details
Weinzierl, Matthew, Jonathan Schlefer, and Ann Cullen. "GUIDES: Insight through Indicators." Harvard Business School Background Note 710-044, January 2010. (Revised November 2017.)
- 2009
- Book
Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization
By: William T. Allen, Reinier H. Kraakman and Guhan Subramanian
Updated throughout, the Third Edition of Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization continues to provide a refreshingly accessible economic analysis perspective. The distinguished team of authors introduces and explains economic concepts in a way... View Details
Allen, William T., Reinier H. Kraakman, and Guhan Subramanian. Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization. 3rd ed. Aspen Publishing, 2009.
- Article
On Derivatives Markets and Social Welfare: A Theory of Empty Voting and Hidden Ownership
By: Jordan M. Barry, John William Hatfield and Scott Duke Kominers
In the past twenty-five years, derivatives markets have grown exponentially. Large, modern derivatives markets increasingly enable investors to hold economic interests in corporations without owning voting rights, and vice versa. This leads to both empty... View Details
Barry, Jordan M., John William Hatfield, and Scott Duke Kominers. "On Derivatives Markets and Social Welfare: A Theory of Empty Voting and Hidden Ownership." Virginia Law Review 99, no. 6 (October 2013): 1103–1168.
- 2010
- Report
Vietnam Competitiveness Report 2010
By: Christian H.M. Ketels, Nguyen Dinh Cung, Nguyen Thi Tue Anh and Do Hong Hanh
The 2010 Vietnam Competitiveness Report contains a broad assessment of Vietnam's current competitiveness, an analysis of the key challenges and opportunities ahead, and a proposal for an economic strategy to enable Vietnam to reach a higher level of sustainable growth.... View Details
Keywords: Economic Growth; Trade; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Labor; Industry Clusters; Performance Capacity; Performance Productivity; Competitive Strategy
Ketels, Christian H.M., Nguyen Dinh Cung, Nguyen Thi Tue Anh, and Do Hong Hanh. "Vietnam Competitiveness Report 2010." Report Series, Central Institute for Economic Management, Hanoi/Singapore, December 2010.
- 23 Jan 2023
- Research & Ideas
After High-Profile Failures, Can Investors Still Trust Credit Ratings?
important lesson: getting it wrong can seriously damage their reputations and hurt their businesses. As economic fears mount and raise default concerns, a fresh analysis of new-and-improved credit rating... View Details
Keywords: by Ben Rand
- 01 Jul 2020
- Working Paper Summaries