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- All HBS Web (563)
- Faculty Publications (254)
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- All HBS Web (563)
- Faculty Publications (254)
- May 2023
- Case
Legacy Partners
By: Royce Yudkoff and Richard S. Ruback
Stephen Holbrook and Austin Pulsipher (both HBS '19) had been leading Nutrishare since acquiring the company six months earlier in mid-2021. The company, based in Sacramento CA, was a compounding pharmacy serving Total Parenteral Nutrition ("TPN") patients nationwide.... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Growth and Development Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Business or Company Management; Pharmaceutical Industry
Yudkoff, Royce, and Richard S. Ruback. "Legacy Partners." Harvard Business School Case 223-092, May 2023.
- July–September 2012
- Article
The (Un)Hidden Turmoil of Language in Global Collaboration
By: Tsedal Neeley, Pamela J. Hinds and Catherine D. Cramton
Companies are increasingly relying on a lingua franca, or common language (usually English), to facilitate cross-border collaboration. Despite the numerous benefits of a lingua franca, our research reveals myriad challenges that disrupt collaboration and contribute to... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Loss; Spoken Communication; Performance Productivity; Research; Global Range; Problems and Challenges; Diversity; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues
Neeley, Tsedal, Pamela J. Hinds, and Catherine D. Cramton. "The (Un)Hidden Turmoil of Language in Global Collaboration." Organizational Dynamics 41, no. 3 (July–September 2012): 236–244.
- 2007
- Working Paper
Hedge Fund Investor Activism and Takeovers
By: Robin Greenwood and Michael Schor
We examine long-horizon stock returns around hedge fund activism in a comprehensive sample of 13D filings by portfolio investors between 1993 and 2006. Abnormal returns surrounding investor activism are high for the subset of targets that are... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Private Equity; Investment Return; Investment Activism; Investment Portfolio; Corporate Governance
Greenwood, Robin, and Michael Schor. "Hedge Fund Investor Activism and Takeovers." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 08-004, July 2007.
- August 15, 2014
- Article
Can an Outside CEO Run a Family-Owned Business?
By: Josh Baron and Rob Lachenauer
This article explores the intricate dynamics that often characterize family-owned businesses, shedding light on key archetypes that play prominent roles within these organizations. Using a narrative approach, the article illustrates the challenges faced by leaders... View Details
Keywords: Family Ownership; Personal Characteristics; Family and Family Relationships; Management Practices and Processes
Baron, Josh, and Rob Lachenauer. "Can an Outside CEO Run a Family-Owned Business?" Harvard Business Review (website) (August 15, 2014).
- December 2016 (Revised December 2018)
- Case
From Start-Up to Grown-Up Nation: The Future of the Israeli Innovation Ecosystem
By: Elie Ofek and Margot Eiran
In June 2016, Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, wrestled with how to sustain Israel’s strong innovation track record and the country’s reputation as the “startup nation.” Despite the economic miracle the country had wrought since its founding, he... View Details
Keywords: Israel; Israeli Start-up Nation; Innovation Economy; Entrepreneurial Mindset; Scaling-up; Unicorns; Innovation Clusters; High-tech; Innovation Management; Multinational Corporation R&D Centers; Social Equality; Two-tier Economy; Liberalizing An Economy; Foreign Investment; Military Service; Quality Of Human Capital; Socioeconomic Gaps; Labor Force Participation; Government Initiatives; Innovation and Management; Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Business Startups; Government and Politics; Economy; Equality and Inequality; Education; Resource Allocation; Globalization; Israel
Ofek, Elie, and Margot Eiran. "From Start-Up to Grown-Up Nation: The Future of the Israeli Innovation Ecosystem." Harvard Business School Case 517-066, December 2016. (Revised December 2018.)
- February 2015 (Revised August 2016)
- Case
Nokia's Bridge Program: Redesigning Layoffs (A)
By: Sandra J. Sucher and Susan J. Winterberg
"Not another Bochum." Nokia Board Chairman Jorma Ollila was clear in the goals he set for the 2011 restructuring that Nokia's new CEO, Stephen Elop, had decided was necessary to address the dramatically changed competitive environment the company faced in smartphones... View Details
Keywords: Layoffs; Plant Closure; Outplacement; Shared Value; Business or Company Management; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Restructuring; Employee Relationship Management; Telecommunications Industry
Sucher, Sandra J., and Susan J. Winterberg. "Nokia's Bridge Program: Redesigning Layoffs (A)." Harvard Business School Case 315-002, February 2015. (Revised August 2016.)
- 2007
- Other Unpublished Work
Hedge Fund Investor Activism and Takeovers
By: Robin Greenwood and Michael Schor
We examine long-horizon stock returns around hedge fund activism in a comprehensive sample of 13D filings by portfolio investors between 1993 and 2006. Abnormal returns surrounding investor activism are high for the subset of targets that are acquired ex-post, but not... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Private Equity; Investment Return; Investment Activism; Investment Portfolio; Corporate Governance
Greenwood, Robin, and Michael Schor. "Hedge Fund Investor Activism and Takeovers." 2007.
The Founder's Dilemmas
Reinventing Best BuyBy: John R. Wells and Gabriel Ellsworth
On March 1, 2017, Best Buy Company, Inc., North America’s largest retailer of consumer electronics and appliances, announced a third year of comparable-store sales increases and a 20.8% increase in domestic comparable online sales. These results were in marked contrast... View Details
Keywords: Best Buy; Hubert Joly; Renew Blue; Showrooming; Webrooming; E-commerce; E-Commerce Strategy; Online Retail; Multichannel Retailing; Omnichannel; Marketplaces; Turnaround; Consumer Electronics; Consumer Electronics Accessories; Appliances; Stores-within-stores; Store Experience; Store Size; Store Pickup; Store Management; Delivery; Delivery Models; Amazon;; Pricing Strategy; Business Subsidiaries; Business Units; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; For-Profit Firms; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Satisfaction; Entertainment; Film Entertainment; Games, Gaming, and Gambling; Music Entertainment; Television Entertainment; Theater Entertainment; Price; Profit; Revenue; Geographic Scope; Multinational Firms and Management; Business History; Cost; Selection and Staffing; Reports; Technological Innovation; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Human Capital; Leading Change; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development; Growth and Development Strategy; Management Teams; Brands and Branding; Product Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Demand and Consumers; Media; Distribution; Order Taking and Fulfillment; Distribution Channels; Infrastructure; Product; Service Delivery; Service Operations; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Public Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Programs; Groups and Teams; Sales; Salesforce Management; Strategy; Adaptation; Business Strategy; Competition; Competitive Advantage; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Expansion; Information Technology; Information Infrastructure; Information Technology; Internet and the Web; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Internet and the Web; Applications and Software; Internet and the Web; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Resource Allocation; Computer Industry; Electronics Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Information Technology Industry; Retail Industry; Service Industry; Technology Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Video Game Industry; United States; Minnesota; Minneapolis; Saint Paul; St. Paul
Wells, John R., and Gabriel Ellsworth. "Reinventing Best Buy." Harvard Business School Case 716-455, March 2016. (Revised May 2018.)
Legacy Partners (B)By: Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff
Pre-abstract: Instructors should consider the timing of making videos available to students, as they may reveal key case details.
Abstract: Stephen Holbrook and Austin Pulsipher (both HBS '19) had been leading Nutrishare since acquiring the company six... View Details Keywords: Acquisition; Small Business; Cost vs Benefits; Decisions; Business Education; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Business or Company Management; Problems and Challenges; Health Care and Treatment; Health Disorders; Medical Specialties; Nutrition; Supply Chain Management; Growth Management; Health Industry; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; United States; California
Ruback, Richard S., and Royce Yudkoff. "Legacy Partners (B)." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 224-726, June 2024.
Odyssey HealthcareBy: Robert F. Higgins, Virginia Fuller and Umer Raffat
In January 2001, Dick Burnham, CEO of Odyssey Healthcare, and Odyssey's Board of Directors were considering selling the hospice care company to a larger provider or making an initial public offering (IPO). With 38 hospice locations in 21 states, Odyssey had been... View Details
Keywords: Liquidity; Venture Creation/development; Hospice; Venture Capital; Financial Liquidity; Business Exit or Shutdown; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Plan; Entrepreneurship; Health Industry; United States
Higgins, Robert F., Virginia Fuller, and Umer Raffat. "Odyssey Healthcare." Harvard Business School Case 809-052, September 2008. (Revised June 2013.)
Legacy Partners (A)By: Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff
Instructors should consider the timing of making videos available to students, as they may reveal key case details.
Stephen Holbrook and Austin Pulsipher (both HBS '19) had been leading Nutrishare since acquiring the company six months earlier in mid-2021.... View Details Keywords: Acquisition; Small Business; Cost vs Benefits; Decisions; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Business or Company Management; Problems and Challenges; Health Care and Treatment; Health Disorders; Medical Specialties; Nutrition; Supply Chain Management; Growth Management; Health Industry; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States; California
Ruback, Richard S., and Royce Yudkoff. "Legacy Partners (A)." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 224-725, June 2024.
First Look: September 14, 2010lending data from a financial services organization that implemented a highly decentralized business model. I exploit variation in this organization in whether or not employees are selected via channels that... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
Ottawa Devices, Inc. (B)By: Henry B. Reiling and Harry Clegg Midgley IV
The Rollins family assembly was meeting to discuss and decide which one or combination from among an estate freeze, installment sale of stock, ESOP (employee stock ownership plan), leveraged capitalization, annual gifts of stock, one-time outright gift of stock, or... View Details
Keywords: Employee Stock Ownership Plan; Property; Mergers and Acquisitions; Decision Choices and Conditions; Stocks; Business Exit or Shutdown; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Family Business; Human Needs; Financial Strategy; Manufacturing Industry
Reiling, Henry B., and Harry Clegg Midgley IV. "Ottawa Devices, Inc. (B)." Harvard Business School Case 204-102, November 2003. (Revised November 2004.)
Looking Behind Google’s Stand in Chinaworking inside the country to create value for its Chinese users, employees, and business partners. To critics, Google was selling out its core principles to play in the world's second largest economy. “Google shot themselves in the foot... View Details
Alejandro Maldonadokey players in the industry and was then acquired by a strategic player. Since 2012, Alejandro has trained and been a coach for students and alumni at Harvard Business School, where he developed his passion for talent and career... View Details
How a Multimillion-Dollar Ice Cream Startup Melted Down (and Bounced Back)frosting, and lemon-ginger ice cream. When the Brooklyn-based screenwriter first met his future wife and business partner, he wooed her by hosting ice cream socials with homemade concoctions that guests raved about. Flying high on these... View Details
Keywords: by Pamela Reynolds
OverviewBy: Feng Zhu
Professor Zhu’s research focuses on the design of platform business models and its impact on platform performance. Platforms have become central to our economy. A platform is a product or service that enables two or more customer groups to interact. For example,... View Details
Does Competition Favor Delegation?By: Christian Alejandro Ruzzier
This paper studies the consequences of product-market competition on firms' decisions to delegate more or fewer decision-making responsibilities to managers. By simultaneously addressing the choice of both competitive actions and organizational design, the paper makes... View Details
Ruzzier, Christian Alejandro. "Does Competition Favor Delegation?" Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-009, July 2009.
Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Ltd.Describes the internationalization of the Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) fast food chain, focusing on KFC's entry into Japan. An entrepreneurial country general manager, Lou Weston, battles numerous problems to establish the business and is eventually highly successful.... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Entrepreneurship; Globalized Economies and Regions; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Market Entry and Exit; Strategic Planning; Agency Theory; Perspective; Corporate Strategy; Food and Beverage Industry; Japan
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 387-043, November 1986. (Revised December 1992.)