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- Faculty Publications (925)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (925)
- February 1979 (Revised October 1982)
- Case
Fiber-Optics Industry (B): Historical Development and Competitor Profiles--1978
Keywords: Applied Optics; History; Competition; Information Technology; Communications Industry; Communications Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Fiber-Optics Industry (B): Historical Development and Competitor Profiles--1978." Harvard Business School Case 379-139, February 1979. (Revised October 1982.)
- February 1979 (Revised July 1985)
- Case
Fiber-Optics Industry (A): Products, Technology, and Markets--1978
Keywords: Competition; Competitive Strategy; Hardware; Communications Industry; Communications Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Fiber-Optics Industry (A): Products, Technology, and Markets--1978." Harvard Business School Case 379-136, February 1979. (Revised July 1985.)
- August 1978 (Revised May 1993)
- Case
Community Television of Southern California: KCET
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Community Television of Southern California: KCET." Harvard Business School Case 179-046, August 1978. (Revised May 1993.)
- June 1978 (Revised August 1991)
- Case
Williamstown Community Hospital
Keywords: Health Industry
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Williamstown Community Hospital." Harvard Business School Case 178-226, June 1978. (Revised August 1991.)
- February 1978 (Revised September 1986)
- Case
AT&T -- Long Lines Department National Account Selling (A)
Shapiro, Benson P. "AT&T -- Long Lines Department National Account Selling (A)." Harvard Business School Case 578-119, February 1978. (Revised September 1986.)
- March 1976
- Teaching Note
King Community Hospital, Teaching Note
- September 1975 (Revised August 1991)
- Case
King Community Hospital
Keywords: Health Industry
Herzlinger, Regina E. "King Community Hospital." Harvard Business School Case 176-026, September 1975. (Revised August 1991.)
- Forthcoming
- Article
Disclosure Standards and Communication Norms: Evidence of Voluntary Sustainability Standards as a Coordinating Device for Capital Markets
By: Khrystyna Bochkay, Jeffrey Hales and George Serafeim
In this paper, we examine how the development of voluntary sustainability standards has affected the nature of information covered in conference calls. Using industry-specific dictionaries of sustainability terms contained in the disclosure standards developed by the... View Details
Keywords: Voluntary Disclosure; Accounting Standards; Sustainability Reporting; Sustainability Standards; ESG; ESG Disclosure; Accounting; Corporate Disclosure; Environmental Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Standards; United States
Bochkay, Khrystyna, Jeffrey Hales, and George Serafeim. "Disclosure Standards and Communication Norms: Evidence of Voluntary Sustainability Standards as a Coordinating Device for Capital Markets." Review of Accounting Studies (forthcoming).
- Research Summary
Distributed Innovation in Open Systems—The Role of Modularity
Distributed innovation in open systems is an important trend in the modern global economy. As education levels rise and communication costs fall, more people have the means and motivation to innovate. Supply chains now stretch around the world as firms outsource... View Details
- Research Summary
Evolution of firm structure in vertical specialized technology supply chains
By: Willy C. Shih
The global market in many everyday products has been transformed by the internationalization of production. In many industries, semiconductors and electronic products in particular, a sequential mode of production has evolved in which goods are produced... View Details
- 2015
- Other Teaching and Training Material
Marketing Reading: Digital Marketing
By: Sunil Gupta and Joseph Davin
Digital technology has changed how consumers search for information, interact with each other, and buy products. The popularization of these technologies has made it possible for companies to have a better understanding of their customers' decision journey and... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Buzz Marketing; Internet Marketing; Marketing; Marketing Management; Social Media; Social Networks; Viral Marketing; Word-of-mouth Marketing; Digital; Internet; Marketing Channels; Marketing Reference Programs; Online Advertising; Advertising Industry
Gupta, Sunil, and Joseph Davin. "Marketing Reading: Digital Marketing." Core Curriculum Readings Series. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing 8224, 2015.
- Forthcoming
- Article
Mitigating the Negative Effects of Customer Anxiety Through Access to Human Contact
By: Michelle A. Kinch and Ryan W. Buell
Prior research in social psychology has shown that when people feel anxious, they seek advice from others. However, companies that operate in high-anxiety settings (like financial services, health care, and education) are increasingly deploying self-service... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
Organizational Emplacement as a Response to Digital Threat: The Novel Resurgence of Independent Bookstores
By: Ryan Raffaelli and Ryann Noe
This study reveals how incumbent actors leverage physical place as source of differentiation in response to the threat of digital commoditization. Through a longitudinal, qualitative analysis of the U.S. independent bookselling industry from 1995 to 2019, we outline... View Details
Keywords: Retail; Place Making; Bookstores; Industry Evolution; Digital; Commoditization; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Adaptation; Business Strategy; Digital Transformation; E-commerce; Distribution Channels; Civil Society or Community; Value Creation; Retail Industry
Raffaelli, Ryan, and Ryann Noe. "Organizational Emplacement as a Response to Digital Threat: The Novel Resurgence of Independent Bookstores." Administrative Science Quarterly (forthcoming).
- Teaching Interest
Launching Technology Ventures
Launching Technology Ventures (LTV) is designed for students who are actively working on their own startups or who will work at early-stage startups. The course material is, in particular, focused on new businesses in the... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Kaplan introduced time-driven activity-based costing (TDABC) to provide the cost component in Michael Porter's Value Based Health Care framework of delivering superior patient outcomes at lower societal cost. TDABC is becoming the global standard for health care... View Details
- Research Summary
The focus of my research is on the systems of social innovation. How small groups of individuals come up with new products and services targeting important problems; how they finance these initial efforts, and convert prototypes into viable organizational strategies;... View Details
Keywords: (General) Management; Social Business; Non-profit Management; Entrepreneur; Entrepreneurial Ecosystems; Entrepreneurial Finance; System Dynamics; Non-profit; Evaluation; Impact Investing; Venture Philanthropy; Social Enterprise Initiative; Advanced Leadership Initiative; Investment; Innovation and Invention; Organizations; Social Enterprise; Civil Society or Community; System; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry; Financial Services Industry
- Research Summary
By: John A. Deighton
Professor Deighton conducts research at the intersection of information technology and marketing. He is interested in the complementary uses of human and artificial intelligence and creativity in areas such as advertising, content creation, and online retailing. He... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Debora L. Spar
My work focuses generally on the intersection between technological change and societal structures, and on the many areas in which business both shapes and is shaped by societal norms. View Details
Keywords: Technological And Scientific Innovation; Technological Change: Choices And Consequences; Business & Government Relations; Business And Community; Capitalism; Reproduction; Technological Innovation; Government and Politics; Gender; Business History; Business and Government Relations; Education Industry; United States; Europe; Africa; Asia
- Research Summary
By: Andy Wu
How can technology entrepreneurs build competitive advantage from the ground up? Professor Andy Wu conducts scholarly research and develops course materials that document how technology entrepreneurs can (1) organize for innovation to create new market opportunities... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Growth Management; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Technology Platform; Technological Innovation; Information Technology Industry; Information Technology Industry; Information Technology Industry; Information Technology Industry; Information Technology Industry; United States; China; Southeast Asia; South Asia
- Forthcoming
- Article
Reputation Burning: Analyzing the Impact of Brand Sponsorship on Social Influencers
By: Mengjie Cheng and Shunyuan Zhang
The growth of the influencer marketing industry warrants an empirical examination of the effect of posting sponsored videos on influencers' reputations. We collected a novel dataset of user-generated YouTube videos created by prominent English-speaking influencers in... View Details
Keywords: Reputation; Mathematical Methods; Marketing Reference Programs; Social Media; Brands and Branding
Cheng, Mengjie, and Shunyuan Zhang. "Reputation Burning: Analyzing the Impact of Brand Sponsorship on Social Influencers." Management Science (forthcoming). (Pre-published online October 18, 2024.)