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How One Coffee Shop Is Brewing Change for Business and Society | Working Knowledge
intellectual and developmental disabilities. The business, which opened in 2018 and expanded in 2022 to a second location in nearby Kamas, could serve as a model for other companies, including organizations that shy away from hiring... View Details
- Web
Providing Scholarships for Impact on a Sector | Social Enterprise | Harvard Business School
sector. Mary Wooldridge, MBA 1994, was instrumental in launching the scholarship program 14 years ago; now Minister for Mental Health, Community Services, and Disability Services and Reform, she reflects on its impact: “Harvard Fellows are seen as role View Details
- Web
DEC - Georges F. Doriot : Educating Leaders, Building Companies, Baker Library, Harvard Business School
price (about $400,000) would be significantly less. Initial models would be well suited for use in scientific computation and control applications... [T]his same basic computer will also be suited for use in View Details
- March 2024 (Revised April 2024)
- Case
Out of Hand Theater: Monetizing Creativity
Ariel Fristoe co-founded the Out of Hand Theater ensemble (OOH) in Atlanta in 2001. OOH began as a traditional theater nonprofit, which Ariel and her colleagues ran on a shoestring budget. But over the years, the group transformed: First, around 2010, OOH pivoted to... View Details
Keywords: Business Transformation; Theatre-company; Arts Marketing; Transformation; Theater Entertainment; Social Marketing; Business Model; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Atlanta
Wallace, Christina, Henry McGee, Rohit Deshpandé, and Max Hancock. "Out of Hand Theater: Monetizing Creativity." Harvard Business School Case 824-150, March 2024. (Revised April 2024.)
- Web
Improving the Local & Regional Business Environment - Institute For Strategy And Competitiveness
Three Levels of CSV Reconceiving Products & Markets Redefining Productivity in the Value Chain Improving the Local & Regional Business Environment Improving the Local & Re... Improving the Local & Regional View Details
- November 2020 (Revised May 2023)
- Case
Holaluz: Taking on the Spanish Energy Market
By: Elie Ofek, Marco Bertini, Oded Koenigsberg, Elena Corsi and Emer Moloney
In 2020, the three cofounders of Holaluz, a newcomer to Spain’s electricity retail market, are preparing to launch a new offering: installing and managing solar panels on households' roofs at no extra cost for the consumer, who would still benefit from the energy... View Details
Keywords: Electricity; Solar Power; Subscription Business; Renewable Energy; Entrepreneurship; Service Delivery; Business Model; Product Launch; Marketing; Energy Industry; Spain
Ofek, Elie, Marco Bertini, Oded Koenigsberg, Elena Corsi, and Emer Moloney. "Holaluz: Taking on the Spanish Energy Market." Harvard Business School Case 521-045, November 2020. (Revised May 2023.)
- 01 Sep 2020
- News
Road Work
restaurants in the Los Angeles area. But after 25 years, the business went bust, and she relocated the family to her native Mexico when the Salas brothers were 12 years old. It’s a fitting origin story for Camino Financial, an online... View Details
- 12 Aug 2015
- News
Alphabet--the Pros and Cons
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DEC - Georges F. Doriot : Educating Leaders, Building Companies, Baker Library, Harvard Business School
price (about $400,000) would be significantly less. Initial models would be well suited for use in scientific computation and control applications... [T]his same basic computer will also be suited for use in View Details
- 01 Jun 2002
- News
HBS Press Books in Brief
entrepreneurship and a fascinating case study of a large media business both experiencing and driving change. In their groundbreaking book, The Venture Imperative: A New Model for Corporate Innovation, Heidi... View Details
- August 2019 (Revised April 2021)
- Case
Zillow Offers: Winning Online Real Estate 2.0
By: Luis Viceira, Marco Di Maggio and Allison Ciechanover
Founded in 2005, Zillow had become the leading online real estate and home-related marketplace. The brand was recognized as a trusted resource for players in the real estate market, providing information and transparency on home prices. Revenue, which was historically... View Details
Keywords: Real Estate; Corporate Culture; Intermediation; Brokerage; Startup; Evaluating Business Investments; Property; Information Technology; Business Model; Expansion; Business Startups; Real Estate Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; United States
Viceira, Luis, Marco Di Maggio, and Allison Ciechanover. "Zillow Offers: Winning Online Real Estate 2.0." Harvard Business School Case 220-021, August 2019. (Revised April 2021.)
- 2023
- Article
Building the Business Case for an Inclusive Approach to Digital Health Measurement with a Web App (Market Opportunity Calculator): Instrument Development Study
By: Mitchell Tang, Yashoda Sharma, Jennifer C. Goldsack and Ariel Dora Stern
Background: The use of digital health measurement tools has grown substantially in recent years. However, there are concerns that the promised benefits from these products will not be shared equitably. Underserved populations, such as those with lower education and... View Details
Keywords: Demographics; Product Development; Health Care and Treatment; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry
Tang, Mitchell, Yashoda Sharma, Jennifer C. Goldsack, and Ariel Dora Stern. "Building the Business Case for an Inclusive Approach to Digital Health Measurement with a Web App (Market Opportunity Calculator): Instrument Development Study." JMIR Formative Research 7 (2023).
- Teaching Interest
By: Rob Markey
Managing Service Operations - MBA Elective Curriculum
World-class service organizations deeply understand the needs and behaviors of their customers, and design, manage, and improve their operating models accordingly. This course... View Details
Keywords: Customer Lifetime Value; Customer Centric Initiative; Customer Engagement; Service Management; Service Profit Chain; Service Design; Service Models; Service Excellence; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Satisfaction; Customer Value and Value Chain; Service Delivery; Service Operations
- August 2014
- Case
Opening the Valve: From Software to Hardware (A)
By: Ethan Bernstein, Francesca Gino and Bradley Staats
Valve, one of the world's top video game software companies, has also become an iconic example of an organization with virtually no hierarchy. A 400-person organization, Valve's unique organizational form (described in detail in the case and accompanying employee... View Details
Keywords: Valve; Self-Managed Organizations; Organization Design; Strategy; Flat Organization; Video Games; Organization Alignment; Family Business; Steam; Steam Machine; Design; Games, Gaming, and Gambling; Human Resources; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Technological Innovation; Leadership Style; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Groups and Teams; Alignment; Software; Hardware; Video Game Industry; Seattle
Bernstein, Ethan, Francesca Gino, and Bradley Staats. "Opening the Valve: From Software to Hardware (A)." Harvard Business School Case 415-015, August 2014.
- June 2013 (Revised November 2016)
- Case
Goldfinger: Charles W. Engelhard Jr. and Apartheid-era South Africa
By: Geoffrey Jones and Elliot R. Benton
This case considers the strategies of Charles W. Engelhard, an American mining magnate who made large investments in apartheid-era South Africa. Engelhard was widely believed to have been the model for the James Bond villan Auric Goldfinger. During the 1950s and 1960s... View Details
Keywords: Political Economy; Business History; FDI; Corporate Social Responsibility And Impact; South Africa; Mining; Ethics; Globalization; Government and Politics; History; Mining Industry; Africa; South Africa
Jones, Geoffrey, and Elliot R. Benton. "Goldfinger: Charles W. Engelhard Jr. and Apartheid-era South Africa." Harvard Business School Case 313-148, June 2013. (Revised November 2016.)
- March 2019 (Revised July 2020)
- Case
MoviePass: The 'Get Big Fast' Strategy
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Daniel W. Fisher
In August 2017, MoviePass dramatically lowered its subscription price from $50 per month to just $10 for up to one movie per day. The idea was to rapidly scale the business to the point where they could generate incremental revenue streams from related businesses... View Details
Keywords: Market Entry; Growth Strategy; Profit Vs. Growth; Subscription Business; Cash Burn; Data Analytics; Get-big-fast; Buyer Power; Strategy Implementation; Movie Industry; Racing; Entrepreneurship; Market Entry and Exit; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Value Creation; Disruption; Motion Pictures and Video Industry; United States
Esty, Benjamin C., and Daniel W. Fisher. "MoviePass: The 'Get Big Fast' Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 719-455, March 2019. (Revised July 2020.)
- March 2021 (Revised December 2021)
- Case
Cedar Environmental: Innovation vs. Corruption in Lebanon?
By: Nien-hê Hsieh and Youssef Abdel Aal
The case follows Ziad Abi Chaker, founder and CEO of Cedar Environmental, as he weighs options for how to grow the company in the face of growing economic and political instability in Lebanon in 2019.
Founded after the Lebanese civil war, Cedar... View Details
Founded after the Lebanese civil war, Cedar... View Details
Keywords: Waste Management; Recycling; Corruption; Leadership & Corporate Accountability; Business And Government; Social Entrepreneurship; Environmental Sustainability; Green Technology; Pollution; Entrepreneurship; Business and Government Relations; Crime and Corruption; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Expansion; Corporate Accountability; Green Technology Industry; Middle East; Lebanon
Hsieh, Nien-hê, and Youssef Abdel Aal. "Cedar Environmental: Innovation vs. Corruption in Lebanon?" Harvard Business School Case 321-114, March 2021. (Revised December 2021.)
- September 2016 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
Angie's List: Ratings Pioneer Turns 20
By: Robert J. Dolan and Ayelet Israeli
In 1995, before people “googled” or “yelped,” Angela Hicks (HBS, 2000) was establishing her Angie’s List as a pioneer in the accumulation and dissemination of consumer rating information. Hicks focused on the home repair and maintenance market and, as she put it,... View Details
Keywords: Pricing; Pricing Strategy; Services; Product Line Management; Growth; Conjoint Analysis; Market Research; Freemium; Growth Strategy; Two Sided Markets; Ecommerce; Platform; Platform Business; Platform Businesses; Platform Strategy; Platforms; Platforms And Ecosystems; Business Model; Internet and the Web; Business Growth and Maturation; Growth and Development Strategy; Price; Strategy; Digital Platforms; E-commerce; Service Industry; United States
Dolan, Robert J., and Ayelet Israeli. "Angie's List: Ratings Pioneer Turns 20." Harvard Business School Case 517-016, September 2016. (Revised February 2017.)
- November 2013 (Revised December 2013)
- Case
Endeavor: Miami Heats Up
By: William A. Sahlman, Ramana Nanda, David Lane and Lisa Mazzanti
Endeavor Global was a nonprofit that for 15 years had worked to nurture entrepreneurship in emerging markets by selecting local high-impact entrepreneurs for mentoring and aid in scaling up their businesses from committed local business leaders. In summer 2012,... View Details
Keywords: Social Enterprise; Entrepreneurs; Scaling; Emerging Market Entrepreneurship; Not For Profit; Entrepreneurial Finance; Mentoring; Business Networks; Hybrid Nonprofit Funding; Mission and Purpose; Nonprofit Organizations; Social Entrepreneurship; Emerging Markets; Problems and Challenges; Finance; Miami
Sahlman, William A., Ramana Nanda, David Lane, and Lisa Mazzanti. "Endeavor: Miami Heats Up." Harvard Business School Case 814-043, November 2013. (Revised December 2013.)
- May 2014 (Revised March 2016)
- Case
Health City Cayman Islands
By: Tarun Khanna and Budhaditya Gupta
Narayana Health (NH) had been successfully delivering affordable high quality tertiary care to the masses in India through its chain of hospitals for over a decade. To encourage the adoption of the NH affordable care delivery model worldwide, Dr. Shetty, Chairman of... View Details
Keywords: Healthcare; Emerging Economies; Innovation; India; Institutions; Pricing; Replication; Strategy; Narayana Health; Ascension; Health City Cayman Islands; Dr. Devi Shetty; International Business; Health Care and Treatment; Innovation Strategy; Innovation and Management; Disruptive Innovation; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Global Strategy; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Management Practices and Processes; Growth Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Market Entry and Exit; Adaptation; Adoption; India; Cayman Islands
Khanna, Tarun, and Budhaditya Gupta. "Health City Cayman Islands." Harvard Business School Case 714-510, May 2014. (Revised March 2016.)