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- Faculty Publications (599)
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- Faculty Publications (599)
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- Teaching Interest
Investing: Risk, Return and Impact (MBA)
By: Shawn A. Cole
This is an investing/finance course, designed to build on skills introduced in the RC finance course, but with an emphasis on how and whether investors should incorporate what have traditionally been considered “non-financial” criteria in their decisions: for... View Details
- Research Summary
Managing Multiple Identities at Work
Peoples’ work identities, which are often a deep source of meaning for them, may conflict with or complement cultural, familial, or personal identities they value. A central focus of Professor Ramarajan’s work is understanding, on the individual level, how these... View Details
- Research Summary
Managing sustainability in supply chains
I am examining codes of conduct, management process standards, and government voluntary programs that address environmental and labor issues, seeking to understand what enables some of these programs to actually deliver on their promise of distinguishing organizations... View Details
- Teaching Interest
By: Aiyesha Dey
Financial Reporting and Control
Throughout their careers, business leaders are required to measure and evaluate their organization's economic performance, improve resource allocation and strategy implementation within their organizations, and build accountability... View Details
Throughout their careers, business leaders are required to measure and evaluate their organization's economic performance, improve resource allocation and strategy implementation within their organizations, and build accountability... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Aiyesha Dey
Professor Dey’s research explores governance and agency conflicts, board structure, governance regulation and corporate behavior, ownership structure, and the relation between executives’ characteristics and corporate behavior. In analyzing corporate governance... View Details
- Research Summary
Engaged with field work in East Africa, South Asia, and in several large hybrid organizations in the United States, Professor Whillans places a focus on exploring questions with strong theoretical motivation in the social psychological literature and relevant... View Details
- Research Summary
My research examines how companies manage environmental issues, occupational safety, and working conditions in global supply chains. More recently, I have also begun researching the drivers and implications of CEO activism, where organizational leaders speak out on... View Details
Keywords: Environmental Performance; Environmental Strategy; Labor Management; Transparency; Institutional Theory; Economic Analysis; Quality Improvement; Operations Management; Supply Chain; Regulation; Environmental Sustainability; Safety; Quality; Climate Change; Environmental Regulation; Pollution; Environmental Management; Operations; Supply Chain Management; Manufacturing Industry; Construction Industry; Asia; Europe; United States
- Research Summary
By: Vincent Pons
Professor Pons studies questions in political economy and development with the goal of understanding how democratic systems function, and how they can be improved.
He decomposes the electoral cycle into four essential steps: the factors affecting voter... View Details
He decomposes the electoral cycle into four essential steps: the factors affecting voter... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Susanna Gallani
In her current research, Professor Gallani draws on economic and sociological theories to analyze the design of incentive and performance management systems. She explores the effectiveness of monetary and non-monetary incentives, feedback systems, and types of... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Boris Vallee
Professor Vallée focuses on financial innovation, investigating it from different angles. This research thread has led him to relate the methods and insights of corporate finance and banking with those of other subfields, including household finance, public finance,... View Details
- Research Summary
Performance Pricing and Business Strategy
This research focuses on companies that have sustained high willingness-to-pay over diverse market conditions, including economic slumps. It examines how firms identify, articulate, and communicate value to selected customer groups and the organizational implications,... View Details
- Research Summary
Public Policy and Markets
By: Willis M. Emmons
William (Willis) M. Emmons III is investigating the interaction of public policy, markets, business strategy, and performance at the levels of firm, industry, and society. Emmons' approach draws heavily on economic theories of industrial organization, market failure,... View Details
- Research Summary
Research Focus
By: Anita Elberse
My research focuses on "creative industries," defined as industries that supply goods that we commonly associate with artistic, cultural, or entertainment value -- including book and magazine publishing, film, music, television, video games, the performing... View Details
- Research Summary
Research Thrust
By: Rakesh Khurana
I am trained in organizational sociology and my main areas of interest lie in macro-organizational theory and the dynamics of executive labor markets. To date, my research has focused on two themes. The first revolves around understanding the forces that govern the... View Details
- Research Summary
Selection, Reallocation, and Spillover: Identifying the Sources of Gains from Multinational Production (with Maggie Chen)
By: Laura Alfaro
Quantifying the gains from multinational production has been a vital topic of economic research. Positive productivity gains are often attributed to knowledge spillover from multinational to domestic firms. An alternative, less stressed explanation is firm selection... View Details
- Research Summary
Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Ownership and Establishment Performance
By: Laura Alfaro
We examine the differential response of establishments to the recent global financial crisis with particular emphasis on the role of foreign ownership. Using a worldwide establishment panel dataset, we investigate how multinational subsidiaries around the world... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
The (Heterogenous) Economic Effects of Private Equity Buyouts
By: Steven J. Davis, John Haltiwanger, Kyle Handley, Ben Lipsius, Josh Lerner and Javier Miranda
The effects of private equity buyouts on employment, productivity, and job reallocation vary
tremendously with macroeconomic and credit conditions, across private equity groups, and by
type of buyout. We reach this conclusion by examining the most extensive... View Details
Keywords: Private Equity Buyouts; Impact; Private Equity; Economics; Employment; Performance Productivity; Wages
Davis, Steven J., John Haltiwanger, Kyle Handley, Ben Lipsius, Josh Lerner, and Javier Miranda. "The (Heterogenous) Economic Effects of Private Equity Buyouts." Management Science (forthcoming). (Earlier version distributed as National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper No. 26371 and Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 20-030. Related discussion published as “Private Equity Buyout and Their Effects,” VoxEU, 2019.)
- Forthcoming
- Article
The Institutional Sources of Economic Transformation: Explaining Variation in Energy Transitions
By: Jared Finnegan, Phillip Lipscy, Jonas Meckling and Florence Metz
Why are some governments more effective in promoting economic change than others?
We develop a theory of the institutional sources of economic transformation. Institutions can
facilitate transformation through two central mechanisms: insulation and compensation.... View Details
Keywords: Policy; Business and Government Relations; Supply and Industry; Demand and Consumers; Transformation; Economic Systems; Climate Change
Finnegan, Jared, Phillip Lipscy, Jonas Meckling, and Florence Metz. "The Institutional Sources of Economic Transformation: Explaining Variation in Energy Transitions." Journal of Politics (forthcoming).
- Forthcoming
- Article
You've Got Mail! The Late 19th-Century U.S. Postal Service Expansion, Firm Creation, and Firm Performance
By: Astrid Marinoni and Maria P. Roche
This paper examines the impact of the expansion of the US Postal Service in the late 19th century
on firm creation and performance. Utilizing newly digitized archival data on historic business establishments,
post office locations, and road networks in California,... View Details
Keywords: Institutional Innovation; Knowledge Exchange; US Postal Service; Firm Performance; Infrastructure; Expansion; Government Administration; Communication; Business History; Entrepreneurship; Public Administration Industry; California
Marinoni, Astrid, and Maria P. Roche. "You've Got Mail! The Late 19th-Century U.S. Postal Service Expansion, Firm Creation, and Firm Performance." Management Science (forthcoming). (Pre-published online January 15, 2025.)
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