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- Faculty Publications (294)
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- Faculty Publications (294)
- March 2021 (Revised December 2021)
- Case
Cedar Environmental: Innovation vs. Corruption in Lebanon?
By: Nien-hê Hsieh and Youssef Abdel Aal
The case follows Ziad Abi Chaker, founder and CEO of Cedar Environmental, as he weighs options for how to grow the company in the face of growing economic and political instability in Lebanon in 2019.
Founded after the Lebanese civil war, Cedar... View Details
Founded after the Lebanese civil war, Cedar... View Details
Keywords: Waste Management; Recycling; Corruption; Leadership & Corporate Accountability; Business And Government; Social Entrepreneurship; Environmental Sustainability; Green Technology; Pollution; Entrepreneurship; Business and Government Relations; Crime and Corruption; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Strategy; Expansion; Corporate Accountability; Green Technology Industry; Middle East; Lebanon
Hsieh, Nien-hê, and Youssef Abdel Aal. "Cedar Environmental: Innovation vs. Corruption in Lebanon?" Harvard Business School Case 321-114, March 2021. (Revised December 2021.)
- Article
Job Loss, Credit and Crime in Colombia
By: Gaurav Khanna, Carlos Medina, Anant Nyshadham, Christian Posso and Jorge Tamayo
We investigate the effects of job displacement, as a result of mass layoffs, on criminal arrests using a matched employer-employee-crime dataset from Medellín, Colombia. Job displacement leads to immediate and persistent earnings losses and higher probability of arrest... View Details
Keywords: Job Displacements; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Crime and Corruption; Credit; Colombia; Medellín
Khanna, Gaurav, Carlos Medina, Anant Nyshadham, Christian Posso, and Jorge Tamayo. "Job Loss, Credit and Crime in Colombia." American Economic Review: Insights 3, no. 1 (March 2021): 97–114.
- February 2021
- Article
The Department of Justice as a Gatekeeper in Whistleblower-Initiated Corporate Fraud Enforcement: Drivers and Consequences
By: Jonas Heese, Ranjani Krishnan and Hari Ramasubramanian
We examine drivers and consequences of U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) oversight of whistleblower cases of corporate fraud against the government. We find that the DOJ is more likely to intervene in and conduct longer investigations of cases that have a higher chance... View Details
Keywords: Whistleblowing; Department Of Justice; DOJ Enforcement; Performance Measures; False Claims Act; Crime and Corruption; Governance Compliance; Law Enforcement
Heese, Jonas, Ranjani Krishnan, and Hari Ramasubramanian. "The Department of Justice as a Gatekeeper in Whistleblower-Initiated Corporate Fraud Enforcement: Drivers and Consequences." Journal of Accounting & Economics 71, no. 1 (February 2021).
- January 2021
- Case
By: Joshua D. Margolis and Fernanda Miguel
Two weeks after Cinepolis released a documentary film about corruption, a judge ordered its provisional suspension, claiming it had to be edited before it continued to be shown, against Mexican cinematography laws. Cinépolis, Latin America’s largest movie theater chain... View Details
Keywords: Movies; Entertainment; Corruption; Risk Assessment; Communication Strategy; Crime and Corruption; Decision Making; Film Entertainment; Ethics; Leadership; Risk Management; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Motion Pictures and Video Industry; Mexico; Latin America; North and Central America
Margolis, Joshua D., and Fernanda Miguel. "Cinépolis." Harvard Business School Case 421-053, January 2021.
- December 2020 (Revised June 2021)
- Case
France Télécom (A): A Challenging Restructuring
These cases explore the impacts of industry shocks, resulting corporate actions that had a devastating impact on employees, and the legal conviction of corporate leaders for “institutional harassment."
This case series follows the evolution of France... View Details
This case series follows the evolution of France... View Details
Keywords: Health & Wellness; Human Resource Management; Strategic Change; Leadership & Corporate Accountability; Leadership And Change Management; Leadership And Managing People; Change; Restructuring; Crime and Corruption; Ethics; Health; Human Capital; Human Resources; Labor; Labor and Management Relations; Labor Unions; Law; Social Psychology; Strategy; Leadership; Leadership Style; Organizations; Problems and Challenges; Relationships; Crisis Management; Organizational Culture; Employees; Well-being; Telecommunications Industry; Europe; European Union
Montgomery, Cynthia A., and Ashley V. Whillans. "France Télécom (A): A Challenging Restructuring." Harvard Business School Case 721-420, December 2020. (Revised June 2021.)
- December 2020
- Supplement
France Télécom (B): A Wave of Staff Suicides
In the B case we learn that at least 19 France Telecom employees took their own lives between 2006 and 2009, 12 others attempted suicide, and eight suffered from serious depression for reasons reportedly related to work. Some of these deaths occurred in public places,... View Details
Keywords: Mental Health; Change; Crime and Corruption; Ethics; Health; Human Capital; Human Resources; Labor and Management Relations; Labor Unions; Law; Social Psychology; Strategy; Leadership Style; Organizations; Problems and Challenges; Relationships; Crisis Management; Employees; Well-being; Telecommunications Industry; Europe; European Union
Montgomery, Cynthia A., and Ashley V. Whillans. "France Télécom (B): A Wave of Staff Suicides." Harvard Business School Supplement 721-421, December 2020.
- September 2020
- Case
An Introduction to Money Laundering: 'The Hunter'
By: Eugene Soltes, Guilhem Ros and Grace Liu
Money laundering schemes disguise the criminal origins of an estimated 2% to 5% of the world’s gross domestic product. Money laundering not only enables criminals to escape detection, but may also be used to finance further criminal operations including terrorism. This... View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; Accounting Audits; Financial Reporting; Financial Institutions; Banks and Banking; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Governance Controls; International Relations; National Security; Ethics; Accounting Industry; Banking Industry; United States; Europe
Soltes, Eugene, Guilhem Ros, and Grace Liu. "An Introduction to Money Laundering: 'The Hunter'." Harvard Business School Case 121-011, September 2020.
- August 2020
- Supplement
Luckin Coffee (B): Revelations of Fraud
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Karen Elterman
This case describes revelations of fraud at Luckin Coffee, beginning with an anonymous report in January 2020 and continuing with the company’s admission in April 2020 that it had inflated its revenues by 2.2 billion RMB ($310 million), almost half its reported... View Details
Keywords: Fraud; Corporate Misconduct; Business Earnings; Financial Statements; Financial Condition; Stocks; Financial Management; Profit; Revenue; Price; Food; Lawfulness; Crime and Corruption; Food and Beverage Industry; Technology Industry; Asia; China
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, and Karen Elterman. "Luckin Coffee (B): Revelations of Fraud." Harvard Business School Supplement 721-371, August 2020.
- July 2020
- Article
Does Corporate Misconduct Affect the Future Compensation of Alumni Managers?
By: Boris Groysberg, Eric Lin and George Serafeim
Using data from a top-five global executive placement firm, the authors explore how an organization's financial misconduct may affect pay for former employees not implicated in wrongdoing. Drawing on stigma theory, they hypothesize that although such alumni did not... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Misconduct; Financial Misconduct; Stigma; Crime and Corruption; Employees; Compensation and Benefits
Groysberg, Boris, Eric Lin, and George Serafeim. "Does Corporate Misconduct Affect the Future Compensation of Alumni Managers?" Special Issue on Employee Inter- and Intra-Firm Mobility. Advances in Strategic Management 41 (July 2020).
- June 2020
- Case
Recovering Trust After Corporate Misconduct at Wells Fargo
By: Suraj Srinivasan and Jonah S. Goldberg
The case describes widespread misconduct at Wells Fargo Community Bank in the period leading up to 2017 and the company’s subsequent attempts to improve internal controls, company culture, and corporate governance. The case examines the potential causes of large scale... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Misconduct; Internal Controls; Banks and Banking; Crime and Corruption; Corporate Governance; Organizational Culture; Governance Compliance; Management Systems; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Performance Improvement; Governing and Advisory Boards
Srinivasan, Suraj, and Jonah S. Goldberg. "Recovering Trust After Corporate Misconduct at Wells Fargo." Harvard Business School Case 120-128, June 2020.
- 2020
- Working Paper
Job Loss, Credit and Crime in Colombia
By: Gaurav Khanna, Carlos Medina, Anant Nyshadham, Christian Posso and Jorge Tamayo
We investigate the effects of job displacement, as a result of mass layoffs, on criminal arrests using a matched employer-employee-crime dataset from Medellín, Colombia. Job displacement leads to immediate and persistent earnings losses and higher probability of arrest... View Details
Keywords: Job Displacements; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Crime and Corruption; Credit; Colombia; Medellín
Khanna, Gaurav, Carlos Medina, Anant Nyshadham, Christian Posso, and Jorge Tamayo. "Job Loss, Credit and Crime in Colombia." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-104, April 2020.
- 2021
- Working Paper
Changing Ingroup Boundaries: The Effect of Immigration on Race Relations in the U.S.
By: Vasiliki Fouka and Marco Tabellini
How do social group boundaries evolve? Does the appearance of a new outgroup change the ingroup's perceptions of other outgroups? We introduce a conceptual framework of context-dependent categorization, in which exposure to one minority leads to recategorization of... View Details
Keywords: In-group-out-group Relations; Immigration; Race; Attitudes; Boundaries; Prejudice and Bias
Fouka, Vasiliki, and Marco Tabellini. "Changing Ingroup Boundaries: The Effect of Immigration on Race Relations in the U.S." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 20-100, March 2020. (Accepted at American Political Science Review. Revised June 2021.)
- April 2020 (Revised October 2022)
- Case
Medellín Reborn (A)
By: Jorge Tamayo, Ashish Nanda and Margaret Cross
In 2003, mathematics professor Sergio Fajardo was elected mayor of Medellín, Colombia—one of the most violent cities in the world at that time. As mayor, Fajardo faced a host of daunting challenges. Rampant gang violence had raised Medellín’s homicide rate... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Leadership; Peace; Government; Politics; Priorities; Leadership; City; Strategy; Government and Politics; Problems and Challenges; Transformation; Government Administration; Crime and Corruption; Colombia; Medellín
Tamayo, Jorge, Ashish Nanda, and Margaret Cross. "Medellín Reborn (A)." Harvard Business School Case 720-453, April 2020. (Revised October 2022.)
- March 2020 (Revised April 2021)
- Case
Odebrecht's 'Transformation Journey' (A)
By: Suraj Srinivasan, Lynn S. Paine, Ruth Costas and Mariana Cal
At the center of one of the largest corruption scandals in Latin America, Brazilian conglomerate Odebrecht signed a leniency agreement with American, Swiss and Brazilian prosecutors in 2016 admitting to paying bribes in 12 countries. In an effort to regain financial... View Details
Keywords: Board Of Directors; Organizational Transformations; Business Ethics; Corruption; Internal Controls; Business And Government; International Business; Engineering And Construction; Family Businesses; Corporate Misconduct; Corporate Governance; Governing and Advisory Boards; Transformation; Organizational Culture; Crisis Management; Ethics; Engineering; Family Business; Crime and Corruption; Emerging Markets; Construction Industry; Brazil; Latin America
Srinivasan, Suraj, Lynn S. Paine, Ruth Costas, and Mariana Cal. "Odebrecht's 'Transformation Journey' (A)." Harvard Business School Case 320-002, March 2020. (Revised April 2021.)
- March 2020 (Revised February 2023)
- Case
Political Legitimacy and Global Capital Markets: Malaysia's 1MDB (A)
By: Meg Rithmire and Courtney Han
In May 2018, Malaysia’s 14th General Election saw a change of power that many thought they would never witness in their lifetimes. The political party that had ruled Malaysia for 60 year was kicked out of office by a 92 year-old challenger, Mahathir Mohamed, who had... View Details
Rithmire, Meg, and Courtney Han. "Political Legitimacy and Global Capital Markets: Malaysia's 1MDB (A)." Harvard Business School Case 720-030, March 2020. (Revised February 2023.)
- March 2020
- Article
Voluntary, Self-Regulatory, and Mandatory Disclosure of Oil and Gas Company Payments to Foreign Governments
By: Paul M. Healy and George Serafeim
Concerns about high rates of government corruption in resource-rich countries have led transparency advocates to urge oil and gas firms to disclose payments to host governments for natural resources. Transparency, they argue, can increase government accountability and... View Details
Keywords: Oil & Gas; Corruption; Transparency; Self-regulation; Industry Self-regulation; Regulation; Disclosure; Disclosure Regulation; Energy Sources; Crime and Corruption; Corporate Disclosure; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Energy Industry
Healy, Paul M., and George Serafeim. "Voluntary, Self-Regulatory, and Mandatory Disclosure of Oil and Gas Company Payments to Foreign Governments." Accounting Horizons 34, no. 1 (March 2020): 111–129.
- February 2020
- Teaching Note
Theranos: Who Has Blood on Their Hands? (A) and (B)
By: Nien-he Hsieh and Christina R. Wing
Teaching Note for HBS Nos. 619-039 and 320-091. View Details
- February 2020
- Supplement
Theranos: Who Has Blood on Their Hands? (B)
By: Nien-he Hsieh, Christina R. Wing and John Masko
This supplemental case tracks the results of the Colman and Taubman-Dye class action suit against Theranos as well as Theranos’ other legal challenges and chronicles the final demise of the company in 2019. View Details
Keywords: Health Testing and Trials; Corporate Accountability; Organizational Culture; Misleading and Fraudulent Advertising; Crime and Corruption; Entrepreneurship; Lawsuits and Litigation; Business Exit or Shutdown; Medical Devices and Supplies Industry; California; United States
Hsieh, Nien-he, Christina R. Wing, and John Masko. "Theranos: Who Has Blood on Their Hands? (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 320-091, February 2020.
- 2020
- Book
Business, Ethics and Institutions: The Evolution of Turkish Capitalism in Global Perspectives
By: Asli M. Colpan and Geoffrey Jones
This book is the first systematic scholarly study on the business history of Turkey and its predecessor the Ottoman Empire from the nineteenth century until the present. It places the distinctive characteristics of capitalism in Turkey within a global and comparative... View Details
Keywords: Capitalism; Corruption; Business History; Ethics; Economic Systems; Crime and Corruption; Middle East; Central Asia; Turkey
Colpan, Asli M., and Geoffrey Jones, eds. Business, Ethics and Institutions: The Evolution of Turkish Capitalism in Global Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2020.
- January 2020
- Article
The Impact of Mass Shootings on Gun Policy
By: Michael Luca, Deepak Malhotra and Christopher Poliquin
There have been dozens of high-profile mass shootings in recent decades. This paper presents three main findings about the impact of mass shootings on gun policy. First, mass shootings evoke large policy responses. A single mass shooting leads to a 15% increase in the... View Details
Luca, Michael, Deepak Malhotra, and Christopher Poliquin. "The Impact of Mass Shootings on Gun Policy." Art. 104083. Journal of Public Economics 181 (January 2020).