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- Faculty Publications (5,401)
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Competing in the Age of Digital Platforms—(Executive Education)
By: David B. Yoffie
Without exception, the most valuable companies in the world today are platforms. Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and many other firms have built their fortunes by facilitating innovation across global ecosystems or... View Details
Without exception, the most valuable companies in the world today are platforms. Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and many other firms have built their fortunes by facilitating innovation across global ecosystems or... View Details
- Research Summary
Corporate transparency and information disclosure strategies
This research focuses on transparency and information disclosure strategies, a topic of growing importance in environmental sustainability, corporate strategy, stakeholder relations, and public policy. My prior research in this area explored why... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
Disclosure Standards and Communication Norms: Evidence of Voluntary Sustainability Standards as a Coordinating Device for Capital Markets
By: Khrystyna Bochkay, Jeffrey Hales and George Serafeim
In this paper, we examine how the development of voluntary sustainability standards has affected the nature of information covered in conference calls. Using industry-specific dictionaries of sustainability terms contained in the disclosure standards developed by the... View Details
Keywords: Voluntary Disclosure; Accounting Standards; Sustainability Reporting; Sustainability Standards; ESG; ESG Disclosure; Accounting; Corporate Disclosure; Environmental Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Standards; United States
Bochkay, Khrystyna, Jeffrey Hales, and George Serafeim. "Disclosure Standards and Communication Norms: Evidence of Voluntary Sustainability Standards as a Coordinating Device for Capital Markets." Review of Accounting Studies (forthcoming).
- Research Summary
Evolution of firm structure in vertical specialized technology supply chains
By: Willy C. Shih
The global market in many everyday products has been transformed by the internationalization of production. In many industries, semiconductors and electronic products in particular, a sequential mode of production has evolved in which goods are produced... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
Faith and Assimilation: Italian Immigrants in the U.S.
By: Stefano Gagliarducci and Marco Tabellini
How do ethnic religious organizations influence immigrant assimilation? To answer this question, we assemble novel data from the Catholic directories to measure the presence of Italian Catholic churches in the US between 1890 and 1920, when four million Italians moved... View Details
Gagliarducci, Stefano, and Marco Tabellini. "Faith and Assimilation: Italian Immigrants in the U.S." Economic Journal (forthcoming). (Also available from NBER and featured in NBER Digest and VoxEU.)
- Forthcoming
- Article
Human Capital and the Managerial Revolution in the United States: Evidence from General Electric
By: Tom Nicholas
This paper estimates the returns to human capital accumulation during the first era of mega-firms in the United States by linking employees at General Electric—a canonical enterprise associated with the “visible hand” of managerial hierarchies—to the 1940 census. I... View Details
Keywords: Returns To Education; Management Practices; Hierarchies; Management Practices and Processes; Rank and Position; Human Capital; Talent and Talent Management; Business History; United States
Nicholas, Tom. "Human Capital and the Managerial Revolution in the United States: Evidence from General Electric." Review of Economics and Statistics (forthcoming). (Pre-published online November 29, 2023.)
- Research Summary
Industrial competitiveness in high tech and science-based businesses
By: Willy C. Shih
How do emerging economies develop industrial and technical capabilities that overtake those of advanced economies? Are there some industrial sectors that are especially susceptible to such targeting? What will it take to restore America’s... View Details
- 2024
- Dictionary Entry
Jerry R. Green (1946-)
By: Eddie Dekel, John Geanakoplos and Scott Duke Kominers
Jerry Green has a deep and long-standing connection to Harvard University, and in particular with its Economics Department. This paper begins by reviewing his intellectual background, and then turns to exploring how he has influenced scholars through his wide-ranging... View Details
- Research Summary
Knowledge flows and capability acquisition
By: Willy C. Shih
Technological advancements are a major source of improvement in competiveness, and a firm’s incentives to invest are diminished when the knowledge generated is involuntarily dispersed to competitors. While intellectual property rights can moderate this flow to the... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Managing Human Capital
The Managing Human Capital course has been specifically designed to teach practical skills for the future general manager (not just the human resource practitioner) who seeks to manage both other people and her or his own career with optimal... View Details
Keywords: Human Capital; Hiring; Socialization; Performance Management; Compensation And Benefits; Talent Development And Retention; Structure; Career Management; Human Resources; Leadership; Personal Development and Career; Organizations; Organizational Culture; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Africa; Asia; Europe; Middle East; Latin America; North and Central America; South America
- Research Summary
Managing sustainability in supply chains
I am examining codes of conduct, management process standards, and government voluntary programs that address environmental and labor issues, seeking to understand what enables some of these programs to actually deliver on their promise of distinguishing organizations... View Details
- Teaching Interest
By: Leemore S. Dafny
U.S. Healthcare Strategy
The U.S. healthcare sector accounts for 17 percent of GDP, and encompasses a diverse set of industries with public, nonprofit, and for-profit buyers and sellers. There are significant concerns about high and rising spending, and... View Details
- Teaching Interest
By: Nancy F. Koehn
My teaching and research focus on crisis leadership and how men and women use crises to make themselves better leaders. I currently teach a module in the Advanced Management Program and an HBS Online LIVE course on Courageous Leadership. The purpose of each course is... View Details
- Teaching Interest
By: Willy C. Shih
Professor Shih has taught the Technology and Operations Management (TOM) course and FIELD Global Immersion in the first-year MBA required curriculum. He also has taught Building and Sustaining a Successful Enterprise (BSSE) in the second-year MBA curriculum, as well as... View Details
- Teaching Interest
I currently teach the history of global entrepreneurship over the last 200 years. The 28-session course called Entrepreneurship and Global Capitalism has become one of the most popular second year electives in the MBA program at the Harvard Business School. The cases,... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Government And Business; International Business; Globalization; History; Government and Politics; Entrepreneurship; Ethics; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Banking Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Consulting Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Electronics Industry; Energy Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Fashion Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Journalism and News Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Shipping Industry; Africa; Asia; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; North and Central America; Oceania
- Teaching Interest
I am currently teaching Social Entrepreneurship and Systems Change (SESC) as a 2nd year Elective Course. The premise of the course is that social entrepreneurs don’t just build organizations, they change systems. The course explores the frameworks, tools, mindsets,... View Details
- Teaching Interest
By: Goran Calic
Strategic Management is about efficient and effective management and the challenges arising from an ever-changing world. The field of Strategy is one of application, as a source of thinking and experience that creates value for society by making organizations better.... View Details
Keywords: Energy Industry; Green Technology Industry; Europe; Croatia; Germany; Canada; United States
- Teaching Interest
By: Debora L. Spar
I currently teach an Elective Course on Capitalism and the State (CATS), and serve as Course Head for a new Required Curriculum course on the Social Purpose of the Firm (SPF). Previously, I developed and taught Managing International Trade and Investment (MITI) in the... View Details
- Teaching Interest
I currently teach a module in the HBS Owner President Management (OPM) program that is entitled Innovation @Work. The module is designed to provide a general manager perspective on how to lead innovation and transform organizations, industries, and society. The role... View Details
Keywords: Innovation & Entrepreneurship; General Management; Technological Innovation; Entrepreneurship; Information; Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Organizations; Risk and Uncertainty; Social Enterprise; Strategy; Technology; Computer Industry; Energy Industry; Information Industry; Technology Industry; Web Services Industry; Africa; Asia; Latin America; Middle East; North and Central America; Europe
- Teaching Interest
By: V.G. Narayanan
I teach accounting to MBA students, executives, and Harvard Extension School students. I teach topics from both financial and managerial accounting. I also train professors in teaching by the case method. View Details