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- Faculty Publications (531)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (531)
- 2007
- Article
Managers, Workers, and Authority
By: Nien-he Hsieh
Hsieh, Nien-he. "Managers, Workers, and Authority." Journal of Business Ethics 71, no. 4 (2007): 347–357.
- 2006
- Working Paper
Too Motivated?
I show that an agent's motivation to do well (objectively) may be unambiguously bad in a world with differing priors, i.e., when people openly disagree on the optimal course of action. The reason is that an agent who is strongly motivated is more likely to follow... View Details
Keywords: Governance Controls; Employees; Wages; Measurement and Metrics; Outcome or Result; Performance; Agency Theory; Motivation and Incentives
Van den Steen, Eric J. "Too Motivated?" Sloan School of Management Working Paper, No. 4547-05, April 2006. (Available at SSRN.)
- 2006
- Working Paper
The Limits of Authority: Motivation versus Coordination
This paper studies the effects of open disagreement on motivation and coordination. It shows how, in the presence of differing priors, motivation and coordination impose conflicting demands on the allocation of authority, leading to a trade-off between the... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Governance Controls; Organizational Culture; Agency Theory; Conflict and Resolution; Motivation and Incentives
Van den Steen, Eric J. "The Limits of Authority: Motivation versus Coordination." Sloan School of Management Working Paper, No. 4626-06, January 2006. (Available at SSRN.)
- December 2005
- Article
Up to Code: Does Your Company's Conduct Meet World-Class Standards?
Codes of conduct have long been a feature of corporate life. Today, they are arguably a legal necessity—at least for public companies with a presence in the United States. But the issue goes beyond U.S. legal and regulatory requirements. Sparked by corruption and... View Details
Keywords: Business Ethics; Standards Of Conduct; Globalized Firms and Management; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Values and Beliefs; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Governance
Paine, Lynn, Rohit Deshpandé, Joshua D. Margolis, and Kim Eric Bettcher. "Up to Code: Does Your Company's Conduct Meet World-Class Standards?" Harvard Business Review 83, no. 12 (December 2005): 122–133.
- October 2005
- Teaching Note
Exchange Rate Policy at the Monetary Authority of Singapore (TN)
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
- July 2005 (Revised March 2010)
- Case
Foreign Direct Investment and Ireland's Tiger Economy (A)
By: Laura Alfaro, Vinati Dev and Stephen McIntyre
Describes Ireland's transformation from one of Europe's poorest countries to one of its richest in just 10 years, earning it the title Celtic Tiger. The spectacular story of growth and recovery is attributed, in large part, to foreign direct investment (FDI),... View Details
Keywords: Developing Countries and Economies; Economic Growth; Macroeconomics; Foreign Direct Investment; Policy; Business and Government Relations; Republic of Ireland
Alfaro, Laura, Vinati Dev, and Stephen McIntyre. "Foreign Direct Investment and Ireland's Tiger Economy (A)." Harvard Business School Case 706-007, July 2005. (Revised March 2010.)
- 2005
- Chapter
Environmental Federalism in the European Union and the United States
By: David Vogel, Michael W. Toffel and Diahanna Post
The United States (US) and the European Union (EU) are federal systems in which the responsibility for environmental policy-making is divided or shared between the central government and the (member) states. The attribution of decision-making power has important policy... View Details
Keywords: Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Government Legislation; Natural Environment; Pollutants; Climate Change; European Union; United States
Vogel, David, Michael W. Toffel, and Diahanna Post. "Environmental Federalism in the European Union and the United States." Chap. 9 in A Handbook of Globalisation and Environmental Policy: National Government Interventions in a Global Arena, edited by F. Wijen, K. Zoeteman, and J. Pieters, 247–276. Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005.
- November 2004 (Revised January 2006)
- Case
Martha Stewart (A)
By: Lynn S. Paine and Christopher Bruner
Explores Martha Stewart's December 2001 sale of ImClone Systems common stock, the ensuing federal investigations into possible insider trading, and Stewart's criminal prosecution and sentencing. Discusses the impact of publicity on Stewart's company, Martha Stewart... View Details
Keywords: Capital Markets; Corporate Governance; Financial Markets; Management Teams; Law; Government and Politics
Paine, Lynn S., and Christopher Bruner. "Martha Stewart (A)." Harvard Business School Case 305-034, November 2004. (Revised January 2006.)
- November 2004
- Article
Unemployment Benefits As a Substitute for a Conservative Central Banker
By: Rafael Di Tella and Robert MacCulloch
In the many years since their introduction, positive theories of inflation have rarely been tested. This paper documents a negative relationship between inflation and the welfare state (proxied by the parameters of the unemployment benefit program) that is to be... View Details
Di Tella, Rafael, and Robert MacCulloch. "Unemployment Benefits As a Substitute for a Conservative Central Banker." Review of Economics and Statistics 86, no. 4 (November 2004): 911–23.
- May 2004
- Article
The Risky Business of Hiring Stars
With the battle for the best and brightest people heating up again, you're most likely out there looking for first-rate talent in the ranks of your competitors. Chances are, you're sold on the idea of recruiting from outside your organization, since developing people... View Details
Keywords: Staffing; Employee Retention; Selection and Staffing; Employees; Retention; Competitive Advantage; Human Resources; Performance
Groysberg, Boris, Ashish Nanda, and Nitin Nohria. "The Risky Business of Hiring Stars." Harvard Business Review 82, no. 5 (May 2004): 92–100.
- April 2004
- Tutorial
Yield Curves and Bond Ratings Tutorial
To preview this online product, Authorized Faculty can call our customer service department at 1-800-545-7685 or 617-783-7600. This online tutorial explains what drives the shape of the yield curve for traded debt securities. Also describes the metrics used by rating... View Details
- February 2004
- Article
Launching a World-Class Joint Venture
By: James Bamford, David Ernst and David G. Fubini
More than 5,000 joint ventures, and many more contractual alliances, have been launched worldwide in the past five years. Companies are realizing that JVs and alliances can be lucrative vehicles for developing new products, moving into new markets, and increasing... View Details
Keywords: Mergers & Acquisitions; Strategic Alliances; Joint Ventures; Alliances; Organizational Structure; Alignment; Mergers and Acquisitions
Bamford, James, David Ernst, and David G. Fubini. "Launching a World-Class Joint Venture." Harvard Business Review 82, no. 2 (February 2004): 90–100.
- December 2003 (Revised October 2005)
- Case
High-Definition TV: The Grand Alliance
Describes political and economic forces that influenced the development of an all-digital, high-definition television (HDTV) standard in the United States between 1986 and 1996. Outlines the stakes for various government and industry participants in the... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Investment; Policy; Management Practices and Processes; Emerging Markets; Standards; Business and Government Relations; Networks; Research and Development; Technology Adoption; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Technology Industry; Japan; Europe; United States
Eisenmann, Thomas R. "High-Definition TV: The Grand Alliance." Harvard Business School Case 804-103, December 2003. (Revised October 2005.)
- October 2003 (Revised February 2004)
- Case
Launching the European Food Safety Authority
By: Ray A. Goldberg and Hal Hogan
The first food safety commission is established for the European Union. How does it handle food safety, scientific evaluations, and people's attitudes toward scientific changes in food growing and processing--for example, genetically modified organisms? View Details
Goldberg, Ray A., and Hal Hogan. "Launching the European Food Safety Authority." Harvard Business School Case 904-414, October 2003. (Revised February 2004.)
- Jul 2003 - 2003
- Conference Presentation
The Politics of Technological Change: How Firms Act to Influence the Decisions of Public Authorities Regarding Technological Change
By: Julie Battilana
- April 2003
- Tutorial
ABC Pen Factory Tutorial
By: Robert S. Kaplan
To preview this online product, Authorized Faculty can call our customer service department at 1-800-545-7685 or 617-783-7600. Illustrates, via a guided audio tour accompanied by dynamically changing spreadsheets, the role for activity-based cost systems. The numerical... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants
- February 2003 (Revised August 2004)
- Case
Flextronics: Deciding on a Shop Floor System for Producing the Microsoft Xbox
By: Jeffrey T. Polzer and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld
Jim McCusker must guide a group decision-making process aimed at getting input and buy-in from key people in California, Mexico, and Austria to choose a shop floor IT system for Flextronics. McCusker is Flextronics' account manager for the Microsoft Xbox project.... View Details
Keywords: Groups and Teams; Decision Making; Power and Influence; Geographic Location; Problems and Challenges; Leadership; California; Mexico; Austria
Polzer, Jeffrey T., and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld. "Flextronics: Deciding on a Shop Floor System for Producing the Microsoft Xbox." Harvard Business School Case 403-090, February 2003. (Revised August 2004.)
- January 2003
- Case
Exchange Rate Policy at the Monetary Authority of Singapore
By: Mihir A. Desai and Mark Veblen
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is responsible for the country's monetary policy, and its decisions are intended to support the country's overall strategy for sustainable economic growth with price stability. MAS has been very successful in managing exchange... View Details
Desai, Mihir A., and Mark Veblen. "Exchange Rate Policy at the Monetary Authority of Singapore." Harvard Business School Case 204-037, January 2003.
- September 2002 (Revised August 2003)
- Case
Genzyme's Gaucher Initiative: Global Risk and Responsibility
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Andrew N. McLean
In Egypt, Genzyme's humanitarian commitment to treat all sufferers of the rare Gaucher disease worldwide first confronts its commercial imperative to recoup the huge investment required to bring the drug Cerezyme to market. Here Tomye Tierney must decide how to balance... View Details
Keywords: Moral Sensibility; Investment; Emerging Markets; Negotiation; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business and Government Relations; Sales; Commercialization; Expansion; Value Creation
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Andrew N. McLean. "Genzyme's Gaucher Initiative: Global Risk and Responsibility." Harvard Business School Case 303-048, September 2002. (Revised August 2003.)
- August 2002
- Article
Creativity Under the Gun
By: Teresa Amabile, Constance N. Hadley and Steven J. Kramer
If you're like most managers, you've worked with people who swear they do their most creative work under tight deadlines. You may use pressure as a management technique, believing it will spur people on to great leaps of insight. You may even manage yourself this way.... View Details
Keywords: Creativity; Innovation and Invention; Time Management; Working Conditions; Performance Evaluation
Amabile, Teresa, Constance N. Hadley, and Steven J. Kramer. "Creativity Under the Gun." Special Issue on The Innovative Enterprise: Turning Ideas into Profits. Harvard Business Review 80, no. 8 (August 2002): 52–61.