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- Faculty Publications (1,381)
- April 2018
- Teaching Note
Formlabs: Selling a New 3D Printer
By: Frank Cespedes
Teaching Note for HBS No. 817-001. Formlabs is a venture that manufactures and sells 3D printers used in a variety of industries and applications. As the young company prepares to ship its latest model, the head of Customer Development is tasked with developing a... View Details
Keywords: 3D Printing And Manufacturing; Sales Channel Development; Sales Strategy; Entrepreneurial Management; Product Engineering; Prototype; Prototyping; Entrepreneurship; Product Launch; Information Infrastructure; Business Startups; Customers; Technological Innovation; Growth and Development Strategy; Technology Adoption; Marketing Channels; Marketing Strategy; Product Positioning; Demand and Consumers; Sales; Salesforce Management; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States; Massachusetts; Europe; Asia
- March 2018 (Revised April 2018)
- Supplement
1366 Technologies: Scaling the Venture (B)
By: Joseph B. Lassiter III and Ramana Nanda
It was March 2018. Should proposed U.S. solar tariffs keep U.S.-based 1366 CEO Frank van Mierlo from starting up his 1st full-scale manufacturing plant overseas? View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Finance; Intellectual Property; Trade; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States; China; Korean Peninsula
Lassiter, Joseph B., III, and Ramana Nanda. "1366 Technologies: Scaling the Venture (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 818-116, March 2018. (Revised April 2018.)
- March 2018
- Teaching Note
Project Titan at Northrop Grumman
By: C. Fritz Foley, Lauren G. Pickle, David Lane and F. Katelynn Boland
Teaching Note for HBS No. 215-001. In March of 2011, Northrop Grumman divested shipbuilding assets through the spin-off of Huntington Ingalls Industries. This case reviews many of the key questions faced by Northrop's CEO, CFO, and top management team during this... View Details
- March 2018
- Case
EKOL Logistics: Thinking Outside the Box
By: Willy C. Shih and Esel Çekin
This case describes Ekol, an intermodal transportation and logistics company, and how it manages capacity planning. Its busiest routes linked motor vehicle assemblers in Germany and Turkey with many of their parts suppliers, but it had also developed key links in... View Details
Keywords: Growth And Development; Strategy; Intermodal Transportation; Short-sea Transportation; Capacity Management; Capacity Planning; Delivery Planning; Route Optimization; Car Spare Part; Auto Manufacturing; Automotive Supply Chain; Europe; Turkey; Service Design; Fast Fashion; Near-shoring; Supply Chain; Supply Chain Management; Operations; Performance Capacity; Performance Efficiency; Logistics; Transportation Industry; Auto Industry; Turkey; Germany; Spain; European Union; Europe
Shih, Willy C., and Esel Çekin. "EKOL Logistics: Thinking Outside the Box." Harvard Business School Case 618-037, March 2018.
- March 2018
- Teaching Note
ISRO: Explore Space or Exploit CubeSats?
ISRO, India’s space agency, established to address domestic challenges with space technology, is one of the six largest space agencies in the world. Through its 59 missions, ISRO has launched numerous satellites for communication, disaster management, navigation,... View Details
- March 2018 (Revised March 2018)
- Teaching Note
By: Boris Vallee and Caitlin Reimers Brumme
Founded by a team of hedge fund and NGO alumni, OpenInvest launched its platform in 2015 to enable retail investors to tailor their portfolio to their personal values in an automated way, for instance by screening out weapon manufacturers stocks or overweighting LGBTQ... View Details
- February 2018
- Teaching Plan
Tesla in 2015
By: Lynda M. Applegate, Olivia Hull and Sarah Mehta
Teaching Note for HBS No. 817-081. View Details
Keywords: Electric Vehicle; Internal Combustion Vehicle; Battery; Product Distribution; Platform Disruption; Vertical Integration; Patents; Disruption; Innovation and Invention; Disruptive Innovation; Innovation Leadership; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Energy; Entrepreneurship; Leading Change; Product Marketing; Information Technology; Digital Platforms; Transportation; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; California
- February 2018 (Revised August 2018)
- Case
By: Shawn Cole, Boris Vallée and Nicole Tempest Keller
Founded by a team of hedge fund and NGO alumni, OpenInvest launched its platform in 2015 to enable retail investors to tailor their portfolios to their personal values in an automated way, for instance by screening out weapons manufacturers stocks or overweighting... View Details
Keywords: Fintech; Impact Investing; Investment Portfolio; Customization and Personalization; Technological Innovation; Social Issues; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Model; Financial Services Industry
Cole, Shawn, Boris Vallée, and Nicole Tempest Keller. "OpenInvest." Harvard Business School Case 218-064, February 2018. (Revised August 2018.)
- February 2018
- Case
Montes Calcados: A Step Ahead
By: James L. Heskett and James T. Kindley
Montes Calçados (MC) is a well-known "fast-fashion" Brazilian manufacturer of casual, but fashionable, shoes for women aged 18–35 in major cities worldwide. To boost its declining revenues, MC must evaluate two growth options: whether to expand distribution online (at... View Details
Keywords: Brands and Branding; Distribution Channels; Growth and Development Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Global Range; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Retail Industry
Heskett, James L., and James T. Kindley. "Montes Calcados: A Step Ahead." Harvard Business School Brief Case 918-513, February 2018.
- February 2018
- Case
The Golden Triangle: Back in Business (A)
By: Joseph Fuller, William Kerr, Manjari Raman and Donald Maruyama
The Golden Triangle Region (GTR) is a three-county area in rural Mississippi that suffered a steep decline as manufacturing companies faced pressures from automation and overseas competition. Between the mid 1980s and late 1990s, several textile, toy, and tubing... View Details
Keywords: Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Development Economics; Change; Leadership; Success; Mississippi
Fuller, Joseph, William Kerr, Manjari Raman, and Donald Maruyama. "The Golden Triangle: Back in Business (A)." Harvard Business School Case 818-089, February 2018.
- January 2018
- Case
Merck CEO Ken Frazier Quits President Trump's Advisory Council
By: Andy Zelleke and Brian Tilley
In the first six months of Donald Trump’s presidency, Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier appeared alongside Trump at least three times at press events, one of which commemorated the first and only meeting of the president’s Manufacturing Job Initiative (better known at the... View Details
- January 2018
- Case
Environmental Technology Fund Partners and E-Leather
By: Vikram S. Gandhi and Aldo Sesia
It is 2014 and Environmental Technologies Fund (ETF) Partners, a UK-based venture capital firm, has an opportunity to invest in a privately held UK company that manufactured engineered composition leather extracted from waste leather using an environmentally friendly... View Details
Keywords: Sustainability; Venture Capital; Investment Strategy; Investment; Strategy; Ownership; Valuation; Energy Conservation; Equity; Technological Innovation; Environmental Sustainability; Performance Efficiency; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United Kingdom
Gandhi, Vikram S., and Aldo Sesia. "Environmental Technology Fund Partners and E-Leather." Harvard Business School Case 318-001, January 2018.
- January 2018
- Teaching Note
Suominen Wipes the Slate Clean
By: Boris Groysberg, Kalle Heikkinen, Michael Norris and James Barnett
In 2016, after successfully turning around Finnish nonwovens manufacturer Suominen, CEO Nina Kopola faces a decision on the company’s strategy moving forward. View Details
- January 2018 (Revised January 2019)
- Case
By: Jeffrey J. Bussgang and Olivia Hull
In October 2015, ZappRx founder Zoe Barry is deciding between two business models for her health technology start-up. Her product, a software application that aims to expedite the prescription fulfillment process for patients with rare diseases, has attracted interest... View Details
- January–February 2018
- Article
More than a Paycheck: How to Create Good Blue-Collar Jobs in the Knowledge Economy
By: Dennis Campbell, John Case and Bill Fotsch
Fifty years ago a good blue-collar job was with a large manufacturer such as General Motors or Goodyear. Often unionized, it paid well, offered benefits, and was secure. But manufacturing employment has steadily declined, from about 25% of the U.S. labor force in 1970... View Details
Campbell, Dennis, John Case, and Bill Fotsch. "More than a Paycheck: How to Create Good Blue-Collar Jobs in the Knowledge Economy." Harvard Business Review 96, no. 1 (January–February 2018): 118–124.
- January 2018
- Supplement
Fuyao Glass: Making Automotive Windshields
By: Willy C. Shih
This supplementary video shows the manufacturing process for automotive windshields. It is intended for use with HBS Case no. 618-007 Fuyao Glass: Americas Sourcing Decision. View Details
Keywords: Manufacturing; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Footprint; Production Management; Production; Management; Auto Industry; China; United States
Shih, Willy C. "Fuyao Glass: Making Automotive Windshields." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 618-706, December 2017.
- December 2017 (Revised November 2018)
- Case
Tesla: Merging with SolarCity
By: Stuart C. Gilson and Sarah L. Abbott
In 2016, electric car manufacturer Tesla announced that it was making an offer to acquire solar panel manufacturer SolarCity in an all-stock offer worth $2.6 billion in Tesla stock. Tesla’s co-founder and CEO, Elon Musk, believed that the merger would generate... View Details
Keywords: M&A; M&A Valuation; Investing; Equities; Equity; Valuation; Mergers and Acquisitions; Auto Industry; Energy Industry; United States
Gilson, Stuart C., and Sarah L. Abbott. "Tesla: Merging with SolarCity." Harvard Business School Case 218-038, December 2017. (Revised November 2018.)
- December 2017
- Supplement
Data-Driven Manufacturing: The Kutesmart System
By: Willy C. Shih
This supplementary video shows the Kutesmart System at Redcollar Group. It is an example of a mass customization system that is data-driven, but is predominantly based on manual operations. It is offered as a contrast to highly automated data-driven manufacturing. View Details
Keywords: Data-driven Manufacturing; Clothing; Bespoke Manufacturing; Production; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; China
Shih, Willy C. "Data-Driven Manufacturing: The Kutesmart System." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Supplement 618-702, December 2017.
- December 2017 (Revised January 2018)
- Case
By: David E. Bell and Natalie Kindred
Alltech was a Lexington, Kentucky–based producer of supplements for animal feed, with revenues of over $2 billion (projected to reach $3 billion in 2018), sales in 120 countries, 5,000 employees, and 100 manufacturing plants worldwide. For nearly four decades, Alltech... View Details
Keywords: Alltech; United States; Agribusiness; Agriculture; Animal; Animal Agriculture; Animal Feed; Livestock; Family Business; Vertical Integration; Strategy; Growth; Feed Additives; Feed Supplements; Kentucky; Growth Strategy; Family Businesses; Animal-Based Agribusiness; Acquisition; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; Change Management; Trends; Governance; Entrepreneurship; Growth and Development; Intellectual Property; Leadership; Management; Markets; Organizational Culture; Private Ownership; Science; Quality; Risk and Uncertainty; Research; Sales; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States; Kentucky; Brazil; China
Bell, David E., and Natalie Kindred. "Alltech." Harvard Business School Case 518-001, December 2017. (Revised January 2018.)
- December 2017 (Revised January 2018)
- Case
By: Jose Alvarez, Forest Reinhardt and Natalie Kindred
This case describes the business model and workplace philosophy of NatureSweet, a privately owned, vertically integrated greenhouse grower and marketer of fresh tomatoes with sales across the United States and $329 million in 2016 revenues. CEO Bryant Ambelang treated... View Details
Keywords: NatureSweet; Tomatoes; Agriculture; Greenhouse; Ambelang; Cherry Tomatoes; Incentives; Worker Empowerment; Empowerment; Toyota Production System; Leadership; Branding; Produce; Manufacturing; Organizational Change; Agribusiness; Business Model; Employee Relationship Management; Working Conditions; Organizational Culture; Success; Problems and Challenges; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States; Mexico; North America
Alvarez, Jose, Forest Reinhardt, and Natalie Kindred. "NatureSweet." Harvard Business School Case 518-002, December 2017. (Revised January 2018.)