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- June 2011 (Revised May 2012)
- Case
L'Oréal: Global Brand, Local Knowledge
By: Rebecca M. Henderson and Ryan Johnson
Worldwide, and in the U.S. marketplace in particular, the French cachet of L'Oréal was one of its most powerful marketing tools. However, with the opening up of emerging markets, L'Oréal had to cater to a diverse customer base: an aging population in the West, ethnic... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Brands and Branding; Marketing Communications; Change Management; Sales; Emerging Markets; Segmentation; Innovation and Invention; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; France; United States
Henderson, Rebecca M., and Ryan Johnson. "L'Oréal: Global Brand, Local Knowledge." Harvard Business School Case 311-118, June 2011. (Revised May 2012.)
- 10 Jul 2000
- Research & Ideas
Cable TV: From Community Antennas to Wired Cities
formal permission—which almost never was granted—before importing distant signals. 8 The FCC's restrictions may have slowed cable's expansion into urban markets, but the overall rate of growth for the industry actually accelerated during... View Details
- November 2014
- Article
The Global Agglomeration of Multinational Firms
By: Laura Alfaro and Maggie Xiaoyang Chen
The explosion of multinational activities in recent decades is rapidly transforming the global landscape of industrial production. But are the emerging clusters of multinational production the rule or the exception? What drives the offshore agglomeration of... View Details
Keywords: Agglomeration; Agglomeration Economies; Multinational Firms and Management; Manufacturing Industry
Alfaro, Laura, and Maggie Xiaoyang Chen. "The Global Agglomeration of Multinational Firms." Journal of International Economics 94, no. 2 (November 2014): 263–276. (Revised April 2014. Also NBER Working Paper Series, No. 15576. See Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 10-043 for longer version.)
- Teaching Interest
Investment Management Workshop
By: Luis M. Viceira
Investing and Strategic Decision-Making for Principals, Portfolio Managers, and Executives of Asset Management Firms
For nearly 50 years, the Investment Management Workshop (IMW) has convened the world's top principals, portfolio managers, and... View Details
- November 2007
- Supplement
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.
By: Tarun Khanna and Krishna G. Palepu
How do companies develop a strategy that is both low-cost and differentiated without becoming squeezed in the middle? Describes how Teva, Israel's largest and first multinational, achieved its globally dominant position in generic pharmaceuticals, an industry that has... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Emerging Markets; Rank and Position; Competitive Strategy; Pharmaceutical Industry; Israel; India
Khanna, Tarun, and Krishna G. Palepu. "Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 708-806, November 2007.
- September 2017
- Case
By: John R. Wells and Gabriel Ellsworth
Tencent had undergone many transformations since it was founded in 1998 as a simple messaging service. In 2017, it was the largest online games provider in China with a wide range of game types, China’s largest social networking service provider with several of the... View Details
Keywords: Tencent; Tencent Holdings; WeChat; Social Networking; Social Networks; Gaming; Gaming Industry; Video Games; Computer Games; Mobile Gaming; Portals; Payments; Mobile Payments; O2O; Online-to-offline; E-commerce; Messaging; Subscription Model; Freemium; Mobile App Industry; Smartphone; PC; Monetization Strategy; Antitrust; Streaming; Cloud Computing; Artificial Intelligence; Big Data; Alibaba; Facebook;; Tesla; Bundling; Synergies; Digital Strategy; Imitation; Licensing; Agility; Entry Barriers; Online Platforms; Advertising; Digital Marketing; Business Ventures; Acquisition; Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Conglomerates; Business Units; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Organization; For-Profit Firms; Joint Ventures; Restructuring; Communication; Communication Technology; Blogs; Interactive Communication; Interpersonal Communication; Entertainment; Film Entertainment; Games, Gaming, and Gambling; Music Entertainment; Investment; Investment Portfolio; Price; Profit; Revenue; Geographic Scope; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Global Strategy; Multinational Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries; Business History; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Product Positioning; Social Marketing; Network Effects; Emerging Markets; Market Entry and Exit; Digital Platforms; Industry Growth; Monopoly; Media; Distribution Channels; Product Development; Service Delivery; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Structure; Public Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Business and Government Relations; Groups and Teams; Networks; Opportunities; Social and Collaborative Networks; Strategy; Adaptation; Business Strategy; Commercialization; Competition; Competitive Advantage; Competitive Strategy; Cooperation; Corporate Strategy; Diversification; Expansion; Horizontal Integration; Vertical Integration; Segmentation; Information Technology; Internet and the Web; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Internet and the Web; Applications and Software; Information Infrastructure; Digital Platforms; Internet and the Web; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Value Creation; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Communications Industry; Asia; China; Canton (province, China)
Wells, John R., and Gabriel Ellsworth. "Tencent." Harvard Business School Case 718-426, September 2017.
- December 2014
- Article
Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance
By: Mercedes Delgado, Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern
This paper evaluates the role of regional cluster composition in regional industry performance. On the one hand, diminishing returns to specialization in a location can result in a convergence effect: the growth rate of an industry within a region may be declining in... View Details
Delgado, Mercedes, Michael E. Porter, and Scott Stern. "Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance." Research Policy 43, no. 10 (December 2014): 1785–1799.
- February 1985 (Revised September 1988)
- Case
Komatsu Ltd.
Reviews and updates the structure and characteristics of the earth-moving equipment industry presented in the companion case, Caterpillar Tractor Co. After revealing that CAT has suffered major financial losses during the period from 1981 through 1984, the case... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Machinery and Machining; Price; Growth and Development; Brands and Branding; Product Development; Production; Competitive Strategy; Global Strategy; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Komatsu Ltd." Harvard Business School Case 385-277, February 1985. (Revised September 1988.)
- 09 Jan 2024
- In Practice
Harnessing AI: What Businesses Need to Know in ChatGPT’s Second Year
will companies and their employees adjust to the new world of AI? Harvard Business School faculty members take a look at emerging AI trends and offer some advice for businesses on how to make the most of this new technology in 2024.... View Details
- 2014
- Teaching Note
Changhong: Journey to Shared Services (TN)
By: F. Warren McFarlan, Haiyan Zhang and Guo Jia
Founded in 1958 and headquartered in Mianyang - an emerging inland science and technology city in Sichuan Province, Changhong Electric Co., Ltd., started from the military industry. It then entered the color TV industry and subsequently expanded to a wide range of... View Details
McFarlan, F. Warren, Haiyan Zhang, and Guo Jia. "Changhong: Journey to Shared Services (TN)." Tsinghua University Teaching Note, 2014.
- 08 Sep 2022
- Book
Gen Xers and Millennials, It’s Time To Lead. Are You Ready?
But, frustrated Gen Xers and Millennials need not give up—their time will come, and they need to prepare now. “We desperately need this generation to learn how to manage diverse people, and manage through our crises.” In the new book True North: View Details
Keywords: by Lane Lambert
- Teaching Interest
Globalization and Emerging Markets (Elective Course)
The world order has changed significantly in the last two decades. The influence of western-style varieties of capitalism has been challenged by new forms of capitalism that rely less on private enterprise and on the... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Strategy; Macroeconomics; State Capitalism; Political Economy; Emerging Markets; Multinational Firms and Management; Global Strategy; Economics; Energy Industry; Energy Industry; Energy Industry; Energy Industry; Energy Industry; China; Africa; Dubai; Pakistan; India; Brazil; Russia; Cuba; Argentina
- 2012
- Working Paper
Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance
By: Mercedes Delgado, Michael E. Porter and Scott Stern
This paper evaluates the role of regional cluster composition in the economic performance of industries, clusters, and regions. On the one hand, diminishing returns to specialization in a location can result in a convergence effect: the growth rate of an industry... View Details
Delgado, Mercedes, Michael E. Porter, and Scott Stern. "Clusters, Convergence, and Economic Performance." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 18250, July 2012.
- 11 Mar 2001
- Research & Ideas
Merchants to Multinationals: British Trading Companies in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
manufacturing and financial activities around the globe prior to WWI. The British trading companies played a significant role in opening new markets and developing new sources of supply in resources in the emerging global economy.... View Details
Keywords: by Geoffrey Jones
- 24 May 2021
- Op-Ed
Can Fabric Waste Become Fashion’s Resource?
COVID-19 has broken fashion’s supply chain. As a result, an already wasteful industry has become more wasteful. Even before the pandemic, the global apparel industry was producing about 92 million tons of textile waste a year. That’s about one garbage truck’s worth of... View Details
- November 2018 (Revised August 2020)
- Case
The Reinvention of Kodak
By: Ryan Raffaelli and Christine Snively
The Eastman Kodak Company (Kodak) was a name familiar to most Americans. The company had dominated the film and photography industry through most of the 20th Century and was known for making affordable cameras (and the “Kodak Moment”) and supplying the movie industry... View Details
Keywords: CEO; Leadership; Asset Management; Transformation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Competitive Strategy
Raffaelli, Ryan, and Christine Snively. "The Reinvention of Kodak." Harvard Business School Case 419-012, November 2018. (Revised August 2020.)
- 2000
- Book
Merchants to Multinationals
By: Geoffrey Jones
This book examines the evolution of multinational trading companies from the eighteenth century to the present day. During the Industrial Revolution, British merchants established overseas branches which became major trade intermediaries, and later engaged in foreign... View Details
Keywords: Competency and Skills; Trade; Foreign Direct Investment; Multinational Firms and Management; Corporate Governance; Growth and Development; Human Resources; Information Management; Relationships; Corporate Strategy; Africa; Asia; Latin America
Jones, Geoffrey. Merchants to Multinationals. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. (Winner of Newcomen-Harvard Book Award Given once every three years to the best work in the field of business history published in the United States.)
- July 2019 (Revised May 2020)
- Case
AT&T, Retraining, and the Workforce of Tomorrow
By: William R. Kerr, Joseph B. Fuller and Carl Kreitzberg
By the late 2000s, rapid changes in the telecommunications industry forced AT&T’s management team to take on a task that CEO Randall Stephenson called the “biggest logistical challenge” they had ever seen: retraining 100,000 workers by 2020. In 2012, internal company... View Details
Keywords: AT&T; Workforce; Skills; Future Of Work; Telecommunications; Unions; Technological Change; Layoffs; MOOCS; Strategic Planning; Employees; Training; Competency and Skills; Labor; Learning; Labor Unions; Technology Adoption; Talent and Talent Management; Telecommunications Industry; Communications Industry; United States
Kerr, William R., Joseph B. Fuller, and Carl Kreitzberg. "AT&T, Retraining, and the Workforce of Tomorrow." Harvard Business School Case 820-017, July 2019. (Revised May 2020.)
- 2022
- Working Paper
Institutional Emplacement and the Novel Resurgence of Independent Bookstores
By: Ryan Raffaelli and Ryann Noe
This study reveals how actors leverage physical place as an asset to facilitate organizational
adaptation and industry evolution. Through a longitudinal, qualitative analysis of the U.S.
independent bookselling industry from 1995 to 2019, we outline how dispersed... View Details
Keywords: Industry Growth; Small Business; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Business Processes; Retail Industry; Retail Industry; United States
Raffaelli, Ryan, and Ryann Noe. "Institutional Emplacement and the Novel Resurgence of Independent Bookstores." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 23-033, December 2022.
- March 2005 (Revised June 2005)
- Background Note
Arbitration between Foreign Investors and Host Governments
By: Louis T. Wells Jr. and Regina Garcia-Cuellar
Explains the emergence of international arbitration as an option for foreign investors with disputes with governments of emerging markets. Presents issues about whether arbitration will remain acceptable to countries and governments. View Details
Keywords: Conflict and Resolution; Foreign Direct Investment; Globalized Markets and Industries; Emerging Markets; Government and Politics
Wells, Louis T., Jr., and Regina Garcia-Cuellar. "Arbitration between Foreign Investors and Host Governments." Harvard Business School Background Note 705-035, March 2005. (Revised June 2005.)