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- All HBS Web (2,951)
- Faculty Publications (1,607)
- September–October 2013
- Article
The Dynamic Advertising Effect of Collegiate Athletics
By: Doug J. Chung
I measure the spillover effect of intercollegiate athletics on the quantity and quality of applicants to institutions of higher education in the United States, popularly known as the "Flutie Effect." I treat athletic success as a stock of goodwill that decays over... View Details
Keywords: Choice Modeling; Entertainment Marketing; Heterogeneity; Panel Data; Structural Modeling; Rights; Analytics and Data Science; Higher Education; Ethics; Consumer Behavior; Advertising; Sports; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry
Chung, Doug J. "The Dynamic Advertising Effect of Collegiate Athletics." Marketing Science 32, no. 5 (September–October 2013): 679–698. (Lead article. Featured in HBS Working Knowledge.)
- July 2013
- Case
Novozymes: Establishing the Cellulosic Ethanol Value Chain
By: Willy Shih and Sen Chai
As the world's largest producer of industrial enzymes, Novozymes had invested heavily for many years to bio-engineer enzymes that could break down cellulose into fermentable sugar. In 2010, the company had launched what it thought would become a breakthrough product... View Details
Keywords: System Complexity; Industrial Enzymes; Ethanol; Collulosic Ethanol; Fermentation; Genomics; Genetic Engineering; Value Chain; Assembling Value Chain; Energy Sources; Renewable Energy; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Industry Growth; Production; Research; Research and Development; Science; Genetics; Natural Environment; Environmental Sustainability; Science-Based Business; Business Strategy; Commercialization; Vertical Integration; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Biotechnology Industry; Energy Industry; Denmark; United States
Shih, Willy, and Sen Chai. "Novozymes: Establishing the Cellulosic Ethanol Value Chain." Harvard Business School Case 614-001, July 2013.
- November 2016
- Case
Pete & Gerry's
By: Jose Alvarez and Natalie Kindred
Keywords: "Pete & Gerry's; " Eggs; Egg Industry; Avian Flu; Cage Free; Free Range; Agribusiness; Agriculture; Industry Structure; Industry Evolution; Price Volatility; Small Business; Strategy Formulation; Branding; Marketing; Premium Brand; Growth; Consumer; Consumer Behavior; Animal Welfare; Retail; Grocery; Food Labeling; Animal-Based Agribusiness; Advertising Campaigns; Business Model; Change; Change Management; Disruption; Transition; Trends; Volatility; Customer Value and Value Chain; Entrepreneurship; Food; Ethics; Health; Problems and Challenges; Operations; Sales; Risk and Uncertainty; Quality; Public Opinion; Value; Strategy; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; United States
Alvarez, Jose, and Natalie Kindred. "Pete & Gerry's." Harvard Business School Case 517-048, November 2016.
- December 2018
- Case
CIR Group: Passing Wealth through the Generations
By: Lauren Cohen, Christopher J. Malloy and Elena Corsi
Rodolfo, Marco, and Edoardo De Benedetti had received from their father his controlling shares in COFIDE, a publicly listed holding company that held 45.8% of CIR Group, another publicly listed holding. The latter held majority shares in GEDI, Italy’s largest print... View Details
Keywords: Succession Planning; Transferring Shares; Wealth Management; Holding Structures; Family Ownership; Ownership Stake; Management Succession; Governing and Advisory Boards; Policy; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Italy
Cohen, Lauren, Christopher J. Malloy, and Elena Corsi. "CIR Group: Passing Wealth through the Generations." Harvard Business School Case 219-060, December 2018.
- 2012
- Article
The Architecture of Transaction Networks: A Comparative Analysis of Hierarchy in Two Sectors
By: Jianxi Luo, Carliss Y. Baldwin, Daniel E. Whitney and Christopher L. Magee
Many products are manufactured in networks of firms linked by transactions, but comparatively little is known about how or why such transaction networks differ. This article investigates the transaction networks of two large sectors in Japan at a single point in time.... View Details
Keywords: Transactions; Hierarchy; Industry Architecture; Innovation; Networks; Market Transactions; Vertical Integration; Industry Structures; Innovation and Invention; Auto Industry; Auto Industry; Japan
Luo, Jianxi, Carliss Y. Baldwin, Daniel E. Whitney, and Christopher L. Magee. "The Architecture of Transaction Networks: A Comparative Analysis of Hierarchy in Two Sectors." Industrial and Corporate Change 21, no. 6 (December 2012): 1307–1335.
- October 2016
- Case
Moshe Kahlon: Telecommunications Reform and Competition in Israel's Cellular Market (A)
By: Joshua Margolis, Amram Migdal and Kerry Herman
The case addresses reforms to regulations in Israel’s telecommunications industry initiated and implemented under the leadership of Minister of Communications Moshe Kahlon in 2009-2010. The case highlights the challenges faced by a politician attempting to institute... View Details
Keywords: Market Reform; Political Leadership; Industry Regulation; Regulatory Reforms; Economic Sectors; Private Sector; Public Sector; Ethics; Values and Beliefs; Geopolitical Units; Country; Geography; Government Administration; Government Legislation; Business History; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Market Design; Market Participation; Supply and Industry; Duopoly and Oligopoly; Industry Structures; Telecommunications Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Israel
Margolis, Joshua, Amram Migdal, and Kerry Herman. "Moshe Kahlon: Telecommunications Reform and Competition in Israel's Cellular Market (A)." Harvard Business School Case 417-017, October 2016.
- 01 Sep 2020
- News
Good Odds
pounds of food that had been prepared for customers in the catering, hotel, travel, and restaurant industries got stuck in the supply chain when the world seized up. That’s when Philip Behn (MBA 2005), CEO of Imperfect Foods, jumped into... View Details
- October 2016
- Supplement
Moshe Kahlon: Telecommunications Reform and Competition in Israel's Cellular Market (B)
By: Joshua Margolis, Amram Migdal and Kerry Herman
The case complements “Moshe Kahlon: Telecommunications Reform and Competition in Israel’s Cellular Market (A),” HBS case number 417-017, which addresses reforms to regulations in Israel’s telecommunications industry initiated and implemented under the leadership of... View Details
Keywords: Market Reform; Political Leadership; Industry Regulation; Regulatory Reforms; Economic Sectors; Private Sector; Public Sector; Values and Beliefs; Ethics; Geography; Geopolitical Units; Country; Government and Politics; Government Administration; Government Legislation; Leadership; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Market Design; Market Participation; Duopoly and Oligopoly; Supply and Industry; Industry Structures; Telecommunications Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Israel
Margolis, Joshua, Amram Migdal, and Kerry Herman. "Moshe Kahlon: Telecommunications Reform and Competition in Israel's Cellular Market (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 417-018, October 2016.
- March 2017
- Case
Cantel Medical
By: John R. Wells and Gabriel Ellsworth
Cantel Medical Corporation provided infection prevention and control products and services for patients, caregivers, and other healthcare providers. In 2016, Cantel generated sales of $665 million and net profits of $60 million, double the levels of five years earlier.... View Details
Keywords: Cantel; Charles Diker; Furniture Industry; Matrix Organization; Acquisition; Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Conglomerates; Business Units; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Organization; For-Profit Firms; Chemicals; Profit; Revenue; Geographic Scope; Multinational Firms and Management; Health; Health Care and Treatment; Business History; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Organizational Structure; Problems and Challenges; Research and Development; Opportunities; Strategy; Adaptation; Business Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Diversification; Expansion; Information Technology; Biotechnology Industry; Biotechnology Industry; Biotechnology Industry; Biotechnology Industry; Biotechnology Industry; Biotechnology Industry; United States; New Jersey
Wells, John R., and Gabriel Ellsworth. "Cantel Medical." Harvard Business School Case 717-482, March 2017.
- February 2019 (Revised April 2021)
- Case
Honda Innovations: Leveraging External Insights to Accelerate Creation
By: Antonio Davila
Nick Sugimoto, CEO of Honda Innovations—the open innovation organization of Honda, has to decide how to extend his organization’s approach to innovation across the world. Honda Innovations dates back to 2000 when Honda created Honda Research Institute in Silicon... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Radical Innovation; Corporate Venturing; Corporate Innovation; Organization Structure; Management Control; Business Units; Disruption; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Global Strategy; Disruptive Innovation; Innovation and Management; Innovation Strategy; Organizational Structure; Strategy; Auto Industry; San Francisco; Japan
Davila, Antonio. "Honda Innovations: Leveraging External Insights to Accelerate Creation." Harvard Business School Case 119-062, February 2019. (Revised April 2021.)
- November 2012
- Case
Teaming at GE Aviation
Describes the challenges and successes encountered by GE's Aviation business in implementing a teaming work structure and culture in plants across its supply chain. GE Aviation leadership had seen dramatic gains in productivity, quality, and worker satisfaction in... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Behavior; Aviation And Aerospace; Capacity Management; Competitiveness; Corporate Culture; Corporate Structure; Labor Relations; Manufacturing; Production Planning; General Electric; Teaming; Managing Change; Transformation; Labor Unions; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Performance Productivity; Leading Change; Management Style; Job Design and Levels; Aerospace Industry; Aerospace Industry; United States
Khurana, Rakesh, Jeffrey Polzer, Willy Shih, and Eric Baldwin. "Teaming at GE Aviation." Harvard Business School Case 413-074, November 2012.
- May 2012 (Revised August 2014)
- Case
By: Regina E. Herzlinger and Natalie Kindred
McKesson, a large, diversified drug distribution and health care IT company, is considering development of new business offerings to help private practice physicians remain independent. The company, with $122 billion in 2010 revenues, just made its first foray into... View Details
Keywords: Health Care Industry; Health Care Policy; Organizational Transformations; Health Services; Health Care and Treatment; Business Model; Service Operations; Change Management; Corporate Strategy; Information Technology; Policy; Pharmaceutical Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States
Herzlinger, Regina E., and Natalie Kindred. "McKesson." Harvard Business School Case 312-002, May 2012. (Revised August 2014.)
- June 2017
- Teaching Note
Qalaa Holdings and the Egyptian Refining Company
By: Victoria Ivashina and Jeffrey Boyar
Teaching Note for HBS No. 217-011 View Details
- September 2016 (Revised April 2020)
- Case
Dwyane Wade
By: Anita Elberse and Jennifer Schoppe
In July 2016, while on his annual China tour to help promote the sportswear brand Li-Ning, basketball superstar Dwyane Wade and his long-time business manager, Lisa Joseph-Metelus, face a decision regarding one of his other business partnerships—that with the American... View Details
Keywords: Branding; Fashion; Superstar; Celebrity Endorsement; Innovation; Creative Industries; Talent; General Management; Sports; Entertainment; Brands and Branding; Marketing; Management; Strategy; Personal Development and Career; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Consumer Products Industry; China
Elberse, Anita, and Jennifer Schoppe. "Dwyane Wade." Harvard Business School Case 517-035, September 2016. (Revised April 2020.)
- July 1995 (Revised September 1997)
- Case
Baseball Strike, The
Describes structural conditions in the American baseball industry in 1995. Although this case covers conditions leading to the 1994-95 strike, it is designed primarily for analysis of the structural tensions that arise between suppliers, buyers, and rivals as industry... View Details
Keywords: Industry Structures; Sports; Labor and Management Relations; Sports Industry; United States
McGahan, Anita M., John F. McGuire, and Julia Kou. "Baseball Strike, The." Harvard Business School Case 796-059, July 1995. (Revised September 1997.)
- June 2013 (Revised January 2016)
- Case
Château Margaux: Launching the Third Wine
By: Elie Ofek and Eric E. Vogt
Château Margaux, one of only five prestigious estates in the Bordeaux Medoc wine region to have been classified as a "first-growth", is facing a host of strategic decisions in early 2013. Up until this point the estate had been selling two red wines, a first wine whose... View Details
Keywords: New Product Launch; Marketing Plan; Brand Management; Go To Market Strategy; Channels Of Distribution; Wine Industry; Marketing Strategy; Distribution Channels; Product Launch; Brands and Branding; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; France
Ofek, Elie, and Eric E. Vogt. "Château Margaux: Launching the Third Wine." Harvard Business School Case 513-107, June 2013. (Revised January 2016.)
- March 2019
- Supplement
KITEA (F): Expanding in Africa
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Gamze Yucaoglu
he case opens in 2018 after KITEA has recorded two years of double-digit sales growth following IKEA’s entry into the Moroccan market. It then traces the factors that contributed to KITEA’s success and that led Tana Africa Capital Limited to acquire a minority stake in... View Details
Keywords: Retail; KITEA; IKEA; Furniture; Furniture Industry; Entry Strategy; Responding To Entry; Localization; Competitive Interaction; Private Sector; For-Profit Firms; Business Strategy; Strategic Planning; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Adaptation; Corporate Strategy; Success; Expansion; Strategy; Retail Industry; Africa; North Africa; Morocco
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, and Gamze Yucaoglu. "KITEA (F): Expanding in Africa." Harvard Business School Supplement 719-423, March 2019.
- July–August 2016
- Article
Beyond the Holacracy Hype: The Overwrought Claims—and Actual Promise—of the Next Generation of Self-Managed Teams
By: Ethan Bernstein, John Bunch, Niko Canner and Michael Lee
Holacracy and other forms of self-organization have been getting a lot of press. Proponents hail them as "flat" environments that foster flexibility, engagement, productivity, and efficiency. Critics say they're naive, unrealistic experiments. We argue, using evidence... View Details
Keywords: Self-Managed Organizations; Self-Managed Teams; Reliability; Adaptability; Holacracy; Organization Design; Organization Structure; Organizational Charts; Organizational Architecture; Organizational Forms; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Performance Effectiveness; Performance Productivity; Management Practices and Processes; Management Systems; Managerial Roles; Human Resources; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; North America
Bernstein, Ethan, John Bunch, Niko Canner, and Michael Lee. "Beyond the Holacracy Hype: The Overwrought Claims—and Actual Promise—of the Next Generation of Self-Managed Teams." Harvard Business Review 94, nos. 7-8 (July–August 2016): 38–49.
- July–August 2017
- Article
Why Outlet Stores Exist: Averting Cannibalization in Product Line Extensions
By: Donald Ngwe
Outlet stores are a large and growing component of many firms' retailing strategies, particularly in the fashion industry. Outlet stores offer attractive prices in locations far from central shopping districts. The main perspectives on why outlet stores exist can be... View Details
Keywords: Fashion; Industrial Organization; Outlet Stores; Price Discrimination; Retail; Channel Management; Luxury; Product Marketing; Price; Retail Industry; Retail Industry
Ngwe, Donald. "Why Outlet Stores Exist: Averting Cannibalization in Product Line Extensions." Marketing Science 36, no. 4 (July–August 2017): 523–541.
- March 2018
- Supplement
China Vanke: Battle for Control (C)
By: Lynn S. Paine, Charles C.Y. Wang, Dawn H. Lau and Anthony K. Woo
Baoneng calls for the removal of China Vanke's board of directors, citing as reasons the directors' mishandling of the Shenzhen Metro proposal as well as the company's various breaches of corporate governance requirements. Vanke defends itself against Baoneng's... View Details
Keywords: China Vanke; China Resources; Hostile Takeover; Board Of Directors; Shareholding Structure; Shareholder Rights; Asset Restructuring; Corporate Governance; Governing and Advisory Boards; Valuation; Business and Shareholder Relations; Real Estate Industry; China
Paine, Lynn S., Charles C.Y. Wang, Dawn H. Lau, and Anthony K. Woo. "China Vanke: Battle for Control (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 318-119, March 2018.