Health Care and Life Science at HBS
Health Care and Life Science at HBS
Right now in the United States, at least 50 million women are entering menopause, and a recent survey has shown a majority of them face a lack of care, treatment, and support from their existing providers, and a sense of isolation. What can leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, etc. do to give the female workforce the tools to thrive during this important health journey? [...]
The news that I was selected as the first postdoc for the Blavatnik Fellowship was both humbling and exciting. It also felt like the ideal capstone to my academic training. Up until that point, I had spent my academic career focused on technical training as an engineer, including the last seven years working as a PhD candidate and postdoc. [...]
This year, after a tremendous amount of struggle and indecision, I decided to pursue entrepreneurship as a Harvard Blavatnik Fellow rather than pursue medical residency training. It was the right decision, but I really liked studying medicine. I loved learning about new science and treatments and pathophysiology. I loved helping people by performing instantly gratifying procedures. I loved the intensity and the rush of adrenaline when the paramedics rolled in with trauma. But what I loved the most was providing support for patients on what were likely some of the worst days of their lives. [...]