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- Faculty Publications (6)
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- 2006
- Book
Effective Management of Social Enterprises: Lessons from Businesses and Civil Society Organizations in Iberoamerica
By: James E. Austin, Roberto Gutierrez, Enrique Ogliastri and Ezequiel Reficco
Austin, James E., Roberto Gutierrez, Enrique Ogliastri, and Ezequiel Reficco. Effective Management of Social Enterprises: Lessons from Businesses and Civil Society Organizations in Iberoamerica. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006. (Social Enterprise Knowledge Network (SEKN), Editorial Committee.)
- 2006
- Book
Gestión efectiva de emprendimientos sociales
By: James E. Austin, Roberto Gutierrez, Enrique Ogliastri and Ezequiel Reficco
- 2006
- Chapter
Corporate Social Entrepreneurship: A New Vision for CSR
By: James E. Austin, Dutch Leonard, Ezequiel Reficco and Jane Wei-Skillern
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship
Austin, James E., Dutch Leonard, Ezequiel Reficco, and Jane Wei-Skillern. "Corporate Social Entrepreneurship: A New Vision for CSR." In The Accountable Corporation, Vol. 3: Corporate Social Responsibility, edited by Marc J. Epstein and Kirk O. Hanson. Praeger, 2006.
- Article
La Nueva Ruta: alianzas sociales estrategicas (The New Path: Strategic Social Alliances)
By: James E. Austin, Gustavo Herrero and Ezequiel Reficco
Austin, James E., Gustavo Herrero, and Ezequiel Reficco. "La Nueva Ruta: alianzas sociales estrategicas (The New Path: Strategic Social Alliances)." Harvard Business Review América Latina 82, no. 12 (December 2004).
- 2004
- Working Paper
Social Enterprise Series No. 31--Corporate Social Entrepreneurship: A New Vision of CSR
By: James Austin, Herman Leonard, Ezequiel Reficco and Jane Wei-Skillern
- November 2002 (Revised May 2006)
- Case
Forest Stewardship Council
By: James E. Austin and Ezequiel Reficco
In just a few years the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) made impressive progress toward its mission of promoting "environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests." By 2001, 25.5 million hectares of forests in... View Details
Keywords: Finance; Corporate Governance; Management; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Environmental Sustainability; Competitive Strategy
Austin, James E., and Ezequiel Reficco. "Forest Stewardship Council." Harvard Business School Case 303-047, November 2002. (Revised May 2006.)