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- Faculty Publications (10)
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- Faculty Publications (10)
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- 2022
- Working Paper
Small Campaign Donors
By: Laurent Bouton, Julia Cagé, Edgard Dewitte and Vincent Pons
In this paper, we study the characteristics and behavior of small donors, and compare them to those of large donors. We first build a novel dataset including all the 340 million individual contributions reported to the U.S. Federal Election Commission between 2005 and... View Details
Keywords: Campaign Finance; Campaign Contributions; Small Donations; ActBlue; WinRed; TV Advertising; Political Elections; Finance; Demographics; Advertising; Analysis; Analytics and Data Science
Bouton, Laurent, Julia Cagé, Edgard Dewitte, and Vincent Pons. "Small Campaign Donors." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 30050, May 2022.
- April 2021
- Article
Homing and Platform Responses to Entry: Historical Evidence from the U.S. Newspaper Industry
By: K. Francis Park, Robert Seamans and Feng Zhu
We examine how heterogeneity in customers’ tendencies to single-home or multi-home affects a platform’s competitive responses to new entrants in the market. We first develop a formal model to generate predictions about how a platform will respond. We then empirically... View Details
Keywords: Single-homing; Multi-homing; Platform Responses; Newpaper; Television; Digital Platforms; Market Entry and Exit; Newspapers; Television Entertainment; History; Journalism and News Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry
Park, K. Francis, Robert Seamans, and Feng Zhu. "Homing and Platform Responses to Entry: Historical Evidence from the U.S. Newspaper Industry." Strategic Management Journal 42, no. 4 (April 2021): 684–709.
- April 2019 (Revised October 2019)
- Case
Sanjeev Kapoor: The Recipe for Success
By: Boris Groysberg and Mahima Rao-Kachroo
India's most recognized celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor has been an integral part of the country's food industry since 1993. As a celebrity chef, Kapoor enjoyed a 17-year run of his hit TV cooking show “Khana Khazana,” published more than 100 cookbook titles in multiple... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Business Ventures; Change; Decision Making; Entrepreneurship; Food; Leadership; Management; Markets; Media; Organizations; Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Quality; Relationships; Technology; Food and Beverage Industry; India; South Asia
Groysberg, Boris, and Mahima Rao-Kachroo. "Sanjeev Kapoor: The Recipe for Success." Harvard Business School Case 419-076, April 2019. (Revised October 2019.)
- September 2017
- Case
NBCUniversal Telemundo: Transforming Latino Television
By: Henry W. McGee, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Christine Snively
In August 2017, Cesar Conde, chairman of NBCUniversal International Group and NBCUniversal Telemundo Enterprises, considered how the Miami-based Spanish-language TV network Telemundo could succeed in a rapidly shifting media landscape. Over the past few years,... View Details
Keywords: Television Industry; Television Advertising; Broadcasting; Telecommunications; Internet; Television Entertainment; Internet and the Web; Advertising; Digital Platforms; Digital Marketing; Telecommunications Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Miami
McGee, Henry W., Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Christine Snively. "NBCUniversal Telemundo: Transforming Latino Television." Harvard Business School Case 318-018, September 2017.
- September 2014 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
Managing Multi-Media Audiences at WHDH (Boston)
By: Thales Teixeira and V. Kasturi Rangan
WHDH's Channel 7 News rose to the #1 position in Boston-area news broadcasting through its embrace of an innovative format and for affiliating with NBC. Since the early 2000s, however, other news programs had copied their format, and young audiences had begun to use... View Details
Keywords: Online News; Television Advertising; Attention Economics; Cross-media Efforts; Competition; Internet and the Web; Consumer Behavior; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Change Management; Marketing Strategy; Decision Choices and Conditions; Digital Marketing; Television Entertainment; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Boston
Teixeira, Thales, and V. Kasturi Rangan. "Managing Multi-Media Audiences at WHDH (Boston)." Harvard Business School Case 515-037, September 2014. (Revised March 2015.)
- June 2013 (Revised November 2013)
- Case
Bluefin Labs: The Acquisition by Twitter
By: John Deighton and Leora Kornfeld
What is the value of Bluefin Labs's social listening data to Twitter? Acquired by Twitter in 2013, Bluefin had built a system that gathered millions of online comments in an effort to develop new metrics for TV programs and brand advertising. With data from Twitter... View Details
Keywords: Measurement and Metrics; Data and Data Sets; Internet; Software; Communication Technology; Advertising; Social and Collaborative Networks; Acquisition; Television Entertainment; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; United States
Deighton, John, and Leora Kornfeld. "Bluefin Labs: The Acquisition by Twitter." Harvard Business School Case 513-091, June 2013. (Revised November 2013.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- October 2007 (Revised December 2007)
- Case
TiVo 2007: DVRs and Beyond
By: David B. Yoffie and Michael Slind
Tom Rogers, CEO of TiVo, had placed multiple strategic bets on his company. In September 2007, that strategy was due for a major test. TiVo was a maker of digital video recorder (DVR) products and a distributor of DVR technology. Rogers believed that macro-trends in... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Business Model; Television Entertainment; Intellectual Property; Lawsuits and Litigation; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Distribution; Problems and Challenges; Partners and Partnerships; Research; Internet; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States
Yoffie, David B., and Michael Slind. "TiVo 2007: DVRs and Beyond." Harvard Business School Case 708-401, October 2007. (Revised December 2007.)
- November 1994 (Revised August 1997)
- Case
TV Guide (A)
TV Guide is the largest magazine in the United States and is attaining record profitability. This case details the economics of TV Guide's success by studying its advertiser and reader relationships. Presents a detailed look at how a large magazine manages all aspects... View Details
Keywords: Journals and Magazines; Customers; Marketing Strategy; Advertising; Publishing Industry; United States
Rayport, Jeffrey F., and Steven M. Salzinger. "TV Guide (A)." Harvard Business School Case 395-031, November 1994. (Revised August 1997.)
- April 1990 (Revised January 1993)
- Case
Ad Council's AIDS Campaign (A): Advertising Strategy
By: V. Kasturi Rangan and Janet Montgomery
Ad Council wished to run an educational campaign aimed at preventing the spread of AIDS. They were challenged to find acceptable ways to address this very sensitive subject matter--ways that the media and the public would approve. One of the big challenges was to make... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Goals and Objectives; Social Marketing; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Success; Problems and Challenges; Social Issues; Health Industry
Rangan, V. Kasturi, and Janet Montgomery. "Ad Council's AIDS Campaign (A): Advertising Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 590-105, April 1990. (Revised January 1993.)
- 2015
- Other Teaching and Training Material
Marketing Reading: Digital Marketing
By: Sunil Gupta and Joseph Davin
Digital technology has changed how consumers search for information, interact with each other, and buy products. The popularization of these technologies has made it possible for companies to have a better understanding of their customers' decision journey and... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Buzz Marketing; Internet Marketing; Marketing; Marketing Management; Social Media; Social Networks; Viral Marketing; Word-of-mouth Marketing; Digital; Internet; Marketing Channels; Marketing Reference Programs; Online Advertising; Advertising Industry
Gupta, Sunil, and Joseph Davin. "Marketing Reading: Digital Marketing." Core Curriculum Readings Series. Boston: Harvard Business Publishing 8224, 2015.