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Jennifer Abel
Jennifer Abel is a doctoral student in Organizational Behavior at Harvard Business School. Broadly, her research interests include trust formation and conflict management. She received a B.A. in Cognitive Science from the University of California, Berkeley.
Jennifer Walsh
Jennifer Zou
I am a fourth year doctoral candidate in the Business Economics program. My research interests are primarily in industrial organization and innovation, with a particular focus on the economics of artificial intelligence/machine learning and digital technology markets. I received a S.B. in Mathematics with Computer Science and S.B. in Economics from MIT.
- September 2016 (Revised July 2017)
- Case
Transferring Knowledge Between Projects at NASA JPL (A)
By: Dorothy Leonard and Christopher Myers
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a federally funded research institution within NASA, the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has played a large role in many space and planetary explorations, particularly to the planet Mars. As a project-based... View Details
Keywords: Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Management; Employees; Experience and Expertise; Aerospace Industry; United States
Leonard, Dorothy, and Christopher Myers. "Transferring Knowledge Between Projects at NASA JPL (A)." Harvard Business School Case 917-404, September 2016. (Revised July 2017.)
- September 2016 (Revised July 2017)
- Supplement
Transferring Knowledge Between Projects at NASA JPL (B)
By: Dorothy Leonard and Christopher Myers
At the conclusion of the (A) case, Jennifer Trosper needed to decide whether or not to throw her support behind the training and outreach represented by the ROV-E program to build small rovers like the ones used on the surface of Mars by NASA JPL. The (B) case... View Details
Keywords: Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Management; Employees; Experience and Expertise; Decision Making; Aerospace Industry; United States
Leonard, Dorothy, and Christopher Myers. "Transferring Knowledge Between Projects at NASA JPL (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 917-405, September 2016. (Revised July 2017.)