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- March 1994 (Revised June 1995)
- Background Note
Interest Rate Derivatives
By: Peter Tufano
Introduces and explains the six major interest rate derivative products: swaps, forward rate agreements, Eurodollar futures, bond options, caps/floors/collars, and swap options. View Details
Tufano, Peter, and Jon Headley. "Interest Rate Derivatives." Harvard Business School Background Note 294-095, March 1994. (Revised June 1995.)
- 2016
- Working Paper
Credit Migration and Covered Interest Rate Parity
By: Gordon Y Liao
I document economically large and persistent discrepancies in the pricing of credit risk between corporate bonds denominated in different currencies. The discrepancies amount to 50-100 basis points on trillions of dollars of debt notional. I relate this violation of... View Details
Keywords: Market Segmentation; Debt Issuance; Covered Interest Rate Parity; Cross-currency Basis; Credit Risk; Financial Markets; Credit
Liao, Gordon Y. "Credit Migration and Covered Interest Rate Parity." Working Paper, October 2016.
- January 2008 (Revised May 2013)
- Background Note
Accounting for Interest Rate Derivatives
Explains the accounting for interest rate derivatives under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 133. View Details
Kimbrough, Michael D., and Nicole Thorne Jenkins. "Accounting for Interest Rate Derivatives." Harvard Business School Background Note 108-061, January 2008. (Revised May 2013.)
- March 1989 (Revised April 1990)
- Exercise
Interest Rate Exercises
Keywords: Interest Rates
Ruback, Richard S. "Interest Rate Exercises." Harvard Business School Exercise 289-050, March 1989. (Revised April 1990.)
- 2024
- Working Paper
LASH Risk and Interest Rates
By: Laura Alfaro, Saleem Bahaj, Robert Czech, Jonathan Hazell and Ioana Neamtu
We introduce a framework to understand and quantify a form of liquidity risk that we dub Liquidity After Solvency Hedging or “LASH” risk. Financial institutions take LASH risk when they hedge against losses, using strategies that lead to liquidity needs when the value... View Details
Keywords: Liquidity; Monetary Policy; Non-bank Intermediaries; Hedging; Risk and Uncertainty; Investment Funds; Financial Condition; Interest Rates
Alfaro, Laura, Saleem Bahaj, Robert Czech, Jonathan Hazell, and Ioana Neamtu. "LASH Risk and Interest Rates." Bank of England Staff Working Papers, No. 1,073, May 2024. (NBER Working Paper Series, No. 33241, December 2024.)
- May 2005 (Revised February 2006)
- Background Note
Introduction to Interest Rate Options
Introduces interest rate derivatives, covering floors, caps, and swaptions. Introduces floors, caps, and swaps by analogy to equity puts, calls, and stocks. As with calls and puts on equity, a put-call parity relationship is shown to exist between caps, floors, and... View Details
Keywords: Interest Rates
Chacko, George C., and Anders Sjoman. "Introduction to Interest Rate Options." Harvard Business School Background Note 205-112, May 2005. (Revised February 2006.)
- January 2008 (Revised July 2010)
- Case
Wal-Mart's Use of Interest Rate Swaps
"Wal-Mart's Use of Interest Rate Swaps" recounts Wal-Mart's use of interest rate swaps to hedge the fair value of its fixed-rate debt against changing interest rates. This case provides students with a foundation for understanding the use of and accounting for more... View Details
Keywords: Fair Value Accounting; Financial Statements; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Financial Strategy; Interest Rates; Corporate Disclosure
Kimbrough, Michael D., Michael Faulkender, Nicole Thorne Jenkins, and Rachel Gordon. "Wal-Mart's Use of Interest Rate Swaps." Harvard Business School Case 108-038, January 2008. (Revised July 2010.)
- June 2018
- Article
Deviations from Covered Interest Rate Parity
By: Wenxin Du, Alexander Tepper and Adrien Verdelhan
We find that deviations from the covered interest rate parity (CIP) condition imply large, persistent, and systematic arbitrage opportunities in one of the largest asset markets in the world. Contrary to the common view, these deviations for major currencies are not... View Details
Du, Wenxin, Alexander Tepper, and Adrien Verdelhan. "Deviations from Covered Interest Rate Parity." Journal of Finance 73, no. 3 (June 2018): 915–957.
- March 1984 (Revised August 1996)
- Case
B.F. Goodrich-Rabobank Interest Rate Swap
By: Jay O. Light
A U.S. manufacturing organization and a Eurobank swap fixed and floating rate obligations to reduce their financing costs. View Details
Keywords: Financing and Loans; Cost Management; Production; Interest Rates; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Auto Industry; Financial Services Industry; United States
Light, Jay O. "B.F. Goodrich-Rabobank Interest Rate Swap." Harvard Business School Case 284-080, March 1984. (Revised August 1996.)
- March 1989 (Revised April 1990)
- Teaching Note
Interest Rate Exercises, Teaching Note
Keywords: Interest Rates
- February 1994 (Revised February 1996)
- Case
Union Carbide Corporation: Interest Rate Risk Management
By: Peter Tufano
Union Carbide's board of directors is asked to evaluate a proposal from the staff treasurer's that would articulate policies to manage its debt portfolio. The staff proposes that shareholder value will be maximized if the firm manages its exposure to interest rates by... View Details
Tufano, Peter, and Jon Headley. "Union Carbide Corporation: Interest Rate Risk Management." Harvard Business School Case 294-057, February 1994. (Revised February 1996.)
- 1996
- Article
Limits on Interest Rate Rules in the IS Model
By: William R. Kerr and Robert G. King
There has been a substantial amount of research on interest rate rules. This literature finds that the feasibility and desirability of interest rate rules depends on the structure of the model used to approximate macroeconomic reality. We employ a series of... View Details
Keywords: Inflation and Deflation; Macroeconomics; Interest Rates; Price; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Performance Expectations
Kerr, William R., and Robert G. King. "Limits on Interest Rate Rules in the IS Model." Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 82, no. 2 (1996): 47–75.
- 2023
- Working Paper
Sovereign Default and the Decline in Interest Rates
By: Max Miller, James Paron and Jessica Wachter
Sovereign debt yields have declined dramatically over the last half-century. Standard explanations, including aging populations and increases in asset demand from abroad, encounter difficulties when confronted with the full range of evidence. We propose an explanation... View Details
- August 2017 (Revised February 2024)
- Teaching Note
Exotic Interest Rate Swaps: Snowballs in Portugal
By: Boris Vallee, Patrick Augustin and Philippe Rich
This case explores a complex swap transaction implemented by Metro do Porto in 2007. It represents an opportunity to study fixed income derivative instruments, such as plain-vanilla swaps and structured swaps, as well as understand the opportunities and challenges of... View Details
- 2022
- Working Paper
The Fed and the Secular Decline in Interest Rates
In this paper I document a striking fact: a narrow window around Fed meetings fully captures the secular decline in U.S. Treasury yields since 1980. By contrast, yield movements outside this window are transitory and wash out over time. This is surprising because the... View Details
Keywords: United States Treasury; Monetary Policy; Yield Curve; Central Banking; Interest Rates; Valuation
Hillenbrand, Sebastian. "The Fed and the Secular Decline in Interest Rates." Working Paper, January 2022.
- June 1995 (Revised May 1996)
- Teaching Note
B.F. Goodrich-Rabobank Interest Rate Swap, The TN
By: Andre F. Perold and Wai Lee
Teaching Note for (9-284-080). View Details
- January 2017
- Case
Exotic Interest Rate Swaps: Snowballs in Portugal
By: Boris Vallee, Patrick Augustin and Philippe Rich
This case explores a complex swap transaction implemented by Metro do Porto in 2007. It represents an opportunity to study fixed income derivative instruments, such as plain-vanilla swaps and structured swaps, as well as understand the opportunities and challenges of... View Details
Keywords: Swaps; Public Finance; Structured Finance; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Public Sector; Transportation Industry; Rail Industry; Portugal
Vallee, Boris, Patrick Augustin, and Philippe Rich. "Exotic Interest Rate Swaps: Snowballs in Portugal." Harvard Business School Case 217-050, January 2017.
- 2023
- Working Paper
The Market for Sharing Interest Rate Risk: Quantities and Asset Prices
By: Umang Khetan, Jane Li, Ioana Neamtu and Ishita Sen
We study the extent of interest rate risk sharing across the financial system using granular positions and transactions data in interest rate swaps. We show that pension and insurance (PF&I) sector emerges as a natural counterparty to banks and corporations: overall,... View Details
Keywords: Interest Rates; Investment Funds; Banks and Banking; Insurance; Investment Banking; Risk and Uncertainty
Khetan, Umang, Jane Li, Ioana Neamtu, and Ishita Sen. "The Market for Sharing Interest Rate Risk: Quantities and Asset Prices." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 24-052, February 2024.
- 1993
- Article
Interest Rate Parity and the Exchange Risk Premium
By: E. S. Mayfield and R. Murphy
Mayfield, E. S., and R. Murphy. "Interest Rate Parity and the Exchange Risk Premium." Economics Letters (1993).
- October 22, 2012
- Article
Interest Rate Pass-Through: Mortgage Rates, Household Consumption, and Voluntary Deleveraging
By: Marco Di Maggio, Amir Kermani, Benjamin Keys, Tomasz Piskorski, Rodney Ramcharan, Amit Seru and Vincent Yao
Exploiting variation in the timing of resets of adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), we find that a sizable decline in mortgage payments (up to 50%) induces a significant increase in car purchases (up to 35%). This effect is attenuated by voluntary deleveraging. Borrowers... View Details
Keywords: Monetary Policy; Household Finance; Refinancing; Contract Rigidities; Debt Rigidity; MPC; Deleveraging; Personal Finance; Household; Policy; Borrowing and Debt; Macroeconomics
Di Maggio, Marco, Amir Kermani, Benjamin Keys, Tomasz Piskorski, Rodney Ramcharan, Amit Seru, and Vincent Yao. "Interest Rate Pass-Through: Mortgage Rates, Household Consumption, and Voluntary Deleveraging." American Economic Review 107, no. 11 (November 2017): 3550–3588. (Note: this is a combined version of working papers Monetary Policy Pass-Through: Household Consumption and Voluntary Deleveraging by M. Di Maggio, A. Kermani and R. Ramcharan previously Revise & Resubmit at American Economic Review and Mortgage Rates, Household Balance Sheets, and the Real Economy by B. Keys, T. Piskorski, A. Seru, and V. Yao previously Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Political Economy.)