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- All HBS Web (106)
- Faculty Publications (38)
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- 2007
- Working Paper
Intra-Industry Foreign Direct Investment
By: Laura Alfaro and Andrew Charlton
We use a new firm level data set that establishes the location, ownership, and activity of 650,000 multinational subsidiaries—close to a comprehensive picture of global multinational activity. A number of patterns emerge from the data. Most foreign direct investment... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Activity; Horizontal FDI; Vertical FDI; Stages Of Production; Multinational Firms and Management; Business Subsidiaries; Foreign Direct Investment; Competency and Skills; Production
Alfaro, Laura, and Andrew Charlton. "Intra-Industry Foreign Direct Investment." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 13447, September 2007.
- 2007
- Working Paper
Intra-Industry Foreign Direct Investment
By: Laura Alfaro and Andrew Charlton
We use a new firm level data set that establishes the location, ownership, and activity of 650,000 multinational subsidiaries -- close to a comprehensive picture of global multinational activity. A number of patterns emerge from the data. Most foreign direct investment... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Business Subsidiaries; Foreign Direct Investment; Geographic Location; Supply and Industry; Vertical Integration
Alfaro, Laura, and Andrew Charlton. "Intra-Industry Foreign Direct Investment." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 13447, September 2007.
- 22 Feb 2012
- News
How to tax US companies' foreign profits
- January 1994
- Article
Foreign Multinationals in British Manufacturing, 1850-1962
By: G. Jones and Frances Bostock
This article draws on a new database to describe the dimensions and characteristics of 685 foreign companies which established British manufacturing subsidiaries between 1850 and 1962. The numbers of foreign companies grew from the 1890s, expanded rapidly in the... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Business Subsidiaries; Expansion; Chemicals; Metals and Minerals; Food; Mergers and Acquisitions; Market Entry and Exit; Research and Development; Trade; Investment; Production; United Kingdom; United States; Scotland; Wales
Jones, G., and Frances Bostock. "Foreign Multinationals in British Manufacturing, 1850-1962." Business History 36, no. 1 (January 1994): 89–126.
- December 2009
- Article
Intra-Industry Foreign Direct Investment
By: Laura Alfaro and Andrew Charlton
We use a new firm-level dataset that establishes the location, ownership, and activity of 650,000 multinational subsidiaries. Using a combination of four-digit-level information and input-output tables, we find the share of vertical FDI (subsidiaries that provide... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Competency and Skills; Foreign Direct Investment; Geographic Location; Multinational Firms and Management; Industry Structures; Production
Alfaro, Laura, and Andrew Charlton. "Intra-Industry Foreign Direct Investment." American Economic Review 99, no. 5 (December 2009): 2096–2119. (Also Harvard Business School Working Paper No. 08-018 and NBER Working Paper No. 13447.)
- Research Summary
Intra-Industry Foreign Direct Investment (joint with Andrew Charlton)
By: Laura Alfaro
We identify a new type of vertical foreign direct investment (FDI) made up of multinational subsidiaries producing intermediate inputs, which are of similar skill intensity to the final goods produced by their parents, and which are overwhelmingly located in high skill... View Details
- 05 Mar 2007
- Research & Ideas
Risky Business? Protecting Foreign Investments
Foreign investment in developing countries has always involved an element of risk. Just ask Verizon Communications, which could lose hundreds of millions of dollars in Venezuela should President Hugo Chávez follow through with plans... View Details
- 07 Apr 2008
- Research & Ideas
The Debate over Taxing Foreign Profits
a plan to curb foreign tax havens and end tax breaks for "companies that ship jobs overseas" in May, 2009.) One heated issue is the charge that the U.S. tax code provides incentives for companies to ship jobs overseas. It's... View Details
Keywords: by Sean Silverthorne
- August 2012
- Article
Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Ownership and Establishment Performance
By: Laura Alfaro and Maggie Chen
We examine the differential response of establishments to the recent global financial crisis with particular emphasis on the role of foreign ownership. Using a worldwide establishment panel dataset, we investigate how multinational subsidiaries around the world... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Financial Crisis; Multinational Firms and Management; Analytics and Data Science; Business Subsidiaries; Production; Finance; Performance; Ownership
Alfaro, Laura, and Maggie Chen. "Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Ownership and Establishment Performance." American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 4, no. 3 (August 2012): 30–55. (Also NBER Working Paper No. 17141.)
- 27 Jun 2011
- News
A Plan to Tax the Foreign Income of U.S. Companies
- Research Summary
Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Ownership and Establishment Performance
By: Laura Alfaro
We examine the differential response of establishments to the recent global financial crisis with particular emphasis on the role of foreign ownership. Using a worldwide establishment panel dataset, we investigate how multinational subsidiaries around the world... View Details
- October 2011
- Case
Levendary Cafe: The China Challenge
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Arar Han
Just weeks into her new job, Mia Foster, a first time CEO with no international management experience, is faced with a major challenge at Levendary Cafe, a $10 billion US-based fast food chain. Strategically, many of her corporate staff have become concerned that the... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; International Management; Foreign Subsidiaries; General Managers; Strategy; Management Style; Strategic Planning; Business Subsidiaries; Multinational Firms and Management; Adaptation; Entrepreneurship; Relationships; Standards; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Retail Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; China; United States
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Arar Han. "Levendary Cafe: The China Challenge." Harvard Business School Brief Case 114-357, October 2011.
- 08 Jul 2010
- Working Paper Summaries
Surviving the Global Financial Crisis: Foreign Direct Investment and Establishment Performance
Keywords: by Laura Alfaro & Maggie Chen
- May 2013
- Supplement
Can PACIV (Puerto Rico) Serve European Customers?
This is the Spreadsheet Supplement HBS Case #808099 (PACIV). Includes Exhibit 1a, Exhibit 1b, Exhibit 1c, Exhibit 1d, Exhibit 1e, Exhibit 1f, Exhibit 5, Exhibit 6, and Exhibit 8. View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurs; Foreign Subsidiaries; Global Business; International Business; International Entrepreneurial Finance; International Operations; Entrepreneurship; Globalization; International Finance; Operations; Finance; Pharmaceutical Industry; Technology Industry; Puerto Rico; United Kingdom; Europe; United States
- September 2012
- Article
The Size and Composition of Corporate Headquarters in Multinational Companies: Empirical Evidence
By: David J. Collis, David Young and Michael Goold
Based on a six-country survey of nearly 250 multinationals (MNCs), this paper is the first empirical analysis to describe the size and composition of MNC headquarters and to account for differences among them. Findings are as follows: MNC corporate headquarters are... View Details
Keywords: Headquarters; Subsidiaries; Multinational Corporations; Organization Design; Administrative Heritage; International Strategy; Business Subsidiaries; Organizational Design; Multinational Firms and Management; Size; Business Headquarters; Global Strategy
Collis, David J., David Young, and Michael Goold. "The Size and Composition of Corporate Headquarters in Multinational Companies: Empirical Evidence." Journal of International Management 18, no. 3 (September 2012): 260–275.
- June 2012
- Case
Microsoft IT India
By: Willy C. Shih, Margaret Pierson, Alexander Down, William Gustave Jair-Shemuel Jurist, Diego Medicina and Helen Wang
Raj Biyani faced tough challenges managing Microsoft IT India: leading a remote development organization in which key decisions were made in Redmond, and managing an organization that was perceived as less strategic than its sister Microsoft India Development Center... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Development; Cross-functional Management; Foreign Subsidiaries; Strategy Alignment; Organizational Behavior; Indian Software Development; Global Distributed R&D; Software Industry; Organizational Structure; Research and Development; Operations; Leadership; Globalized Firms and Management; Business Subsidiaries; Information Technology; Applications and Software; Technology Industry; India
Shih, Willy C., Margaret Pierson, Alexander Down, William Gustave Jair-Shemuel Jurist, Diego Medicina, and Helen Wang. "Microsoft IT India ." Harvard Business School Case 612-078, June 2012.
- March 2014
- Article
Information Environment and the Investment Decisions of Multinational Corporations
By: Nemit O. Shroff, Rodrigo S. Verdi and Gwen Yu
This paper examines how the external information environment in which foreign subsidiaries operate affects the investment decisions of multinational corporations (MNCs). We hypothesize and find that the investment decisions of foreign subsidiaries in country-industries... View Details
Keywords: Capital Budgeting; Multinational Firms; Cross-border Frictions; Agency Frictions; Transparency; Financial Reporting Quality; Information Quality; Information; Multinational Firms and Management; Decision Choices and Conditions; Investment
Shroff, Nemit O., Rodrigo S. Verdi, and Gwen Yu. "Information Environment and the Investment Decisions of Multinational Corporations." Accounting Review 89, no. 2 (March 2014): 759–790.
- December 1980 (Revised January 1994)
- Case
International Foodstuffs
By: David E. Bell
Describes three fairly routine instances in which considerations of risk exposure in foreign exchange are necessary. The three are a delayed payment for a grain shipment, a foreign subsidiary facing devaluation of its domestic currency, and a foreign acquisition. The... View Details
Keywords: Currency Exchange Rate; Risk and Uncertainty; International Relations; Mergers and Acquisitions; Money; International Finance; Financial Services Industry
Bell, David E. "International Foodstuffs." Harvard Business School Case 181-049, December 1980. (Revised January 1994.)
Doing What the Parents Want?
We examine how the external information environment in which foreign subsidiaries operate affects the investment decisions of multinational corporations (MNCs). We hypothesize and find that the investment decisions of foreign subsidiaries in country-industries with... View Details
- 05 Oct 2011
- Working Paper Summaries