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- Faculty Publications (18)
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- Faculty Publications (18)
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- July 2020 (Revised September 2021)
- Case
Mr. Five Percent: Calouste Gulbenkian and the Origins of Global Oil
By: Geoffrey Jones and Yazeed Al-Rashed
This case describes the business career of Calouste Gulbenkian, a skilled intermediary who was able to secure 5 percent of a vast oil concession covering much of the Middle East that was signed in 1928. Gulbenkian was an ethnic Armenian born in the Ottoman Empire,... View Details
Keywords: Oil; Globalization; Energy Sources; History; Biography; Energy Industry; Turkey; Central Asia; Middle East
Jones, Geoffrey, and Yazeed Al-Rashed. "Mr. Five Percent: Calouste Gulbenkian and the Origins of Global Oil." Harvard Business School Case 321-003, July 2020. (Revised September 2021.)
- May 2018
- Article
Linda Babcock: Go-getter and Do-gooder
By: Max Bazerman, Iris Bohnet, Hannah Riley-Bowles and George Loewenstein
In this tribute to the 2007 recipient of the Jeffrey Z. Rubin Theory‐To‐Practice Award from the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM), we celebrate Linda Babcock's contributions to diverse lines of research, her tireless and effective efforts to put... View Details
Bazerman, Max, Iris Bohnet, Hannah Riley-Bowles, and George Loewenstein. "Linda Babcock: Go-getter and Do-gooder." Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 11, no. 2 (May 2018): 130–145.
- April 2018 (Revised October 2023)
- Case
Coco Chanel: From Fashion Icon to Nazi Agent
By: Geoffrey Jones and Emily Grandjean
This case describes the career of the iconic French fashion designer Coco Chanel who created a transformational business during the first half of the 20th century. Beginning in her early adulthood, Chanel leveraged relationships with acquaintances, friends, and... View Details
Keywords: Business History; Biography; Entrepreneurship; Relationships; Brands and Branding; Ethics; Fashion Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry
Jones, Geoffrey, and Emily Grandjean. "Coco Chanel: From Fashion Icon to Nazi Agent." Harvard Business School Case 318-139, April 2018. (Revised October 2023.)
- 2017
- Book
Forged in Crisis: The Power of Courageous Leadership in Turbulent Times
By: Nancy F. Koehn
An enthralling historical narrative filled with critical leadership insights that will be of interest to a wide range of readers—including those in government, business, education, and the arts—Forged in Crisis spotlights five masters of crisis: polar explorer... View Details
Koehn, Nancy F. Forged in Crisis: The Power of Courageous Leadership in Turbulent Times. New York: Scribner, 2017.
- 2017
- Chapter
Paul R. Lawrence: A Career of Rigor, Relevance, and Passion
By: Michael Tushman
Paul R. Lawrence was one of the earliest and most influential figures in the emergence of organizational behavior as a field of study. He was a pioneer in creating a body of work on organization design, leadership, and change in both the private and public sectors.... View Details
Keywords: Organization Design; Contingency Theory; Public And Private Organizations; Rigor And Relevance; Biography; Organizational Design; Leadership; Learning; Leading Change
Tushman, Michael. "Paul R. Lawrence: A Career of Rigor, Relevance, and Passion." In The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers. Continuously updated ed. Edited by David Szabla, William Pasmore, Mary Barnes, and Asha Gipson. Springer, 2017. Electronic. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-49820-1_12-2.)
- February 2011
- Article
The Underdog Effect: The Marketing of Disadvantage and Determination Through Brand Biography
By: Neeru Paharia, Anat Keinan, Jill Avery and Juliet B. Schor
We introduce the concept of an underdog brand biography (UBB) to describe an emerging trend in branding in which firms author an historical account of their humble origins, lack of resources, and determined struggle against the odds. We identify two essential... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Brand Management; Brands; Brand Building; Brand Positioning; Competitive Positioning; Advertising; Marketing Communication; Biography; Brands and Branding; Product Marketing; Emerging Markets; Network Effects; Demand and Consumers; Marketing Communications; Cost vs Benefits; Perspective; Advertising Campaigns; Marketing Strategy; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Advertising Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Consumer Products Industry; Fashion Industry; Food and Beverage Industry
Paharia, Neeru, Anat Keinan, Jill Avery, and Juliet B. Schor. "The Underdog Effect: The Marketing of Disadvantage and Determination Through Brand Biography." Journal of Consumer Research 37, no. 5 (February 2011): 775–790. (Finalist, 2014 Best Article Award for a paper published in JCR in 2011.)
- 2010
- Article
The Strategic Use of Brand Biographies
By: Jill Avery, Neeru Paharia, Anat Keinan and Juliet Schor
We introduce the concept of a brand biography to describe an emerging trend in branding in which firms author a dynamic, historical account of the events that have shaped the brand over time. Using a particular type of brand biography, "the underdog," we empirically... View Details
Keywords: Marketing; Brands; Brand Management; Brand Building; Brand Positioning; Competitive Positioning; Marketing Strategy; Brands and Branding; Managerial Roles; Strategy; Product Positioning; Consumer Behavior; Biography; Success; Perception; Markets; Power and Influence; Consumer Products Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Auto Industry; Fashion Industry; Food and Beverage Industry
Avery, Jill, Neeru Paharia, Anat Keinan, and Juliet Schor. "The Strategic Use of Brand Biographies." Research in Consumer Behavior 12 (2010): 213–230.
- 2009
- Book
Let Me Explain: Eugene G. Fubini's Life in Defense of America
By: David G. Fubini
There is no necessary relationship between fame and power, and great influence is often wielded in willful obscurity. So it was with the irascible, indomitable Eugene Fubini. A physics prodigy who fled Italy when the fascists came to power, his searing intelligence and... View Details
Fubini, David G. Let Me Explain: Eugene G. Fubini's Life in Defense of America. Santa Fe: Sunstone Press, 2009.
- January 2006 (Revised May 2006)
- Case
Akin Ongor's Journey
A retired bank CEO, one of Turkey's most admired leaders, wants to start a leadership institute to develop emerging leaders in the eastern Mediterranean region. Describes his biography and values, the models he established for excellent financial performance and... View Details
Keywords: Leadership Development; Values and Beliefs; Partners and Partnerships; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Business Startups; Environmental Sustainability; Retirement; Education Industry; Turkey; United States
Kanter, Rosabeth M. "Akin Ongor's Journey." Harvard Business School Case 306-072, January 2006. (Revised May 2006.)
- May 2004 (Revised June 2004)
- Case
Brief Biographical Note on P. Roy Vagelos
By: Nitin Nohria and Bridget Gurtler
Provides background biographical information on P. Roy Vagelos, chief executive officer of Merck Pharmaceuticals. Teaching Purpose: To chart the development of a leader in the pharmaceutical industry. View Details
Keywords: Biography; Teaching; Leadership Development; Mission and Purpose; Personal Development and Career; Ethics; Pharmaceutical Industry
Nohria, Nitin, and Bridget Gurtler. "Brief Biographical Note on P. Roy Vagelos." Harvard Business School Case 404-132, May 2004. (Revised June 2004.)
- October 2001 (Revised January 2002)
- Case
Auction Vignettes
By: Guhan Subramanian and Michelle Kalka
This case consists of a series of short vignettes illustrating several auctions: the auctions for Hillary Clinton's biography and the talents of baseball star Alex Rodriguez; eBay online auctions; the Turkish government's auction for a 51% stake in its state-run gas... View Details
Keywords: Auctions
Subramanian, Guhan, and Michelle Kalka. "Auction Vignettes." Harvard Business School Case 902-070, October 2001. (Revised January 2002.)
- Article
Clogs to Clogs in Three Generations? Explaining Entrepreneurial Performance in Britain Since 1850
By: Tom Nicholas
Research into culture and entrepreneurship in Britain has been dominated by casual empiricism. This article shows the benefits of using a new method. Lifetime wealth accumulation is specified as a measure of entrepreneurial performance, and applied to data collected... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Performance Evaluation; Biography; Culture; Education; Wealth; Research; Great Britain
Nicholas, Tom. "Clogs to Clogs in Three Generations? Explaining Entrepreneurial Performance in Britain Since 1850." Journal of Economic History 59, no. 3 (September 1999).
- Article
Businessmen and Land Ownership in the Late Nineteenth Century
By: Tom Nicholas
This article analyses the proportions of personal to real estate wealth for a group of 295 businessmen profiled in the Dictionary of business biography. It shows that businessmen who owned land on a large scale in the late nineteenth century were a comparatively small... View Details
Keywords: Ownership; Personal Finance; Property; Biography; History; Acquisition; Wealth; Power and Influence; Status and Position; Integration; Transformation; Market Transactions
Nicholas, Tom. "Businessmen and Land Ownership in the Late Nineteenth Century." Economic History Review 52, no. 1 (February 1999): 27–44.
- September 1994
- Case
Bob Fifer
By: David A. Thomas and Doug Cohen
Explores the life and concerns of Bob Fifer, HBS class of 1979 and CEO of Kaiser Associates. Explores the many influences on Bob's development and his subsequent career choices. It is written as a biography with extensive quotes from interviews with Bob. He describes... View Details
Keywords: Personal Development and Career; Entrepreneurship; Identity; Leadership Style; Ethnicity; Management Teams
Thomas, David A., and Doug Cohen. "Bob Fifer." Harvard Business School Case 495-013, September 1994.
- 1989
- Book
Planning and Power in Iran: Ebtehaj and Economic Development under the Shah
By: Geoffrey Jones
This book provides a biography of Abol Hassan Ebtehaj, who headed Iran's central bank and Plan Organization during the 1940s and 1950s. It provides a wide-ranging survey of the problems of modernization and economic planning in Iran. Ebtehaj was at the center of... View Details
Keywords: Crime and Corruption; Decision Making; Economics; Central Banking; Policy; Political History; Resignation and Termination; Biography; Books; Surveys; Growth and Development Strategy; Planning; Iran
Jones, Geoffrey. Planning and Power in Iran: Ebtehaj and Economic Development under the Shah. London: Frank Cass, 1989.
- October 1980
- Supplement
Biography of an Executive (B): Spouse's Perspective
By: Jay W. Lorsch
Keywords: Managerial Roles
Lorsch, Jay W. "Biography of an Executive (B): Spouse's Perspective." Harvard Business School Supplement 481-057, October 1980.
- June 1979 (Revised September 1980)
- Case
Biography of an Executive (A)
By: Jay W. Lorsch
Keywords: Biography
Lorsch, Jay W. "Biography of an Executive (A)." Harvard Business School Case 479-040, June 1979. (Revised September 1980.)
- Research Summary
The American Chief Executive from 1850 to 2000
Richard S. Tedlow's research explores changes in the leadership strategies, styles, and backgrounds of corporate chief executive officers in the United States over the past century and a half. This project has both a qualitative and a quantitative component. The... View Details