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- Faculty Publications (46)
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- 2024
- Chapter
What Future for the Renminbi in the Global Monetary System?
By: Edoardo Campanella and Meg Rithmire
What is a realistic and positive outcome for US-China relations in the realm of global finance over the next ten years? While some policymakers, especially in the US, have feared that China holds ambitions for the renminbi (RMB) to replace the dollar as a global... View Details
Keywords: International Relations; Currency; Macroeconomics; Globalized Economies and Regions; China; United States
Campanella, Edoardo, and Meg Rithmire. "What Future for the Renminbi in the Global Monetary System?" Chap. 7 in U.S.-China Relations for the 2030s: Toward a Realistic Scenario for Coexistence, edited by Chris Chivvis, C. Fred Bergsten, Edoardo Campanella, John Culver, Rosemary Foot, M. Taylor Fravel, Eric Heginbotham, Evan S. Medeiros, Meg Rithmire, George Perkovich, Stephen M. Walt, Stephen Wertheim, and Audrye Wong, 67–78. Washington D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2024.
- October 2023 (Revised February 2024)
- Case
By: Shunyuan Zhang, Das Narayandas, Stacy Straaberg and David Lane
In December 2022, Loris’s executive team considered their go-to-market strategy. Loris was an artificial intelligence (AI) software startup for the customer service industry with two products on the market: 1) Agent Assist which provided customer service agents (CSAs)... View Details
- 2023
- Working Paper
Do Third-Party Guarantors Reassure Foot Soldiers?
By: Natalia Garbiras-Díaz, Michael Weintraub, Leopoldo Fergusson, Juana Catalina Garcia Duque and Laia Balcells
Since the end of the Cold War, international third parties such as the United Nations (UN) have become frequent guarantors of peace agreements. Existing studies document that third parties provide assurances that help maintain peace, yet these studies nearly... View Details
Keywords: United Nations; Colombia; Peacemaking; Peace Process; Peace; Civil Unrest; Civil Society; Political Leadership; Policy; Civil Society or Community; Governance; Government and Politics; Economy; Economic Growth; Latin America; South America; Colombia
Garbiras-Díaz, Natalia, Michael Weintraub, Leopoldo Fergusson, Juana Catalina Garcia Duque, and Laia Balcells. "Do Third-Party Guarantors Reassure Foot Soldiers?" Working Paper, August 2023.
- June 2023
- Article
Can Purpose Foster Stakeholder Trust in Corporations
By: Ranjay Gulati and Franz Wohlgezogen
As part of institutional changes toward more responsible capitalism, firms increasingly articulate a purpose beyond simply profit as a central tenet of their governance. Management scholarship has noted the potential advantages of such purpose-focus for stakeholder... View Details
Keywords: Stakeholder Management; Moral Identity; Mission and Purpose; Trust; Corporate Governance; Business and Stakeholder Relations
Gulati, Ranjay, and Franz Wohlgezogen. "Can Purpose Foster Stakeholder Trust in Corporations." Strategy Science 8, no. 2 (June 2023): 270–287.
- December 2022
- Article
I Don't 'Recall': The Decision to Delay Innovation Launch to Avoid Costly Product Failure
By: Byungyeon Kim, Oded Koenigsberg and Elie Ofek
Innovations embody novel features or cutting-edge components aimed at delivering desired customer benefits.
Oftentimes, however, we observe the need to recall new products shortly after their introduction. Indeed, a firm
may rush an innovation to market in an attempt... View Details
Keywords: Innovation Management; Innovation And Strategy; Product Development Strategy; Product Introduction; Quality Control; Product Recalls; Game Theory; Market Timing; Innovation Strategy; Product Launch; Product Development
Kim, Byungyeon, Oded Koenigsberg, and Elie Ofek. "I Don't 'Recall': The Decision to Delay Innovation Launch to Avoid Costly Product Failure." Management Science 68, no. 12 (December 2022): 8889–8908.
- August 2022
- Article
The Bulletproof Glass Effect: Unintended Consequences of Privacy Notices
By: Aaron R. Brough, David A. Norton, Shannon L. Sciarappa and Leslie K. John
Drawing from a content analysis of publicly traded companies’ privacy notices, a survey of managers, a field study, and five online experiments, this research investigates how consumers respond to privacy notices. A privacy notice, by placing legally enforceable limits... View Details
Keywords: Choice; Purchase Intent; Privacy; Privacy Notices; Warnings; Assurances; Information Disclosure; Trust; Consumer Behavior; Spending; Decisions; Information; Communication
Brough, Aaron R., David A. Norton, Shannon L. Sciarappa, and Leslie K. John. "The Bulletproof Glass Effect: Unintended Consequences of Privacy Notices." Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) 59, no. 4 (August 2022): 739–754.
- April 29, 2020
- Article
How Should We Allocate Scarce Medical Resources?
By: Max Bazerman, Regan Bernhard, Joshua D. Greene, Karen Huang and Netta Barak-Corren
Who should get a ventilator if there aren’t enough to go around? Research on decision making leads to three concrete guidelines that policy-makers and physicians can use to make fair choices when allocating scarce, life-saving resources. The key to making fair and... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19; Health Pandemics; Resource Allocation; Decision Making; Policy; Fairness; Ethics
Bazerman, Max, Regan Bernhard, Joshua D. Greene, Karen Huang, and Netta Barak-Corren. "How Should We Allocate Scarce Medical Resources?" Harvard Business Review Digital Articles (April 29, 2020).
- March 2020
- Case
China's Management of COVID-19 (A): People's War or Chernobyl Moment?
By: Meg Rithmire and Courtney Han
In late 2019, a novel respiratory virus appeared in a province in central China. Government officials in Wuhan, Hubei province had to respond to the new virus in the shadow of the 2002–2003 outbreak of SARS in China and within the context of the country’s public health... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19; Coronavirus; Pandemics; Public Health; COVID-19 Pandemic; Health Pandemics; Government Administration; Social Issues; Policy; Decision Making; China
Rithmire, Meg, and Courtney Han. "China's Management of COVID-19 (A): People's War or Chernobyl Moment?" Harvard Business School Case 720-035, March 2020.
- November 2019 (Revised February 2020)
- Case
Starbucks: Reaffirming Commitment to the Third Place Ideal
By: Francesca Gino, Katherine B. Coffman and Jeff Huizinga
On April 12, 2018, two African American entrepreneurs had scheduled a business meeting at a Starbucks in Philadelphia’s Rittenhouse Square neighborhood. They sat without ordering, waiting for a local businessman to show up for the meeting. The store manager called 911... View Details
Keywords: Mission and Purpose; Values and Beliefs; Prejudice and Bias; Crisis Management; Employees; Training
Gino, Francesca, Katherine B. Coffman, and Jeff Huizinga. "Starbucks: Reaffirming Commitment to the Third Place Ideal." Harvard Business School Case 920-016, November 2019. (Revised February 2020.)
- 2019
- Chapter
The Consequences of Mandatory Corporate Sustainability Reporting
By: Ioannis Ioannou and George Serafeim
A key aspect of the governance process inside organizations and markets is the measurement and disclosure of important metrics and information. In this chapter, we examine the effect of sustainability disclosure regulations on firms’ disclosure practices and... View Details
Keywords: Mandatory Disclosure; Mandatory Reporting; Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility; Social Impact; Valuation; China; South Africa; Europe; Asia; Regulation; Corporate Disclosure; Integrated Corporate Reporting; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Corporate Governance; China; Denmark; Malaysia; South Africa
Ioannou, Ioannis, and George Serafeim. "The Consequences of Mandatory Corporate Sustainability Reporting." In The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility: Psychological and Organizational Perspectives, edited by Abagail McWilliams, Deborah E. Rupp, Donald S. Siegel, Günter K. Stahl, and David A. Waldman, 452–489. Oxford University Press, 2019.
- February 2019 (Revised January 2022)
- Case
The U.S. – China Trade War
By: Alberto Cavallo, Mariana Cal and Anne Laski
On December 1, 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump and China’s Leader Xi Jinping faced each other across a dinner table during a G20 meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. After what Trump called an “amazing and productive meeting,” the two leaders announced a truce in the... View Details
Keywords: Trade War; Trump; Current Account; NAFTA; Balance Of Payments; Intellectual Property Protection; Trade; Macroeconomics; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; International Relations; United States; China
Cavallo, Alberto, Mariana Cal, and Anne Laski. "The U.S. – China Trade War." Harvard Business School Case 719-034, February 2019. (Revised January 2022.)
- April 19, 2018
- Article
4 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing
By: Frank V. Cespedes and Russ Heddleston
In the past decade, content marketing has become a widely established practice. Companies have hired writers and chief content officers to run departments as well as create blogs and other materials—in the process, some have assured sales people that content marketing... View Details
Cespedes, Frank V., and Russ Heddleston. "4 Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing." Harvard Business Review (website) (April 19, 2018).
- February 2018
- Case
Infrastructure in Nigeria: Unlocking Pension Fund Investments
By: John Macomber and Pippa Tubman Armerding
The so-called “infrastructure finance gap” was a problem in Nigeria as in many parts of the world. Infrastructure projects like power plants and dams were very large capital investments that could generate long-term consistent cash flows, but their financing and... View Details
Keywords: Pension Fund Investing; Infrastucture; Power/Energy; Credit Enhancement; Infrastructure; Project Finance; Investment Funds; Emerging Markets; Nigeria; Africa
Macomber, John, and Pippa Tubman Armerding. "Infrastructure in Nigeria: Unlocking Pension Fund Investments." Harvard Business School Case 218-071, February 2018.
- December 2017 (Revised January 2024)
- Case
Globalization Past, 1850–1914 (A)
By: Sophus A. Reinert and Federica Gabrieli
On the evening of 3 August 1914, British Foreign Secretary Lord Edward Grey contemplated whether to advise King and Parliament to declare war on Germany in the wake of the country’s invasion of Belgium or to stay out of what quickly was becoming a world war triggered... View Details
Keywords: The World; The Rise And Fall Of Globalization; World War; Globalization; War; Economics; Trade; Business Cycles; Economic Growth; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Society; History; Values and Beliefs; Macroeconomics
Reinert, Sophus A., and Federica Gabrieli. "Globalization Past, 1850–1914 (A)." Harvard Business School Case 718-023, December 2017. (Revised January 2024.)
- October 2017 (Revised April 2018)
- Case
Improving Worker Safety in the Era of Machine Learning (A)
By: Michael W. Toffel, Dan Levy, Jose Ramon Morales Arilla and Matthew S. Johnson
Managers make predictions all the time: How fast will my markets grow? How much inventory do I need? How intensively should I monitor my suppliers? Which potential customers will be most responsive to a particular marketing campaign? Which job candidates should I... View Details
Keywords: Machine Learning; Policy Implementation; Empirical Research; Inspection; Occupational Safety; Occupational Health; Regulation; Analysis; Forecasting and Prediction; Policy; Operations; Supply Chain Management; Safety; Manufacturing Industry; Construction Industry; United States
Toffel, Michael W., Dan Levy, Jose Ramon Morales Arilla, and Matthew S. Johnson. "Improving Worker Safety in the Era of Machine Learning (A)." Harvard Business School Case 618-019, October 2017. (Revised April 2018.)
- December 2015
- Article
Emotion and the Art of Negotiation: How to Use Your Feelings to Your Advantage
Negotiations can be fraught with emotion, but it's only recently that researchers have examined how particular feelings influence what happens during deal making. Here the author shares some key findings and advice. Anxiety leads to poor outcomes. You will be less... View Details
Brooks, Alison Wood. "Emotion and the Art of Negotiation: How to Use Your Feelings to Your Advantage." Harvard Business Review 93, no. 12 (December 2015): 56–64.
- 2016
- Working Paper
Cohort Turnover and Operational Performance: The July Phenomenon in Teaching Hospitals
By: Hummy Song, Robert S. Huckman and Jason R. Barro
We consider the impact of cohort turnover—the planned simultaneous exit of a large number of experienced employees and a similarly sized entry of new workers—on operational performance in the context of teaching hospitals. Specifically, we examine the impact of the... View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Health Care Operations; Hospitals; Productivity; Empirical Operations; Service Delivery; Training; Performance Productivity; Health Care and Treatment; Health Industry; United States
Song, Hummy, Robert S. Huckman, and Jason R. Barro. "Cohort Turnover and Operational Performance: The July Phenomenon in Teaching Hospitals." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-039, September 2015. (Revised September 2016. Finalist, 2015 POMS College of Healthcare Operations Management Best Paper Competition.)
- 2014
- Book
Own Your Future: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur and Thrive in an Unpredictable Economy
By: Paul B. Brown, Charles F. Kiefer and Leonard A. Schlesinger
It used to be that if you studied and worked hard, you could be assured of an extremely satisfying career. But in a world of constant layoffs and dying industries, it has become increasingly difficult to "plan" your way to success. So what is the solution? Well, when... View Details
Brown, Paul B., Charles F. Kiefer, and Leonard A. Schlesinger. Own Your Future: How to Think Like an Entrepreneur and Thrive in an Unpredictable Economy. New York, NY: AMACOM, 2014.
- April 2014
- Teaching Plan
By: Ray A. Goldberg and David Lane
This teaching plan is designed to support the teaching of Beidahuang, HBS No. 914-412, rev. March 2014. Beidahuang is a major new Chinese player in global grain trading that in 2013 is seeking access to grain both to help assure China's food security and in pursuit of... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Sourcing; Beidahuang; S; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Supply Chain Management; Trade; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Brazil; China
Goldberg, Ray A., and David Lane. "Beidahuang." Harvard Business School Teaching Plan 914-415, April 2014.
- December 2013 (Revised March 2014)
- Case
By: Ray A. Goldberg and David Lane
Beidahuang is a major new Chinese player in global grain trading that in 2013 is seeking access to grain both to help assure China's food security and in pursuit of its own commercial goals. Focusing on potential trade in Brazilian soybeans, the case asks students to... View Details
Keywords: China; Brazil; International Trade; Grain; Soybeans; Agribusiness; Plant-Based Agribusiness; Globalized Markets and Industries; Cooperation; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; China; Brazil
Goldberg, Ray A., and David Lane. "Beidahuang." Harvard Business School Case 914-412, December 2013. (Revised March 2014.)