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- Faculty Publications (2,159)
- March 1998 (Revised November 1999)
- Case
By: John A. Deighton and Anthony St. George
How should USA TODAY use its brand franchise to build a publishing business on the World Wide Web? Advertising Age described the first steps as "a case study in how not to do it," but by the end of 1997 USA TODAY Online is the most visited news site on the Web. Now the... View Details
Keywords: Digital Marketing; Design; Profit; Revenue; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Internet and the Web; Information Industry
Deighton, John A., and Anthony St. George. "USA TODAY Online." Harvard Business School Case 598-133, March 1998. (Revised November 1999.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- February 1998
- Case
Human Element in Marketing Strategy,The: A Look at the Creative and Subjective Side
By: Das Narayandas and Gerald Zaltman
Explores the human element in formulating marketing strategy. A rewritten version of an earlier note. Includes color exhibits. View Details
- January 1998
- Case
Connecticut Spring and Stamping Corporation (B)
By: H. Kent Bowen, Massimo Russo and Steven J. Spear
Connecticut Spring and Stamping Corp. (CSSC), a 50-year-old spring manufacturing and metal stamping firm, is experiencing slow sales growth and feeling the impact of global competition. The company has over 800 customers but little understanding of those customers'... View Details
Keywords: Globalization; Competency and Skills; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Production; Customer Relationship Management; Quality; Training; Performance Efficiency; Cost Management; Sales; System
Bowen, H. Kent, Massimo Russo, and Steven J. Spear. "Connecticut Spring and Stamping Corporation (B)." Harvard Business School Case 698-038, January 1998.
- 1998
- Journal Article
Ford's Model-T: Pricing over the Product Life Cycle
The pricing decisions monopolistic firms make over time are determined to a large extent by the complex interplay of two distinct sets of elements: demand- and supply-based considerations. Demand factors include the possibilities of (a) exercising dynamic price... View Details
Keywords: Experience and Expertise; Decisions; Forecasting and Prediction; Cost; Price; Information; Demand and Consumers; Monopoly; Product; Sales; Complexity; Auto Industry
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon. "Ford's Model-T: Pricing over the Product Life Cycle." Abante: Estudios en dirección de empresas 1, no. 2 (1998): 143–65.
- December 1997 (Revised March 1998)
- Case
Mid Ocean Limited: Trading Catastrophe Index Options
By: Kenneth A. Froot and Markus Mullarkey
An insurance industry executive must evaluate the potential of a set of newly-offered catastrophe insurance derivatives. The background addresses the roles of traditional reinsurance and securitization efforts in providing risk transfer and risk financing in the "cat"... View Details
Keywords: Commodity Market; Derivatives; Insurance; Capital Markets; Natural Disasters; Risk Management; Financial Management; Financial Strategy; Performance Evaluation; Insurance Industry; Bermuda
Froot, Kenneth A., and Markus Mullarkey. "Mid Ocean Limited: Trading Catastrophe Index Options." Harvard Business School Case 298-073, December 1997. (Revised March 1998.)
- December 1997
- Case
Making the Grade (A)
By: Robert L. Simons
Focuses on the dilemma of a young professor at a graduate school of business. He must decide what final grade to give a student who has worked extremely hard, but he is constrained by the school's "forced curve" grading policy. Designed to explore the multiple purposes... View Details
Keywords: Design; Management Systems; Performance Evaluation; Motivation and Incentives; Education Industry
Simons, Robert L. "Making the Grade (A)." Harvard Business School Case 198-083, December 1997.
- November 1997
- Case
Microsoft Goes Online: MSN 1996
By: David B. Yoffie
Explores Microsoft's decision to enter the online services industry in the light of its competition and the growing importance of the Internet. Significant issues include the cost and availability of content, telecomm/Internet access costs, competition with the World... View Details
Keywords: Cost Management; Growth and Development; Market Entry and Exit; Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Web; Information Technology Industry
Yoffie, David B. "Microsoft Goes Online: MSN 1996." Harvard Business School Case 798-019, November 1997.
- Fall 1997
- Article
Little Machines in Their Gardens: A History of School Gardens in America, 1891 to 1920
By: Brian Trelstad
“Little Machines in their Gardens: A History of School Gardens in America, 1891 to 1920” explores the rise and decline of the school garden movement in the United States. The paper first documents the early history of the gardens and establishes them as a national... View Details
Trelstad, Brian. "Little Machines in Their Gardens: A History of School Gardens in America, 1891 to 1920." Landscape Journal 16, no. 2 (Fall 1997): 161–173.
- August 1997 (Revised February 1999)
- Case
Argentina's YPF Sociedad Anonima (D): The International Platform
By: Michael Y. Yoshino and Carin-Isabel Knoop
In March 1995, YPF (the former Argentine state-owned oil and gas utility, privatized in late 1993) acquired the Dallas-based Maxus Energy Corp., one of the world's largest independent oil and gas exploration companies. YPF's first acquisition is nearly bankrupt, with... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Globalization; Borrowing and Debt; Privatization; Managerial Roles; Energy Industry; Argentina; Texas
Yoshino, Michael Y., and Carin-Isabel Knoop. "Argentina's YPF Sociedad Anonima (D): The International Platform." Harvard Business School Case 398-005, August 1997. (Revised February 1999.)
- summer 1997
- Article
An Empirical Exploration of a Technology Race
By: J. Lerner
An extensive theoretical literature examines technological competition, and in particular whether leaders maintain their standing. These models, however, have received little support. Innovation is examined in the disk drive industry, an environment particularly... View Details
Lerner, J. "An Empirical Exploration of a Technology Race." RAND Journal of Economics 28, no. 2 (summer 1997): 228–247.
- July 1997
- Article
The Presidio Trust legislation: Preservation or Privatization?
By: Brian Trelstad
This analysis of the Presidio Trust legislation places the recent developments on the Presidio in the context of a century and a half of environmental planning. By first exploring the Presidio's history, and then tracing the more recent legislative background to the... View Details
Keywords: Presidio; Presidio Trust; National Parks; Urban Parks; Public-private Management; Natural Environment; Urban Scope; Planning
Trelstad, Brian. "The Presidio Trust legislation: Preservation or Privatization?" Urban Ecosystems 1, no. 3 (July 1997): 135–153.
- June 1997 (Revised March 2001)
- Case
Genset Initial Public Offering (A)
By: Paul A. Gompers and Jeffrey M. Anapolsky
Pascal Brandys, founder and CEO of Genset, must decide whether to take this young biotechnology company public. If so, should he do a dual offering in both France and the U.S.? The case also explores the business models in genomics research. View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Initial Public Offering; Genetics; Going Public; Management Teams; Biotechnology Industry; France; United States
Gompers, Paul A., and Jeffrey M. Anapolsky. "Genset Initial Public Offering (A)." Harvard Business School Case 297-096, June 1997. (Revised March 2001.)
- May 1997
- Teaching Note
Product Development Process, Organization and Improvement, Instructor's Note
By: Marco Iansiti
Explores how development projects fit (or do not fit) within a firm's development strategy and its wider competitive goals. Module materials, and this note, focus on two broad approaches to process design (sequential and flexible) that were originally introduced in the... View Details
- February 1997 (Revised April 1998)
- Case
first direct (A)
Describes the operations and strategy of the world's largest, fastest growing branchless bank. Using a person-to-person interface over conventional phone lines, First Direct provides standard banking and related financial products to nearly 700,000 customers throughout... View Details
Keywords: Service Delivery; Customer Satisfaction; Banks and Banking; Innovation and Invention; Banking Industry; United Kingdom
Rayport, Jeffrey F., and Dickson Louie. "first direct (A)." Harvard Business School Case 897-079, February 1997. (Revised April 1998.)
- February 1997 (Revised September 1997)
- Case
Bidding for Antamina
By: Peter Tufano
In June 1996, executives of the multinational mining company RTZ-CRA contemplate bidding to acquire the Antamina copper and zinc mine in Peru. The Antamina project is being offered for sale by auction as part of the privatization of Peru's state mining company. RTZ-CRA... View Details
Tufano, Peter, and Alberto Moel. "Bidding for Antamina." Harvard Business School Case 297-054, February 1997. (Revised September 1997.)
- January 1997
- Case
Dr. Sergio Ceccuzzi and SMI: Negotiating Cross-Border Acquisitions in Europe (A)
Over several years, Societa Metallurgica Italiana SpA (SMI), a small Italian copper processing firm, successfully completed a number of challenging acquisitions. This case explores SMI's negotiation strategies and tactics, concentrating especially on its acquisition of... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Negotiation; Strategy; Manufacturing Industry; France; Italy
Sebenius, James K. "Dr. Sergio Ceccuzzi and SMI: Negotiating Cross-Border Acquisitions in Europe (A)." Harvard Business School Case 897-084, January 1997.
- January 1997
- Case
Dr. Sergio Ceccuzzi and SMI: Negotiating Cross-Border Acquisitions in Europe (B)
Since the 1960s, SMI has quietly executed a series of brilliantly negotiated takeovers throughout Europe, often acquiring companies much larger than itself. Despite formidable obstacles, SMI has managed to acquire state-owned competitors in Italy and France, as well as... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Corporate Governance; International Relations; Negotiation Tactics; Consolidation; Mining Industry; Europe
Sebenius, James K. "Dr. Sergio Ceccuzzi and SMI: Negotiating Cross-Border Acquisitions in Europe (B)." Harvard Business School Case 897-085, January 1997.
- December 1996 (Revised July 2002)
- Background Note
Note on Marketing and the Internet
By: John A. Deighton, Alison Berkley and John Barabino
The World Wide Web is new, a comprehensive marketing environment. It is a medium for direct marketing, for retailing and distribution, for the delivery of service and product elements, for marketing research, and even for posting and testing prices. This note explores... View Details
Deighton, John A., Alison Berkley, and John Barabino. "Note on Marketing and the Internet." Harvard Business School Background Note 597-037, December 1996. (Revised July 2002.)
- August 1996
- Case
By: William A. Sahlman and Andrew S. Janower
John Hansen, CEO of ThermoLase, must develop a plan of action to exploit the company's new development-stage revolutionary hair removal technology with negligible revenues and a $500 million market capitalization. This nascent public Thermo Electron spin out company... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Venture Capital; Business Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Plan; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry
Sahlman, William A., and Andrew S. Janower. "ThermoLase." Harvard Business School Case 897-002, August 1996.
- May 1996
- Background Note
The GM's Operational Challenge: Managing Through People
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and Ashish Nanda
Highlights and explores how a general manager adds value to the firm at the operational level by managing through people. Discusses how assumptions about human motivation influence the employment contract that the general manager implicitly enters into with the workers... View Details
Keywords: Employee Relationship Management; Selection and Staffing; Contracts; Managerial Roles; Operations; Problems and Challenges; Labor and Management Relations; Motivation and Incentives; Value
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Ashish Nanda. "The GM's Operational Challenge: Managing Through People." Harvard Business School Background Note 396-400, May 1996.