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- 11 Feb 2019
- Research & Ideas
The Business of Saving the Planet
"The fact that the benefits of addressing the problem of climate change almost certainly outweigh the costs ... does not make concerted global action to address the problem easy." —Climate Change in 2018: Implications for Business If there is one positive... View Details
- November 1983 (Revised May 1984)
- Background Note
Note on the Export of Pesticides from the United States to Developing Countries
This is an issues-oriented note designed to stimulate discussion of the ethical aspects of the sale of pesticides which are not approved for any use or only for restricted use in the United States to less developed countries. It is organized as follows: the problem,... View Details
Keywords: Pollutants; Ethics; Health; Chemicals; Developing Countries and Economies; Chemical Industry; United States
Goodpaster, Kenneth E. "Note on the Export of Pesticides from the United States to Developing Countries." Harvard Business School Background Note 384-097, November 1983. (Revised May 1984.)
- 2008
- Working Paper
Modern Management: Good for the Environment or Just Hot Air?
By: Nicholas Bloom, Christos Genakos, Ralf Martin and Raffaella Sadun
We use an innovative methodology to measure management practices in over 300 manufacturing firms in the UK. We then match this management data to production and energy usage information for establishments owned by these firms. We find that establishments in better... View Details
Keywords: Energy Conservation; Management Practices and Processes; Performance Productivity; Environmental Sustainability; Pollutants; Manufacturing Industry; United Kingdom
Bloom, Nicholas, Christos Genakos, Ralf Martin, and Raffaella Sadun. "Modern Management: Good for the Environment or Just Hot Air?" NBER Working Paper Series, No. 14394, October 2008.
- June 2012
- Teaching Note
Harvest: Organic Waste Recycling with Energy Recovery (TN) (A) and (B)
By: Deishin Lee
This case describes the waste management industry and a clean technology solution for landfill diversion and renewable energy production. The (A) case focuses on the operational characteristics of organic waste recycling with energy recovery, and the characteristics of... View Details
- February 1994 (Revised August 1994)
- Background Note
Note on Contingent Environmental Liabilities
Addresses contingent environmental liabilities that are the result of unforeseen environmental risks where the dollar amount of such liabilities is unknown and depends on future events. In contrast, fines for violating environmental laws are liabilities, but are not... View Details
Keywords: Legal Liability; Risk Management; Natural Environment; Laws and Statutes; Pollutants; Governance Compliance; United States
Vietor, Richard H.K., and Forest L. Reinhardt. "Note on Contingent Environmental Liabilities." Harvard Business School Background Note 794-098, February 1994. (Revised August 1994.)
- 01 Jul 2019
- What Do You Think?
Are Super Stretch Goals Only for the Very Young?
solution to a problem. It involved the development, under someone who later became CEO of Volkswagen, at Audi in 2006 of a way to eliminate the clanking sound made by diesel vehicles when started. The solution increased pollution levels... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- August 1974 (Revised November 1974)
- Case
Reynolds Construction Company
By: Paul W. Marshall
Deals with the use of critical path method for the construction of remote control building, which is part of a water purification system. Discusses the necessity of determining the shortest possible time in which a job could be done without spending more money. Case... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Construction; Cost Management; Time Management; Wastes and Waste Processing; System; Construction Industry
Marshall, Paul W. "Reynolds Construction Company." Harvard Business School Case 675-017, August 1974. (Revised November 1974.)
- 1982
- Other Unpublished Work
Financing the Cleanup of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites
By: Dutch Leonard, Henry Lee and Susan Bender
- 05 Jun 2013
- Op-Ed
Corporate Leaders Need to Step Up on Climate Change
several very large companies cannot, on their own, get us there. In fact, historically, no big environmental problem, from air and water pollution to acid rain or ozone depletion, has ever been solved by businesses volunteering to do the... View Details
Keywords: by Michael Toffel & Auden Schendler
- March 1998 (Revised June 1998)
- Case
BCI Growth III: November 1993
By: Josh Lerner
Supplements BCI Growth III: May 1993. View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Business Growth and Maturation; Consolidation; Acquisition; Wastes and Waste Processing; Service Industry; United States
Lerner, Josh. "BCI Growth III: November 1993." Harvard Business School Case 298-103, March 1998. (Revised June 1998.)
- March 1998 (Revised December 1998)
- Case
BCI Growth III: May 1993
By: Josh Lerner
A Vermont solid-waste company seeks mezzanine financing to finance its strategy of acquiring and consolidating local competitors. The mezzanine private equity group must decide whether this investment offers an attractive risk-return tradeoff. View Details
Keywords: Private Equity; Business Growth and Maturation; Consolidation; Wastes and Waste Processing; Acquisition; Service Industry; Vermont
Lerner, Josh. "BCI Growth III: May 1993." Harvard Business School Case 298-093, March 1998. (Revised December 1998.)
- May 2009 (Revised October 2009)
- Case
Verne Global: Building a Green Data Center in Iceland
Verne Global, a pioneering startup created to build the first large-scale data center in Iceland, faces critical challenges regarding its green strategy. Verne Co-Founder Isaac Kato is tasked with evaluating how the company can most successfully market and sell the... View Details
Keywords: Buildings and Facilities; Business Startups; Marketing Strategy; Product Marketing; Sales; Environmental Sustainability; Pollutants; Green Technology Industry; Service Industry; Iceland
Steenburgh, Thomas J., and Nnamdi Daniel Okike. "Verne Global: Building a Green Data Center in Iceland." Harvard Business School Case 509-063, May 2009. (Revised October 2009.)
- April 2011 (Revised January 2019)
- Case
By: Richard S. Ruback and Royce Yudkoff
Talismark, which helped its customers manage their waste, was considering re-engineering its business fundamentals to dramatically increase profitability by changing its sales and information processes. Implementing the changes would be expensive and would interrupt... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Business Processes; Information Management; Sales; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Wastes and Waste Processing
Ruback, Richard S., and Royce Yudkoff. "Talismark." Harvard Business School Case 211-097, April 2011. (Revised January 2019.)
- 2011
- Working Paper
Do Not Trash the Incentive! Monetary Incentives and Waste Sorting
By: Alessandro Bucciol, Natalia Montinari and Marco Piovesan
This paper examines whether monetary incentives are an effective tool for increasing domestic waste sorting. We exploit the exogenous variation in the pricing systems experienced during the 1999-2008 decade by the 95 municipalities in the district of Treviso (Italy).... View Details
Keywords: Household; Cost Management; Consumer Behavior; Wastes and Waste Processing; Motivation and Incentives; Public Administration Industry; Italy
Bucciol, Alessandro, Natalia Montinari, and Marco Piovesan. "Do Not Trash the Incentive! Monetary Incentives and Waste Sorting." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 11-093, March 2011.
- February 10, 2015
- Article
Nonprice incentives and Energy Conservation
By: Omar Isaac Asensio and Magali A Delmas
We investigate the effectiveness of nonprice incentives to motivate conservation behavior. We test whether tailored information about environmental and health damages produces behavior change in the residential electricity sector. In a randomized controlled trial with... View Details
Keywords: Motivation and Incentives; Energy Conservation; Environmental Sustainability; Pollutants; Health Disorders; Knowledge Dissemination; Behavior
Asensio, Omar Isaac, and Magali A Delmas. "Nonprice incentives and Energy Conservation." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 6 (February 10, 2015): E510–E515.
- February 1979 (Revised December 1983)
- Case
Allied Chemical Corp. (A)
Describes Allied, the chemical industry, and the effects of the Kepone problem (a toxic pesticide dumped into the James River) as of 1976. The executive in the case must decide whether the company should support the passage of the Toxic Substances Control Act and an... View Details
Keywords: Pollutants; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Decision Making; Laws and Statutes; Welfare; Legal Liability; Business and Government Relations; Chemical Industry
Lodge, George C., and Joseph L. Badaracco Jr. "Allied Chemical Corp. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 379-137, February 1979. (Revised December 1983.)
- 2016
- Working Paper
The Climate Custodians
By: Robert G. Eccles and Tim Youmans
Can custody banks become key players in climate change? Custody banks joining the battle against climate change will signal a significant shift in governance ideology for this highly regulated industry so critical to the global financial system. While global custody... View Details
Keywords: Pollutants; Climate Change; Capital Markets; Investment Banking; Institutional Investing; Policy
Eccles, Robert G., and Tim Youmans. "The Climate Custodians." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-138, June 2016.
- 2005
- Chapter
Social Pressures in Siting Conflicts: A Case Study of Siting a Radioactive Waste Repository in Pennsylvania
By: Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Howard Kunreuther
Keywords: Wastes and Waste Processing; Civil Society or Community; Social Issues; Conflict and Resolution; Local Range
Oberholzer-Gee, Felix, and Howard Kunreuther. "Social Pressures in Siting Conflicts: A Case Study of Siting a Radioactive Waste Repository in Pennsylvania." In Managing Conflict in Facility Siting, edited by S. Hayden Lesbirel and Daigee Shaw. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2005.
- August 2011 (Revised February 2012)
- Background Note
A Note on Water
By: Robert G. Eccles, Amy C. Edmondson, George Serafeim and Sarah E. Farrell
This note provides background on the complex issues regarding the supply and consumption of water and how this natural resource is at increasing risk, resulting in significant economic, political and environmental issues. View Details
Keywords: Economics; Government and Politics; Demand and Consumers; Supply and Industry; Risk and Uncertainty; Natural Environment; Pollutants; Environmental Sustainability
Eccles, Robert G., Amy C. Edmondson, George Serafeim, and Sarah E. Farrell. "A Note on Water." Harvard Business School Background Note 412-050, August 2011. (Revised February 2012.)
- 02 Jul 2012
- Research & Ideas
Why Good Deeds Invite Bad Publicity
stats from the corporate research firm KLD Research & Analytics, which ranked companies on "Environmental Strength," including positive measures such as pollution prevention programs, recycling, and energy efficiency; and... View Details