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- Faculty Publications (437)
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- All HBS Web
- Faculty Publications (437)
- 2013
- Book
Democracy and Its Elected Enemies: American Political Capture and Economic Decline
By: Steven Rosefielde and Daniel Quinn Mills
Democracy and Its Elected Enemies reveals that American politicians have usurped their constitutional authority, substituting their economic and political sovereignty for the people's. This has been accomplished by creating an enormous public service sector... View Details
Keywords: Ethics; Government and Politics; Macroeconomics; Public Administration Industry; United States
Rosefielde, Steven, and Daniel Quinn Mills. Democracy and Its Elected Enemies: American Political Capture and Economic Decline. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
- September 2013
- Article
Prizes, Publicity, and Patents: Non-Monetary Awards as a Mechanism to Encourage Innovation
By: Petra Moser and Tom Nicholas
This paper exploits the selection of prize-winning technologies among exhibitors at the Crystal Palace Exhibition in 1851 to examine whether—and how—ex post prizes that are awarded to high-quality innovations may encourage future innovation. U.S. patent data... View Details
Moser, Petra, and Tom Nicholas. "Prizes, Publicity, and Patents: Non-Monetary Awards as a Mechanism to Encourage Innovation." Journal of Industrial Economics 61, no. 3 (September 2013): 763–788.
- August 2013 (Revised November 2013)
- Case
Gordon Brothers: Collateralizing Corporate Loans by Brands
By: Paul Healy and Maria Loumioti
The case explores the collateralization of intellectual property in a loan agreement between a highly leveraged apparel company and a large US bank. Leveraging intangibles in the credit market is a new practice that has significantly grown over the past few years.... View Details
Healy, Paul, and Maria Loumioti. "Gordon Brothers: Collateralizing Corporate Loans by Brands." Harvard Business School Case 114-016, August 2013. (Revised November 2013.)
- July 2013 (Revised January 2014)
- Supplement
Value Retail (B) China: Opportunities for Expansion
By: Arthur I Segel and John H. Vogel, Jr.
After spending two years evaluating China as a potential market for expansion, in 2012, Scott Malkin, Chief Executive of Value Retail, identifies a highly desireable site in Suzhou. Now Malkin must decide if it is the right opportunity to open a village in China. View Details
Segel, Arthur I., and John H. Vogel, Jr. "Value Retail (B) China: Opportunities for Expansion." Harvard Business School Supplement 814-013, July 2013. (Revised January 2014.)
- 8 Jul 2013
- Lecture
The Impact of Modularity on Intellectual Property and Value Appropriation
- July 2013
- Article
Ethnic Innovation and U.S. Multinational Firm Activity
By: C. Fritz Foley and William R. Kerr
This paper studies the impact that immigrant innovators have on the global activities of U.S. firms by analyzing detailed data on patent applications and on the operations of the foreign affiliates of U.S. multinational firms. The results indicate that increases in the... View Details
Keywords: Technology Transfer; Innovation; Ethnic Networks; Patents; Diasporas; Ethnicity; Multinational Firms and Management; Competitive Advantage; Research and Development; Foreign Direct Investment; Innovation and Invention; United States
Foley, C. Fritz, and William R. Kerr. "Ethnic Innovation and U.S. Multinational Firm Activity." Management Science 59, no. 7 (July 2013): 1529–1544.
- Summer 2013
- Article
IP Modularity: Profiting from Innovation by Aligning Product Architecture with Intellectual Property
By: Joachim Henkel, Carliss Y. Baldwin and Willy C. Shih
Firms seeking to take advantage of distributed innovation and outsourcing can bridge the tension between value creation and value capture by modifying the modular structure of their technical systems. Specifically, this article introduces the concept of "IP... View Details
Keywords: Modularity; Value Appropriation; Distributed Innovation; Open Innovation; Innovation Strategy; Intellectual Property; Value
Henkel, Joachim, Carliss Y. Baldwin, and Willy C. Shih. "IP Modularity: Profiting from Innovation by Aligning Product Architecture with Intellectual Property." California Management Review 55, no. 4 (Summer 2013): 65–82.
- Summer 2013
- Article
Strategic Management of Intellectual Property: An Integrated Approach
By: William W. Fisher III and Felix Oberholzer-Gee
In many organizations, the R&D, strategy, and legal functions are poorly integrated. As a consequence, firms miss opportunities to create and exploit the value of intellectual property. Functional silos are one reason for the lack of integration. More important,... View Details
Keywords: Innovation Management; Strategic Management; Legal Aspects Of Business; Licensing; Law; Innovation and Management; Knowledge Management; Intellectual Property; Business Strategy
Fisher III, William W., and Felix Oberholzer-Gee. "Strategic Management of Intellectual Property: An Integrated Approach." California Management Review 55, no. 4 (Summer 2013): 157–183.
- June 2013 (Revised January 2014)
- Case
S&P Indices and the Indexing Business in 2012
By: Luis Viceira and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld
In June 2012, Standard & Poor's Indices is finalizing a deal with the CME Group, the largest global exchange for futures and options and majority owner of Dow Jones Indexes, to combine their respective indices business into a new joint venture called S&P Dow Jones... View Details
Keywords: Indexing; Business Model; Joint Ventures; Financial Markets; Standards; Financial Services Industry
Viceira, Luis, and Alison Berkley Wagonfeld. "S&P Indices and the Indexing Business in 2012." Harvard Business School Case 213-049, June 2013. (Revised January 2014.)
- June 2013 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
Open Innovation at Siemens
By: Karim R. Lakhani, Katja Hutter, Stephanie Healy Pokrywa and Johann Fuller
The case describes Siemens, a worldwide innovator in the Energy, Healthcare, Industry, and Infrastructure & Cities sectors, and its efforts to develop and commercialize new R&D through open innovation, including internal and external crowdsourcing contests. Emphasis is... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Innovation Management; Crowdsourcing; Innovation Strategy; Innovation and Management; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Sharing; Research and Development; Information Technology; Energy Industry; Health Industry; Green Technology Industry; Manufacturing Industry
Lakhani, Karim R., Katja Hutter, Stephanie Healy Pokrywa, and Johann Fuller. "Open Innovation at Siemens." Harvard Business School Case 613-100, June 2013. (Revised March 2015.)
- June 2013 (Revised February 2014)
- Case
FanMode: Launching a Global Sports Venture
By: Shikhar Ghosh, William R. Kerr and Alexis Brownell
Neven Murugan is developing FanMode, an app that allows sports fans all over the world to broadcast their reactions in real time into stadiums where their team is playing. It also provides social networking across sports fans. The company is growing, and its founders... View Details
Keywords: App Development; Location Choices; Structure Of The Firm; Global; Entrepreneurship; Social Media; Sports Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United Kingdom; South Africa
Ghosh, Shikhar, William R. Kerr, and Alexis Brownell. "FanMode: Launching a Global Sports Venture." Harvard Business School Case 813-190, June 2013. (Revised February 2014.)
- June 2013 (Revised February 2016)
- Teaching Note
The LEGO Group: Publish or Protect?
By: Willy Shih
Senior managers at the LEGO Group are faced with a quandary: Should they patent inventions coming out of their manufacturing process development work, should they keep them as trade secrets, or should they publish them so that they would go into the public domain and... View Details
- May 2013
- Article
Hybrid Innovation in Meiji Japan
By: Tom Nicholas
Japan's hybrid innovation system during the Meiji era of technological modernization provides a useful laboratory for examining the effectiveness of complementary mechanisms to patents. Patents were introduced in 1885, and by 1911, 1.2 million mostly non-pecuniary... View Details
Keywords: Prizes; Technological Innovation; System; Patents; Knowledge; Value; Cost vs Benefits; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Performance Effectiveness; Japan
Nicholas, Tom. "Hybrid Innovation in Meiji Japan." International Economic Review 54, no. 2 (May 2013): 575–600.
- Article
Intermediary Functions and the Market for Innovation in Meiji and Taisho Japan
By: Tom Nicholas and Hiroshi Shimizu
Japan experienced a transformational phase of technological development during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. We argue that an important, but so far neglected, factor was a developing market for innovation and a patent attorney system that was... View Details
Nicholas, Tom, and Hiroshi Shimizu. "Intermediary Functions and the Market for Innovation in Meiji and Taisho Japan." Business History Review 87, no. 1 (Spring 2013): 121–150.
- April 2013
- Article
Using the Crowd as an Innovation Partner
By: Kevin J. Boudreau and Karim R. Lakhani
More and more organizations are turning to crowds for help in solving their most vexing innovation and research questions, but managers remain understandably cautious. It seems risky and even unnatural to push problems out to vast groups of strangers distributed around... View Details
Boudreau, Kevin J., and Karim R. Lakhani. "Using the Crowd as an Innovation Partner." Harvard Business Review 91, no. 4 (April 2013): 61–69.
- February 2013 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
The LEGO Group: Publish or Protect?
By: Willy C. Shih and Sen Chai
Senior managers at the LEGO Group are faced with a quandary: Should they patent inventions coming out of their manufacturing process development work, should they keep them as trade secrets, or should they publish them so that they would go into the public domain and... View Details
Keywords: Plastics; Injection Molding; Toys; LEGO; LEGO Group; Tools; Additive Manufacturing; 3D Manufacturing; Toolmaking; Patenting; Spillovers; Knowledge Spillovers; Change; Trends; Engineering; Machinery and Machining; Intellectual Property; Patents; Operations; Production; Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Technology Adoption; Consumer Products Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Technology Industry; Europe; Denmark
Shih, Willy C., and Sen Chai. "The LEGO Group: Publish or Protect?" Harvard Business School Case 613-079, February 2013. (Revised March 2015.)
- February 2013
- Article
Digitization, Innovation, and Copyright: What Is the Agenda?
By: Shane Greenstein, Josh Lerner and Scott Stern
This essay discusses the need for research on the consequences of digitization, as well as the impact of alternative policies governing the creation and use of digital information. This agenda focuses on the development of research to investigate the economics of... View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Research; Copyright; Information Management; Innovation and Invention
Greenstein, Shane, Josh Lerner, and Scott Stern. "Digitization, Innovation, and Copyright: What Is the Agenda?" Strategic Organization 11, no. 1 (February 2013): 110–121.
- January 2013 (Revised February 2013)
- Case
EverTrue: Mobile Technology Development (A)
By: William R. Kerr and Alexis Brownell
Brent Grinna is evaluating different options for the technology development of his start-up's iPhone app, including hiring local programmers, finding a CTO, or outsourcing. He only has a little over two months before he presents his alumni networking app to Brown... View Details
Keywords: Start-up; Mobile App; oDesk; Outsourcing; CTO; Minimum Viable Product; App Development; Business Startups; Decisions; Entrepreneurship; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Intellectual Property; Product Development; Globalization; Technology Industry; Massachusetts; Boston; India
Kerr, William R., and Alexis Brownell. "EverTrue: Mobile Technology Development (A)." Harvard Business School Case 813-122, January 2013. (Revised February 2013.)
- January 2013 (Revised March 2015)
- Case
Hudson Yards—The Other Side of the Tracks?
By: Christopher M. Gordon, John D. Macomber, A. Eugene Kohn and Lisa Strope
Stephan Ross, CEO of Related Companies, is considering an opportunity to invest $1 billion for the air rights over the Hudson Rail Yards in New York City. The investment would allow Related to build a platform over the operating rail tracks and develop this blighted... View Details
Keywords: Real Estate; Property; Growth and Development Strategy; Urban Development; Real Estate Industry; New York (city, NY)
Gordon, Christopher M., John D. Macomber, A. Eugene Kohn, and Lisa Strope. "Hudson Yards—The Other Side of the Tracks?" Harvard Business School Case 213-040, January 2013. (Revised March 2015.)
- January–February 2013
- Article
Will Our Partner Steal Our IP?
By: Willy C. Shih and Jyun-Cheng Wang
This fictionalized case looks at the spillover of intellectual property (IP) from a critical component supplier to an original equipment maker in the Chinese auto industry. What are the challenges to holding on to proprietary know-how when a customer wishes to use... View Details
Keywords: Intellectual Property Management; Intellectual Property; Auto Industry; Electronics Industry; China; Taiwan
Shih, Willy C., and Jyun-Cheng Wang. "Will Our Partner Steal Our IP?" Harvard Business Review 91, nos. 1/2 (January–February 2013): 137–139.