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- Faculty Publications (2,163)
- June 2006 (Revised April 2007)
- Case
By: H. Kent Bowen and Bradley R. Staats
In 2004, Mark Lundstrom must decide on a funding method and strategic approach for BioScale, a biotechnology company that he founded. BioScale has developed a microchip-based bioanalytical platform that can be used to detect very small concentrations of cells, viruses,... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Science-Based Business; Capital; Financing and Loans; Partners and Partnerships; Biotechnology Industry
Bowen, H. Kent, and Bradley R. Staats. "BioScale." Harvard Business School Case 606-100, June 2006. (Revised April 2007.)
- 2006
- Conference Presentation
Exploitation Frameworks: A Comparative Study
By: Frank Nagle, Jeff Berg and Adam Zeldis
- 11 Jun 2006 - 13 Jun 2006
- Conference Presentation
Exploring the Links Between Product and Organizational Architectures: An Empirical Study of Open and Closed Source Software
By: Alan MacCormack
- May 2006
- Module Note
Leading Culturally Diverse Teams
By: Robin J. Ely
Describes the Leading Culturally Diverse Teams module (eight class sessions), which teaches students the leadership perspectives and skills necessary to develop high-functioning, culturally diverse teams (teams diverse in, for example, race, ethnicity, gender,... View Details
Ely, Robin J. "Leading Culturally Diverse Teams." Harvard Business School Module Note 406-097, May 2006.
- 28 Apr 2006 - 1 May 2006
- Conference Presentation
Exploring the Relationship between Product Architecture and Organizational Form: A Test of "Conway's Law"
By: Alan MacCormack
MacCormack, Alan. Exploring the Relationship between Product Architecture and Organizational Form: A Test of "Conway's Law". In Empirical Studies of Software Development (Session Chair). Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Boston, MA, April 28–May 1, 2006.
- April 2006
- Module Note
Cross-Border Financial Opportunities
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
Describes the fifth module in the International Finance course at Harvard Business School. This module explores how segmented capital markets create financing opportunities for firms and the mechanisms that evolve to take advantage of those opportunities. The issues... View Details
Keywords: Opportunities; Capital Markets; Decisions; International Finance; Motivation and Incentives; Taxation
Desai, Mihir A., and Kathleen Luchs. "Cross-Border Financial Opportunities." Harvard Business School Module Note 206-126, April 2006.
- April 2006 (Revised April 2012)
- Background Note
The Role of Private Equity Firms in Merger and Acquisition Transactions
Explores the importance of private equity firms in merger and acquisitions activity around the globe. In many countries, these firms now account for one quarter of the total merger and acquisition activity of all firms. The larger private equity firms generate fees for... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Mergers and Acquisitions; Private Equity; Investment Funds; Value Creation
Fruhan, William E., Jr. "The Role of Private Equity Firms in Merger and Acquisition Transactions." Harvard Business School Background Note 206-101, April 2006. (Revised April 2012.)
- April 2006
- Background Note
Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World: Module 1: Innovation and Uncertainty
Describes the first module of a Harvard Business School 30-session elective course called Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World. The course helps students understand the challenges that uncertainty implies for innovation and how to overcome these challenges. The... View Details
Keywords: Design; Curriculum and Courses; Innovation and Management; Projects; Opportunities; Perspective
MacCormack, Alan D. "Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World: Module 1: Innovation and Uncertainty." Harvard Business School Background Note 606-125, April 2006.
- April 2006
- Background Note
Informing Service Management with Customer Data
By: Frances X. Frei and Dennis Campbell
Taught as the third module in a Harvard Business School course on Managing Service Operations. Explores the role of data analysis in ongoing service management. Describes how to realize the maximum amount of value from analyses and use this information in... View Details
Keywords: Decision Making; Design; Analytics and Data Science; Service Operations; Mathematical Methods; Value
Frei, Frances X., and Dennis Campbell. "Informing Service Management with Customer Data." Harvard Business School Background Note 606-097, April 2006.
- April 2006 (Revised April 2008)
- Course Overview Note
Managing Service Operations: Understanding the Customer Operating Role
By: Frances X. Frei
Describes Managing Service Operations: Understanding the Customer Operating Role, a second-year MBA course that consists of three modules. The first module, Conceptualizing the Customer Operating, explores the operational challenges and opportunites of managing... View Details
Keywords: Service Operations
- April 2006
- Background Note
Designing Sustainable Service Models
By: Frances X. Frei
Taught as the second module in a Harvard Business School course on Managing Service Operations. Addresses the challenge of designing service models that effectively incorporate a customer operating role, as well as how to align operations to deliver value to both the... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Customers; Design; Managerial Roles; Consumer Behavior; Service Operations; Power and Influence; Value
Frei, Frances X. "Designing Sustainable Service Models." Harvard Business School Background Note 606-031, April 2006.
- March 2006
- Module Note
Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World: Module 3: Expanding Diversity
Describes the third module of the 30-session Harvard Business School elective course Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World. The course helps students understand the challenges that uncertainty implies for innovation and how to overcome them. The course emphasizes... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Management; Business Processes; Projects; Risk and Uncertainty; Product Development; Managerial Roles; Opportunities; Perspective; Expansion; Goals and Objectives
MacCormack, Alan D. "Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World: Module 3: Expanding Diversity." Harvard Business School Module Note 606-126, March 2006.
- March 2006
- Module Note
Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World: Module 4: Sensing Opportunity
Describes the fourth module of the 30-session Harvard Business School elective course Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World. The course helps students understand the challenges that uncertainty implies for innovation and how to overcome them. The course emphasizes... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Management; Problems and Challenges; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Projects; Opportunities; Risk and Uncertainty; Perspective; Value Creation; Networks; Alignment
MacCormack, Alan D. "Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World: Module 4: Sensing Opportunity." Harvard Business School Module Note 606-104, March 2006.
- March 2006
- Module Note
International Regulatory Regimes
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
Describes the seventh module in the International Finance course at Harvard Business School. The module focuses on how national and international regulatory regimes influence financial decisions. The module explores how national regulatory regimes interact, the... View Details
Keywords: Globalized Markets and Industries; International Finance; Decisions; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Business Ventures; Teaching; International Relations; Education Industry
Desai, Mihir A., and Kathleen Luchs. "International Regulatory Regimes." Harvard Business School Module Note 206-128, March 2006.
- March 2006
- Module Note
Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World
Describes the second module of the 30-session Harvard Business School elective course Managing Innovation in an Uncertain World. The course helps students understand the challenges that uncertainty implies for innovation and how to overcome these challenges. The course... View Details
- March 2006
- Module Note
Finance in Weak Institutional Environments
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
Describes the sixth module in the International Finance course at Harvard Business School. The module explores the issues confronting firms that operate in weak institutional environments. The cases examine situations where investor protections are limited and how... View Details
Keywords: International Finance; Curriculum and Courses; Business Ventures; Framework; Organizational Design; Outcome or Result; Education Industry
Desai, Mihir A., and Kathleen Luchs. "Finance in Weak Institutional Environments." Harvard Business School Module Note 206-127, March 2006.
- March 2006
- Module Note
Valuing Cross-Border Investments
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
Describes a core module in the International Finance course at Harvard Business School. The module explores how valuation differs in an international context and introduces students to the major issues in cross-border valuations: how to value investments in currencies... View Details
Keywords: International Accounting; Currency Exchange Rate; Investment; Framework; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Body of Literature; Risk Management; Projects; Valuation
Desai, Mihir A., and Kathleen Luchs. "Valuing Cross-Border Investments." Harvard Business School Module Note 206-125, March 2006.
- March 2006
- Background Note
Influencing Customer Behavior in Service Operations
By: Frances X. Frei and Amy C. Edmondson
Explores ways in which service firms can influence the behavior of their customers. Drawing from research on employee motivation and applying it to customer motivation, the note describes two levels of managerial control: instrumental control, which shapes behavior... View Details
Keywords: Customers; Governance Controls; Consumer Behavior; Service Operations; Emotions; Motivation and Incentives; Power and Influence; Service Industry
Frei, Frances X., and Amy C. Edmondson. "Influencing Customer Behavior in Service Operations." Harvard Business School Background Note 606-061, March 2006.
- February 2006
- Case
Bumble and bumble: Building a Successful Business in Beauty and Fashion
By: Nancy F. Koehn and Erica Helms
Explores the creation and subsequent rise of Bumble and bumble, a trend-setting hair-care company. Analyzes the vision and achievements of the founding entrepreneur, Michael Gordon, and charts the evolution of the company within the $230 billion global beauty industry.... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship; Brands and Branding; Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Strategy; Financial Condition; Business Growth and Maturation; Success; Distribution; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry
Koehn, Nancy F., and Erica Helms. "Bumble and bumble: Building a Successful Business in Beauty and Fashion." Harvard Business School Case 806-084, February 2006.
- February 2006 (Revised June 2007)
- Case
Atheros Communications
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann and Lauren Barley
Managers at Atheros, a leading provider of wireless local area network chipsets, must decide whether to join a special interest group (SIG) proposed by Intel to end an impasse over standards for the 802.11n (11n), the next generation of "Wi-Fi" technology. Two factions... View Details
Keywords: Intellectual Property; Standards; Wireless Technology; Semiconductor Industry; United States
Eisenmann, Thomas R., and Lauren Barley. "Atheros Communications." Harvard Business School Case 806-093, February 2006. (Revised June 2007.)