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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (263)
- October 1989 (Revised May 1990)
- Case
Jaguar plc--1984
By: Timothy A. Luehrman and William Schiano
A vehicle for analyzing the exposure of operating cash flows to exchange rate changes. Considers the value of Jaguar plc at the time of its privatization and share offering in 1984. Jaguar is a major exporter from the United Kingdom and the United States is therefore... View Details
Keywords: Change; Cash Flow; Currency Exchange Rate; Risk Management; Privatization; Valuation; Auto Industry; United Kingdom; United States
Luehrman, Timothy A., and William Schiano. "Jaguar plc--1984." Harvard Business School Case 290-005, October 1989. (Revised May 1990.)
- November 2004 (Revised September 2019)
- Background Note
The U.S. Health Club Industry in 2004
By: John R. Wells, Gabriel Ellsworth and Benjamin Weinstock
In 2004, the $16.8 billion U.S. health club industry continued its strong record of growth. There were almost 27,000 health clubs in the United States, up from 6,700 two decades earlier, and these clubs claimed 41 million members, over 14% of the U.S. population.... View Details
Keywords: Health Clubs; Fitness; Gyms; Chain; Weight Loss; Obesity; Exercise; Personal Training; Bally Total Fitness; 24 Hour Fitness; YMCA; Gold's Gym; Curves; Franchise; Franchising; Subscription; Promotional Sales; Promotions; Fixed Costs; Body; Accrual Accounting; Revenue Recognition; Buildings and Facilities; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; For-Profit Firms; Trends; Customers; Demographics; Age; Income; Private Equity; Financing and Loans; Profit; Revenue; Geographic Scope; Multinational Firms and Management; Health; Nutrition; Business History; Employees; Retention; Human Capital; Working Conditions; Contracts; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Markets; Demand and Consumers; Supply and Industry; Industry Growth; Industry Structures; Operations; Service Operations; Franchise Ownership; Private Ownership; Public Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Sales; Salesforce Management; Situation or Environment; Opportunities; Nonprofit Organizations; Welfare; Sports; Strategy; Business Strategy; Competition; Competitive Strategy; Consolidation; Corporate Strategy; Customization and Personalization; Expansion; Segmentation; Hardware; Health Industry; United States
Wells, John R., Gabriel Ellsworth, and Benjamin Weinstock. "The U.S. Health Club Industry in 2004." Harvard Business School Background Note 705-445, November 2004. (Revised September 2019.)
- September 1987 (Revised November 1992)
- Background Note
Note on Transaction and Translation Exposure
By: W. Carl Kester and Richard P. Melnick
Describes the transaction and translation exposures that companies doing business internationally face when foreign exchange rates change. Also discusses how to measure and cover both types of exposure. Covering techniques are demonstrated using examples of forward... View Details
Kester, W. Carl, and Richard P. Melnick. "Note on Transaction and Translation Exposure." Harvard Business School Background Note 288-017, September 1987. (Revised November 1992.)
- March 1992 (Revised December 1992)
- Case
Harley-Davidson, Inc.--1987
By: W. Carl Kester and Julia Morley
After an LBO and near bankruptcy in the early 1980s, Harley-Davidson makes an astonishing recovery, going public in 1986. Its listing on the New York Stock Exchange in 1987 provides the occasion of an equity analyst to publish a research report in which she must issue... View Details
Keywords: Leveraged Buyouts; Currency Exchange Rate; Reports; Crisis Management; Going Public; Research; Competition; Auto Industry; Japan; New York (city, NY)
Kester, W. Carl, and Julia Morley. "Harley-Davidson, Inc.--1987." Harvard Business School Case 292-082, March 1992. (Revised December 1992.)
- April 2006
- Background Note
Understanding Corporate-Value-at-Risk through a Comprehensive and Simple Example
By: Marc L. Bertoneche and Frantz Maurer
Using a comprehensive and simple example of a firm exposed to foreign exchange risk, interest rate risk, and commodity price risk, shows how to use corporate-value-at-risk to measure and manage a firm's global exposure to risk. View Details
Keywords: Financial Markets; Interest Rates; International Finance; Globalization; Risk Management; Measurement and Metrics; Value
Bertoneche, Marc L., and Frantz Maurer. "Understanding Corporate-Value-at-Risk through a Comprehensive and Simple Example." Harvard Business School Background Note 206-046, April 2006.
- January 1990 (Revised March 1994)
- Case
Royal Ahold NV
By: Richard F. Meyer
Contains a general description of a large international retailer. Focus is on the major financial risks facing the company: exchange rate risk and commodity price risk. This case is an introduction to financial risk management. It poses some of the major problem areas. View Details
Keywords: Risk Management; Currency Exchange Rate; Futures and Commodity Futures; Trade; Distribution; Financial Services Industry
Meyer, Richard F. "Royal Ahold NV." Harvard Business School Case 190-113, January 1990. (Revised March 1994.)
- December 1986 (Revised March 1991)
- Supplement
Caterpillar-Komatsu in 1986
Provides an update to the global competitive interaction between Caterpillar and Komatsu described in companion cases Caterpillar Tractor and Komatsu Ltd. Caterpillar's response to Komatsu's growing market share is outlined, then the impact of rapidly changing... View Details
Keywords: Competition; Currency Exchange Rate; Price; Global Strategy; Policy; Market Participation; Strategy; Manufacturing Industry; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Industrial Products Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Caterpillar-Komatsu in 1986." Harvard Business School Supplement 387-095, December 1986. (Revised March 1991.)
- 2024
- Working Paper
How Do Global Portfolio Investors Hedge Currency Risk?
By: Robin Greenwood and Alex Cheema-Fox
We use monthly portfolio data from one of the world’s largest custodian banks, with over $40 trillion assets under custody, to study how global portfolio investors hedge foreign exchange risk in their equity and fixed income portfolios over the past 25 years. The data... View Details
Greenwood, Robin, and Alex Cheema-Fox. "How Do Global Portfolio Investors Hedge Currency Risk?" Working Paper, October 2024.
- 20 Aug 2010
- News
Bashing Beijing Will Not Help Our Trade Deficit
- 2010
- Chapter
Cost Structure Patterns in the Asset Management Industry
By: Dennis Campbell and Frances X. Frei
This chapter examines patterns in the cost structure of asset management firms and establishes two important trends in cost behavior. First, when revenues are growing, "indirect" costs related to sales, distribution, marketing, personnel, technology, and occupancy are... View Details
- July 1991
- Case
Managing the U.S. Dollar in the 1980s
By: W. Carl Kester and Richard P. Melnick
Provides numerical data and alternative explanations concerning the U.S. dollar's rise and subsequent fall in value from 1981 through 1987. Students are challenged to study the evidence and make their own inferences concerning the dollar's movements and the degree of... View Details
Kester, W. Carl, and Richard P. Melnick. "Managing the U.S. Dollar in the 1980s." Harvard Business School Case 292-001, July 1991.
- Link
- November–December 2023
- Article
Keep Your AI Projects on Track
By: Iavor Bojinov
AI—and especially its newest star, generative AI—is today a central theme in corporate boardrooms, leadership discussions, and casual exchanges among employees eager to supercharge their productivity. Sadly, beneath the aspirational headlines and tantalizing potential... View Details
Keywords: Generative Models; AI and Machine Learning; Success; Failure; Product Development; Technology Adoption
Bojinov, Iavor. "Keep Your AI Projects on Track." Harvard Business Review 101, no. 6 (November–December 2023): 53–59.
- 16 Oct 2018
- First Look
New Research and Ideas, October 16, 2018
company and grow as fast as possible (e.g., high double digits) or be more conservative and grow sales at a financially healthy rate, like traditional retailers did (e.g., single digits). The primary way e-retailing companies achieved these abnormally high View Details
Keywords: Dina Gerdeman
- March 2006 (Revised November 2006)
- Case
China: To Float or Not To Float? (D)- Bank of America's Strategic Investment in China Construction Bank
By: Laura Alfaro, Rafael M. Di Tella and Ingrid Vogel
With its $3 billion investment in Chinese state bank China Construction Bank, Bank of America--the second U.S. bank behind Citigroup in terms of assets and market capitalization--was one of several foreign banks directly participating in China's banking sector reform.... View Details
Keywords: Currency Exchange Rate; Banks and Banking; Foreign Direct Investment; International Relations; Banking Industry; China; United States
Alfaro, Laura, Rafael M. Di Tella, and Ingrid Vogel. "China: To Float or Not To Float? (D)- Bank of America's Strategic Investment in China Construction Bank." Harvard Business School Case 706-031, March 2006. (Revised November 2006.)
- June 2023
- Article
Why Is Dollar Debt Cheaper? Evidence from Peru
By: Bryan Gutiérrez, Victoria Ivashina and Juliana Salomao
In emerging markets, a significant share of corporate loans are denominated in dollars. Using novel data that enables us to see currency and the cost of credit, in addition to several other transaction-level characteristics, we re-examine the reasons behind dollar... View Details
Keywords: Emerging Market Corporate Debt; Currency Mismatch; Liability Dollarization; Carry Trade; Currency; Emerging Markets; Borrowing and Debt; Interest Rates; Peru
Gutiérrez, Bryan, Victoria Ivashina, and Juliana Salomao. "Why Is Dollar Debt Cheaper? Evidence from Peru." Journal of Financial Economics 148, no. 3 (June 2023): 245–272.
- March 2006 (Revised November 2006)
- Case
China: To Float or Not To Float? (C)- Esquel Group and the Chinese Renminbi
By: Laura Alfaro, Rafael M. Di Tella and Ingrid Vogel
In July 2005, China revalued its currency by 2.1% and adjusted its exchange rate regime toward a more market-based system. Esquel Group, a family-run, privately held textiles firm specializing in high-quality cotton shirts with its most significant manufacturing base... View Details
Keywords: Family Business; Currency Exchange Rate; Private Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Value Creation; China
Alfaro, Laura, Rafael M. Di Tella, and Ingrid Vogel. "China: To Float or Not To Float? (C)- Esquel Group and the Chinese Renminbi." Harvard Business School Case 706-023, March 2006. (Revised November 2006.)
- Research Summary
Corporate Debt, Firm Size and Financial Fragility in Emerging Markets
By: Laura Alfaro
The post-Global Financial Crisis period shows a surge in corporate leverage in emerging markets and a number of countries with deteriorated corporate financial fragility indicators (Altman’s Z-score). Firm size plays a critical role in the relationship between... View Details
- May 2019
- Article
Corporate Debt, Firm Size and Financial Fragility in Emerging Markets
By: Laura Alfaro, Gonzalo Asis, Anusha Chari and Ugo Panizza
The post-Global Financial Crisis period shows a surge in corporate leverage in emerging markets and a number of countries with deteriorated corporate financial fragility indicators (Altman’s Z-score). Firm size plays a critical role in the relationship between... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Debt; Firm Size; Financial Fragility; Emerging Market; Organizations; Borrowing and Debt; Financial Condition; Emerging Markets; System Shocks
Alfaro, Laura, Gonzalo Asis, Anusha Chari, and Ugo Panizza. "Corporate Debt, Firm Size and Financial Fragility in Emerging Markets." Journal of International Economics 118 (May 2019): 1–19. (Also NBER Working Paper 25459.)
- July 2005
- Article
The Consequences of Labor Market Flexibility: Panel Evidence Based on Survey Data
By: Rafael Di Tella and Robert MacCulloch
We introduce a new data set on hiring and firing restrictions for 21 OECD countries for the period 1984 –1990. The data are based on surveys of business people in the countries covered, so the indices we use are subjective in nature. Controlling for country and time... View Details
Keywords: Job Security Provisions; Subjective Data; Unemployment; Employment; Labor; Markets; Data and Data Sets
Di Tella, Rafael, and Robert MacCulloch. "The Consequences of Labor Market Flexibility: Panel Evidence Based on Survey Data." European Economic Review 49, no. 5 (July 2005): 1225–59.