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- Faculty Publications (1,441)
- May 1985
- Supplement
Milford Industries (A1)
By: Robert J. Dolan
Presents the salesforce performance data of the Milford (A) case in a format suitable for spreadsheet analysis using a personal computer. View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Salesforce Management; Resignation and Termination; Performance Evaluation
Dolan, Robert J. "Milford Industries (A1)." Harvard Business School Supplement 585-138, May 1985.
- March 1985 (Revised November 1985)
- Case
Wilmington Tap and Die
By: Robert S. Kaplan
The general manager of a division manufacturing taps and dies must decide whether to continue a major capital investment program. The program was designed to replace aging mechanical machines with modern, electronically controlled equipment. A post-audit, after an... View Details
Keywords: Capital Budgeting; Investment; Accounting Audits; Cost Management; Technological Innovation; Information Technology; Performance Productivity; Production; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Manufacturing Industry
Kaplan, Robert S. "Wilmington Tap and Die." Harvard Business School Case 185-124, March 1985. (Revised November 1985.)
- January 1985 (Revised March 2003)
- Case
Conex do Brasil
By: Christopher A. Bartlett and John Young
Describes interactions between Brazilian local, Latin American regional, and USA headquarters staff during the three years after establishing a manufacturing subsidiary in Sao Paulo. In a highly protected national environment, a market entry plan is developed to meet... View Details
Keywords: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Resignation and Termination; Goals and Objectives; Market Entry and Exit; Operations; Performance Expectations; Opportunities; Corporate Strategy; Latin America; United States; Brazil
Bartlett, Christopher A., and John Young. "Conex do Brasil." Harvard Business School Case 385-257, January 1985. (Revised March 2003.)
- July 1984 (Revised September 1986)
- Case
CML Group, Inc.: Going Public (A)
Describes a series of decisions confronting Charles Leighton, co-founder and chairman of the CML Group. CML is a successful participant in the leisure time industry with two lines of business: specialty retailing and recreational consumer products. The key issues in... View Details
Keywords: Valuation; Going Public; Strategy; Business or Company Management; Cost vs Benefits; SWOT Analysis; Investment Banking; Financing and Loans; Planning; Corporate Finance; Retail Industry; Consumer Products Industry
Sahlman, William A. "CML Group, Inc.: Going Public (A)." Harvard Business School Case 285-003, July 1984. (Revised September 1986.)
- October 1983
- Article
Measuring Manufacturing Performance: A New Challenge for Management Accounting Research
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Kaplan, Robert S. "Measuring Manufacturing Performance: A New Challenge for Management Accounting Research." Accounting Review 58 (October 1983): 686–705.
- August 1983 (Revised May 2007)
- Case
Milford Industries (A)
By: Robert J. Dolan and Benson P. Shapiro
The new district sales manager for a tool company must determine how to get his district "back on track." The case presents various qualitative and quantitative information on the salespeople. Teaching objectives include the specification of the tasks of a district... View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Salesforce Management; Resignation and Termination; Performance Evaluation
Dolan, Robert J., and Benson P. Shapiro. "Milford Industries (A)." Harvard Business School Case 584-012, August 1983. (Revised May 2007.)
- August 1983 (Revised June 1985)
- Supplement
Milford Industries (B)
By: Robert J. Dolan and Benson P. Shapiro
Supplements the (A) case. A rewritten version of part of an earlier series. View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Salesforce Management; Resignation and Termination; Performance Evaluation
Dolan, Robert J., and Benson P. Shapiro. "Milford Industries (B)." Harvard Business School Supplement 584-013, August 1983. (Revised June 1985.)
- August 1983 (Revised June 1985)
- Supplement
Milford Industries (C)
By: Robert J. Dolan and Benson P. Shapiro
Supplements the (A) case. A rewritten version of part of an earlier series. View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Salesforce Management; Resignation and Termination; Performance Evaluation
Dolan, Robert J., and Benson P. Shapiro. "Milford Industries (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 584-014, August 1983. (Revised June 1985.)
- April 1983 (Revised June 2003)
- Case
Shouldice Hospital Limited
By: James L. Heskett
Various proposals are set forth for expanding the capacity of the hospital. In assessing them, serious consideration has to be given to the culture of the organization and the importance of preserving it in a service delivery system. In addition to issues of capacity... View Details
Keywords: Expansion; Health Care and Treatment; Performance Capacity; Organizational Culture; Service Delivery; Growth Management; Strategic Planning; Quality; Social Enterprise; Health Industry; Canada
Heskett, James L. "Shouldice Hospital Limited." Harvard Business School Case 683-068, April 1983. (Revised June 2003.)
- March 1983 (Revised January 1984)
- Case
Merloni Group
The general manager of the recently-established French subsidiary of an Italian appliance company is in conflict with headquarters about unexpectedly poor financial performance. Headquarters management believes it should be able to exert more control over the... View Details
Keywords: Business Subsidiaries; Trade; Organizational Structure; Performance Evaluation; Power and Influence; France; Italy
Bartlett, Christopher A. "Merloni Group." Harvard Business School Case 383-152, March 1983. (Revised January 1984.)
- January 1983 (Revised June 1985)
- Case
Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc.: Marketing Communications
By: John A. Quelch
Marketing executives at the company are considering the merits of a variety of communications programs designed to increase the effectiveness of the company's sales force of beauty consultants. View Details
Keywords: Marketing Communications; Salesforce Management; Decision Making; Performance Effectiveness; Management Teams; Beauty and Cosmetics Industry; United States
Quelch, John A. "Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc.: Marketing Communications." Harvard Business School Case 583-068, January 1983. (Revised June 1985.)
- November 1981
- Case
Assessing Managerial Talent at AT&T (A)
By: Michael Beer
Provides background on the assessment center used by AT&T to assess managerial potential for upper middle management. Contains assessment reports for two candidates. Raises questions about manpower training and development. Students may be asked which of the candidates... View Details
Keywords: Managerial Roles; Performance Evaluation; Management Teams; Executive Education; Management Skills
Beer, Michael. "Assessing Managerial Talent at AT&T (A)." Harvard Business School Case 482-035, November 1981.
- April 1981 (Revised January 1997)
- Case
Corning Glass Works: The Z-Glass Project
By: Kim B. Clark
Considers decisions facing the leader of a manufacturing staff project team assigned to a plant where yields have deteriorated sharply. The process is complex: the plant organization is not cooperative and there are deep disagreements about what is wrong and how to fix... View Details
Keywords: Decisions; Production; Problems and Challenges; Conflict Management; Performance Productivity; Factories, Labs, and Plants; Groups and Teams; Consumer Products Industry; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Clark, Kim B. "Corning Glass Works: The Z-Glass Project." Harvard Business School Case 681-091, April 1981. (Revised January 1997.)
- March 1981 (Revised November 1998)
- Supplement
Corning Glass Works International (C2)
Follows the impact of a change in global strategy on a diversified company's global organization structure. Reviews the company's subsequent performance internationally. Also presents reflections by top management on future possible change in the organization... View Details
Keywords: Global Strategy; Change; Performance; Globalized Firms and Management; Management Teams; Manufacturing Industry
Bartlett, Christopher A., and Michael Y. Yoshino. "Corning Glass Works International (C2)." Harvard Business School Supplement 381-164, March 1981. (Revised November 1998.)
- January 1981 (Revised February 1982)
- Case
People's Republic of China: Development Strategies and Performance
By: James E. Austin
Keywords: Development Economics; Growth and Development Strategy; Business and Government Relations; China
Austin, James E. "People's Republic of China: Development Strategies and Performance." Harvard Business School Case 381-111, January 1981. (Revised February 1982.)
- January 1980 (Revised April 1994)
- Case
New Balance Athletic Shoes
By: Kim B. Clark
Faced with growth exceeding 100% per year, James Davis, president of New Balance, must decide how to meet the need for additional capacity. Several factors contribute to a climate of extreme uncertainty. Several options are considered, ranging from a second shift to... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Forecasting and Prediction; Financial Strategy; Information; Growth Management; Organizational Design; Performance Capacity; Risk and Uncertainty; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Republic of Ireland
Clark, Kim B. "New Balance Athletic Shoes." Harvard Business School Case 680-110, January 1980. (Revised April 1994.)
- 1980
- Article
R&D Performance as a Function of Internal Communication, Project Management, and the Nature of the Work
By: Thomas J. Allen, Denis M.S. Lee and Michael Tushman
Allen, Thomas J., Denis M.S. Lee, and Michael Tushman. "R&D Performance as a Function of Internal Communication, Project Management, and the Nature of the Work." IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 27 (1980): 2–11.
- April 1979 (Revised April 1986)
- Case
Mexico: Development Strategies and Performance
By: James E. Austin
Austin, James E. "Mexico: Development Strategies and Performance." Harvard Business School Case 379-173, April 1979. (Revised April 1986.)
- Article
A Performance Management System: Research, Design, Introduction and Evaluation
By: Michael Beer, Robert Ruh, Jack A. Dawson, B.B. McCaa and Michael J. Kavanagh
Beer, Michael, Robert Ruh, Jack A. Dawson, B.B. McCaa, and Michael J. Kavanagh. "A Performance Management System: Research, Design, Introduction and Evaluation." Personnel Psychology 31, no. 3 (Fall 1978): 505–535.
- October 1977 (Revised April 1983)
- Case
James Cranston
By: Michael Beer and James G. Clawson
Describes the attitudes, feelings, and perceptions of the manager who will conduct the performance appraisal interview. View Details
Beer, Michael, and James G. Clawson. "James Cranston." Harvard Business School Case 478-006, October 1977. (Revised April 1983.)