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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- People (34)
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- May 2010
- Supplement
Tim Westergren of Pandora Radio
By: Willy C. Shih and Halle Alicia Tecco
Pandora Radio is at a crossroads. Founder Tim Westergren has just been told by a well known VC to get rid of his unprofitable customers in order to get his costs down, but Westergren is not sure that such actions are consistent with his company's business model.... View Details
Keywords: History; Business Model; Customers; Venture Capital; Internet and the Web; Cost Management; Outcome or Result; Customization and Personalization; Growth and Development Strategy; Music Industry
Shih, Willy C., and Halle Alicia Tecco. "Tim Westergren of Pandora Radio." Harvard Business School Video Supplement 610-714, May 2010.
- Article
The Information Technology Ecosystem: Structure, Health, and Performance
By: Marco Iansiti and Gregory L. Richards
A number of modern industries are organized as complex networks of firms whose integrated efforts are necessary to deliver value to end customers. The complexity of these networks, or business ecosystems, and the associated interdependencies among firms, make... View Details
Keywords: Business Ventures; Networks; Value; Customers; Performance Productivity; Product; Applications and Software; Innovation and Invention; Competition; Business Model; Information Infrastructure; Information Technology Industry
Iansiti, Marco, and Gregory L. Richards. "The Information Technology Ecosystem: Structure, Health, and Performance." Antitrust Bulletin 51, no. 1 (Spring 2006).
- 02 Oct 2012
- First Look
First Look: October 2
areas. Our results suggest that matching between scientists may be subject to considerable frictions-even among those in relatively close geographic proximity and in the same organizational system. At the... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- Program
Ascending the Peak: Finding the Leader Within—Virtual
themselves better, you will gain inspiration to be your best self as you build a tool box of specific action-oriented behaviors and perspectives to help you get there. Through live engagement with renowned Harvard Business School faculty,... View Details
- 31 Oct 2023
- HBS Case
Checking Your Ethics: Would You Speak Up in These 3 Sticky Situations?
questioning. “Ultimately, you are a client-serving professional, and even your partners are going to be evaluating you on how well you serve your clients,” Fubini says. “That should View Details
- 13 Oct 2010
- Working Paper Summaries
Employee Selection as a Control System
- 12 Mar 2009
- Working Paper Summaries
Inflation Bets or Deflation Hedges? The Changing Risks of Nominal Bonds
- May 2021
- Case
Megan Ming Francis: Leadership and Racial Injustice
By: Francesca Gino and Frances X. Frei
In this multimedia case, Megan Ming Francis, a professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Washington (UW) and a visiting professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, discusses the roots of racial injustice and the need for change. Through... View Details
Keywords: Racial Injustice; Race; Prejudice and Bias; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leadership
Gino, Francesca, and Frances X. Frei. "Megan Ming Francis: Leadership and Racial Injustice." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Case 921-701, May 2021.
- September 2015
- Case
Deflategate and the National Football League
By: Marco Iansiti and Christine Snively
On January 18, 2015, the New England Patriots faced the Indianapolis Colts in the AFC Championship game. In the second quarter, a Colts player intercepted a pass from Patriots quarterback Tom Brady. Colts equipment personnel alerted NFL officials that the ball's air... View Details
Keywords: "Deflategate"; Analytics; National Football League; NFLPA; Roger Goodell; Tom Brady; Operations; United States
Iansiti, Marco, and Christine Snively. "Deflategate and the National Football League." Harvard Business School Case 616-008, September 2015.
- March–April 2012
- Article
The Genesis and Dynamics of Organizational Networks
By: Gautam Ahuja, Guiseppe Soda and Akbar Zaheer
An extensive body of knowledge exists on network outcomes and on how network structures may contribute to the creation of outcomes at different levels of analysis, but less attention has been paid to understanding how and why organizational networks emerge, evolve, and... View Details
Keywords: Economic Sociology; Economics And Organization; Social Networks; Organization And Management Theory; Interorganizatonal Relationships; Networks; Strategy; Change
Ahuja, Gautam, Guiseppe Soda, and Akbar Zaheer. "The Genesis and Dynamics of Organizational Networks." Organization Science 23, no. 2 (March–April 2012): 434–448.
- October 2012
- Case
GSK's Acquisition of Sirtris: Independence or Integration? (Abridged)
By: Toby Stuart and James Weber
An executive from pharmaceutical company GSK must choose how much to integrate a recently acquired biotechnology firm, Sirtris. Moncef Slaoui, GSK's global head of R&D, championed the acquisition of Sirtris to gain access to its potentially revolutionary science.... View Details
Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions; Resource Allocation; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Culture; Organizational Structure; Research and Development; Science-Based Business; Integration
Stuart, Toby, and James Weber. "GSK's Acquisition of Sirtris: Independence or Integration? (Abridged)." Harvard Business School Case 813-028, October 2012.
- 2010
- Working Paper
Report on the State of Available Data for the Study of International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment
By: Robert C. Feenstra, Robert E. Lipsey, Lee G. Branstetter, C. Fritz Foley, James Harrigan, J. Bradford Jensen, Lori Kletzer, Catherine Mann, Peter K. Schott and Greg C. Wright
This report, prepared for the Committee on Economic Statistics of the American Economic Association, examines the state of available data for the study of international trade and foreign direct investment. Data on values of imports and exports of goods are of high... View Details
Keywords: Trade; Foreign Direct Investment; Price; Globalization; Policy; Information; Intellectual Property
Feenstra, Robert C., Robert E. Lipsey, Lee G. Branstetter, C. Fritz Foley, James Harrigan, J. Bradford Jensen, Lori Kletzer, Catherine Mann, Peter K. Schott, and Greg C. Wright. "Report on the State of Available Data for the Study of International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 16254, August 2010.
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Innovation
Artificial intelligence promises to greatly increase the efficiency of the economy. But it may have an even larger impact on the economy by serving as a new general-purpose “method of invention” that can reshape the nature of the... View Details
- 29 Jul 2014
- First Look
First Look: July 29
Numerous survivors were reported to be awaiting rescue, and within a week, an international rescue party gathered at the scene, which had seemingly possessed all that was needed for a successful rescue. Yet they failed to save anybody.... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- Research Summary
Business and Low Income Sectors: The Creation of Economic and Social Value
In the last three decades, innovative commercial solutions have emerged in developing nations focusing on providing effective responses to the hugely underserved needs of low-income populations, both as consumers as well as active participants in productive value... View Details
- 2013
- Working Paper
The Impact of Conformance and Experiential Quality on Healthcare Cost and Clinical Performance
By: Claire Senot, Aravind Chandrasekaran, Peter T. Ward and Anita L. Tucker
The quality of operational processes is an important driver of performance in hospitals. In particular, processes that reliably deliver both evidence-based and patient-centered care, which we call conformance and experiential quality, respectively, have been argued to... View Details
Keywords: Healthcare; Experiential Quality; Conformance Quality; Clinical Outcomes; Cost Efficiency; Quality; Service Operations; Health Care and Treatment; Performance; Outcome or Result; Health Industry
Senot, Claire, Aravind Chandrasekaran, Peter T. Ward, and Anita L. Tucker. "The Impact of Conformance and Experiential Quality on Healthcare Cost and Clinical Performance." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 14-024, September 2013.
- 01 May 2024
- What Do You Think?
Have You Had Enough?
close as is practical, because the opposite leaves us with the striver’s curse.” Michael Schwartz provided a method of calculating enough in monetary terms, but then concluded, “What you do with it is, of course, the subject of your... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- 18 May 2012
- Working Paper Summaries
Organization Design for Distributed Innovation
Keywords: by Carliss Y. Baldwin