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- Faculty Publications (1,341)
- 1980
- Working Paper
Components of Manufacturing Inventories: A Structural Model of the Production Process
By: Alan J. Auerbach and Jerry R. Green
This paper presents a structural model of production and inventory accumulation based on the hypothesis of cost minimization. It differs from previous attempts in several respects. First, it integrates the analysis of input inventories with output inventories, treating... View Details
Auerbach, Alan J., and Jerry R. Green. "Components of Manufacturing Inventories: A Structural Model of the Production Process." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 491, June 1980.
- January 1980 (Revised August 1986)
- Case
General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (A)
Describes the U.S. large turbine generator industry in early 1963, a period of severe price cutting and depressed industry conditions. Presents data to allow a structural analysis of the industry and an analysis of the strategies of the major players since 1946. The... View Details
Keywords: Transformation; Customer Focus and Relationships; Machinery and Machining; Cost Management; Price; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Marketing Strategy; Industry Structures; Competition; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Porter, Michael E. "General Electric vs. Westinghouse in Large Turbine Generators (A)." Harvard Business School Case 380-128, January 1980. (Revised August 1986.)
- January 1980 (Revised April 1994)
- Case
New Balance Athletic Shoes
By: Kim B. Clark
Faced with growth exceeding 100% per year, James Davis, president of New Balance, must decide how to meet the need for additional capacity. Several factors contribute to a climate of extreme uncertainty. Several options are considered, ranging from a second shift to... View Details
Keywords: Factories, Labs, and Plants; Forecasting and Prediction; Financial Strategy; Information; Growth Management; Organizational Design; Performance Capacity; Risk and Uncertainty; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Republic of Ireland
Clark, Kim B. "New Balance Athletic Shoes." Harvard Business School Case 680-110, January 1980. (Revised April 1994.)
- October 1979
- Article
Social Network Analysis for Organizations
By: N. Tichy, Michael Tushman and C. Fombrum
Tichy, N., Michael Tushman, and C. Fombrum. "Social Network Analysis for Organizations." Academy of Management Review 4, no. 4 (October 1979): 507–520.
- May 1979 (Revised August 2013)
- Background Note
Financial Analysis of Real Property Investments
Develops a conceptual framework for financial analysis of real estate investments, taking into consideration the necessity for baseline data, project trends, and forecast discontinuities. View Details
Keywords: Forecasting and Prediction; Investment Return; Trends; Real Estate Industry; Financial Services Industry
Poorvu, William J. "Financial Analysis of Real Property Investments." Harvard Business School Background Note 379-193, May 1979. (Revised August 2013.)
- April 1979 (Revised June 1988)
- Case
Chain Saw Industry in 1978
By: Michael E. Porter and David J. Collis
For use on the second day of a two-day sequence on the U.S. chain saw industry. Describes the evolution of the industry since 1974. Illustrates issues in industry evolution, the forces causing evolution, and the strategic issues raised by evolution. The discussion can... View Details
Porter, Michael E., and David J. Collis. "Chain Saw Industry in 1978." Harvard Business School Case 379-176, April 1979. (Revised June 1988.)
- March 1979
- Article
Determinants of Subunit Communication Structure: A Contingency Analysis
By: Michael Tushman
Tushman, Michael. "Determinants of Subunit Communication Structure: A Contingency Analysis." Administrative Science Quarterly 24, no. 1 (March 1979): 82–98.
- 1979
- Article
Approximating the Efficiency Gain of Tax Reforms
By: Jerry R. Green and Eytan Sheshinski
Proper analysis of tax reform requires evaluation of the welfare effects induced by a change from one tax system to another. We present two methods for estimating these changes using only local information pertaining to an initial equilibrium with distortive taxes. It... View Details
Green, Jerry R., and Eytan Sheshinski. "Approximating the Efficiency Gain of Tax Reforms." Journal of Public Economics 11, no. 2 (1979): 179–195.
- December 1978
- Article
An Alternative Model for a Global Analysis of Quadratic Programs in a Finite Number of Steps
By: André Perold
Keywords: Global Range
Perold, André. "An Alternative Model for a Global Analysis of Quadratic Programs in a Finite Number of Steps." Mathematical Programming 15 (December 1978): 105–109.
- December 1978 (Revised November 1985)
- Background Note
Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis
By: James E. Austin
Keywords: Cost vs Benefits
Austin, James E. "Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis." Harvard Business School Background Note 379-073, December 1978. (Revised November 1985.)
- February 1978
- Case
Sierra Log Homes, Inc. (A)
Describes the history and evolution of the log home manufacturing industry, a rapidly growing embryonic industry capitalizing on the back-to-basics lifestyle changes in the United States. Focuses on one of the leading firms in the industry, but allows a discussion of... View Details
Keywords: Business or Company Management; Change Management; Industry Structures; Supply and Industry; Problems and Challenges; Business Startups; Business Strategy; Manufacturing Industry; United States
Porter, Michael E. "Sierra Log Homes, Inc. (A)." Harvard Business School Case 378-195, February 1978.
- Article
Corporate Lobbying as Marketing Communication: Utilizing Multivariate Analysis for Segmentation Strategies
By: Rohit Deshpandé and Rajendra K. Srivastava
Deshpandé, Rohit, and Rajendra K. Srivastava. "Corporate Lobbying as Marketing Communication: Utilizing Multivariate Analysis for Segmentation Strategies." Special Issue on Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science edited by D. K. Hawes and R. Tamilia. Developments in Marketing Science 1 (1978): 128–132.
- Article
Physician-Induced Demand for Medical Care
By: Jerry R. Green
This paper addresses the theoretical models designed to ascertain the existence of a variable level of physicians' activity in shifting the demand of their patients. Two basic approaches are followed: equilibrium models of the demand for health care, and disequilibrium... View Details
Keywords: Physicians; Economic Equilibrium; Monopolistic Competition; Economic Competition; Medical Care
Green, Jerry R. "Physician-Induced Demand for Medical Care." Special Issue on National Bureau of Economic Research Conference on the Economics of Physician and Patient Behavior. Journal of Human Resources 13, Suppl. (1978).
- December 1977
- Article
Tender Offers and Stockholder Returns: An Empirical Analysis
By: P. Dodd and R. S. Ruback
Dodd, P., and R. S. Ruback. "Tender Offers and Stockholder Returns: An Empirical Analysis." Journal of Financial Economics 5, no. 3 (December 1977): 351–373.
- 1977
- Chapter
Cost Benefit Analysis of Surgery: Some Additional Caveats and Interpretation
By: Jerry R. Green
Green, Jerry R. "Cost Benefit Analysis of Surgery: Some Additional Caveats and Interpretation." In Costs, Risks and Benefits of Surgery, edited by J. Bunker, B. Barnes, and F. Mosteller. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.
- October 1976 (Revised February 1987)
- Case
Cramer Electronics, Inc.
Designed to be the second day of a two-day series on the electronic component distribution industry, following a day spent discussing Note on the Electronic Component Distribution Industry and Raytheon Co.: Diversification. The important teaching themes which this case... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Innovation Strategy; Management Style; Resource Allocation; Opportunities; Corporate Strategy; Diversification; Distribution Industry; Electronics Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Cramer Electronics, Inc." Harvard Business School Case 377-063, October 1976. (Revised February 1987.)
- October 1976 (Revised May 1985)
- Case
Raytheon Co.: Diversification
Centers on the question of whether Raytheon should enter the electronic component distribution industry in the context of its broad diversification approach and acquisition criteria. This industry represents a vertical integration area for Raytheon, so the analytical... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Policy; Market Entry and Exit; Distribution; Diversification; Vertical Integration; Distribution Industry; Electronics Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Raytheon Co.: Diversification." Harvard Business School Case 377-055, October 1976. (Revised May 1985.)