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- Faculty Publications (1,302)
- October 1982 (Revised May 1992)
- Case
Johnson & Johnson: The Tylenol Tragedy
In October 1982, Johnson & Johnson was confronted with a major crisis when seven deaths were attributed to poisoned Tylenol. The case reviews the facts as known a week after the incident occurred, and raises a wide range of questions regarding consumer behavior,... View Details
Keywords: Consumer Behavior; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Competitive Strategy; Crisis Management; Health Care and Treatment; Pharmaceutical Industry
Greyser, Stephen A. "Johnson & Johnson: The Tylenol Tragedy." Harvard Business School Case 583-043, October 1982. (Revised May 1992.)
- January 1982
- Background Note
Proprietary Hospital Industry, Background Note
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Proprietary Hospital Industry, Background Note." Harvard Business School Background Note 182-066, January 1982.
- May 1981
- Case
Hospital Affiliates International, Inc. and the Hospital Management Industry
Porter, Michael E. "Hospital Affiliates International, Inc. and the Hospital Management Industry." Harvard Business School Case 381-205, May 1981.
- Article
Marketing Principles and the Future of Preventive Health Care
By: John A. Quelch
Quelch, John A. "Marketing Principles and the Future of Preventive Health Care." Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly. Health and Society 58, no. 2 (Spring 1980): 310–347.
- 1979
- Chapter
Preventive Health Care and Consumer Behavior: Towards a Broader Perspective
By: J. Quelch and S. Ash
- April 1978 (Revised May 1993)
- Teaching Note
Child Care Task Force, Teaching Note
- January 1978
- Case
Zero-Base Budgeting in the Public Health Service
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Zero-Base Budgeting in the Public Health Service." Harvard Business School Case 178-080, January 1978.
- Article
Physician-Induced Demand for Medical Care
By: Jerry R. Green
This paper addresses the theoretical models designed to ascertain the existence of a variable level of physicians' activity in shifting the demand of their patients. Two basic approaches are followed: equilibrium models of the demand for health care, and disequilibrium... View Details
Keywords: Physicians; Economic Equilibrium; Monopolistic Competition; Economic Competition; Medical Care
Green, Jerry R. "Physician-Induced Demand for Medical Care." Special Issue on National Bureau of Economic Research Conference on the Economics of Physician and Patient Behavior. Journal of Human Resources 13, Suppl. (1978).
- 1977
- Chapter
Cost Benefit Analysis of Surgery: Some Additional Caveats and Interpretation
By: Jerry R. Green
Green, Jerry R. "Cost Benefit Analysis of Surgery: Some Additional Caveats and Interpretation." In Costs, Risks and Benefits of Surgery, edited by J. Bunker, B. Barnes, and F. Mosteller. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977.
- September 1976 (Revised October 1991)
- Case
Salem Hospital
Herzlinger, Regina E. "Salem Hospital." Harvard Business School Case 178-063, September 1976. (Revised October 1991.)
- March 1976
- Teaching Note
King Community Hospital, Teaching Note
- October 1975 (Revised May 1993)
- Teaching Note
New Hampshire-Vermont Hospitalization Service, Teaching Note
- August 1975 (Revised August 1991)
- Case
University Hospital
Herzlinger, Regina E. "University Hospital." Harvard Business School Case 176-020, August 1975. (Revised August 1991.)
- July 1972 (Revised November 1980)
- Case
Richardson Center for the Blind
Shapiro, Benson P. "Richardson Center for the Blind." Harvard Business School Case 573-004, July 1972. (Revised November 1980.)
- Research Summary
AIDS in Africa: Life, Death and Property Rights
By: Debora L. Spar
In the final years of the twentieth century, the world was hit by a plague of epidemic proportions--the plague of AIDS, a life-threatening disease that remained stubbornly immune to any cure or vaccine. In the developed nations of the West, AIDS was slowly brought... View Details
- Research Summary
Behavioral Hazard and Public Policy
It is well recognized that people overuse low-value medical care due to moral hazard—because copays are lower than costs. Now Professor Schwartzstein has introduced the concept of “behavioral hazard” to explain the opposite: people underuse high-value care because... View Details
- Research Summary
Consumer-Driven Health Care
Since 1999, Professor Herzlinger's work in this area has provided the major impetus for the transformation of the health care sector: first in new consumer-driven insurance products sold by established insurers such as Aetna, United and CIGNA, as well as... View Details
- Research Summary
Consumerism and the Distributed Delivery of Health Care
This stream of Professor Huckman's work examines the growing tendency for health care to be delivered in a more distributed manner. Examples of this phenomenon include health IT, teleradiology, medical travel, remote monitoring of chronic medical conditions, and retail... View Details
- Research Summary
Cost Management and Management Control Systems in Hospitals
By: V.G. Narayanan
Hospitals tend not to have very good cost accounting and control systems. More broadly, there is enormous opportunity for managing costs and aligning incentives in the health care industry. I am studying how cost accounting methods can be used to... View Details