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- Faculty Publications (1,251)
Page 63 of 1,251
- Forthcoming
- Article
Reputation Burning: Analyzing the Impact of Brand Sponsorship on Social Influencers
By: Mengjie Cheng and Shunyuan Zhang
The growth of the influencer marketing industry warrants an empirical examination of the effect of posting sponsored videos on influencers' reputations. We collected a novel dataset of user-generated YouTube videos created by prominent English-speaking influencers in... View Details
Keywords: Reputation; Mathematical Methods; Marketing Reference Programs; Social Media; Brands and Branding
Cheng, Mengjie, and Shunyuan Zhang. "Reputation Burning: Analyzing the Impact of Brand Sponsorship on Social Influencers." Management Science (forthcoming). (Pre-published online October 18, 2024.)
- Research Summary
Professor Norton's research can be grouped into two broad areas. First, he explores the effects of social norms on people’s attitudes and behavior, addressing the key role that social factors play in shaping the preferences of individuals. This work has a particular... View Details
- 2012
- Case
Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)
By: Rosabeth M. Kanter and Olivia Leskinen
Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)
2009 AL Fellow
Bob Whelan developed an idea with partners that was a seed before his fellowship year and seemed to address a significant national challenge - college financing - with a creative concept and experience from... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Entrepreneurs; Leadership Skills; Student Loan Crisis; Student Loans; Students; Low-income; Postsecondary Education; Debt-free; Income-share Agreements; ISA; College; Master’s Degree; Google; Purdue Research Foundation; Kanter’s Law; Elida Gonzalez; 13th Avenue; Ed Lowry; Flexibility; National Student Debt Jubilee Project; Fundraising; Difficult Middles; Investing In Student Success Act Of 2014; State Engagement; State Level; Pay It Forward; Student Movement; Tuition; Financing College; Change Management; Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Invention; Leadership; Education; Higher Education; Financing and Loans; Social Enterprise
Kanter, Rosabeth M., and Olivia Leskinen. "Robert Whelan and the Student Loan Crisis (A)." Harvard Business School Case 313-009, 2012. (Advanced Leadership Initiative.)
- Teaching Interest
Scaling Technology Ventures
This course is designed for students who plan to launch or join a hypergrowth technology venture, or who plan to invest in growth-stage tech companies. The course addresses key challenges founders and their teams face after achieving product-market fit – and how... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Short Intensive Program (SIP): Effective Strategic Philanthropy
Non-profit organizations and social enterprises play an important role in every country in the world: as laboratories for social innovation, as the delivery system for critical goods and services at scale, as the stewards of our cultural heritage, and as advocates for... View Details
- Teaching Interest
Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Combining the tools of philanthropy, business and advocacy (or mission, margin and mandate), social entrepreneurs have tackled long-standing societal issues like teacher training, college access, global public health, renewable energy and sanitation. Social... View Details
- Forthcoming
- Article
The Allocation of Socially Responsible Capital
By: Daniel Green and Benjamin N. Roth
Portfolio allocation decisions increasingly incorporate social values. We develop a tractable framework to study how competition between investors to own socially valuable assets affects social welfare. Relative to the most common social-investing strategies, we... View Details
Keywords: Socially Responsible Investing; Investment Portfolio; Welfare; Social Issues; Investment Return
Green, Daniel, and Benjamin N. Roth. "The Allocation of Socially Responsible Capital." Journal of Finance (forthcoming).
- Forthcoming
- Article
The Impact of Minority Representation at Mortgage Lenders
By: W. Scott Frame, Ruidi Huang, Erica Jiang, Yeonjoon Lee, Will Liu, Erik J. Mayer and Adi Sunderam
We study links between the labor market for loan officers and access to mortgage credit. Using novel data matching the (near) universe of mortgage applications to loan officers, we find that minorities are significantly underrepresented among loan officers. Minority... View Details
Keywords: Household Finance; Demographic Economics; Financial Institutions; Diversity; Prejudice and Bias; Mortgages; Personal Finance
Frame, W. Scott, Ruidi Huang, Erica Jiang, Yeonjoon Lee, Will Liu, Erik J. Mayer, and Adi Sunderam. "The Impact of Minority Representation at Mortgage Lenders." Journal of Finance (forthcoming).
- Research Summary
The Unexpected Effects of Workplace Connectivity
While investigating how workplace transparency and privacy shape organizational behavior and performance, I wondered about the related effects of workplace connectivity. As new digital tools and organizational forms make it far easier for employees to communicate... View Details
- Research Summary
By: Sandra J. Sucher
In this research, I aim to provide a practical orientation to trust—how to build it, how it can be damaged, how it might be repaired—grounded in my experience as an executive and in the research on organizational trust and moral philosophy. As a case researcher, I... View Details
Keywords: Power; Globalization; Leadership; Corporate Culture; Future Of Work; Innovation; Human Resources; Technology Strategy; Automation; Stakeholder Engagement; Employee Attitude; Customer Behavior; Shareholder Value; Government And Business; Impact Investing; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Change And Sustainability; Asia; Europe; South America; Middle East; North And Central America; Trust; Asia; Europe; South America; Middle East; North and Central America
- Forthcoming
- Article
When Should Public Programs Be Privately Administered? Theory and Evidence from the Paycheck Protection Program
By: Alexander W. Bartik, Zoë Cullen, Edward L. Glaeser, Michael Luca, Christopher Stanton and Adi Sunderam
What happens when public resources are allocated by private companies whose objectives may be
imperfectly aligned with policy goals? We study this question in the context of the Paycheck
Protection Program (PPP), which relied on private banks to disburse aid to small... View Details
Keywords: Paycheck Protection Program; Targeting; Impact; Entrepreneurship; Health Pandemics; Small Business; Financing and Loans; Outcome or Result; United States
Bartik, Alexander W., Zoë Cullen, Edward L. Glaeser, Michael Luca, Christopher Stanton, and Adi Sunderam. "When Should Public Programs Be Privately Administered? Theory and Evidence from the Paycheck Protection Program." Review of Economics and Statistics (forthcoming).
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