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Show Results For
- All HBS Web
- News (268)
- Research (1,292)
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- Faculty Publications (612)
- summer 1995
- Article
The Emerging Asset Class: Insurance Risk
By: K. A. Froot, B. Murphy, A. Stern and S. Usher
- March 1991 (Revised May 1991)
- Case
New York Life Insurance Co.: Pension Department
By: Robert J. Dolan
Analyzes competition in the pension fund industry. In particular, New York Life must decide whether to compete head-to-head with mutual fund giants by offering record-keeping services or to just continue to focus on selling investment products. Presents the results of... View Details
Dolan, Robert J. "New York Life Insurance Co.: Pension Department." Harvard Business School Case 591-051, March 1991. (Revised May 1991.)
- 2019
- Chapter
Behavioral Economics and Health-Care Markets
By: Amitabh Chandra, Benjamin Handel and Joshua Schwartzstein
This chapter summarizes research in behavioral health economics, focusing on insurance markets and product markets in health care. We argue that the prevalence of choice difficulties and biases leading to mistakes in these markets establish a special place for them in... View Details
Keywords: Behavioral Economics; Consumer Behavior; Economics; Health Care and Treatment; Insurance; Markets
Chandra, Amitabh, Benjamin Handel, and Joshua Schwartzstein. "Behavioral Economics and Health-Care Markets." Chap. 6 in Handbook of Behavioral Economics: Foundations and Applications 2, edited by B. Douglas Bernheim, Stefano DellaVigna, and David Laibson, 459–502. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland, 2019.
- fall 2008
- Article
The Intermediation of Financial Risks: Evolution in the Catastrophe Reinsurance Market
By: Kenneth A. Froot
In this paper, I provide evidence concerning the imperfections in the reinsurance market. I try to get at some of the root causes of these imperfections, e.g., the behavior of ratings firms and the agency problems associated with the corporate form of ownership. I also... View Details
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Corporate Finance; Banking And Insurance; Hedging; Banking; Financial Markets; Insurance; Policy; Risk Management; Natural Disasters; Cost of Capital; Asset Pricing; Insurance Industry
Froot, Kenneth A. "The Intermediation of Financial Risks: Evolution in the Catastrophe Reinsurance Market." Risk Management and Insurance Review 11, no. 2 (fall 2008): 281–294.
- 2024
- Working Paper
Deregulation, Market Power, and Prices: Evidence from the Electricity Sector
By: Alexander MacKay and Ignacia Mercadal
We construct a novel dataset on electricity generation, wholesale transactions, and retail
sales to assess the shift from cost-of-service regulation to deregulated, market-based prices
in the context of the U.S. electricity sector. Consistent with earlier studies, we... View Details
Keywords: Deregulation; Market Power; Markups; Prices; Electricity; Energy; Markets; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Price; Utilities Industry
MacKay, Alexander, and Ignacia Mercadal. "Do Markets Reduce Prices? Evidence from the Electricity Sector." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 21-095, February 2021. (Revised March 2024. Direct download.)
- September 2009
- Article
Labor Market Institutions and Global Strategic Adaptation: Evidence from Lincoln Electric
By: Jordan I. Siegel and Barbara Zepp Larson
Although one of the central questions in the global strategy field is how multinational firms successfully navigate multiple and often conflicting institutional environments, we know relatively little about the effect of conflicting labor market institutions on... View Details
Keywords: Institutions; Labor Market; Complementarity; Global Strategy; Multinational Firms and Management; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Labor Unions; Laws and Statutes; Operations; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Manufacturing Industry
Siegel, Jordan I., and Barbara Zepp Larson. "Labor Market Institutions and Global Strategic Adaptation: Evidence from Lincoln Electric." Management Science 55, no. 9 (September 2009): 1527–1546. (Although one of the central questions in the global strategy field is how multinational firms successfully navigate multiple and often conflicting institutional environments, we know relatively little about the effect of conflicting labor market institutions on multinational firms' strategic choice and operating performance. With its decision to invest in manufacturing operations in nearly every one of the world's largest welding
markets, Lincoln Electric offers us a quasi-experiment. We leverage a unique data set covering 1996–2006 that combines data on each host country's labor market institutions with data on each subsidiary's strategic choices and historical operating performance. We find that Lincoln Electric performed significantly better in countries with labor laws and regulations supporting manufacturers' interests and in countries that allowed the free
use of both piecework and a discretionary bonus. Furthermore, we find that in countries with labor market institutions unfriendly to manufacturers, Lincoln Electric was still able to overcome most (although not all) of the institutional distance by what we term flexible intermediate adaptation.)
- Research Summary
The Institutional Foundations of Lending: Indirect Regulation and State-Building
The Institutional Foundations of Lending: Indirect Regulation and State-Building makes two main theoretical contributions to the scholarship on credit markets and institutional development. First, the book demonstrates that opportunistic lenders can take... View Details
Government and Markets: Toward a New Theory of Regulation
As the financial crisis has shown, neither traditional market failure models nor public choice theory, by themselves, sufficiently inform or explain our current regulatory challenges, nor point us toward the best solutions. Regulatory studies, long neglected in an... View Details
- 31 Jan 2023
- Op-Ed
Can Insurance Technology Solve the Uninsured Driver Problem?
accelerated insurance coverage the most for drivers who had no history of traditional coverage. Since the study in 2019, Hugo Insurance has gained traction with its pay-as-you-go contract and has expanded... View Details
- September 2019
- Supplement
Keroche (B): Considering Entry into the Kenyan Beer Market
By: Ramon Casadesus-Masanell and Pippa Tubman Armerding
This case discusses the situation of the Kenyan alcoholic drinks producer Keroche in July 2004, when co-founder Tabitha Karanja was debating whether to enter the Kenyan beer market. Doing so would mean direct competition with the multinational EABL in an industry and... View Details
Keywords: Keroche; Alcohol; Alcoholic Drinks; Alcoholic Beverages; Beverages; Drinks; Wine Industry; Wine; Fortified Wine; Viena; Beer; Beer Market; Manufacturing; Production Capacity; Capacity; Growth; Regulated; Unregulated; Informal; Informal Market; Regulation; Illicit; Illegal; Substandard; Dangerous; Shutdown; Factory; Safe; Affordable; Low-income Consumers; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Startups; Production; Investment; Safety; Quality; Small Business; Family Business; Crime and Corruption; Customer Focus and Relationships; Decisions; Income; Demographics; Geographic Scope; Geographic Location; Goods and Commodities; Government Legislation; Growth and Development; Business History; Lawsuits and Litigation; Laws and Statutes; Lawfulness; Goals and Objectives; Consumer Behavior; Market Entry and Exit; Problems and Challenges; Social Issues; Poverty; Strategy; Competition; Entrepreneurship; Marketing; Manufacturing Industry; Food and Beverage Industry; Kenya; Nairobi; Africa
Casadesus-Masanell, Ramon, and Pippa Tubman Armerding. "Keroche (B): Considering Entry into the Kenyan Beer Market." Harvard Business School Supplement 720-391, September 2019.
- Article
The Market for Catastrophe Risk: A Clinical Examination
By: K. A. Froot
Keywords: Catastrophe Risk; Corporate Finance; Cost Of Capital; Banking And Insurance; Asset Pricing; Hedging; Banking; Insurance; Decision Choice And Uncertainty; Financial Markets; Policy; Risk Management; Natural Disasters; Insurance Industry
Froot, K. A. "The Market for Catastrophe Risk: A Clinical Examination." Journal of Financial Economics 60, nos. 2-3 (May 2001): 529–571. (Revised from NBER Working Paper No. 8110, February 2001. Reprinted in The Economics of Natural Hazards, part of the International Library of Critical Writings in Economics series edited by Mark Blaug, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2003.)
- March 2019
- Case
DayTwo: Going to Market with Gut Microbiome
By: Ayelet Israeli and David Lane
DayTwo is a young Israeli startup that applies research on the gut microbiome and machine learning algorithms to deliver personalized nutritional recommendations to its users in order to minimize blood sugar spikes after meals. After a first year of trial rollout in... View Details
Keywords: Start-up Growth; Startup; Positioning; Targeting; Go To Market Strategy; B2B2C; B2B Vs. B2C; Health & Wellness; AI; Machine Learning; Female Ceo; Female Protagonist; Science-based; Science And Technology Studies; Ecommerce; Applications; DTC; Direct To Consumer Marketing; US Health Care; "USA,"; Innovation; Pricing; Business Growth; Segmentation; Distribution Channels; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Startups; Science-Based Business; Health; Innovation and Invention; Marketing; Information Technology; Business Growth and Maturation; E-commerce; Applications and Software; Insurance Industry; Insurance Industry; Insurance Industry; Insurance Industry; Insurance Industry; Israel; United States
Israeli, Ayelet, and David Lane. "DayTwo: Going to Market with Gut Microbiome." Harvard Business School Case 519-010, March 2019.
- 2016
- Working Paper
Financial Regulation in a Quantitative Model of the Modern Banking System
By: Juliane Begenau and Tim Landvoigt
How does the shadow banking system respond to changes in the capital regulation of commercial banks? This paper builds a quantitative general equilibrium model with commercial banks and shadow banks to study the unintended consequences of capital requirements. A key... View Details
Begenau, Juliane, and Tim Landvoigt. "Financial Regulation in a Quantitative Model of the Modern Banking System." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-140, June 2016. (Revised July 2016.)
- 14 Sep 2021
- News
Leemore Dafny on Hospital Prices, Markets, and Antitrust Regulations
- 17 Apr 2012
- Working Paper Summaries
Technology Choice and Capacity Portfolios Under Emissions Regulation
- 2021
- Chapter
Business Continuity Insurance in the Next Disaster
By: Samuel Gregory Hanson, Adi Sunderam and Eric Zwick
This article draws lessons from the business support policies pursued in the COVID-19
pandemic to guide policy design for the next disaster. We contrast the performance
of the Paycheck Protection Program to the Main Street Lending Program to illustrate
how design... View Details
Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic; Policy; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Financing and Loans; United States
Hanson, Samuel Gregory, Adi Sunderam, and Eric Zwick. "Business Continuity Insurance in the Next Disaster." In Rebuilding the Post-Pandemic Economy, edited by Melissa S. Kearney and Amy Ganz, 52–77. Washington, DC: Aspen Institute, 2021.
- Research Summary
Is Deposit Insurance a Good Idea, and if so, Who Should Pay for it?
Joint work with Alan Morrison, Saïd Business School, Oxford.
Deposit insurance schemes are becoming increasingly popular around the world and yet there is little understanding... View Details
- 15 Jun 2012
- Working Paper Summaries
Reaching for Yield in the Bond Market
Keywords: by Bo Becker & Victoria Ivashina
- Web
Understanding Health Systems, Payors, and Regulation - Health Care
Impact Understanding Health Systems, Payors, and Regulation Health Minute: The Real Impact of Coupons on Drug Pricing Nabihah Sachedina Joint Degree 2013 More “Health Systems” stories Faculty Focus Delivering value in a health care system... View Details
- July 2021
- Article
Redistribution through Markets
By: Piotr Dworczak, Scott Duke Kominers and Mohammad Akbarpour
Policymakers frequently use price regulations as a response to inequality in the markets they control. In this paper, we examine the optimal structure of such policies from the perspective of mechanism design. We study a buyer-seller market in which agents have private... View Details
Keywords: Optimal Mechanism Design; Redistribution; Inequality; Welfare Theorems; Market Design; Equality and Inequality
Dworczak, Piotr, Scott Duke Kominers, and Mohammad Akbarpour. "Redistribution through Markets." Econometrica 89, no. 4 (July 2021): 1665–1698. (Authors' names are in certified random order.)