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- Faculty Publications (138)
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- Faculty Publications (138)
- December 2006 (Revised March 2010)
- Case
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs
By: Anthony Mayo and Mark Benson
Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, founders of Microsoft and Apple respectively, have revolutionized the relationship between the individual and computer technology. Once the exclusive domain of academia and research facilities, computers can now be found in every area of... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Business History; Technological Innovation; Leadership; Risk and Uncertainty; Technology Industry
Mayo, Anthony, and Mark Benson. "Bill Gates and Steve Jobs." Harvard Business School Case 407-028, December 2006. (Revised March 2010.)
- August 2006 (Revised March 2008)
- Case
iPod vs. Cell Phone: A Mobile Music Revolution?
By: David B. Yoffie, Travis D. Merrill and Michael Slind
In 2006, a nascent market for music-enabled mobile phones was emerging to challenge Apple Computer's dominant position in the digital music industry. Through its iPod line of portable digital music devices and its iTunes Music Store, Apple controlled more than half of... View Details
Keywords: Music Entertainment; Emerging Markets; Brands and Branding; Sales; Opportunities; Price; Business Model; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Digital Platforms; Service Delivery; Communications Industry; Music Industry
Yoffie, David B., Travis D. Merrill, and Michael Slind. "iPod vs. Cell Phone: A Mobile Music Revolution?" Harvard Business School Case 707-419, August 2006. (Revised March 2008.)
- June 2006
- Teaching Note
Apple Computer, 2006 (TN)
By: David B. Yoffie
Teaching Note to 706496. View Details
Keywords: Information Technology Industry
- April 2006 (Revised May 2007)
- Case
Apple Computer, 2006
By: David B. Yoffie and Michael Slind
Apple has reaped the benefits of its innovative music player, the iPod. However, its PC and server business continue to hold small market share relative to the worldwide computer over the past few years. Will the iPod lure new users to the Mac? Will Apple be able to... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Product Positioning; Performance Evaluation; Information Infrastructure; Music Entertainment; Time Management; Information Technology Industry
Yoffie, David B., and Michael Slind. "Apple Computer, 2006." Harvard Business School Case 706-496, April 2006. (Revised May 2007.)
- December 2005
- Teaching Note
Apple Computer, 2005 (TN)
By: David B. Yoffie
Keywords: Computer Industry
- October 2005
- Case
Intel Corporation 2005
By: David B. Yoffie and Michael Slind
Buoyed by strong recent sales growth but humbled by failed strategic bets and other missteps, Intel in 2005 initiated a major reorganization. Under its new CEO, Paul Otellini, the company shifted toward a "platform" model, inspired by the success of its Centrino... View Details
Keywords: Restructuring; Alignment; Business Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Semiconductor Industry
Yoffie, David B., and Michael Slind. "Intel Corporation 2005." Harvard Business School Case 706-437, October 2005.
- January 2005 (Revised August 2005)
- Case
Apple Computer, 2005
By: David B. Yoffie and Barbara Mack
Apple has reaped the benefits of its innovative music player, the iPod. However, its PC and server business continue to hold small market share relative to the worldwide computer market over the past few years. Will the iPod lure new users to the Mac? Will Apple be... View Details
Keywords: Technological Innovation; Innovation Strategy; Information Infrastructure; Brands and Branding; Computer Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry
Yoffie, David B., and Barbara Mack. "Apple Computer, 2005." Harvard Business School Case 705-469, January 2005. (Revised August 2005.)
- May 2002 (Revised February 2005)
- Teaching Note
Apple Computer 2002 and Apple Computer 2005 (TN)
By: David B. Yoffie
Teaching Note for (9-702-469). View Details
- March 2002 (Revised October 2005)
- Case
Apple Computer 2002
By: David B. Yoffie and Yusi Wang
In 1980, Apple was the leader of the personal computer industry, but by 2002 it had suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Wintel camp. This case examines Apple's strategic moves as the PC industry evolves in the 21st century and poses the question: Can Steve Jobs... View Details
Keywords: Growth and Development Strategy; Leadership Style; Information Technology; Supply and Industry; Competitive Advantage; Computer Industry; Retail Industry; California
Yoffie, David B., and Yusi Wang. "Apple Computer 2002." Harvard Business School Case 702-469, March 2002. (Revised October 2005.)
- May 1999
- Teaching Note
Apple Computer 1999 TN
By: David B. Yoffie and Mary Kwak
Teaching Note for (9-799-108). View Details
Keywords: Information Technology Industry
- March 1999 (Revised May 1999)
- Case
Apple Computer--1999
By: David B. Yoffie and Mary Kwak
In 1980, Apple was the leader of the PC industry, but by 1999, it had suffered heavy losses at the hands of the Wintel camp. This case examines Apple's efforts to create sustainable competitive advantage as the PC industry evolves. After discussing Apple's history and... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Advantage; Competitive Strategy; Growth and Development Strategy; Technological Innovation; Information Technology; Business or Company Management; Management Practices and Processes; Corporate Strategy; Information Technology Industry
Yoffie, David B., and Mary Kwak. "Apple Computer--1999." Harvard Business School Case 799-108, March 1999. (Revised May 1999.)
- May 1998
- Teaching Note
Apple Computer 1996, Apple Computer 1997, and Apple Computer 1998 TN
By: David B. Yoffie
Teaching Note for (9-796-126), (9-797-098), and (9-798-099). View Details
Keywords: Computer Industry
- April 1998 (Revised March 1999)
- Case
Apple Computer 1998
By: David B. Yoffie
Updates Apple Computer--1992. View Details
Keywords: Computer Industry
Yoffie, David B. "Apple Computer 1998." Harvard Business School Case 798-099, April 1998. (Revised March 1999.)
- February 1998
- Case
Creating the International Trade Organization
By: David A. Moss, George R. Appling and Andrew D Archer
In the late 1940s, officials at the U.S. State Department began campaigning for the creation of an International Trade Organization (ITO). This new organization would oversee global negotiations on trade liberalization, foreign direct investment, cartels, and commodity... View Details
Keywords: Mission and Purpose; Trade; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Globalized Economies and Regions; Agreements and Arrangements; Foreign Direct Investment; Economic Systems; International Relations
Moss, David A., George R. Appling, and Andrew D Archer. "Creating the International Trade Organization." Harvard Business School Case 798-057, February 1998.
- February 1997 (Revised September 1997)
- Case
Apple Computer--1997
By: David B. Yoffie
Updates Apple Computer--1992. View Details
Keywords: Computer Industry
Yoffie, David B. "Apple Computer--1997." Harvard Business School Case 797-098, February 1997. (Revised September 1997.)
- February 1996 (Revised December 1996)
- Supplement
Apple Computer 1996
By: David B. Yoffie
Updates Apple Computer--1992. View Details
Keywords: Computer Industry
Yoffie, David B. "Apple Computer 1996." Harvard Business School Supplement 796-126, February 1996. (Revised December 1996.)
- March 1995
- Teaching Note
Apple Computer 1995 (A) and (B) and Apple Computer in China,1993 TN
By: David B. Yoffie
Teaching Note for (9-795-061), (9-795-073), and (9-794-100). View Details
- March 1995 (Revised February 1997)
- Case
Apple Computer (A)(Abridged): Corporate Strategy and Culture
By: Michael Beer and Gregory C. Rogers
Provides an overview of the company's history, industry, competitive position, strategy, and organization. Analyzes the culture and morale at Apple. Written at a time when the company faces a very compelling threat to their business, and when morale within the company... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Design; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Organizational Culture; Computer Industry
Beer, Michael, and Gregory C. Rogers. "Apple Computer (A)(Abridged): Corporate Strategy and Culture." Harvard Business School Case 495-044, March 1995. (Revised February 1997.)
- March 1995 (Revised July 1995)
- Case
Apple Computer (B)(Abridged) : Building a Worldwide Strategy
By: Michael Beer and Gregory C. Rogers
Describes the building of Apple's new strategy. Explores how the human resource function at Apple Computer can best support that strategy. View Details
Beer, Michael, and Gregory C. Rogers. "Apple Computer (B)(Abridged) : Building a Worldwide Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 495-045, March 1995. (Revised July 1995.)
- January 1995 (Revised March 1995)
- Supplement
Apple Computer 1995 (A)
By: David B. Yoffie and Takia Mahmood
Updates Apple Computer--1992. Summarizes the key strategic actions from 1992 to 1995 regarding PCs, the PowerMac, multimedia, OS licensing, and alliances with IBM. View Details
Yoffie, David B., and Takia Mahmood. "Apple Computer 1995 (A)." Harvard Business School Supplement 795-061, January 1995. (Revised March 1995.)