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- All HBS Web
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- December 2007
- Article
Bankers, Industrialists, and Their Cliques: Elite Networks in Mexico and Brazil during Early Industrialization
By: Aldo Musacchio and Ian Read
The historiographies of Mexico and Brazil have implicitly stated that business networks were crucial for the initial industrialization of these two countries. Recently, differing visions on the importance of business networks have arisen. In the case of Mexico, the... View Details
Keywords: Business and Government Relations; Networks; Business History; Market Entry and Exit; Emerging Markets; Entrepreneurship; Financial Markets; Supply and Industry; Banks and Banking; Brazil; Mexico
Musacchio, Aldo, and Ian Read. "Bankers, Industrialists, and Their Cliques: Elite Networks in Mexico and Brazil during Early Industrialization." Enterprise & Society 8, no. 4 (December 2007): 842–880.
- 05 Oct 2016
- What Do You Think?
Can the US Economy Regain the Growth and Prosperity of the Past?
accomplished, including more freedom for business, more immigration, and big bets by the government and industry to meet imposing infrastructure needs. Ron Kurtz said, “I am concerned that we are facing a... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- June 1992 (Revised August 1992)
- Case
Parker-Spencer: The Legal Form of Joint Ventures
Parker Co., a U.S. based agricultural chemical company with $4 billion in sales, has agreed to a joint venture with Spencer, Inc., a smaller U.S. based company, to develop and market a new herbicide for corn. The two companies must consider marketing, tax, and... View Details
Keywords: Business Organization; Joint Ventures; Taxation; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Chemical Industry; United States
Wilson, G. Peter, and Jane Palley Katz. "Parker-Spencer: The Legal Form of Joint Ventures." Harvard Business School Case 192-155, June 1992. (Revised August 1992.)
- March 2009 (Revised June 2012)
- Case
Denmark: Globalization and the Welfare State
By: Arthur A. Daemmrich and Benjamin Kramarz
This case describes how Denmark has balanced the impacts of globalization, including outsourcing and movement of labor, with its social welfare offerings. Reforms implemented during the past two decades drove down unemployment, promoted new company formation, and put... View Details
Keywords: Macroeconomics; Trade; Globalized Economies and Regions; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Employment; Welfare or Wellbeing; Denmark
Daemmrich, Arthur A., and Benjamin Kramarz. "Denmark: Globalization and the Welfare State." Harvard Business School Case 709-015, March 2009. (Revised June 2012.)
- November 2002
- Background Note
Strategy and Sources of Motion Picture Finance, The
By: Mihir A. Desai, Gabriel J. Loeb and Mark Veblen
This case considers the alternative financing mechanisms for film financing, the evolution of film finance in the United States, and the nature of tax-motivated film financing in the United States and around the world. It develops the strategy driving motion picture... View Details
Keywords: Film Entertainment; Financial Instruments; Financial Strategy; Financing and Loans; Globalized Markets and Industries; Taxation; Motivation and Incentives; Competitive Strategy; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; United States
Desai, Mihir A., Gabriel J. Loeb, and Mark Veblen. "Strategy and Sources of Motion Picture Finance, The." Harvard Business School Background Note 203-007, November 2002.
- April 2018
- Case
The Bayer - Monsanto Merger: GMOs and 'Science for a Better Life'
By: Martha J. Crawford and James Barnett
This case allows students to explore the economic, ethical and legal challenges faced by agri-business companies, after several decades of promoting and selling Genetically Modified (GM) crops. Starting in the 1980s, the widespread introduction of GM crops was... View Details
Keywords: Merger; Acquisition; GMO; Genetically Modified Crops; Neonics; Pesticides; Crop Seeds; EU; Mergers and Acquisitions; Agribusiness; Genetics; Natural Environment; Corporate Social Responsibility and Impact; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Consolidation; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Europe; United States
- November 2016 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
BrightStar Care: The Evolution of a Leadership Team
By: Boris Groysberg, Colleen Ammerman and John D. Vaughan
BrightStar Care was a rapidly growing franchise of home health care agencies. Founded by husband and wife team JD and Shelly Sun as a single agency near Chicago in 2002, BrightStar had opened nearly 300 franchises across the United States by 2016, generating over $300... View Details
Keywords: Health Care Services; Entrepreneurs; Board Of Directors; Boards Of Directors; Health Care Industry; Growth Strategy; Organizational Change; Brand Positioning; Entrepreneurial Organizations; Entrepreneurial Management; Franchising; Family-owned Business; Home Health Care; Managing Growth; Management Styles; Organizational Development; Talent Management; Women Executives; Women And Leadership; Business Startups; Family Business; Small Business; Talent and Talent Management; Governing and Advisory Boards; Health Care and Treatment; Human Capital; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Business or Company Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Management Skills; Management Style; Management Succession; Management Systems; Management Teams; Brands and Branding; Marketing Strategy; Strategy
Groysberg, Boris, Colleen Ammerman, and John D. Vaughan. "BrightStar Care: The Evolution of a Leadership Team." Harvard Business School Case 417-020, November 2016. (Revised February 2017.)
- June 2013 (Revised March 2016)
- Case
Estonia: Transition, EU Membership, and the Euro
By: Michael E. Porter, Christian Ketels and Örjan Sölvell
The case discusses the economic development of Estonia, covering specifically the period from regaining independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 until 2015. It tracks the process from the initial transition towards a market economy to becoming an EU member country,... View Details
Keywords: Economy; Macroeconomics; Microeconomics; Policy; Government and Politics; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Strategy; Estonia
Porter, Michael E., Christian Ketels, and Örjan Sölvell. "Estonia: Transition, EU Membership, and the Euro." Harvard Business School Case 713-479, June 2013. (Revised March 2016.)
- July 2009 (Revised May 2010)
- Case
Pfizer: Letter from the Chairman (A)
By: Robert L. Simons and Natalie Kindred
This case explores maximizing shareholder value as a goal in executive decision making. Over a period of nine years, three different Pfizer CEOs make critical decisions intended to increase shareholder value. But the results are disappointing. To allow students to... View Details
Keywords: Decision Choices and Conditions; Corporate Accountability; Corporate Governance; Annual Reports; Business and Shareholder Relations; Value Creation; Pharmaceutical Industry; United States
Simons, Robert L., and Natalie Kindred. "Pfizer: Letter from the Chairman (A)." Harvard Business School Case 110-003, July 2009. (Revised May 2010.)
- June 1996 (Revised November 1996)
- Background Note
Economic Gains from Trade, The: Theories of Strategic Trade
The theory of competitive advantage is one of the most widely accepted economic principles among economists. The theory, as well as substantial historical evidence, suggest that free trade raises national income, while government intervention in trade relations... View Details
Kennedy, Robert E. "Economic Gains from Trade, The: Theories of Strategic Trade." Harvard Business School Background Note 796-184, June 1996. (Revised November 1996.)
- 25 Jul 2011
- Research & Ideas
How Disruptive Innovation is Remaking the University
Editor's note: It has been more than a decade since the publication of The Innovator's Dilemma, in which Clayton M. Christensen introduced the... View Details
- October 2020
- Article
Peer Influence on Trade Credit
By: Daniel Gyimah, Michael Machokoto and Anywhere (Siko) Sikochi
We examine the influence of peer firms on trade credit policies of listed firms in the United States. We posit and find evidence that firms mimic their peers in formulating trade credit policies. The findings are more pronounced for firms in highly competitive product... View Details
Keywords: Trade Credit; Peer Effects; Product Market Competition; Trade; Credit; Policy; Competition
Gyimah, Daniel, Michael Machokoto, and Anywhere (Siko) Sikochi. "Peer Influence on Trade Credit." Journal of Corporate Finance 64 (October 2020).
- December 2021 (Revised February 2022)
- Case
Bed Bath & Beyond: The New Strategy to Drive Shareholder Value
By: Benjamin C. Esty and Daniel W. Fisher
At one time, Bed Bath & Beyond was one of the most successful specialty retailers in the United States—its growth and profit margins far exceeded both peer retailers in the home goods market as well as many other discount retailers. But in 2014, its stock price peaked,... View Details
Keywords: Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Value Creation; Diversification; Corporate Governance; Leading Change; Performance Evaluation; Valuation; Investment Activism; Retail Industry; Consumer Products Industry; United States
Esty, Benjamin C., and Daniel W. Fisher. "Bed Bath & Beyond: The New Strategy to Drive Shareholder Value." Harvard Business School Case 722-408, December 2021. (Revised February 2022.)
- winter 2005
- Article
An Experimental Analysis of Ending Rules in Internet Auctions
By: Dan Ariely, Axel Ockenfels and A. E. Roth
Ariely, Dan, Axel Ockenfels, and A. E. Roth. "An Experimental Analysis of Ending Rules in Internet Auctions." RAND Journal of Economics 36, no. 4 (winter 2005): 891–908.
- 2011
- Book
Moving Forward: The Future of Consumer Credit and Mortgage Finance
By: Nicolas P. Retsinas and Eric Belsky
The recent collapse of the mortgage market revealed fractures in the credit market that have deep roots in the system's structure, conduct, and regulation. The time has come for a clear-eyed assessment of what happened and how the system should be strengthened and... View Details
Keywords: Financial Crisis; Capital Markets; Credit; Financial Markets; Mortgages; Personal Finance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Demand and Consumers; Financial Services Industry
Retsinas, Nicolas P., and Eric Belsky, eds. Moving Forward: The Future of Consumer Credit and Mortgage Finance. Brookings Institution Press, 2011.
- March 2011
- Case
Terror at the Taj Bombay: Customer-Centric Leadership
By: Rohit Deshpande
On November 26, 2008, heavily armed terrorists launched a series of attacks throughout the western-Indian city of Mumbai (formerly Bombay). One of the locations attacked was the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower, which was occupied by the terrorists for over three days,... View Details
Keywords: Safety; Leadership; National Security; Service Delivery; Organizational Culture; Crisis Management; Customer Focus and Relationships; Brands and Branding; Accommodations Industry; Mumbai
Deshpande, Rohit. "Terror at the Taj Bombay: Customer-Centric Leadership." Harvard Business School Multimedia/Video Case 511-703, March 2011.
- 2016
- Article
Android and Competition Law: Exploring and Assessing Google's Practices in Mobile
By: Benjamin Edelman and Damien Geradin
Since its launch in 2007, Android has become the dominant mobile device operating system worldwide. In light of this commercial success and certain disputed business practices, Android has come under substantial attention from competition authorities. We present key... View Details
Keywords: Android; Antitrust; Competition Policy; Exclusion; Mobile Communication Devices; Remedies; Tying; Technology Platform; Competition; Monopoly; Policy; Mobile Technology; Telecommunications Industry
Edelman, Benjamin, and Damien Geradin. "Android and Competition Law: Exploring and Assessing Google's Practices in Mobile." European Competition Journal 12, nos. 2-3 (2016): 159–194.
- 20 Aug 2012
- Research & Ideas
The Acquirers
private equity and public companies "changes the ownership structure of assets and alters the incentives and governance mechanisms that surround View Details
- September 2002 (Revised October 2002)
- Case
Corporate Inversions: Stanley Works and the Lure of Tax Havens
By: Mihir A. Desai, James R. Hines, Jr and Mark Veblen
In response to Stanley Work's announcement that it is moving to Bermuda--and the associated jump in market value--a major competitor sets out to determine how the market is valuing the consequences of moving to a tax haven and whether his company should invert to a tax... View Details
Keywords: Financial Management; Taxation; Financial Strategy; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; International Finance; Valuation; Financial Markets; Financial Statements; United States
Desai, Mihir A., James R. Hines, Jr, and Mark Veblen. "Corporate Inversions: Stanley Works and the Lure of Tax Havens." Harvard Business School Case 203-008, September 2002. (Revised October 2002.)
- 01 Oct 2024
- Research & Ideas
How Politics Drives Business Decisions in a Polarized Nation
when making pricing decisions in the US syndicated loans market and mutual fund managers when making asset allocations near the time of an... View Details
Keywords: by Jay Fitzgerald