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- All HBS Web
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- 07 Jun 2018
- News
Bill Ackman on what it means to be an activist investor
Christopher A. Bartlett
Professor Christopher A. Bartlett received an economics degree from the University of Queensland, Australia (1964), and both the masters and doctorate degrees in business administration from Harvard University (1971 and 1979).
As a practicing manager prior... View Details
- August 2020 (Revised November 2022)
- Case
George Soros: The Stateless Statesman
By: Geoffrey Jones and Wendy Ying
This case traces the business career and philanthropic activities of George Soros. The Hungarian-born Soros made a fortune as a hedge fund investor after establishing Quantum Fund on the tax haven island of Curaçao in the Netherlands Antilles in 1973 where he was... View Details
Keywords: Hedge Fund; Philanthropy; Populism; Finance; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Political Elections; Personal Development and Career; Leadership Style; Financial Services Industry; Europe; Hungary; United Kingdom; North and Central America; United States
Jones, Geoffrey, and Wendy Ying. "George Soros: The Stateless Statesman." Harvard Business School Case 321-012, August 2020. (Revised November 2022.)
- April 2017
- Case
China Hospitals Inc.: The Growth of Private Hospitals in China
By: Kevin Schulman, Xiao Yu and Ariel Hwang
This case examines the privatization of hospitals in China. China Hospitals, Inc. has become the largest for-profit hospital company in China, purchasing government owned hospitals in Tier 2 cities. The case profiles CEO Frank Hu. To build his company, he has to... View Details
Keywords: Privatization; For-Profit Firms; Growth and Development Strategy; Business Model; Health Industry; China
Schulman, Kevin, Xiao Yu, and Ariel Hwang. "China Hospitals Inc.: The Growth of Private Hospitals in China." Harvard Business School Case 317-104, April 2017.
- February 2003 (Revised March 2006)
- Case
Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique (CSEM)
By: Michael E. Porter, Willis M. Emmons III and Christian Fenner
Le Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique S.A. (CSEM)--the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology--was a major nonprofit research institution located in Neuchatel, Switzerland, with roots in the Swiss watch industry. CSEM maintained close links to... View Details
Keywords: Cooperation; Information Technology; Alliances; Research and Development; Performance Productivity; Innovation and Invention; Nonprofit Organizations; Electronics Industry; Switzerland
Porter, Michael E., Willis M. Emmons III, and Christian Fenner. "Centre Suisse d'Electronique et de Microtechnique (CSEM)." Harvard Business School Case 703-438, February 2003. (Revised March 2006.)
- May 1997
- Teaching Note
Product Development Foundations, Instructor's Note
By: Marco Iansiti
As emphasized in the course overview, excellence in product development is built on three foundations: the activities aimed at generating, retaining, and integrating knowledge. They form the critical building blocks for the conceptualization and implementation of any... View Details
- February 1999 (Revised July 2004)
- Case
Life as a Minor League CEO Frank Burke and The Chattanooga Lookouts
By: Stephen A. Greyser and Kirk A. Goldman
A "slice of life" depiction of the range of issues and activities experienced by Frank Burke (HBS MBA 1987), the president of a minor league baseball team (the Chattanooga Lookouts). Raises questions of the applicability of MBA skills in this role and the "quotient of... View Details
Keywords: Happiness; Managerial Roles; Entrepreneurship; Business or Company Management; Marketing; Cost Management; Cost vs Benefits; Operations; Sports; Business Education; Sports Industry; Tennessee
Greyser, Stephen A., and Kirk A. Goldman. "Life as a Minor League CEO Frank Burke and The Chattanooga Lookouts." Harvard Business School Case 599-029, February 1999. (Revised July 2004.)
- October 2023
- Case
Kevin O'Leary: Building a Brand in Shark-infested Waters
By: Reza Satchu and Patrick Sanguineti
For more than fifteen years, successful Canadian entrepreneur and investor Kevin O’Leary had developed his brand into a global powerhouse. Since his first appearance on the Canadian television program Dragons’ Den in 2006 and his meteoric rise to stardom through the... View Details
Keywords: Personal Brand; Crisis; Brands and Branding; Entrepreneurship; Crisis Management; Social Media; Public Opinion; Power and Influence; Financial Services Industry
Satchu, Reza, and Patrick Sanguineti. "Kevin O'Leary: Building a Brand in Shark-infested Waters." Harvard Business School Case 824-095, October 2023.
- 30 May 2017
- First Look
First Look at New Research and Ideas, May 30
diverse methodology to understand the relationships between firm boundaries, firm activities, and geographic borders. Publisher's link: 2017 Geography, Location, and Strategy. Multinational View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- 23 Oct 2018
- First Look
New Research and Ideas, October 23, 2018
construct narratives explaining the dynamics of three nascent technical systems: early aircraft, high-speed steel in machine tools, and container shipping. Download working paper: Assessing the Impact of CEO View Details
Keywords: Dina Gerdeman
- 12 Feb 2015
- Working Paper Summaries
Auditor Lobbying on Accounting Standards
- Research Summary
"On design of operations & production management technology-base and performance database for empowerment of global/local industries in the international business environment"
His current research interests are in the reinforcement of continuous improvement schemes such as TPM, its global transfer and road-mapping for empowerment of industries. One of his aims while at Harvard TOM Unit is to establish infrastructure which enables... View Details
- 2023
- Working Paper
Achieving Universal Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: Addressing Market Failures or Providing a Social Floor?
By: Katherine Baicker, Amitabh Chandra and Mark Shepard
The United States spends substantially more on health care than most developed countries, yet leaves a greater share of the population uninsured. We suggest that incremental insurance expansions focused on addressing market failures will propagate inefficiencies and... View Details
Baicker, Katherine, Amitabh Chandra, and Mark Shepard. "Achieving Universal Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: Addressing Market Failures or Providing a Social Floor?" NBER Working Paper Series, No. 30854, January 2023.
- winter 2000
- Article
Assessing the Impact of Venture Capital to Innovation
By: Samuel Kortum and Josh Lerner
We examine the influence of venture capital on patented inventions in the United States across twenty industries over three decades. We address concerns about causality in several ways, including exploiting a 1979 policy shift that spurred venture capital fundraising.... View Details
Kortum, Samuel, and Josh Lerner. "Assessing the Impact of Venture Capital to Innovation." RAND Journal of Economics 31, no. 4 (winter 2000): 674–692. (Supplemental appendix.)
- May 2020
- Article
Sales Leadership During and After the Crisis
Because customer acquisition and retention are the lifeblood of a for-profit enterprise, sales activities establish foundational conditions for a business. In turn, sales managers’ responsibilities in a crisis extend beyond keeping the lights on. Their leadership makes... View Details
Cespedes, Frank V. "Sales Leadership During and After the Crisis." Top Sales Magazine (May 2020), 28–29.
- 2011
- Working Paper
Temptation at Work
By: Alessandro Bucciol, Daniel Houser and Marco Piovesan
To encourage worker productivity, offices prohibit Internet use. Consequently, many employees delay Internet activity to the end of the workday. Recent work in social psychology, however, suggests that using willpower to delay gratification can negatively impact... View Details
Bucciol, Alessandro, Daniel Houser, and Marco Piovesan. "Temptation at Work." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 11-090, February 2011.
- January 2010
- Case
Pratham - Every Child in School and Learning Well
By: Srikant M. Datar, Stacey M. Childress, Rachna Tahilyani and Anjali Raina
The case focuses on how Pratham, a non-governmental organization, provided quality education to underprivileged children in India by collaborating with the government. It focuses on the problem Madhav Chavan, the founder, is trying to solve, the contributing factors... View Details
Keywords: Non-Governmental Organizations; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Social and Collaborative Networks; Performance Evaluation; Change Management; Organizational Design; Early Childhood Education; Management Systems; Strategy; Quality; Education Industry; India
Datar, Srikant M., Stacey M. Childress, Rachna Tahilyani, and Anjali Raina. "Pratham - Every Child in School and Learning Well." Harvard Business School Case 110-001, January 2010.
- November 2003 (Revised December 2003)
- Case
Proteome Systems Limited: The First Five Years
A Sydney-based biotechnology company is moving from the development of proteomics technology to the commercialization of its first instruments in the worldwide proteomics market. The case study highlights the range of activities engaged in by the 120-person company,... View Details
Keywords: Organizational Change and Adaptation; Information Technology; Commercialization; Entrepreneurship; Biotechnology Industry; Sydney
West, Jonathan, and Mona Ashiya. "Proteome Systems Limited: The First Five Years." Harvard Business School Case 604-049, November 2003. (Revised December 2003.)