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- All HBS Web
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- 27 Oct 2002
- Research & Ideas
Want a Happy Customer? Coordinate Sales and Marketing
The sales force can no longer passively accept and execute plans from marketing. Account managers, product managers, and advertising managers need to work together to protect profits and enhance volume in the harsh world of customer... View Details
Keywords: by Benson Shapiro
- November 2017
- Teaching Note, 2016
By: John R. Wells and Gabriel Ellsworth
Teaching Note for HBS No. 716-402.
On January 28, 2016, Amazon announced record 2015 operating profits of $2.2 billion on $107 billion of sales, and the markets responded with cautious optimism. For years, founder and CEO Jeffrey Bezos had prioritized growth and... View Details
Keywords: Strategic Analysis; Retail; E-commerce; Amazon;; AmazonFresh; Jeff Bezos; Cloud Computing; Marketplaces; Streaming; E-reader Market; Digital Media; Mobile App; Online Retail; Shipping; Database; Tablet; Kindle; Kindle Fire; Smartphone; Delivery; Market Platforms; Two-Sided Platforms; Competition; Internet; Corporate Strategy; Online Advertising; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; Business Organization; For-Profit Firms; Film Entertainment; Games, Gaming, and Gambling; Music Entertainment; Television Entertainment; Profit; Revenue; Global Strategy; Multinational Firms and Management; Taxation; Business History; Human Resources; Resignation and Termination; Books; Human Capital; Working Conditions; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Growth Management; Management Practices and Processes; Industry Growth; Industry Structures; Media; Distribution; Distribution Channels; Order Taking and Fulfillment; Infrastructure; Logistics; Product Development; Supply Chain; Supply Chain Management; Organizational Culture; Public Ownership; Work-Life Balance; Problems and Challenges; Labor and Management Relations; Strategy; Adaptation; Business Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Diversification; Expansion; Integration; Horizontal Integration; Vertical Integration; Hardware; Information Technology; Mobile Technology; Online Technology; Technology Networks; Technology Platform; Web; Web Sites; Price; Software; Marketing; Marketing Strategy; Working Capital; Customer Focus and Relationships; Customer Value and Value Chain; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; United States; Washington (state, US); Seattle
- September 2017
- Case
By: John R. Wells and Gabriel Ellsworth
Tencent had undergone many transformations since it was founded in 1998 as a simple messaging service. In 2017, it was the largest online games provider in China with a wide range of game types, China’s largest social networking service provider with several of the... View Details
Keywords: Tencent; Tencent Holdings; WeChat; Social Networking; Social Networks; Gaming; Gaming Industry; Video Games; Computer Games; Mobile Gaming; Portals; Payments; Mobile Payments; O2O; Online-to-offline; E-commerce; Messaging; Subscription Model; Freemium; Mobile App Industry; Smartphone; PC; Monetization Strategy; Antitrust; Streaming; Cloud Computing; Artificial Intelligence; Big Data; Alibaba; Facebook;; Tesla; Bundling; Synergies; Digital Strategy; Imitation; Licensing; Agility; Entry Barriers; Online Platforms; Advertising; Digital Marketing; Business Ventures; Acquisition; Mergers and Acquisitions; Business Conglomerates; Business Units; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Organization; For-Profit Firms; Joint Ventures; Restructuring; Communication; Communication Technology; Blogs; Interactive Communication; Interpersonal Communication; Entertainment; Film Entertainment; Games, Gaming, and Gambling; Music Entertainment; Investment; Investment Portfolio; Price; Profit; Revenue; Geographic Scope; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Global Strategy; Multinational Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries; Business History; Innovation Strategy; Technological Innovation; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Product Positioning; Social Marketing; Network Effects; Emerging Markets; Market Entry and Exit; Digital Platforms; Industry Growth; Monopoly; Media; Distribution Channels; Product Development; Service Delivery; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Organizational Structure; Public Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Business and Government Relations; Groups and Teams; Networks; Opportunities; Social and Collaborative Networks; Strategy; Adaptation; Business Strategy; Commercialization; Competition; Competitive Advantage; Competitive Strategy; Cooperation; Corporate Strategy; Diversification; Expansion; Horizontal Integration; Vertical Integration; Segmentation; Information Technology; Internet and the Web; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Internet and the Web; Applications and Software; Information Infrastructure; Digital Platforms; Internet and the Web; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Value Creation; Communications Industry; Entertainment and Recreation Industry; Financial Services Industry; Information Industry; Information Technology Industry; Media and Broadcasting Industry; Motion Pictures and Video Industry; Music Industry; Service Industry; Technology Industry; Telecommunications Industry; Video Game Industry; Web Services Industry; Asia; China; Canton (province, China)
Wells, John R., and Gabriel Ellsworth. "Tencent." Harvard Business School Case 718-426, September 2017.
- 12 Nov 2021
- News
Alumni Business Leaders on Confronting the Climate Change Challenge
Taking a Stand. Patagonia pulled its advertising from Facebook and has recently renewed its call on other firms to boycott the platform until Facebook can make sure its products do no harm. What would taking a stand look like for your... View Details
- Web
Charts & Statistics - Leadership
Airmail service starts Influence: High 30 1930 s 19 The New Deal Commercial and investment banking separated Reconstruction Finance Corp. created to combat bank and business failures Introduction of Federal Deposit Insurance SEC established Federal regulations prohibit... View Details
- Web
Harvard Business School
career with Cablevision Systems Corporation, becoming executive vice president of Cablevision's Rainbow Advertising Sales Company, a senior management role he fulfilled until retiring from the company in 2011. Theodore 'Ted' Wells Jr. MBA... View Details
- 01 Jan 2002
- News
Egon P.S. Zehnder (MBA '56)
McCann-Erickson, Inc., 1956-59 With a student loan to repay after HBS, Zehnder jumped at the advertising agency's starting salary of $7,500-the highest offer he received-plus the prospect of an international posting. By 1959, aged 29, he... View Details
- 10 Feb 2003
- Research & Ideas
Commodity Busters: Be a Price Maker, Not a Price Taker
more than it charged light users. The original basis for pricing telephone service, including both a fixed monthly charge and a usage charge, represents the same kind of thinking. The person who chose to price advertising services as 15... View Details
Keywords: by Benson P. Shapiro
- 29 Jan 2013
- Research & Ideas
Creating the Perfect Super Bowl Ad
Super Bowl Sunday is sure to bring the usual barrage of clever soda, beer, and car ads featuring everyone from Vegas showgirls selling Coca-Cola to pop celebrity Psy charming us to buy pistachios Gangnam-style. But at a whopping $3.7 million per 30-second spot, perhaps... View Details
- 21 Mar 2016
- HBS Case
Can Customer Reviews Be 'Managed?'
buy any service? I can basically rely on information provided by professionals and experts, and some people do that. I can rely on information provided by the company, and that’s advertising and PR and other things like that. Or I can... View Details
- 26 Oct 2015
- Research & Ideas
What’s the Value of a Win in College Athletics?
midnight to catch the games. (In an earlier paper, The Dynamic Advertising Effect of Collegiate Athletics, Chung looked at the bump in applicants that colleges often see after a major sporting event, dubbed the “Flutie Effect.”) Should... View Details
- 27 Jul 2009
- Research & Ideas
Social Network Marketing: What Works?
When marketers want to reach users of social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, or Cyworld, they have two choices: buy advertising or start a viral campaign. New research by Harvard Business School professor Sunil Gupta suggests that... View Details
- 05 Feb 2014
- Research & Ideas
Can Putin Score Olympic Gold?
million every four years just for the privilege of using The Rings in their advertising—with hundreds of millions more spent on the advertising campaigns themselves. They aren't the only ones banking on Olympic success. NBC, which paid... View Details
- 17 Dec 2008
- Lessons from the Classroom
‘Ted Levitt Changed My Life’
executive might as well pack his attaché case and go fishing. If an organization does not know or care where it is going, it does not need to advertise that fact with a ceremonial figurehead. Everybody will notice it soon enough." In... View Details
- Research Summary
Clinical Trials as a setting for Health Policy and Management Research
The clinical trial marketplace is in flux. A decade ago, pharmaceutical firms almost exclusively conducted the study of their novel drug compounds within major academic medical centers. But today, industry-sponsored clinical trials are increasingly using community... View Details
- 09 Jun 2015
- Sharpening Your Skills
Sharpening Your Skills: Social Media
into creating the world's largest pop star? A case study by Anita Elberse examines the strategic marketing choices that created a global brand. To Read More: ARTICLES Advertisers Get Serious About Playing With Their Brands Playing with... View Details
- March 2016 (Revised May 2018)
- Case
By: John R. Wells and Gabriel Ellsworth
Launched in 2000, ASOS was one of the world’s largest online fashion specialists in 2018. Focusing on young consumers aged 16–25 years, the company offered over 85,000 items on its websites, many times more than the largest fashion stores, and added several thousand... View Details
Keywords: ASOS; AsSeenOnScreen; Online Fashion; Online Apparel; Nick Beighton; Nick Robertson; E-commerce; E-Commerce Strategy; Online Retail; Multichannel Retailing; Omnichannel; Social Media; Marketplaces; Shipping; Advertising; Digital Marketing; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; Business Startups; For-Profit Firms; Customer Focus and Relationships; Age; Gender; Currency Exchange Rate; Profit; Revenue; Geography; Geographic Scope; Global Range; Global Strategy; Globalized Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries; Business History; Selection and Staffing; Journals and Magazines; Human Capital; Business or Company Management; Crisis Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development; Growth and Development Strategy; Growth Management; Management Succession; Brands and Branding; Marketing Channels; Marketing Communications; Marketing Strategy; Product Positioning; Social Marketing; Media; Distribution; Distribution Channels; Order Taking and Fulfillment; Infrastructure; Logistics; Public Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Strategy; Adaptation; Business Strategy; Competition; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Expansion; Vertical Integration; Segmentation; Internet and the Web; Mobile and Wireless Technology; Apparel and Accessories Industry; Fashion Industry; Retail Industry; United Kingdom; England; London
Wells, John R., and Gabriel Ellsworth. "ASOS PLC." Harvard Business School Case 716-449, March 2016. (Revised May 2018.)
- November 2005 (Revised December 2016)
- Case
Bally Total Fitness (A): The Rise, 1962–2004
By: John R. Wells, Elizabeth A. Raabe and Gabriel Ellsworth
From a single, modest club in 1962, Bally Total Fitness had grown to become—in management’s words—the “largest and only nationwide commercial operator of fitness centers” in the United States in 2004. Bally had faced its share of challenges, but the last couple of... View Details
Keywords: Bally Total Fitness; Fitness; Gyms; Health Clubs; Chain; Securities And Exchange Commission; Paul Toback; Weight Loss; Exercise; Contracts; Personal Training; Retention; Accounting; Accounting Audits; Accrual Accounting; Finance; Advertising; Business Growth and Maturation; Business Model; For-Profit Firms; Customers; Customer Satisfaction; Public Equity; Financing and Loans; Revenue; Revenue Recognition; Geographic Scope; Multinational Firms and Management; Health; Nutrition; Business History; Lawsuits and Litigation; Management; Business or Company Management; Goals and Objectives; Growth and Development Strategy; Marketing; Operations; Service Delivery; Service Operations; Public Ownership; Problems and Challenges; Business and Shareholder Relations; Business Strategy; Competition; Corporate Strategy; Expansion; Segmentation; Trends; Cost Management; Profit; Growth and Development; Leadership Style; Five Forces Framework; Private Ownership; Opportunities; Motivation and Incentives; Competitive Strategy; Health Industry; United States; Illinois; Chicago
Wells, John R., Elizabeth A. Raabe, and Gabriel Ellsworth. "Bally Total Fitness (A): The Rise, 1962–2004." Harvard Business School Case 706-450, November 2005. (Revised December 2016.)
- September 2013 (Revised August 2015)
- Background Note
Leadership and Teaming
By: Ethan Bernstein
Small differences in the leadership of teams can have large consequences for the success of their efforts. Many initiatives fail not because of a fatal error in judgment or insufficient ideas, knowledge, motivation, or capabilities to deliver a solution. They fail... View Details
Keywords: Teams; Teaming; Leadership And Managing People; Leadership; Team Effectiveness; Team Performance; Team Design; Team Leadership; Teamwork; Team Process; Team Function; Team Launch; 60/30/10 Rule; Team Boundary; Distribution Of Leadership Authority; Self-Managed Teams; Virtual Teams; Unbounded Teams; Acts Of Leadership; Execution Teams; Decision Making Teams; Creativity Teams; Team Size; Task Design; Team Timeline; Team Roles; Team Representation; Diversity; Team Familiarity; Collective Intelligence; Team Stages Of Development; Team Coaching; Performance Pressure; X-Teams; Team Focus; Interaction; Management Teams; Managerial Roles; Management Systems; Management Style; Management Skills; Management Practices and Processes; Organizational Design; Organizational Structure; Performance Effectiveness; Performance Efficiency; Performance Productivity; Groups and Teams; Networks; Social Psychology; Behavior; Conflict and Resolution; Creativity; Social and Collaborative Networks; Satisfaction; Prejudice and Bias; Power and Influence; Personal Characteristics; Familiarity; Cognition and Thinking; Attitudes; Projects; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Leadership Development; Leadership Style; Leading Change; Knowledge Use and Leverage; Knowledge Sharing; Collaborative Innovation and Invention; Innovation and Management; Innovation Leadership; Design; Interpersonal Communication; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Advertising Industry; Asia; North and Central America; South America; Atlantic Ocean; Central Asia; Europe; Latin America; Middle East; Oceania; West Indies
Bernstein, Ethan. "Leadership and Teaming." Harvard Business School Background Note 414-033, September 2013. (Revised August 2015.)
- 04 May 2016
- What Do You Think?
What Does Boaty McBoatface Tell Us About Brand Control on the Internet?
this matter was handled? What would you have done differently? Why? What do you think?--JH. References: Dina Gerdeman, Advertisers Get Serious About Playing With Their Brands,Harvard Business School Working Knowledge,, May... View Details