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- All HBS Web
- News (93)
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- Faculty Publications (254)
- September 2019 (Revised October 2019)
- Case
Bill Connors and The Farm, a Comcast NBCUniversal Innovation Hub (Powered by Boomtown)
By: Linda A. Hill and Eric Mankin
In 2017, Bill Connors, the President of Comcast’s Central Division, launched a startup accelerator in Comcast’s new Atlanta Regional headquarters. Comcast was America's largest cable and internet service provider, having built a profitable business bundling television... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Entrepreneur; Startup; Accelerator; Outsourcing; Hiring; Talent; Culture; Ecosystem; Digital; Leadership; Innovation and Invention; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Diversity; Selection and Staffing; Organizational Culture; Media; Entertainment; Transformation; Atlanta
Hill, Linda A., and Eric Mankin. "Bill Connors and The Farm, a Comcast NBCUniversal Innovation Hub (Powered by Boomtown)." Harvard Business School Case 420-056, September 2019. (Revised October 2019.)
- April 2015 (Revised March 2017)
- Case
Instacart and the New Wave of Grocery Startups
By: John Deighton and Leora Kornfeld
Instacart is testing an Uber-style solution to the challenge of building a home-delivered grocery business. It is backed by $220 million of venture funding. Will this model succeed where businessses like Webvan failed? What are the questions that this exploratory... View Details
Keywords: Food Retailing; Outsourced Grocery Delivery; Online Ordering; Dynamic Pricing; Data Analytics; Marketing Strategy; Food; Distribution Channels; Business Startups; Food and Beverage Industry; California
Deighton, John, and Leora Kornfeld. "Instacart and the New Wave of Grocery Startups." Harvard Business School Case 515-089, April 2015. (Revised March 2017.)
- September 2019 (Revised October 2019)
- Case
Burunda Prince at The Farm, a Comcast NBCUniversal Innovation Hub (Powered by Boomtown)
By: Linda A. Hill, Eric Mankin and Emily Tedards
After a successful inaugural year, Burunda Prince, the Managing Director of Comcast’s startup business accelerator The Farm, was getting ready for an eventful 2019. Comcast was America's largest cable and internet service provider, having built a profitable business... View Details
Keywords: Innovation; Accelerator; Entrepreneur; Startup; Outsourcing; Hiring; Talent; Culture; Ecosystem; Digital; Women; African Americans; Leadership; Innovation and Invention; Entrepreneurship; Business Startups; Management; Diversity; Selection and Staffing; Organizational Culture; Media; Entertainment; Transformation; Atlanta
Hill, Linda A., Eric Mankin, and Emily Tedards. "Burunda Prince at The Farm, a Comcast NBCUniversal Innovation Hub (Powered by Boomtown)." Harvard Business School Case 420-057, September 2019. (Revised October 2019.)
- 01 Dec 2006
- What Do You Think?
How Important Is Quality of Labor? And How Is It Achieved?
jobs as well as labor, most agreed with author Gregory Clark's thesis that "labor quality," not just low cost, is a major driver of capital flows that leads to economic prosperity. This raised questions, though, about the impact of View Details
Keywords: by by Jim Heskett
- October 2003 (Revised April 2004)
- Case
Jamcracker: Pivot Path
A medium-size company considers entering into a high-tech "over-the-Net" outsourcing arrangement that hinges on buying an integration platform from Jamcracker. Introduces students to the many options available in modern IT outsourcing and challenges them to develop a... View Details
Austin, Robert D. "Jamcracker: Pivot Path." Harvard Business School Case 604-052, October 2003. (Revised April 2004.)
- May 2010
- Article
Elections and Discretionary Accruals: Evidence from 2004
By: Karthik Ramanna and Sugata Roychowdhury
We examine the accrual choices of outsourcing firms with links to U.S. congressional candidates during the 2004 elections, when corporate outsourcing was a major campaign issue. We find that politically connected firms with more extensive outsourcing activities have... View Details
Keywords: Political Economy; Accounting Information; Accruals Management; Campaign Contributions; Discretionary Accruals; Election Outcomes; Political Currency; Political Process; Social Issues; Political Elections; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Motivation and Incentives; Earnings Management; Welfare; United States
Ramanna, Karthik, and Sugata Roychowdhury. "Elections and Discretionary Accruals: Evidence from 2004." Journal of Accounting Research 48, no. 2 (May 2010): 445–475. (Solicited for presentation at the 2009 Journal of Accounting Research Conference.)
- October 2008
- Case
Tegan c.c.c.
Examines a struggling IT outsourcing project from the perspective of the customer--Tegan. It should be used in conjunction with Hrad Technika (9-609-039), which illustrates the supplier's point of view. When Tegan, a Welsh toy distributor, outsources the development of... View Details
Keywords: Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Information Technology; Service Operations; Business Processes; Information Technology Industry; Wales; Czech Republic
Upton, David M., and Bradley R. Staats. "Tegan c.c.c." Harvard Business School Case 609-038, October 2008.
- April 1990 (Revised April 1993)
- Case
Bridgeton Industries: Automotive Component & Fabrication Plant
Bridgeton Industries was experiencing reduced sales. To become more competitive it introduced a classification procedure for products based upon their productivity and other factors. Products were classified into three groups: world class, potentially world class, and... View Details
Keywords: Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Competition; Cost Management; Manufacturing Industry; Auto Industry
Cooper, Robin. "Bridgeton Industries: Automotive Component & Fabrication Plant." Harvard Business School Case 190-085, April 1990. (Revised April 1993.)
- June 2004 (Revised July 2005)
- Case
Procter & Gamble: Global Business Services
By: Thomas J. DeLong, Warren Brackin, Alex Cabanas, Phil Shellhammer and David L. Ager
Dave Walker, vice-president of business service opportunities and chairman of the governance team at Procter & Gamble, must decide what to do with P&G's 5,700 employee Global Business Services (GBS) group. GBS brought together internal services such as finance,... View Details
Keywords: Business Units; Change Management; Decision Making; Globalized Firms and Management; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Organizational Design
DeLong, Thomas J., Warren Brackin, Alex Cabanas, Phil Shellhammer, and David L. Ager. "Procter & Gamble: Global Business Services." Harvard Business School Case 404-124, June 2004. (Revised July 2005.)
- 2022
- Book
Les multinationales suisses dans l'arène politique (1942–1993) [Swiss Multinationals in the Political Arena (1942–1993)]
By: Sabine Pitteloud
En décembre 2020, les Suisses votaient sur l’initiative populaire « pour des multinationales responsables ». Cet épisode récent a rappelé que la régulation de l’activité des sociétés multinationales fait l’objet de luttes politiques, auxquelles participent les... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Enterprise; Multinational Companies; Multinational Corporations; Lobbying; Business & Government Relations; Labor Relations; Relocation; Offshoring And Outsourcing; Corporate Regulation; Transnational Regulation; Multinational Firms and Management; Business and Government Relations; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; International Relations; Food and Beverage Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry; Manufacturing Industry; Switzerland
Pitteloud, Sabine. Les multinationales suisses dans l'arène politique (1942–1993) [Swiss Multinationals in the Political Arena (1942–1993)]. Genève, Suisse: Librairie Droz, 2022, French ed.
- October 2008
- Case
Hrad Technika
Examines a struggling IT outsourcing project from the perspective of the IT services provider-Hrad Technika. When used in conjunction with "Tegan c.c.c." (9-609-038), it provides an opportunity to see both sides of the issue. When Hrad enters into a contract to create... View Details
Keywords: Experience and Expertise; Globalized Firms and Management; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Service Delivery; Service Operations; Projects; Information Technology; Wales
Upton, David M., and Bradley R. Staats. "Hrad Technika." Harvard Business School Case 609-039, October 2008.
- Jul 2009
- Article
Restoring American Competitiveness
For decades, U.S. companies have been outsourcing manufacturing in the belief that it held no competitive advantage. That has been a disaster. View Details
- June 1998
- Background Note
The Indian Software Industry
By: F. Warren McFarlan, Avnish S. Bajaj, Michael V. Kadyan, Devtosh K Khare and Suvir S Sujan
The increasing focus in the Western World on outsourcing has fueled the growth of the Indian software export industry. This note gives background on this phenomenen. View Details
- 03 Apr 2006
- What Do You Think?
Has Globalization Reached Its Peak?
performing outsourced tasks sending much of their work abroad, enabling them to "further outsource non-strategic work so as to concentrate on strategic issues that their audiences (the U.S. firms) would... View Details
Keywords: by James Heskett
- September 2014 (Revised February 2017)
- Case
Belk: Towards Exceptional Scheduling
By: Ethan Bernstein, Saravanan Kesavan, Bradley Staats and Luke Hassall
With 24,000 staff and over 300 stores, Belk Inc. sought to replace its entirely manual labor scheduling system with an automated software solution from Reflexis. Belk hoped the upgrade would simplify scheduling, reduce time employees spent in non-customer-facing roles,... View Details
Keywords: Retail; Scheduling; Local Autonomy; Automation; Metrics; Organizational Change; Human Resource Management; Process Improvement; Performance Measurement; Transparency; Southern United States; Retailing; Department Stores; System Outsourced Services; Employee Relationship Management; Selection and Staffing; Change Management; Governance Controls; Resource Allocation; Service Operations; Organizational Culture; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Performance Evaluation; Performance Improvement; Applications and Software; Family Business; Retail Industry; Technology Industry; United States
Bernstein, Ethan, Saravanan Kesavan, Bradley Staats, and Luke Hassall. "Belk: Towards Exceptional Scheduling." Harvard Business School Case 415-023, September 2014. (Revised February 2017.)
- August 2011 (Revised February 2012)
- Supplement
Ockham Technologies (B): Building the Board
By: Noam Wasserman
Describes the issues facing a founder-ceo regarding building a board, assembling an executive team, managing tension between co-founders, and outsourcing development work. View Details
Wasserman, Noam. "Ockham Technologies (B): Building the Board." Harvard Business School Supplement 812-022, August 2011. (Revised February 2012.)
- August 2011
- Case
Ockham Technologies (A): Building the Team
By: Noam Wasserman
Describes the issues facing a founder-ceo regarding building a board, assembling an executive team, managing tension between co-founders, and outsourcing development work. View Details
Keywords: Selection and Staffing; Recruitment; Governing and Advisory Boards; Management Teams; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Information Technology
Wasserman, Noam. "Ockham Technologies (A): Building the Team." Harvard Business School Case 812-021, August 2011.
- January 2017 (Revised September 2017)
- Case
Sales Razor Technologies
By: Paul Gompers and Noam Wasserman
Describes the issues facing a founder-CEO regarding building a board of directors, assembling an executive team, managing tension between co-founders, and outsourcing system development work. View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Conflict Management; Governing and Advisory Boards; Employees; Management Teams; Product Development; Technology Industry
Gompers, Paul, and Noam Wasserman. "Sales Razor Technologies." Harvard Business School Case 217-040, January 2017. (Revised September 2017.)
- February 2004 (Revised March 2004)
- Case
Ockham Technologies: Living on the Razor's Edge
By: Noam T. Wasserman
Describes the issues facing a founder-CEO regarding building a board of directors, assembling an executive team, managing tension between co-founders, and outsourcing system development work. View Details
Keywords: Information Technology; Job Cuts and Outsourcing; Conflict Management; Governing and Advisory Boards; Employees; Management Teams; Product Development; Technology Industry
Wasserman, Noam T. "Ockham Technologies: Living on the Razor's Edge." Harvard Business School Case 804-129, February 2004. (Revised March 2004.)