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- All HBS Web
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- Faculty Publications (396)
- 2017
- Working Paper
A Historical Approach to Clustering in Emerging Economies
By: Valeria Giacomin
Clusters are defined as geographically concentrated agglomerations of specialized firms in a particular domain. The cluster concept in its broader meaning of industrial agglomeration has been the focus of longstanding debates in the social sciences. This working paper... View Details
Keywords: Industry Clusters; Research; Theory; Developing Countries and Economies; History; Analysis; Globalization
Giacomin, Valeria. "A Historical Approach to Clustering in Emerging Economies." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 18-018, August 2017.
- 2008
- Article
Diversification of Chinese Companies: An International Comparison
By: Joseph P.H. Fan, Jun Huang, Felix Oberholzer-Gee, Troy D. Smith and Mengxin Zhao
The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic comparison of the level of business diversification in China and eight other large economies for the 2001-2005 period. The reasons why publicly listed Chinese firms are more diversified than companies elsewhere are... View Details
Fan, Joseph P.H., Jun Huang, Felix Oberholzer-Gee, Troy D. Smith, and Mengxin Zhao. "Diversification of Chinese Companies: An International Comparison." Chinese Management Studies 2, no. 1 (2008): 3–13.
- November 5, 2024
- Article
The International Empirics of Management
By: Daniela Scur, Scott Ohlmacher, John Van Reenen, Morten Bennedsen, Nick Bloom, Ali Choudhary, Lucia Foster, Jesse Groenewegen, Arti Grover, Sjoerd Hardeman, Leonardo Iacovone, Ryo Kambayashi, Marie-Christine Laible, Renata Lemos, Hongbin Li, Andrea Linarello, Mika Maliranta, Denis Medvedev, Charlotte Meng, John Miles Touya, Natalia Mandirola, Roope Ohlsbom, Atsushi Ohyama, Megha Patnaik, Mariana Pereira-López, Raffaella Sadun, Tatsuro Senga, Franklin Qian and Florian Zimmermann
A country’s national income broadly depends on the quantity and quality of workers and capital. But how well these factors are managed within and between firms may be a key determinant of a country’s productivity and its GDP. Although social scientists have long... View Details
Scur, Daniela, Scott Ohlmacher, John Van Reenen, Morten Bennedsen, Nick Bloom, Ali Choudhary, Lucia Foster, Jesse Groenewegen, Arti Grover, Sjoerd Hardeman, Leonardo Iacovone, Ryo Kambayashi, Marie-Christine Laible, Renata Lemos, Hongbin Li, Andrea Linarello, Mika Maliranta, Denis Medvedev, Charlotte Meng, John Miles Touya, Natalia Mandirola, Roope Ohlsbom, Atsushi Ohyama, Megha Patnaik, Mariana Pereira-López, Raffaella Sadun, Tatsuro Senga, Franklin Qian, and Florian Zimmermann. "The International Empirics of Management." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, no. 45 (November 5, 2024).
- 2008
- Working Paper
The Internalization of Advertising Services: An Inter-Industry Analysis
By: Sharon Horsky, Steven C. Michael and Alvin J. Silk
The common perception appears to be that vertical integration of advertising services is more the exception than the rule in the U.S. advertising industry. This study investigates the extent of such outsourcing and examines inter-industry variation in the use of... View Details
Keywords: Advertising; Cost; Analytics and Data Science; Management Analysis, Tools, and Techniques; Service Operations; Creativity; Perception; Vertical Integration; Information Technology; Advertising Industry; United States
Horsky, Sharon, Steven C. Michael, and Alvin J. Silk. "The Internalization of Advertising Services: An Inter-Industry Analysis." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 09-007, July 2008.
- 02 Oct 2000
- Research & Ideas
Networked Incubators: Hothouses of the New Economy
the Internet economy. It shares certain features with other incubators—mainly, it fosters a spirit of entrepreneurship and offers economies of scale. But its key distinguishing feature is its ability to give start-ups preferential access... View Details
- March 2011
- Teaching Note
The Political Economy of Carbon Trading (TN)
Teaching Note for 710056. View Details
- November 2004 (Revised February 2008)
- Case
Jerry Rao: Diaspora and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy
Focusing on one entrepreneur, Jerry Rao, this case examines the international career paths of Indian business professionals and engineers since the development of public policies beginning in the 1960s to attract them to developed countries like the United States.... View Details
Keywords: Business Startups; Diasporas; Entrepreneurship; Globalized Economies and Regions; Personal Development and Career; Opportunities; Information Technology Industry; India
Wadhwani, R. Daniel. "Jerry Rao: Diaspora and Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy." Harvard Business School Case 805-017, November 2004. (Revised February 2008.)
- 2014
- Book
International Strategy: Context, Concepts and Implications
By: David J. Collis
This book is designed for every student who will be involved in managing and advising companies that compete internationally or face international competitors. Designed around the course at Harvard Business School, Collis' new text takes the firm that operates across... View Details
Keywords: Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Global Strategy; Globalized Economies and Regions; Globalized Firms and Management; Multinational Firms and Management; Globalized Markets and Industries; Alignment; Business Strategy; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Corporate Strategy; Diversification; Horizontal Integration; Vertical Integration
Collis, David J. International Strategy: Context, Concepts and Implications. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
- 13 Nov 2006
- Working Paper Summaries
A New Framework for Analyzing and Managing Macrofinancial Risks of An Economy
- February 2008 (Revised November 2011)
- Case
The International Monetary Fund in Crisis
By: Rawi Abdelal, David Moss and Eugene Kintgen
When Dominique Strauss-Kahn became the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund in late 2007, he faced a number of significant changes. The organization had lost much of its legitimacy over the previous decade, and countries seemed increasingly reluctant to... View Details
Keywords: History; Globalized Economies and Regions; Problems and Challenges; Developing Countries and Economies; Borrowing and Debt; Government and Politics; Financial Institutions; Business Strategy; Macroeconomics; Financial Services Industry
Abdelal, Rawi, David Moss, and Eugene Kintgen. "The International Monetary Fund in Crisis." Harvard Business School Case 708-035, February 2008. (Revised November 2011.)
- June 2009
- Article
Level Playing Fields in International Financial Regulation
By: Lucy White and Alan Morrison
We analyze the desirability of level playing fields in international financial regulation. In general, level playing fields impose the standards of the weakest regulator upon the best-regulated economies. However, they may be desirable when capital is mobile because... View Details
Keywords: Economy; International Finance; Multinational Firms and Management; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Standards; Banking Industry
White, Lucy, and Alan Morrison. "Level Playing Fields in International Financial Regulation." Journal of Finance 64, no. 3 (June 2009): 1099–1142.
- June 1993 (Revised December 1994)
- Case
Milkpak Limited.: International Joint Venture
By: John A. Quelch
Considers a Pakistani company's decision to conduct a joint venture with a foreign multinational. In 1987, Milkpak Ltd. had successfully developed a market for sterilized milk and wanted to produce other value-added food products. The company was evaluating the best... View Details
Keywords: Negotiation; Multinational Firms and Management; Joint Ventures; Developing Countries and Economies; Food and Beverage Industry; Pakistan
Quelch, John A. "Milkpak Limited.: International Joint Venture." Harvard Business School Case 593-113, June 1993. (Revised December 1994.)
- 2007
- Report
Competitiveness at the Crossroads: Choosing the Future Direction of the Russian Economy
By: Michael E. Porter and Christian H.M. Ketels
The report synthesizes, interprets, and draws implications about Russia's economic progress, applying the Porter competitiveness framework. It is part of a Strategic Audit of the Russian Federation, a broader set of research activities coordinated by CSR to provide a... View Details
Keywords: Macroeconomics; Microeconomics; Globalized Economies and Regions; Policy; Business and Government Relations; Competitive Strategy; Competitive Advantage; Russia
Porter, Michael E., and Christian H.M. Ketels. "Competitiveness at the Crossroads: Choosing the Future Direction of the Russian Economy." Report, Center for Strategic Research, Moscow, Russia, December 2007.
- April 2010 (Revised January 2013)
- Case
California's Budget Crises, Tax Reform, and Domestic and International Tax Competition
By: Matthew C. Weinzierl and Jacob Kuipers
How do (and how should) governments design fiscal policies to compete in a globalized economy while meeting internal policy priorities including redistribution? In 2009, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger repeatedly declared fiscal emergencies as California's state budget... View Details
Keywords: Budgets and Budgeting; Economy; Globalization; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Policy; Taxation; Competition; California
Weinzierl, Matthew C., and Jacob Kuipers. "California's Budget Crises, Tax Reform, and Domestic and International Tax Competition." Harvard Business School Case 710-038, April 2010. (Revised January 2013.)
- December 2004 (Revised May 2005)
- Case
The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
By: David E. Bell and Hal Hogan
The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has a long, successful history at inventing solutions that help developing countries improve their agriculture. Their research centers are spread across the globe. For many years, they were funded by... View Details
Keywords: History; Adaptation; Investment; Research and Development; Agribusiness; Developing Countries and Economies; Innovation and Invention; Consulting Industry
Bell, David E., and Hal Hogan. "The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research." Harvard Business School Case 505-002, December 2004. (Revised May 2005.)
- March 1996 (Revised August 1997)
- Case
Recycling Problem: International Bank Lending in the 1970s
By: Huw Pill
Provides a brief overview of international bank lending to developing countries in the 1970s and its culmination in the Third-World debt crisis after 1982. View Details
Keywords: International Finance; Financing and Loans; Borrowing and Debt; Developing Countries and Economies; Financial Crisis; Banking Industry
Pill, Huw. "Recycling Problem: International Bank Lending in the 1970s." Harvard Business School Case 796-131, March 1996. (Revised August 1997.)
- 07 Sep 2007
- Working Paper Summaries
Diversification of Chinese Companies: An International Comparison
- 25 Jun 2009
- Working Paper Summaries
Why Do Countries Adopt International Financial Reporting Standards?
- Research Summary
Internalizing Global Value Chains: A Firm-Level Analysis
By: Laura Alfaro
In recent decades, advances in information and communication technology and falling trade barriers have led firms to retain within their boundaries and in their domestic economies only a subset of their production stages. A key decision facing firms worldwide is the... View Details
- April 2019
- Article
Internalizing Global Value Chains: A Firm-Level Analysis
By: Laura Alfaro, Pol Antràs, Davin Chor and Paola Conconi
In recent decades, advances in information and communication technology and falling trade barriers have led firms to retain within their boundaries and in their domestic economies only a subset of their production stages. A key decision facing firms worldwide is the... View Details
Keywords: Global Value Chains; Sequential Production; Incomplete Contracts; Demand and Consumers; Customer Value and Value Chain; Globalization
Alfaro, Laura, Pol Antràs, Davin Chor, and Paola Conconi. "Internalizing Global Value Chains: A Firm-Level Analysis." Journal of Political Economy 127, no. 2 (April 2019): 508–559. (See Online Appendix. Replications files available here. Also NBER Working Paper 21582.)