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- June 2018
- Article
Deviations from Covered Interest Rate Parity
By: Wenxin Du, Alexander Tepper and Adrien Verdelhan
We find that deviations from the covered interest rate parity (CIP) condition imply large, persistent, and systematic arbitrage opportunities in one of the largest asset markets in the world. Contrary to the common view, these deviations for major currencies are not... View Details
Du, Wenxin, Alexander Tepper, and Adrien Verdelhan. "Deviations from Covered Interest Rate Parity." Journal of Finance 73, no. 3 (June 2018): 915–957.
- 14 Dec 2017
- Working Paper Summaries
The Real Exchange Rate, Innovation and Productivity
- Article
Tariff Passthrough at the Border and at the Store: Evidence from U.S. Trade Policy
By: Alberto Cavallo, Gita Gopinath, Brent Neiman and Jenny Tang
We use micro data collected at the border and the store to characterize the price impact of recent US trade policy on importers, exporters, and consumers. At the border, import tariff passthrough is much higher than exchange rate passthrough. Chinese exporters did not... View Details
Keywords: Trade Policy; Tariffs; Exchange Rate Passthrough; Economics; Trade; Policy; Currency Exchange Rate; Price; United States
Cavallo, Alberto, Gita Gopinath, Brent Neiman, and Jenny Tang. "Tariff Passthrough at the Border and at the Store: Evidence from U.S. Trade Policy." American Economic Review: Insights 3, no. 1 (March 2021).
- 2010
- Chapter
The Euro as a Reserve Currency for Global Investors
By: Luis M. Viceira and Ricardo Gimeno
This article explores the demand for the euro for risk management purposes and the evidence of stock market integration in the euro area. We define a reserve currency as one that investors demand either because it helps them hedge real interest risk and inflation risk,... View Details
Keywords: Volatility; Inflation and Deflation; Capital Markets; Currency; Stocks; Financial Markets; Financing and Loans; Investment Return; Investment Portfolio; Risk Management
Viceira, Luis M., and Ricardo Gimeno. "The Euro as a Reserve Currency for Global Investors." Chap. 4 in Spain and the Euro. The First Ten Years, 149–178. Madrid, Spain: Banco de España, 2010.
- 02 Oct 2017
- What Do You Think?
Do Bitcoin and Digital Currency Have a Future?
ownership on computers located around the world using blockchain software. It can be used for currency speculation, with the value of a Bitcoin fluctuating at least as wildly on digital currency View Details
- January 2004 (Revised April 2011)
- Teaching Note
Farmington Industries,Inc.: Managing Currency Exposure Risk (TN)
By: David F. Hawkins and Jacob Cohen
Teaching Note to 104053. View Details
- April 2010
- Case
Groupe Ariel S.A.: Parity Conditions and Cross-Border Valuation
By: Timothy A. Luehrman and James Quinn
Groupe Ariel evaluates a proposal from its Mexican subsidiary to purchase and install cost-saving equipment at a manufacturing facility in Monterrey. The improvements will allow the plant to automate recycling and remanufacturing of toner and printer cartridges, an... View Details
Keywords: Exchange Rates; Securities Analysis; Project Evaluation; International Finance; Debt Securities; Currency Exchange Rate; Cash Flow; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Capital Budgeting; Europe; Mexico
Luehrman, Timothy A., and James Quinn. "Groupe Ariel S.A.: Parity Conditions and Cross-Border Valuation." Harvard Business School Brief Case 104-194, April 2010.
- 2023
- Working Paper
The International Price of Remote Work
By: Agostina Brinatti, Alberto Cavallo, Javier Cravino and Andres Drenik
We study how the price of remote work is determined in a globalized labor market using data from a large web-based job platform, where workers from around the world compete for remote jobs. Despite the global nature of the platform, we find that remote wages are higher... View Details
Keywords: Remote Work; Exchange Rates; Purchasing Power Parity; Offshoring And Outsourcing; Macroeconomics; Developing Countries and Economies; Wages; Trade; Globalization; Marketplace Matching; Currency Exchange Rate; Service Industry; Web Services Industry; Technology Industry
Brinatti, Agostina, Alberto Cavallo, Javier Cravino, and Andres Drenik. "The International Price of Remote Work." NBER Working Paper Series, No. 29437, October 2021. (Revised November 2022.)
- March 2005 (Revised January 2006)
- Case
Foreign Exchange Hedging Strategies at General Motors: Transactional and Translational Exposures
By: Mihir A. Desai and Mark Veblen
How should a multinational firm manage foreign exchange exposures? Examines transactional and translational exposures and alternative responses to these exposures by analyzing two specific hedging decisions by General Motors. Describes General Motors' corporate hedging... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Currency Exchange Rate; Expansion; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; Financial Management; Investment Funds; Risk and Uncertainty; International Finance; Auto Industry
Desai, Mihir A., and Mark Veblen. "Foreign Exchange Hedging Strategies at General Motors: Transactional and Translational Exposures." Harvard Business School Case 205-095, March 2005. (Revised January 2006.)
- March 2005 (Revised March 2006)
- Case
Foreign Exchange Hedging Strategies at General Motors: Competitive Exposures
By: Mihir A. Desai and Mark Veblen
How can a multinational firm analyze and manage currency risks that arise from competitive exposures? General Motors has a substantial competitive exposure to the Japanese yen. Although the risks GM faces from the depreciating yen are widely acknowledged, the company's... View Details
Keywords: Multinational Firms and Management; Currency Exchange Rate; Competition; Credit Derivatives and Swaps; International Finance; Financial Management; Investment Funds; Risk and Uncertainty; Auto Industry
Desai, Mihir A., and Mark Veblen. "Foreign Exchange Hedging Strategies at General Motors: Competitive Exposures." Harvard Business School Case 205-096, March 2005. (Revised March 2006.)
- October 2005
- Teaching Note
Foreign Exchange Markets and Transactions (TN)
By: Mihir A. Desai and Kathleen Luchs
Keywords: Currency Exchange Rate
- Research Summary
The Real Exchange Rate, Innovation and Productivity
By: Laura Alfaro
We evaluate manufacturing firms' responses to changes in the real exchange rate (RER) using detailed firm-level data for a large set of countries for the period 2001-2010. We uncover the following stylized facts about regional variation of manufacturing firms'... View Details
- 1987
- Working Paper
Tests of Excess Forecast Volatility in the Foreign Exchange and Stock Markets
By: K. A. Froot
Simple regression tests that have power against the alternatives that asset prices and expected future asset returns are excessively volatile are developed and performed for the foreign exchange and stock markets. These tests have a number of advantages over... View Details
- 31 Aug 2009
- Research & Ideas
Why Competition May Not Improve Credit Rating Agencies
The largest issue is how to assign ratings tasks to firms. There are currently 10 nationally recognized statistical ratings organizations (NRSROs), which is the classification used by the Securities and... View Details
- January – March 2012
- Article
Bond Risk, Bond Return Volatility, and the Term Structure of Interest Rates
By: Luis M. Viceira
This paper explores time variation in bond risk, as measured by the covariation of bond returns with stock returns and with consumption growth, and in the volatility of bond returns. A robust stylized fact in empirical finance is that the spread between the yield on... View Details
Keywords: Bonds; Volatility; Forecasting and Prediction; Interest Rates; Inflation and Deflation; Investment Return; Risk and Uncertainty; Currency Exchange Rate; Cash Flow; Stocks
Viceira, Luis M. "Bond Risk, Bond Return Volatility, and the Term Structure of Interest Rates." International Journal of Forecasting 28, no. 1 (January–March 2012): 97–117.
- October 2013
- Teaching Note
Switzerland: Foreign Pressure and Direct Democracy
By: Julio J. Rotemberg
- August 1995 (Revised October 1996)
- Case
Futures on the Mexican Peso
By: Kenneth A. Froot, Matthew McBrady and Mark Seasholes
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange needs to decide how to design, and whether and when to introduce, a futures contract on the Mexican peso. View Details
Keywords: Exchange Rates; Money Markets; Futures Market; Country Analysis; International Finance; Financial Markets; Futures and Commodity Futures; Financial Services Industry; Chicago; Mexico
Froot, Kenneth A., Matthew McBrady, and Mark Seasholes. "Futures on the Mexican Peso." Harvard Business School Case 296-004, August 1995. (Revised October 1996.)
- January 1996 (Revised December 1999)
- Case
1994-95 Mexican Peso Crisis, The
By: Kenneth A. Froot and Matthew McBrady
Explores the peso crisis of 1994-95 and why it occurred. Students must examine Mexico's policies, the capital market's reactions, and the implications of devaluation for future capital flows and growth. View Details
Keywords: Exchange Rates; International Capital Markets; Devaluation; Currency Exchange Rate; Financial Markets; International Finance; Capital; Mexico
Froot, Kenneth A., and Matthew McBrady. "1994-95 Mexican Peso Crisis, The." Harvard Business School Case 296-056, January 1996. (Revised December 1999.)
- June 1998
- Article
The Politics of Monetary Leadership and Followership: Stability in the European Monetary System Since the Currency Crisis of 1992
By: Rawi Abdelal
Despite widespread scepticism, there is a fundamental continuity in the stability of the European Monetary System (EMS) before and after the 1992 crisis. Although speculative pressures provoked European leaders to widen the fluctuation bands of the Exchange Rate... View Details
Abdelal, Rawi. "The Politics of Monetary Leadership and Followership: Stability in the European Monetary System Since the Currency Crisis of 1992." Political Studies 46, no. 2 (June 1998): 236–259. (Winner of Harrison Prize Awarded each year for the best article published by Political Studies in that volume.)
- April 2010
- Teaching Note
Groupe Ariel S.A.: Parity Conditions and Cross-Border Valuation (Brief Case)
By: Timothy A. Luehrman and James Quinn
Teaching Note for 4194 View Details