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- October 2001 (Revised November 2002)
- Case
Herman Miller (A): Innovation by Design
By: Sandra J. Sucher and Stacy McManus
Gary Van Spronsen, president of Miller SQA, has been asked to leave the thriving subsidiary he helped to reinvent to join Herman Miller's corporate initiative on innovation. Miller SQA has pioneered processes new to the Herman Miller organization, such as... View Details
Keywords: Innovation and Invention; Product Design; Product Development; Supply Chain Management; Business Model; Organizations; Values and Beliefs; Manufacturing Industry; Consumer Products Industry
Sucher, Sandra J., and Stacy McManus. "Herman Miller (A): Innovation by Design." Harvard Business School Case 602-023, October 2001. (Revised November 2002.)
- June 2008
- Article
The Market for Mergers and the Boundaries of the Firm
By: Matthew Rhodes-Kropf and David Robinson
We relate the property rights theory of the firm to empirical regularities in the market for mergers and acquisitions. We first show that high market-to-book acquirers typically do not purchase low market-to-book targets. Instead, mergers pair together firms with... View Details
Rhodes-Kropf, Matthew, and David Robinson. "The Market for Mergers and the Boundaries of the Firm." Journal of Finance 63, no. 3 (June 2008): 1169–1211.
- January 2002 (Revised May 2003)
- Case
By: Richard G. Hamermesh, Michael J. Roberts and Taslim Pirmohamed
Describes an "application software" company that has been through several evolutions--from consulting firm to applications service provider (ASP). The firm has received significant venture funding to pursue the ASP model but this has not worked, at least at the time... View Details
Keywords: History; Business Model; Venture Capital; Cash Flow; Decision Choices and Conditions; Balanced Scorecard; Information Technology Industry; Service Industry
Hamermesh, Richard G., Michael J. Roberts, and Taslim Pirmohamed. "ProfitLogic." Harvard Business School Case 802-110, January 2002. (Revised May 2003.)
- February 2006 (Revised September 2006)
- Case
Sippican Corporation (A)
By: Robert S. Kaplan
Presents a time-driven version of the Wilkerson Co. activity-based costing case (101092). Faced with declining profits, Sippican Corp. is struggling to understand why it is encountering severe price competition on one product line. The controller collects data that... View Details
Keywords: History; Business Model; Strategic Planning; Cost Accounting; Motivation and Incentives; Resource Allocation; Activity Based Costing and Management; Profit; Business Strategy; Budgets and Budgeting
Kaplan, Robert S. "Sippican Corporation (A)." Harvard Business School Case 106-058, February 2006. (Revised September 2006.)
- April 2023 (Revised September 2023)
- Case
Levels: The Remote, Asynchronous, Deep Work Management System
By: Joseph B. Fuller and George Gonzalez
Levels is a highly innovative startup in the health care space. They intend to revolutionize health by linking behavior—eating, exercise, sleeping, etc.—to changes in metabolism. They believe metabolic health can be managed through careful monitoring of changes in... View Details
Keywords: Applications and Software; Business Startups; Organizational Culture; Management Style; Technology Industry; United States
Fuller, Joseph B., and George Gonzalez. "Levels: The Remote, Asynchronous, Deep Work Management System." Harvard Business School Case 323-069, April 2023. (Revised September 2023.)
- March 2011 (Revised December 2012)
- Case
Demand Media
By: John Deighton and Leora Kornfeld
Google search had helped Demand Media grow to be a $1.9 billion online publisher. Then, social media and smartphone apps began to change the way people navigated the Internet. How should Demand Media respond? The business ran on a radically new model in which a stable... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Information Publishing; Consumer Behavior; Customization and Personalization; Internet and the Web; Publishing Industry
Deighton, John, and Leora Kornfeld. "Demand Media." Harvard Business School Case 511-043, March 2011. (Revised December 2012.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- October 2023
- Case
Hey Jane: Delivering Abortion Pills to the Doorstep
By: Rembrand Koning, Geraldine Pena-Galea and Sarah Mehta
This case tells the story of Hey Jane, a telehealth clinic founded in 2020 that provides virtual medication abortion services to eligible patients in nine U.S. states. By January 2023, the company had served more than 20,000 patients and raised nearly $10 million in... View Details
Keywords: Operations; Business Startups; Health Care and Treatment; Growth and Development Strategy; Health Industry; Technology Industry; United States
Koning, Rembrand, Geraldine Pena-Galea, and Sarah Mehta. "Hey Jane: Delivering Abortion Pills to the Doorstep." Harvard Business School Case 724-408, October 2023.
- October 2019
- Case
Agility Africa
By: Juan Alcacer, Caroline M. Elkins and Esel Çekin
This case illustrates the challenge and opportunities that firms face when developing and executing new business models in high-risk, low-infrastructure, low-trust countries. It features a global logistics group, Agility, that aimed to become the leader in supplying... View Details
Keywords: Strategy; Business Model; Innovation and Invention; Expansion; Emerging Markets; Decision Choices and Conditions; Real Estate Industry; Distribution Industry; Africa
Alcacer, Juan, Caroline M. Elkins, and Esel Çekin. "Agility Africa." Harvard Business School Case 720-357, October 2019.
- June 2013
- Supplement
Multiasistencia: Redefining the Relationship with its Service Professionals. Spreadsheet Supplement
By: Francisco de Asis Martinez-Jerez
Multiasistencia, a major Spanish BPO of insurance repairs, is changing the relational contract with its service profesionals from a referral model to a guaranteed workload one. View Details
- 08 Aug 2006
- First Look
First Look: August 8, 2006
personal data industry, must reexamine the company's business model after a serious breach of data security affecting some 145,000 U.S. citizens. He must decide on steps to strengthen data protection in the... View Details
Keywords: Sean Silverthorne
- July 2016
- Technical Note
Net Neutrality: A Managerial Perspective
By: Shane Greenstein and Christine Snively
The net neutrality debate had implications for Internet service providers, content providers, and end users. This note aims to inform the reader of the various sides of the debate where open issues remain, as well as what aspects an entrepreneur, investor, or content... View Details
Keywords: Net Neutrality; Information Technology; Internet and the Web; Information Infrastructure; Technology Industry
Greenstein, Shane, and Christine Snively. "Net Neutrality: A Managerial Perspective." Harvard Business School Technical Note 617-006, July 2016.
- September 2016
- Case
Partners Group: Ain't No Mountain High Enough
By: Nori Gerardo Lietz and Ricardo Andrade
Partners Group (PG), a Swiss-based PE manager, initiated a series of strategic shifts and evolved from a predominately fund-of-funds manager into a large, multi-asset class PE firm focused on direct investments. PG was the first PE firm to go public in 2006. A number... View Details
Lietz, Nori Gerardo, and Ricardo Andrade. "Partners Group: Ain't No Mountain High Enough." Harvard Business School Case 217-035, September 2016.
- February 2024 (Revised September 2024)
- Case
By: Emanuele Colonnelli, Raymond Kluender and Shai Benjamin Bernstein
TimeCredit is an artificial intelligence (AI) startup that is developing large language models (LLMs) to generate accounting memos. The case follows Ndonga Sagnia, a Gambian Harvard Business School MBA student with an accounting background, as she decides how much... View Details
Keywords: Accounting; Business Startups; Entrepreneurship; Financing and Loans; AI and Machine Learning; Entrepreneurial Finance; Identity; Technology Industry
Colonnelli, Emanuele, Raymond Kluender, and Shai Benjamin Bernstein. "TimeCredit." Harvard Business School Case 824-139, February 2024. (Revised September 2024.)
- May 2007 (Revised September 2008)
- Case
Biocon Limited
By: Krishna G. Palepu and Ananth Chepuri
Biocon Limited was facing significant pricing pressure in their cash cow business, that primarily consisted of manufacturing Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs). To combat this commoditization, Biocon's leadership had chosen an innovation-led strategy. This new... View Details
Keywords: Globalized Firms and Management; Innovation and Management; Leading Change; Growth and Development Strategy; Risk Management; Organizational Change and Adaptation; Biotechnology Industry; India
Palepu, Krishna G., and Ananth Chepuri. "Biocon Limited." Harvard Business School Case 107-083, May 2007. (Revised September 2008.)
- 2011
- Chapter
El Sector Privado y las Responsabilidades Públicas: El Rol de las Soluciones Comerciales en la Temática Social
By: Michael Chu
In today's world, certain goods and services are considered so basic that, regardless of culture, they are accepted as public responsibilities. However, for the low-income populations in developing countries, which constitute the majority of the world, access to these... View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Developing Countries and Economies; Private Sector; Public Sector; Management Practices and Processes; Human Needs; Poverty; Commercialization
Chu, Michael. "El Sector Privado y las Responsabilidades Públicas: El Rol de las Soluciones Comerciales en la Temática Social." Chap. 1 in Negocios inclusivos y empleo en la base de la piramide. Estudios Internacionales. Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2011, Spanish ed.
- August 2018 (Revised February 2023)
- Case
Hubble Contact Lenses: Data Driven Direct-to-Consumer Marketing
By: Jill Avery and Ayelet Israeli
As its Series A extension round approaches, the founders of Hubble, a subscription-based, social-media fueled, direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand of contact lenses, are reflecting on the marketing strategies that have taken them to a valuation of $200 million and debating... View Details
Keywords: DTC; Direct To Consumer Marketing; Health Care; Mobile; Attribution; Experimentation; Experiments; Churn/retention; Customer Lifetime Value; Internet Marketing; Big Data; Analytics; A/B Testing; CRM; Advertising; Marketing; Marketing Channels; Marketing Strategy; Media; Brands and Branding; Marketing Communications; Digital Marketing; Consumer Behavior; Acquisition; Growth and Development Strategy; Customer Focus and Relationships; Social Media; E-commerce; Analytics and Data Science; Health Industry; Consumer Products Industry; United States; North America; Europe
Avery, Jill, and Ayelet Israeli. "Hubble Contact Lenses: Data Driven Direct-to-Consumer Marketing." Harvard Business School Case 519-011, August 2018. (Revised February 2023.)
- September 2012 (Revised January 2013)
- Case
J.C. Penney's 'Fair and Square' Pricing Strategy
By: Elie Ofek and Jill Avery
As a he gets ready to release 2nd quarter 2012 results, Ron Johnson, the new CEO of department store J.C. Penney, is reconsidering the dramatic changes he initiated for the business model and brand image of his company. A new pricing scheme he put in place in February,... View Details
Keywords: Change Management; Consumer Behavior; Management Teams; Business Model; Marketing Strategy; Price; Brands and Branding; Decision Making; Retail Industry; United States
Ofek, Elie, and Jill Avery. "J.C. Penney's 'Fair and Square' Pricing Strategy." Harvard Business School Case 513-036, September 2012. (Revised January 2013.)
- 2016
- Working Paper
Markets for Ideas: Prize Structure, Entry Limits, and the Design of Ideation Contests
By: Pavel Kireyev
Contests are a popular mechanism for the procurement of innovation. In marketing, design, and other creative industries, firms use freelance marketplaces to organize contests and obtain high-quality ideas for ads, new products, and even business strategies from... View Details
Keywords: Idea Generation; Crowdsourcing; Contest Design; Structural Estimation; Motivation and Incentives; Competition; Innovation and Invention
Kireyev, Pavel. "Markets for Ideas: Prize Structure, Entry Limits, and the Design of Ideation Contests." Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 16-129, May 2016.
- 2018
- Chapter
New Prospects for Organizational Democracy?: How the Joint Pursuit of Social and Financial Goals Challenges Traditional Organizational Designs
By: Julie Battilana, Michael Fuerstein and Michael Lee
For an extended period during the first half of the 20th century, industrial democracy was a vibrant movement, with ideological and organizational ties to a thriving unionism. In 2015, however, things look different. While there are instances of democracy in the... View Details
Battilana, Julie, Michael Fuerstein, and Michael Lee. "New Prospects for Organizational Democracy? How the Joint Pursuit of Social and Financial Goals Challenges Traditional Organizational Designs." In Capitalism Beyond Mutuality? Perspectives Integrating Philosophy and Social Science, edited by Subramanian Rangan, 256–288. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- September 2018 (Revised August 2021)
- Teaching Note
Blackstone at Age 30 and Blackstone at 35
By: Josh Lerner
This teaching note is meant to guide in the instruction of HBS No. 316-013 "Blackstone at 30" case. It examines the process of institutionalization and scaling in private equity and alternative investments more generally, looking specifically at how Blackstone's size... View Details