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- Faculty Publications (976)
- August 2001 (Revised April 2002)
- Case
Strategic Capital Management, LLC (A)
By: Mark L. Mitchell, Erik Stafford and Todd Pulvino
Strategic Capital Management, LLC, is a hedge fund that is planning to make financial investments in Creative Computers and Ubid. Creative Computers recently sold approximately 20% of its Internet auction subsidiary, Ubid, to the public at $15 per share. Ubid's stock... View Details
Keywords: Risk and Uncertainty; Business Subsidiaries; Internet and the Web; Investment Funds; Price; Performance Efficiency; Capital Markets; Auctions; Investment Return; Equity; Planning; Financial Services Industry
Mitchell, Mark L., Erik Stafford, and Todd Pulvino. "Strategic Capital Management, LLC (A)." Harvard Business School Case 202-024, August 2001. (Revised April 2002.)
- June 2001
- Case
Documents attempts to restructure a public-private partnership between the operator of a $200 million trash-to-energy cogeneration plant and a consortium of two dozen Massachusetts municipalities. Describes the process that led to a one-sided agreement, as well as the... View Details
Keywords: Private Sector; Public Sector; Energy Generation; Corporate Governance; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Negotiation Deal; Negotiation Process; Partners and Partnerships; Wastes and Waste Processing; Energy Industry; Massachusetts
Wheeler, Michael A. "NESWC (A)." Harvard Business School Case 801-067, June 2001.
- May 2001 (Revised June 2010)
- Case
Many in the nonprofit sector doubt whether organizational performance can be measured. Jumpstart, a 10-year-old nonprofit, developed performance measurement and management systems from its inception. The organization has experienced explosive growth and attributes a... View Details
Keywords: Management Systems; Measurement and Metrics; Organizational Culture; Performance Improvement; Nonprofit Organizations
Grossman, Allen S. "Jumpstart." Harvard Business School Case 301-037, May 2001. (Revised June 2010.)
- April 2001 (Revised November 2001)
- Case
By: Alan D. MacCormack and Kerry Herman
Richard Owen, CEO of AvantGo, is preparing for a meeting in which he will set the human resource policy for the firm going forward. It has been three months since the company's IPO, and given the tremendous cramp in hiring over the six months prior to the IPO, he knows... View Details
Keywords: Initial Public Offering; Management Teams; Selection and Staffing; Retention; Growth and Development Strategy; Performance Evaluation; Information Technology; Decisions; Information Technology Industry; Service Industry; United States
MacCormack, Alan D., and Kerry Herman. "AvantGo." Harvard Business School Case 601-095, April 2001. (Revised November 2001.)
- February 2001 (Revised March 2003)
- Case
By: Bharat N. Anand, Nitin Nohria and John Pegg
ICICI was the first Indian company to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. This case is set in 1998, when the company had to decide whether to enter the retail credit segment of the Indian financial market. Although the retail credit sector presents attractive... View Details
Keywords: Growth and Development Strategy; Diversification; Expansion; Strategic Planning; Competition; Competitive Strategy; Growth Management; Markets; Banking Industry; Financial Services Industry; India
Anand, Bharat N., Nitin Nohria, and John Pegg. "ICICI (A)." Harvard Business School Case 701-064, February 2001. (Revised March 2003.)
- February 2001 (Revised December 2010)
- Case
Kenan Systems
By: Joseph L. Bower, James Weber and Sonja Ellingson Hout
Kenan Sahin has built a very successful company using a unique business model and a unique organization and culture. Success has brought important risks, but logical options such as sale, partnering, or going public threaten the culture and hence the business. View Details
Keywords: Business Model; Innovation and Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Risk Management; Organizational Culture
Bower, Joseph L., James Weber, and Sonja Ellingson Hout. "Kenan Systems." Harvard Business School Case 301-101, February 2001. (Revised December 2010.)
- January 2001
- Case
Merck Global Health Initiatives (A)
By: James E. Austin, Diana Barrett and James Weber
The case series focuses on Merck's drug donation program and then raises new issues facing management about what to do about HIV/AIDS in Africa given the company's development of a new therapy. Describes collaboration among many parties including the Gates Foundation,... View Details
Keywords: Programs; Philanthropy and Charitable Giving; Health Disorders; Health Care and Treatment; Private Sector; Public Sector; Alliances; Problems and Challenges; Pharmaceutical Industry; Botswana
Austin, James E., Diana Barrett, and James Weber. "Merck Global Health Initiatives (A)." Harvard Business School Case 301-088, January 2001.
- January 2001
- Case
Merck Global Health Initiatives (B): Botswana
By: James E. Austin, Diana Barrett and James Weber
The case series focuses on Merck's drug donation program and then raises new issues facing management about what to do about HIV/AIDS in Africa given the company's development of a new therapy. Describes collaboration among many parties including the Gates Foundation,... View Details
Keywords: Health Disorders; Health Care and Treatment; Private Sector; Public Sector; Alliances; Problems and Challenges; Africa; Botswana
Austin, James E., Diana Barrett, and James Weber. "Merck Global Health Initiatives (B): Botswana." Harvard Business School Case 301-089, January 2001.
- January 2001 (Revised May 2001)
- Case
Russia: The End of a Time of Troubles?
By: Rawi E. Abdelal
Describes Russia's troubled economic transition since 1991, highlights the problem of institutional development, and surveys the challenges President Vladimir Putin faced in 2000. The first section provides a brief synopsis of liberalization, stabilization, and... View Details
Keywords: Transition; Public Sector; Privatization; Economy; Developing Countries and Economies; Government and Politics; Business and Government Relations; Russia
Abdelal, Rawi E. "Russia: The End of a Time of Troubles?" Harvard Business School Case 701-076, January 2001. (Revised May 2001.)
- January 2001 (Revised May 2001)
- Background Note
State, The
By: Rawi E. Abdelal
Surveys approaches to understanding the state; highlights the relationships between the state, order, and property; and offers an analytical framework for how states vary from place to place and over time. View Details
Keywords: Business and Government Relations; Governance Compliance; Framework; Economic Sectors; Policy; Private Ownership; Public Ownership; Entrepreneurship; Development Economics; Equality and Inequality
Abdelal, Rawi E. "State, The." Harvard Business School Background Note 701-077, January 2001. (Revised May 2001.)
- 2001
- Chapter
Publicly Funded Science and the Productivity of the Pharmaceutical Industry
By: Rebecca Henderson and Ian Cockburn
U.S. taxpayers funded $14.8 billion of health related research last year, four times the amount that was spent in 1970 in real terms. In this paper we evaluate the impact of these huge expenditures on the technological performance of the pharmaceutical industry. While... View Details
Keywords: Public Sector; Science-Based Business; Research and Development; Sovereign Finance; Pharmaceutical Industry
Henderson, Rebecca, and Ian Cockburn. "Publicly Funded Science and the Productivity of the Pharmaceutical Industry." In Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 1, edited by Adam B. Jaffe, Josh Lerner, and Scott Stern, 1–34. MIT Press, 2001.
- December 2000 (Revised January 2001)
- Background Note
Promise of Functional Foods, The
By: Ray A. Goldberg, Carin-Isabel Knoop and Laure Mougeot Stroock
This case presents a definition of functional foods or nutraceuticals (food or food ingredients that could provide a health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients they contain), a description of some of the major obstacles to their commercialization and... View Details
Keywords: Food; Private Sector; Public Sector; Health; Product Development; Production; Commercialization; Food and Beverage Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry
Goldberg, Ray A., Carin-Isabel Knoop, and Laure Mougeot Stroock. "Promise of Functional Foods, The." Harvard Business School Background Note 901-013, December 2000. (Revised January 2001.)
- July 2000 (Revised April 2001)
- Case
Agricultural Biotechnology and its Regulation
In the United States, genetically modified corn and soybeans are now widely grown and consumed. In Europe, however, they have been dubbed "Frankenstein foods," shunned by packaged food manufacturers, and subjected to a host of governmental restrictions. This case... View Details
Keywords: Agribusiness; Genetics; Governing Rules, Regulations, and Reforms; Corporate Strategy; Trade; Law; Goods and Commodities; Safety; Environmental Sustainability; Government and Politics; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Biotechnology Industry; Europe; United States
Reinhardt, Forest L. "Agricultural Biotechnology and its Regulation." Harvard Business School Case 701-004, July 2000. (Revised April 2001.)
- April 2000 (Revised September 2001)
- Case
Peppers and Rogers Group, The
By: John A. Deighton
Can two successful authors build a scalable consulting practice based on their unique view of customer relationship management (CRM)? Should they emphasize strategy or execution? The case describes how Peppers and Rogers grew from two people earning speaker fees to a... View Details
Keywords: Customer Relationship Management; Growth and Development; Information Publishing; Going Public; Strategy; Competition; Internet; Consulting Industry
Deighton, John A. "Peppers and Rogers Group, The." Harvard Business School Case 500-096, April 2000. (Revised September 2001.) (request a courtesy copy.)
- February 2000 (Revised October 2000)
- Case
Kendle International Inc.
By: Dwight B. Crane, Paul W. Marshall and Indra Reinbergs
Candace Kendle and Christopher Bergen, the CEO and COO of Kendle International, Inc., are reviewing ways to finance the growth of their privately-owned company. Kendle is a contract research organization that conducts clinical drug trials for pharmaceutical and... View Details
Keywords: Acquisition; Financing and Loans; Venture Capital; Stock Options; Banks and Banking; Debt Securities; International Finance; Financial Strategy; Management Skills; Private Ownership; Initial Public Offering; Biotechnology Industry; Pharmaceutical Industry
Crane, Dwight B., Paul W. Marshall, and Indra Reinbergs. "Kendle International Inc." Harvard Business School Case 200-033, February 2000. (Revised October 2000.)
- February 2000 (Revised October 2000)
- Case
Open Market, Inc.: The E-Commerce Wars
By: James I. Cash Jr., Janis Lee Gogan, Michael Haselkorn and Mani Subramani
Continues the story of Open Market, Inc., a company founded in 1994 to support electronic commerce on the Internet. Despite a very successful initial public offering, the firm had reached a growth plateau, and the management team was considering several strategic... View Details
Keywords: Entrepreneurship; Technological Innovation; Management; Growth and Development Strategy; Marketing Channels; Product Marketing; Product Development; Competitive Strategy; Corporate Strategy; Information Technology Industry; Web Services Industry
Cash, James I., Jr., Janis Lee Gogan, Michael Haselkorn, and Mani Subramani. "Open Market, Inc.: The E-Commerce Wars." Harvard Business School Case 800-255, February 2000. (Revised October 2000.)
- January 2000 (Revised April 2000)
- Case
StarMedia: Launching a Latin American Revolution
By: Thomas R. Eisenmann and Jon K Rust
By the fall of 1999, StarMedia had sprinted to a sizable lead in the race to acquire Latin American Internet users. Its pan-regional, horizontal portal was the first to target Spanish- and Portuguese-language speakers on the Internet, registering 1.2 billion page views... View Details
Keywords: Private Ownership; History; Risk Management; Business Cycles; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Infrastructure; Media; Emerging Markets; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Web; Information Technology Industry; Web Services Industry
Eisenmann, Thomas R., and Jon K Rust. "StarMedia: Launching a Latin American Revolution." Harvard Business School Case 800-166, January 2000. (Revised April 2000.)
- 1999
- Other Unpublished Work
Executive Ownership and Control in Newly Public Firms: The Role of Venture Capitalists
By: Malcolm Baker and Paul Gompers
We study the implications of CEO equity ownership for incentives and control in a sample of 1,011 newly public firms. Before an initial public offering, equity investments by venture capitalists reduce CEO ownership by about half, from an average of 35 percent to 19... View Details
Keywords: Equity; Ownership; Motivation and Incentives; Initial Public Offering; Investment; Venture Capital; Managerial Roles; Cost Management; Governance Controls; Executive Compensation
Baker, Malcolm, and Paul Gompers. "Executive Ownership and Control in Newly Public Firms: The Role of Venture Capitalists." November 1999. (First draft in 1998.)