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- All HBS Web
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- January 2015
- Case
Cresud and Argentina
By: David E. Bell and Mary Shelman
Argentina-based Cresud managed 1 million hectares (2.5 million acres) of land in South America. For 20 years, the publicly traded company's strategy had been to acquire underutilized properties and turn them into productive farmland for cattle and crops. In 2014,... View Details
Keywords: Argentina; Farmland Ownership; Farming; Government Agricultural Policy; Agribusiness; Agriculture and Agribusiness Industry; Argentina; South America
Bell, David E., and Mary Shelman. "Cresud and Argentina." Harvard Business School Case 515-043, January 2015.
- January 2015
- Article
Are Incentives Without Expertise Sufficient? Evidence from Fortune 500 Firms
By: Emilie R. Feldman and Cynthia A. Montgomery
Agency theory predicts that incentives will align agents' interests with those of principals. However, the resource-based view suggests that to be effective, the incentive to deliver must be paired with the ability to deliver. Using Fortune 500 boards as an... View Details
Keywords: Board Of Directors; Corporate Governance; Incentives; Expertise; Motivation and Incentives; Governing and Advisory Boards; Experience and Expertise; Agency Theory
Feldman, Emilie R., and Cynthia A. Montgomery. "Are Incentives Without Expertise Sufficient? Evidence from Fortune 500 Firms." Strategic Management Journal 36, no. 1 (January 2015): 113–122.
- November 2014
- Teaching Note
Marketing Marijuana in Colorado
By: John A. Quelch
The case, set in the middle of 2014, reviews the first six months of marketplace activity in Colorado, following the legalization of marijuana for recreational use and the expansion of marijuana retailing from medical dispensaries to recreational stores. The case... View Details
Keywords: Marketing Innovations; Retail Government Services; Public Health; Agribusiness; Customers; Goods and Commodities; Government and Politics; Health; Marketing; Society; Consumer Products Industry; Distribution Industry; Health Industry; Public Administration Industry; North and Central America
- February 2017 (Revised March 2017)
- Case
By: Siddharth Yog
Publicly listed in November 2005, Link REIT was the first real estate investment trust (REIT) in Hong Kong after the Hong Kong government decided to privatize a portfolio of community shopping malls, car parks, and fresh produce markets. Run by CEO George Hongchoy, the... View Details
Keywords: Hong Kong; REIT; Real Estate; Retail; Government; China; Housing; Public Company; Strategic Planning; Expansion; Public Equity; Real Estate Industry; Hong Kong; China
Yog, Siddharth. "Link REIT." Harvard Business School Case 217-056, February 2017. (Revised March 2017.)
- 2022
- Article
The Effects of Public and Private Equity Markets on Firm Behavior
By: Shai Bernstein
In this article, I review the theoretical and empirical literature on the effects of public and private equity markets on firm behavior, emphasizing the consequences that emerge from disclosure requirements, ownership concentration, and degree of firm standardization.... View Details
Keywords: Corporate Finance And Governance; Financing Policy; Commercialization; Capital Markets; Private Equity; Public Equity; Venture Capital; Innovation and Invention; Cost of Capital
Bernstein, Shai. "The Effects of Public and Private Equity Markets on Firm Behavior." Annual Review of Financial Economics 14 (2022): 295–318.
- January 2022
- Teaching Note
'Why I Blew the Whistle': Mauro Botta v. PwC
By: Aiyesha Dey and Jonas Heese
Teaching Note for HBS Case No. 122-005. View Details
- July 2016 (Revised July 2019)
- Teaching Plan
Doctor My Eyes: The Acquisition of Bausch & Lomb by Warburg Pincus (A)
By: Nori Gerardo Lietz and Ricardo Andrade
In early 2010, senior partners at Warburg Pincus met to review a report on Bausch & Lomb Incorporated, the firm's largest investment at the time. Warburg Pincus had led a group of investors in acquiring Bauch & Lomb on October 26, 2007, taking the company private and... View Details
- 2021
- Working Paper
The Changing Role of Business in Society
Business interaction with the U.S. government, historically based on securing industry or company special interests at the expense of the public good, has enabled and furthered government dysfunction. Gridlock within the American political system has precluded the... View Details
Keywords: Politics; Shared Value; Social Progress Index; Competitiveness; Walmart; BlackRock; ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Performance; ESG; Transparency; Campaign Contributions; Campaign Finance; Lobbying; Revolving Door; Political Ideology; Political Parties; Political Partisanship; Government And Business; Government Innovation; Elections; Democracy; Capitalism; Stakeholder Capitalism; Shareholder Engagement; Competition; Strategy; Government and Politics; Society; Social Issues; Human Needs; Wealth and Poverty; Business and Community Relations; Business and Government Relations; Corporate Accountability; Financial Services Industry; Banking Industry; United States
Porter, Michael E. "The Changing Role of Business in Society." Working Paper, July 2021.
- July 2012
- Case
Transatlantic Holdings, Inc. - The Belle of the Ball
By: Clayton S. Rose and Aldo Sesia
In November of 2011 Transatlantic Holdings, Inc., a global property and casualty reinsurance company, announced it had agreed to sell itself to Alleghany Corporation, ending "the most frenzied takeover battle" of 2011, which involved competitors, Warren Buffett's... View Details
Keywords: Mergers & Acquisitions; Finance; Insurance And Reinsurance; Governance; Insurance; Mergers and Acquisitions; Strategy; Valuation; Financial Services Industry; Insurance Industry; United States; Bermuda; Switzerland
Rose, Clayton S., and Aldo Sesia. "Transatlantic Holdings, Inc. - The Belle of the Ball." Harvard Business School Case 313-017, July 2012.
- September 2014 (Revised February 2015)
- Case
Pfizer and AstraZeneca: Marketing an Acquisition (A)
By: John A. Quelch and James Weber
In 2014, Pfizer proposed a friendly acquisition of AstraZeneca, but the AstraZeneca board resisted over price and strategy concerns. Was this good for pharmaceutical consumers? Pfizer, like pharmaceutical companies in general, faced difficulties in growing sales due to... View Details
Keywords: Health Care Policy; Mergers And Acquisitions; Marketing; Government Relations; Crisis Management; Decision Making; Growth and Development; Management; Markets; Strategy; Pharmaceutical Industry; United Kingdom; United States
Quelch, John A., and James Weber. "Pfizer and AstraZeneca: Marketing an Acquisition (A)." Harvard Business School Case 515-007, September 2014. (Revised February 2015.)
- 16 Dec 2014
- News
Why Top-Down Management Doesn’t Work in the Fight Against Ebola
Keywords: management; ebola; government; leadership; teaming; collaboration; crises; Government; Government; Government; Government
- Summer 2019
- Article
The Political Influence of Voters' Interests on SEC Enforcement
By: Jonas Heese
I examine whether political influence as a response to voters’ interest in employment levels is reflected in the enforcement actions of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). I find that large employers are less likely to experience SEC enforcement actions.... View Details
Keywords: SEC Enforcement; Government Preferences; Voters' Interests; Political Influence; Employment; Public Opinion; Government Administration; Governance Compliance; Political Elections
Heese, Jonas. "The Political Influence of Voters' Interests on SEC Enforcement." Contemporary Accounting Research 36, no. 2 (Summer 2019): 869–903.
- Teaching Interest
By: Suraj Srinivasan
Professor Srinivasan serves as the Course Head for the required MBA course Financial Reporting and Control. He has previously taught the second year MBA elective Business Analysis and Valuation Using Financial Statements and teaches the executive education version... View Details
- February 2015
- Supplement
The Affordable Care Act (J):
By: Joseph L. Bower and Michael Norris
In the fall of 2013, launches as an insurance exchange for consumers to buy health insurance. The launch is filled with glitches, and some worry if it will imperil the fate of the entire ACA. View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Health Care Policy; Government And Politics; Health; Policy; Health Industry; United States
Bower, Joseph L., and Michael Norris. "The Affordable Care Act (J):" Harvard Business School Supplement 315-041, February 2015.
- February 2015
- Supplement
The Affordable Care Act (I): The Supreme Court
By: Joseph L. Bower and Michael Norris
In the spring of 2012, the Supreme Court hears arguments and releases its decision on the constitutionality of the ACA. View Details
Keywords: Health Care; Health Care Policy; Government And Politics; Health; Policy; Health Industry; United States
Bower, Joseph L., and Michael Norris. "The Affordable Care Act (I): The Supreme Court." Harvard Business School Supplement 315-040, February 2015.
- December 2012
- Background Note
Glossary of Municipal Finance Terms
A note on municipal bond structuring. View Details
Keywords: Local Government; Political Process; Debt Management; Financial Planning; Financial Management; Bonds; Urban Development; Local Range; Government Administration
Bergstresser, Daniel, Randolph Cohen, and Richard Ryffel. "Glossary of Municipal Finance Terms." Harvard Business School Background Note 213-063, December 2012.
- May 2013
- Supplement
Kinyuseisaku: Monetary Policy in Japan (C)
By: Laura Alfaro and Hilary White
Assuming office in December 2012, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was determined to revive Japan's stagnating economy through an ambitious plan known as 'Abenomics.' Under the guidance of the newly appointed governor of the central bank, Haruhiko Kuroda, the Bank of Japan... View Details
Keywords: Japan; Inflation Targeting; Inflation; Abenomics; Monetary Policy; Stimulus; Quantitative Easing; Government Bonds; Macroeconomics; Inflation and Deflation; Money; Economic Slowdown and Stagnation; Japan
Alfaro, Laura, and Hilary White. "Kinyuseisaku: Monetary Policy in Japan (C)." Harvard Business School Supplement 713-086, May 2013.
- August 2012
- Supplement
William Jeffrey: Departing Bay Colony (C)
By: Lena G. Goldberg
The decision-making process, policies and procedures, and legal obligations of the Board, the company's inside counsel and the company's outside counsel are explored in connection with on-boarding, investigating alleged misconduct of, and terminating a company's CEO,... View Details
- 2016
- Chapter
Fiscal Issues for Cross-Border Natural Resource Projects
By: Joseph Bell and Jasmina Chauvin
Projects that cross national boundaries give rise to the complex question of how the project's taxable income should be allocated among the national entities. This chapter utilizes a hypothetical mining project with the mine and infrastructure in two different... View Details
Keywords: Extractive Industries; Business & Government Relations; Transfer Pricing; Taxation; Infrastructure; Cross-Cultural and Cross-Border Issues; Business and Government Relations; Mining Industry
Bell, Joseph, and Jasmina Chauvin. "Fiscal Issues for Cross-Border Natural Resource Projects." Chap. 8 in International Taxation and the Extractive Industries, edited by Philip Daniel, Michael Keen, Artur Świstak, and Victor Thuronyi, 190–214. Routledge Studies in Development Economics. Routledge, 2016.
- December 2012
- Background Note
Municipal Bond Structuring
A note on municipal bond structuring. View Details
Keywords: Local Government; Political Process; Debt Management; Financial Planning; Financial Management; Bonds; Urban Development; Local Range; Government Administration
Bergstresser, Daniel, Randolph Cohen, and Richard Ryffel. "Municipal Bond Structuring." Harvard Business School Background Note 213-062, December 2012.